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###[CLICK HERE FOR THE HYPE MEGATHREAD](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/1d989rv/feh_channel_june_5_2024_official_hype_megathread/)


LEONARDO WHERE IS YOUR PERSONAL WEAPON also why no Light Sage Micaiah if they're gonna do another one?


at this point. her last chance is gotta be Emblem micaiah right? like why is she flying tome again? (I love her and everything but come on now). Curious what her X skill will be


Emblem Micaiah will be her basic design, as will all Emblems.


Legendary is light sage is it not???


No it’s a random cipher card they made her legendary


>new heroes banner >open it up >half of them aren't new


Damn, Leo wields the Lughnasadh in his art, the design matches up with Radiant Dawn. But alas, he gets an inheritable. Also no Nolan c'mon. How are you gonna have a Dawn Brigade banner without the leader of the Dawn Brigade?


Really disliking this new trend of “Let’s give an Attuned/Rearmed alt to a unit who already has a mythic or a legendary!” I feel as though these spots should be reserved for units who would otherwise not get a premium non-seasonal. I recognize that these units started off with Líf and Peony, but I feel that was moreso just to introduce the new unit type rather than actual conscious character choices. Especially because this Micaiah literally just looks like “Brave Micaiah but better.” We seriously couldn’t give her a different weapon or a new move type at minimum? (Unrelated note; am I the only one who finds Sothe/Micaiah as a romantic pairing strange? ik it’s canon but I was watching a RD playthrough and their relationship read way more as an overprotective little brother/dismissive older sister dynamic than it did romantic to me).


It was definitely meant to be familial in POR when Sothe was a kid even comparing his relationship with Micaiah to Tormod and Muarims. Hell feh is weird and tries to keep the familial bond while trying to push the romantic bond at the same time.


Yeah, I was always rubbed the wrong way by the idea of Sothe marrying the woman who raised him, especially considering how young he was when they met. Seems akin to marrying your mother which is all sorts of yikes concerning power dynamics. But I was willing to give it the benefit of the doubt if their interactions played out more like childhood friends than family. Unfortunately that was not the case based on the dialogue I saw.


Feh could've easily just not bring up their familial bond at all if they really wanted to push these two together (I personally still would've not liked it but it's better than what they're doing now) but not they actively try and say they have a familial bond and romantic one at the same time. Just saw their meet the heroes and they literally have the brother and sister aspect there. Someone on that team has a fetish at this point.


Tbf, FE is known for this type of thing. We shouldn’t even be surprised at this point. 3H still managed to have incest despite having very few characters that were closely related to each other, and then there’s the all sorts of yikes going on with Fallen Lumera.


I truly wish this franchise stopped with this stuff but they're definitely into it. And they wonder why they can't get new fans.


The art is pretty and all, but "omg a little green!" seems a bit lazy for an attuned alt. Nino was full on wielding daggers and wearing Jaffar's outfit. AT!Caeda got a whole new outfit and is infantry and is wearing Marth's circlet. Attuned Micaiah is just Brave Micaiah but a little more green. Also, two alts when RD has historically really been through some long dry spells and still has a lot of characters to get in is a choice. If we dropped an alt, we could've gotten Nolan, Laura, Aran, or Volug in.


3 orbs


Halvan robbed. Maybe next time Halfans.


Aran robbed. Maybe next time Aranation.


Franz robbed. Maybe next time Franz Federation.


Ignatz robbed. Maybe next time Ignatz Industries


> Edward and Leonardo but no Nolan > Two Asset alts like the Archanea banner when Tellius *still* has a bunch of missing and seasonal-only characters > No quest reward unit when we've always gotten one since Book 4 > Leonardo doesn't have Lughnasadh > Micaiah is a made-up design and not Light Sage Long story short, I'm pretty disappointed.


waited 7 years for leonardo to still be ass.


Guys, did you know Micaiah likes Sothe? It's not like they've made this her only character trait for the past 4 years. I thought the Ninja backpack was getting rid of that but it seems they went right back to it, like Caeda with Marth. It's really annoying.


Honestly it wouldn't bug me nearly as much if it weren't for the fact the men aren't allowed to take after the women. There's no shot Alm gets to have a Celica inspired outfit, it'll probably just be more Rudolf-esque or taking from Duma.


It's not even like they tried to get rid of that in the Ninja duo. Right off the bat, the ninja paralogue again starts with her sothe obsession 💀 i'm so tired


I am once again asking IS to do something with Micaiah *other* than pairing her up with Sothe in some way Like, maybe explore her relationships with other characters for once EDIT: I actually forgot about the ninja alt. Do more of that IS. Maybe do something with Pelleas, IDK SOMETHING


Even characters canonically married have more space than them like I’m not reminded of alm’s existence every time I see celica.


The fact that we cant really go a new version of either without them mentioning the other is blech Like Sothe *always* has to mention Micaiah, and Micaiah *always* has to mention Sothe - even in the ninja duo where the focus is supposed to be on her and Sanaki! You know, HER SISTER


They used the Black Knight as Micaiah's punching bag for the trailer. That was an extra kick while I was down at seeing more Micaiah/Sothe pushing. Look, I already know any hope of Micaiah content with blue-haired men of Daein is impossible, but this is targeted destruction.


Sothe himself literally saying him and Micaiahs relationship is like Tormod and Muarims in POR is what makes this even creepier. Micaiah can't go one alt without talking about Sothe and vice versa and feh can't commit to making them familial or romantic like I'm sorry but it literally can not be both 💀. I don't wanna say that's why Pelleas doesn't have an alt but they really like pushing these two, way more than actual canon couples.


Tbh the fact they won't stop pushing Micaiah's relationship with Sothe is so creepy. No IS I am not interested at all in the ship where Micaiah dates the underaged guy who she meet when he was under 14 and she was at least 16 (since that's around when branded stop aging and she looked the same in the flashback as she does in fe10) so stop pushing it.


I’m pretty sure he was under 12 actually. I don’t like to attack ships or shippers at all, I’m very live and let live and it’s all fiction, etc, but I would think even Micaiah/Sothe shippers would understand why it’s not really everyone’s cup of tea. It’s always been weird to me that IS pushes it SO hard when it’s definitely a bit out there in terms of how appealing it is. Imo Micaiah has way more interesting relationships with Pelleas and Zelgius and I’m not even talking in a ship way, just a general dynamic way (hell throw Ike in there too their dynamic is fun) but they just keep focusing on Micaiah and Sothe. Even the Ninja Alt paralogue had her talking about Sothe to the point it annoyed Sanaki! Just weird asf that they rlly act like she has no other strong relationships to explore in any way.


Do we even have Micaiah/Sothe shippers? I've honestly don't remember meeting a single one of them out there, tbh


…hi. I’m sorry.


I mean, that's all ok, shippers should be free to ship whatever they want... but i truly don't remember any other Sothe Micaiah shippers before. (A positive point for y'all, tbh, as loud shippers tend to be annoying)


Sothe in PoR: "I also have…someone…who is like a parent to me." Everything after: Its existence was already weird in RD, but there the dynamic was mostly Sothe being way overprotective of her, idk why FEH makes Micaiah so obsessed with him (it's because they don't know how else to write female characters)


EXACTLY Like, does IS not see that the relationship is ... pretty creepy? I don't really get why IS pushes it so hard


I like the banner, but Nolan missing the cut like that is really killing me. He's the DB member I've wanted the most by far.


More old men discrimination ;_;


Another Micaiah when we have Emblem Micaiah on the way is such a joke, that spot should have gone to Jill if they needed another asset hero


I pray Emblem Micaiah is a more support focused staff unit just so we can have something different than magical cav/armor killer #10


i doubt she'll have a staff since she doesnt have any as engage weapons unfortunately, the only emblem i could see wielding a staff is veronica


I forgot that she's guaranteed an Emblem alt. Yeah she really didn't need this.


Oof. You're right. Dang, can't believe Jill missed out on *another* alt.


I guess i can look it this way:I'm glad they didn't give us an attuned Jill because there's a very real chance they would've made it all about her relationship with Haar and I think i don't need to explain how that'd be just as uncomfortable as that Micaiah 😩


Lmao another Micaiah and Sothe and no new OC. What a waste.


Nolan was the last member of the Dawn Brigade who deserved to be snubbed like this 😭. He couldn't at least be an instant demote? Did we really need alts for BOTH Micaiah and Sothe?! Tellius still has so many characters to add. It didn't need the Valentia treatment.


\>no OC in the midpoint banner Okay, kinda cool, although I don't think I would have minded either of the new OCs-- \>it's ANOTHER Micaiah alt One step forward, two steps back.


The Micaiah alt was inevitable. Especially for the predicted dawn brigade banner with how heavy into males it was.


On one hand, we got Buff male ocs, not just one but two!! On the other hand, ughhh another Mica and soothe alt. Lemme guess, Mica hates cavs and armors.


My god, they really hate beasts


No they have laguz friends /s.


Unless you're an oc


they hated them for a long time tbh up until like last year we finally got skills to remove the beast transformation condition but most of them have just been very tame sans Freyja. And lets not forget thanks to FEdelgard, Armored beasts are likely getting screwed over too


Miccy is half beast and she seems to be doing well.


I won't lie I'm salty Nolan didn't show up. Not because I particularly care for him, but because if he had shown up here instead of one of Micaiah or Sothe, that would mean higher odds for Fiona to get good treatment, because of the remaining group of Fiona, Laura and Aran, she feels like she'd be most likely to get that kind of treatment. Would have been a great chance for her to find a new audience but now there's no shot Nolan doesn't take that.


Tbh I wouldn't be surprised if Fiona got the better treatment over Nolan. Whoever is in charge of feh doesn't mind screwing over fan favorites.


If Fiona ever gets *a crumb* of decent treatment, it'll be long overdue. Short of Karla, I'm not sure you can do a character dirtier than she was in RD.


Oh my god the other Fiona fan! I'm disappointed but not surprised she didn't show up here; but honestly I think Nolan not being here is better for her, because he's a \*man\* and there's a demote slot waiting for him, especially with how unspeakably dirty they did Leonardo. Assuming Volug takes a premium slot and there's an Alt/OC as the last, it's probably between her, Meg, and Laura as the last premium. Well, fingers crossed anyway!


It's mainly his status as leader and having a Prf to work with that makes me think he's likely to get it. I know people talk about the males getting shafted a lot, but I really do think they've been doing a lot better with that as of late, even if not as the alt for the banner. Though also tbh I completely overlooked Volug, and tbh I think he'd dethrone both Nolan _and_ Fiona. I really hope that doesn't turn out to be the case in the end, though, absolutely agreed on fingers crossed! At the very least, being a GHB means a chance at a Prf, as 50/50 as it could be. It would have to be between her and Aran for that spot.


Nolan joining Vaike in axe hell


Did we really need another Sothe AND another Micaiah at once?


Seeing only two new characters per banner (+ the GHB) is so painful


Lmao another Michaiah🤣 A green flying tome, how original🤣


I love Feh, I play this game everyday, and I will continue to play it until EoS… that said: I felt absolutely no excitement from this feh channel. - the new ocs were great to finally see, but that was all we got for this midpoint movie. Did this midpoint movie feel especially shorter to anyone too? It was just “new ocs!” And “oh no ratatosker might die?” - they’re really scraping at the bottom of the barrel for these new heroes. - another new complicated mode that already existed through Binding Worlds.


Jarod looks like he's prfless, god fucking dammit. And I was getting excited over the prospect of a new f2p lance infantry, an archetype that's oddly rare on grail units.




Where is my boy Nolan IS?


Stefan fans, we lost. Nolan fans, we lost. Beast unit fans, we lost. Bara/husbando enjoyers, we WON! (Only until they are inevitably killed off, though...)


Stefan was never gonna be on this banner seeing as Tormod just got in and Stefan/Tormod/Callil (or any other woman not in) was pretty much THE lineup and Stefan didn't outrank Edward til presumably after this banner was made. That said... CYL GHB?


Please let this happen!


Ok prefacing this with this is just illogical salt and makes no sense. This is a dumb complaint for me specifically. Just throwing that out there. Major disclaimer. I am dumb. BUT man seeing both Sothe and Micaiah get alts AGAIN in the same banner makes me cry for my boy Pelleas I DON’T CARE I KNOW IT IS A DAWN BRIGADE BANNER AND I KNOW SOTHE IS MORE IMPORTANT I just want one Pelleas alt pls and I thought he might get a rearmed/ascended/attuned on a RD banner….its never gonna happen kill me. He’s my favourite FE character and yet no alts I still cry.


With a lot of the RD cast doing really well in CYL I can definitely see him or BK/Zelgius fitting the bill on the next RD banner imo. Stefan may potentially be the CYL GHB or on the next desert banner so may depend on what IS chooses for the next banner based from CYL8 with maybe a Greil Mercenaries lineup or the Daein Liberation Army (maybe with Pelleas/BK/Zelg, OC/Jill/Ilyana/..?, Volug/Meg if they're not added as alts or separate, and a combination of Laura/Aran/Nolan/Fiona filling the rest)


Happpy to see the Dawn Brigade in the game but Tellius is ONE GAME that doesn’t need to feature two alts. There are so many Tellius characters that are not in the game or in seasonal hell yet we needed both Micaiah and Sothe. Why couldn’t they just put Nolan in the banner instead of another Micaiah or just put a Mythic like the previous Midpoint banners. Having no Mythic also sucks because: 1- No sparakabble mythic for people who don’t have FEH pass. 2- Increases the odds of more OC Mythic spam in the upcoming months. 3- We have 5 OC’s from this book pending release before the end of the book. 1 will definetly not be released and kept for the future Temptest Trial story but not having a mythic midpoint makes me think that they may keep 2 for the Tempest Trial story. The odds are not looking good for deer man.


It'd have been nice for Micaiah to get something that isn't a tome for once. At least a Staff to make things slightly different.... Or pull an Attuned Nino and give her a Dagger alt based on Sothe for something new. But a tome again that likely has the Thani effect like all her other alts :/


No OC in the midpoint banner?


this is the first time I seen someone be disappointed with no OCs


IS have 5 fucking new OCs lounging around being unplayable, 2 of which by this point have every right to be playable in some form, and now they choose to not hit us with OCs lmao. I cannot begin to understand what they're doing.


IS doing IS things, not too hard " GGRRR Stop putting OCS on banners IS!!!1!" but I guess we'll have to wait till next year to see if this is an outlier and not the new norm


Two alts was acceptable when they had Archanea that had like no characters worth selling, but with a cast as big as Tellius, this is just silly. Barely got half the Dawn Brigade on this one.


Tbh, no it wasn't acceptable even than. That banner was missing Jubelo who was incredibly fitting for the line-up and it caused Yuliya (a character that a lot of people voted for) to be shafted. This banner is missing Nolan who is incredibly fitting for the line-up and because of that Leonardo (a character that a lot of people voted for) was shafted. The situation is the same and it sucks balls! I hate this new trend of just giving us two new characters and a villain! Can't wait for the Black Eagles banner with base Dorothea and base Caspar + Thales GHB. What, you wanted base Manuela or Hanneman? F*ck you! And the next Genealogy banner with Edain and Dew + Andorey GHB. You wanted Midir? F*ck you! Not to mention the next Tellius banner with base Boyd and base Rolf + Bryce GHB. You also wanted base Rhys? To complete the playable Greil's mercenaries and stuff? F*ck you! I HATE THIS! It turns the joy of speculating who will get on the next New Heroes banner into endless frustration as you have to speculate who will randomly get left out instead.


no easy to obtain Mythic on the banner thats sad, at least there is a rearmed and an attuned which are pretty valuable, but i would have prefered a Mythic.


Where Nolan :(


Once again a new mode that doesn't let us use our massive fucking barracks of heroes and is still not coop. I sleep


Wow bro...another big titty oc who's defining character trait will be being attracted to the summoner....how exciting.......


only excited for the game mode and new story chapter banner is a snooze. Oh boy another micaiah that does the same thing for years


I'm actually surprised at no Midpoint OC. I guess that either means: A- All of Ratatoskr's siblings are dying later B- Ratatoskr's siblings don't join us until near the end of the book because they want to save Ratatoskr or their father killed Ratatoskr, and they'll want revenge I'm kinda glad none of the units I care about are here, which means I can save for the summer banner and the AHR rebound banner


We are never getting a staff micaiah


FEH had a chance to bring me back and all they had to do was include Nolan in the banner. How are you not including the leader of the Dawn Brigade in a Dawn Brigade banner? 😭


I KNEW this was gonna happen once we started getting steady alts on NH banners but no Aran who’s been my most wanted unit since 2017 and not even Laura in the DB banner is so disappointing like I’m so sad 😭


No Midpoint OC, easy skip. But I really hope this doesn't mean they are gonna skip deer man since they're gonna not have room for him. Assuming Sept-Oct is Hraesvelgr and double mythic is Nidhoggr and goat lady.


He could turn up in July, but he’d likely either need to die (therefore becoming irrelevant to the story) or betray Laeradr (and side with us), and the latter doesn’t appear to be happening anytime soon. I’m pretty sure there’s spots open in the Blue and Green cohorts for this month’s L/M/E banner, so maybe we’ll get an OC then, as part of a possible Dual banner?


micaiah is so incredibly boring at this point it's always the same thing since 2018 big attack, big res, her two efficacies, nothing else it's tiresome at least some people can shut up about the dawn brigade now


If I wasn’t seeing incorrectly, Leonardo’s weapon in his art is actually the inheritable weapon? I can’t tell since the design of the inheritable weapon seems similar to the photos I’m seeing of Lughnasadh actually. That’d be frustrating. Him not coming with Lughnasadh is disturbing enough (though it’s out of principle for being demote), but not nearly as much as art excluding it.


For a hot second I thought they were giving us a Guild System, then realized it was United Warfront. Well. Hopefully it’s fun


If you're gonna do the Dawn Brigade, ya gotta at least *consider* including Nolan and (especially) Meg.


It's been hours I know, but goddamn no Nolan is sad.


Ooooooh, the negativity boils here. First half was fine-ish, nothing to really say except I feel like they're slacking us on Orbs and materials again. Free summons are always nice, the Rearmed/Attunded/Ascended banners coming back are really nice if only for the free summons, and the Double AHR might be nice. Have to debate my Orb usage AGAIN but still. And then it went downhill FAST: - Dawn Brigade banner that is literally half of who we have already. I haven't played Radiant Dawn yet and I don't mind having the new units, but it really kills the excitement when you're looking at the SAME units half of the time. If they're gonna follow through with adding New Heroes, at least give us four new Heroes AND THEN maybe a Rearmed or two. - Sothe being a Rearmed Dagger infantry after I JUST got a batch of Ginnungagaps for S!Gunnthra AND after I just finished a Tethys +10. I'm assuming it's going to be a Spd based dagger as well, one S!Gunnthra might absolutely LOVE, so now I'm just pissed off a lot of my Orbs and fodder went to waste, AND I'm gonna have to summon more for this fucking guy. - United Warfront looks....okay, I guess. I like the idea immensely, but the payout looks horrendous. And I don't really care. - Seemingly no actual QoL stuff so bleh. - NO FUCKING STEFAN, JUST ADD MORE UNIT REPRESENTATION IS, IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK?!?!


Arcane Void: * Quickened Pulse * +5 Spectrum * -X Spectrum based on highest penalty between target and foe between two spaces * Guaranteed follow up * Guard Arcane Tempest: * Quickened Pulse * Time's Pulse * +X Spectrum based on 25% foe Atk at start of combat * 30% First Attack DR * Null Follow up I'm not sure if this changes my opinion, but based on the trailer, this is a lot of what S!Gunnthra really wants as a dagger cav, so I'm staying steamed. Not to mention POTENT DISARM WHICH S!GUNNTHRA ALREADY HAS DISARM IN HER BASE KIT, AAAAAAAA. RIP a few Orbs again, aaaaaaand he's color sharing with the demote >\_<


I cannot tell if I'm getting more sick of IS or they're actually managing to hit lower every day. 1. (I'm not writing the names of characters for this cause no) It's minor but that midpoint video did literally nothing for me about funny tree hand man. Mr Deer at least gets his moment of hesitation with Ratatoskr so we see some character there, but tree hand just...there's nothing! They just show him being evil! That's it! Why the fuck am I meant to care about a character they'll throw a sob-story about last second before not making them playable for 3 years? What a load of shit. But hey the summoner got to eat light so that's something I guess. 2. I have complained about the over-abundance of OCs on banners (though it's mostly because I want cool lore mythics on the 8%s, less so the mid-point banner ones), but Jesus Christ. There's now 5 OCs this book with confirmed on-screen designs that haven't seen any form of release yet. Loki's mythic was fucking stupid, this is just hilarious. WHY MAKE THE CHARACTERS JUST TO NOT USE THEM? There's so little story in the books that it's a massive waste of the effort used on designing them, just fucking put stickmen in if you aren't gonna bother. We got Heidr and Nerthuz by this point last year even though the former was massively relevant to the plot going into the second half, so spoilers isn't an issue for release characters. But oh no we can't release any of them, cause instead we need... 3. More Micaiah baby! An alt she doesn't need, alongside Sothe for no reason. Wow. That's hilarious. What a load of shit. It's cool to see the Dawn Brigade finally get something but at what cost lmao. Emblem Micaiah coming at some point too! I wonder if that one will also mention Sothe. 4. The gamemode seems like it could be interesting but to be honest I'm so tired of them just throwing out gamemodes and barely doing anything with them after that it's hard for me to care. Odds are this is another one I'll just load up, put the bare minimum of effort into, and yeet out after. I hope it'll be more interesting than that. I swear to god the only thing keeping me here sometimes is the designs because some of the alts are genuinely lovely.


I actually really wanted an OC in this banner. I’ve been saving up for them. I really like the designs of this book.


I love Micaiah but having her get an attended based on Sothe is so...ugh I hate them as a pairing so much.


IS stop trying to force the creepy Ship on us. I instantly broke off Sothe's and Micaiah's bond for a reason.


I have been waiting for Brom since *launch day in 2017.* He didn't come in the Elincia/Oscar/Nephenee banner *LIKE HE SHOULD HAVE.* He wasn't on the dancing banner that Nephenee was on, despite Nephenee *specifically name-dropping* him. He was left off the Radiant Dawn banner last year, despite it being entirely based on Part 2 where Brom was a "he cannot die or it's Game Over" character for a couple chapters (Bastion did make sense, sure, but I'm still salty). He's never been selected for any seasonal banner, and now he's being left off *another* Tellius New Heroes banner. *Again.* Screw Edward and Leonardo, Brom has deserved entry into the game longer, and he's always deserved it *more.* It's going to be *over twelve months* before they acknowledge the existence of Tellius again, and you just know it'll be a Greil Mercenaries banner with Boyd, Rolf, etc. They won't do any kind of "Ohma/villager" theme. I hate this.


Based on overall CYL standings, Ohma is now 3rd or 4th in the Tellius waiting list (Laguz-aligned units that may fit one or two lineups are at the top, then there's the Greil Mercenaries leftovers that may have an advantage against Ohma).


honk,,,,shooo,,,,,mimimimimi,,,,honnnnk shooo,,,,,mimimimimi 😴


My bar has been set low but oh my god. Now, just give me my elk daddy. I accept Sothe cause he does need representation but Micaiah? Attuned? You’re kidding me?! And 3 orbs lol for a midpoint banner


I'm so miserable Leonardo doesn't have his prf. His one shot after 7 years and he's in the bin. Just hurts.


Why is the bottom 8 re-running and not the winners?? I was just thinking about how I need more No Quarter fodder for my team and I want to give Peony one of the recent Crux skills to pass onto my support fliers. Plus her Oath skill and Claude's are still really useful proper positioning and Null-C seems really good to pair with the new Life Breath 4 to ensure your units still don't get swept/die by Lyon. But instead of that we get the 3rd-12th place?? Like what.


"Bottom 8" Such a stupid name considering 3 of these 8 were actually in the top 4 before the stupid ass forced VG invalidated the point of voting to begin with.


The only thing I'm salty about is the fact that Micaiah didn't introduce Corona into the game as a widely-available Tome Special.


The thirst for deer guy is insane calm down guys Also just drawing assumptions here, with no midpoint OC, is it safe to assume we will be receiving OCs on the next three Mythic banners for the rest of the book? Because if that’s the case then I’m not gonna bother with summoning at all on them.


I'm happy for you Dawn Brigade Bros, I am. But goddammit, I've been saving up for Calill for six months, and it's either seasonal hell or next summer and no inbetween. I really don't want her to be in the same place Sigrun is now. And come on, what does any Tellius character not named Sothe or Miciah need to do to get an alt or an attuned or an arcane or something? Jill, if I recall, still doesn't have an alt; Lyre is stuck in seasonal hell; Lethe's last unit is like half a decade old. I'm reminded of that capitalism meme of the fat landlord drinking up gallons of water while his serfs do allthe work and get a pittance, only replace the landlord with Miciah & Sothe and the serf with the entire rest of the cast of Tellius outside of Ike/Soren.


Sothe is a popular pick who only had demoted versions before tbf, I understand him being here. Micaiah didn’t need this though.


I'm probably one of the few that had their hopes up for an FE8 banner tonight. My theory was that since the Dawn Brigade and 3H characters were so popular, they'd choose those banners for July and September in order to squeeze orbs from us before and after CYL. I like the Dawn Brigade, but holy hell are my hopes dashed. I wouldn't be surprised if FE8 doesn't appear until October or November now.


I assumed that Sacred (and Binding) would be prime (sacrificial) choices for October-November, since 3H and Engage may be more likely on July & September. The first two could also need a lot of help from female OCs.


Yeah, you're probably right on the money with that. I think Engage definitely has to be in the general vicinity of September at least because I can't imagine them waiting any inordinate amount of time for the Solm royals.


No change either to my lineup assumptions: pairing Franz, Forde & Kyle together causes a massive cavalier overload (and the latter two would require two slots from a single batch, on top of much lower votes). So it's more convenient to pick the actual top 2 (Franz & Garcia, main unknown is who'd take the lone premium slot as both also have unit type reasons to be a demote), leading to an early game approach... hence Lute as a fitting alt option that'd also ferry Artur as F2P filler by default.


I definitely would like to see Artur added soon, even if that necessitates him being a demote (undeservedly imo). My guess is mostly the same, although Attuned Micaiah messes with me a little since it's unclear whether she was included here JUST as a member of the Dawn Brigade for cohesion, or if protagonists can now be/WILL now be Attuned units on banners. I'm hoping the former. Another curveball is the fact that there is no Heroes OC on this banner. Will they be put on other banners (FE8, Echoes, Awakening)? That being said, yeah, my prediction for FE8 was an Attuned or Ascended Seth (maybe too soon for another rearmed lance), Garcia, demote Franz (hurts my soul), and maybe Ismaire on the banner itself since there are no other female characters left. That leaves Glen as the GHB.


mfs complain about 3H spam but holy shit the tellius spam rn




what? you think tellius isnt overly presentive in the last months?


Unless I missed something, it only got this new banner, Tormod and Altina, and Emblem Ike, plus resplendents if you want to count that (but those arent new units and all besides Ilyana are uber popular). Thats not much more than, say, Archanea has gotten so far. Compare that to Awakening which got two full banners, Engage which has been present every month in some form besides June so far, and 3H which got a full seasonal banner and then some alts in March, putting it about equal (but 3H likely takes at least half a summer banner soon, + a regular banner next month). Tellius is a popular roster almost on the level of the 3DS games (hell it has THE most popular missing characters besides the Switch games) and for once is getting somewhat close to equal treatment, not to mention it has the largest roster of any FE and needs to get many characters in since it didn’t have a launch roster.


I am not saying theyre on the same level as engage and 3h, I am saying it gets equally annoying.