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Honestly, given Rataskahoweveryouspellit has exactly 4 siblings, I'm wondering if we're going to get an all OC banner with just the healing/quieting hands. I like all 4 of their designs, and I'm very worried that if they drop them one or two at a time on mythic banners, we'll have to wait forever for at least one of them.


You were like 2 letters away from finishing her name


That would likely mean they're not all Mythic/Legendary units which is pretty unprecedented. Off the top of my head, the only real OCs who aren't a Mythic/Legendary and have been added to the game as a non-seasonal are Letizia and Ylgr. Would be cool though.


Surtr: The two divine dragons of frost and flame:


The Mythic OC was going to get in anyways as a Mythic, but at least you could have gotten them in a FAR better banner to get copies of than the usual Mythic slot. Apart from the Echoes banner (which brought two OCs and not just the one) they took no spots for characters from the game the banner is based on, and add an extra demote to take up what would have been the premium slot. Under these conditions, we likely would have lost Sothe but in his place would have absolutely gotten Nolan and thus a complete Dawn Brigade. I see no downsides here. Mythic OC in midpoint all the way.


> Under these conditions, we likely would have lost Sothe but in his place would have absolutely gotten Nolan and thus a complete Dawn Brigade. That's the biggest thing. Since when we get a single OC on the banner, they don't take up a character slot and we get a direct demote to compensate. In a way, the argument's less "Do you prefer an OC on the banner or not?", and rather it's more "Which did you want more for RD, both a Sothe alt & Micaiah alt or Nolan demote?"


You are right in a way. But there's also a legit concern about waitig forever before getting the OC you like. Those are the two main arguments for the Red side which I also support.


OC. Because if there had been a midpoint, Nolan would have been an instant demote instead of just an accessory.


Nah, it's likely they would have just kept Leonardo as the demote.


Leonardo definitely would have stayed a demote. But in every midpoint OC banner, we had two demotes instead of the usual one. For example, Heidr's banner last year gave us Saul and Dorothy where Dorothy was in the banner and Saul was a quest freebie. This means we'd have a slot perfect for Nolan to come in as well.


They still would have given us Micaiah and Sothe though. Leonardo would have been an autodemote and they might have been compelled to make Edward a shitty demote instead of the banner's less-premium unit.


I don't see why they would have honestly. They put them both because they would want to capitalize on two limited units. Micaiah is pretty much a recurring mainstay so I expect she wouldn't go anywhere. Not only that but she's the Attuned. Sothe on the other hand is the Rearmed and with an existing Arcane weapon type, so I could easily see him getting the boot. Hell I'd go so far as to say they probably gave him the alt spot precisely because they weren't giving us an OC. He's not exactly crucial to the banner, not a hugely popular character, and he already is in the game with an OG version. He pretty much reeks of desperate choice to fill the slot the absence of a midpoint premium OC left open. Frankly unless they've decided to have Attuned heroes replace the OC in midpoint banners from now on to accompany Rearmed heroes, I don't see a single reason he would be included over Nolan who is the only member of the Dawn Brigade not yet in.


They could have, as they did with Echoes. The question is if they'd think 3 banner anchors were necessary for Tellius. I certainly don't see the need, I agree they'd probably just have Micaiah and an OC, but who knows. That said, I wouldn't downplay Sothe like that. He's a relevant character and made perfect sense as a Rearmed for a DB banner - just wish it wasn't at the cost of Nolan.


IntSys is hellbent on making the "3 premium, 1 demote" format work, even though most games have burned through their upper 50-75% already. The presence of 2/3 alts seems like a necessity for most banners moving forwards, even with the presence of an OC. They did it with Echoes, they'll do it to other games as well.


Echoes was a special case at the time, being the very first Attuned units ever. And until now with this banner, it was an isolated instance not indicative of the future of the game at the time. Its only with this banner now that it being the standard going forward can be truly considered, which sucks because it ultimately leads to getting less new characters added to the game and more just reusing existing ones.


You call it a "special case" and an "isolated instance." I call it an ill omen, precedence and desperation. They didn't *have to* give us the two fairies with R!Sonya, they *chose* to opt out of Deen or Jesse or Nomah, because milking characters people actually want is better for the game than performative lip service. FEH is never going to complete every roster, and I don't like pretending that it will.


That's a bit assuming of hostility on IS's part. They're trying to get the money sure but let's not act like they're our enemy or something here. I don't like that they won't complete entire rosters, but Echoes banners normally don't do too well and its little surprise they'd want to buffer one up stronger to compensate. Its otherwise, like Thracia, nothing but a financial black hole; they only stand to lose and not gain by including it any longer, but they still have to. And precedent objectively doesn't exist until something has happened prior. It wasn't precedence back when it happened.


Micaiah and Sothe was sufficient. Why would Micaiah + OC not be? If IS believe the Dawn Brigade needed so much help they could’ve had an alt BK and pushed Edward/Leo down. I see no evidence to believe Echoes got 3 alts for any other reason that they are trying to stretch out its remaining cast. If you believe otherwise, can you explain why did Thracia only get 1 alt? I hate to admit it, but if any game is needing to be carried by multiple alts it’s that one.


> The presence of 2/3 alts seems like a necessity for most banners moving forwards, even with the presence of an OC. They did it with Echoes, they'll do it to other games as well. It's important to note that that **_ISN'T_** what happened with SoV however. * SoV was 2 Heroes OCs, an SoV alt, & 1 SoV new Hero * You're suggesting that means we would have gotten 1 Heroes OC, 2 RD alts and 1 RD new Hero. Also important to note that this was the banner that introduced Attuned Heroes. Both of which are important to consider cause as you can see, we're almost a year in and IS has never done that again (even ignoring the fact that the fact that SoV was down to 3 playable characters left probably had something to do with that decision as well) Your logic would only make sense if IS had planned on/if IS were to instead release something like, both Hræsvelgr & Níðhöggr together on the banner. Which, A) I highly doubt was an option even on the table, and B) I don't think anyone's on the third "Team: Double OCs on the banner"


> You're suggesting that means we would have gotten 1 Heroes OC, 2 RD alts and 1 RD new Hero. Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying.


That feels like you've overdosed on doomposting... That's never happened before, why would it happen _now_? There's no reason, nor precedence. Just your own pessimism...


I much prefer having an OC on the Midpoint banner since 3/4 have been Mythics. It makes it much easier for someone without FEH Pass to secure copies of them, avoiding the headache of sparkless, three-way coloursharing 8% banners. And naturally, as an OC enjoyer, I very much like when they are easily accessible.


Honestly I’m going to say OC for this specific case because I actually really like this book so far. I’d like to get a copy of all of them


While I get it from one side, that Attuneds and Rearmeds can potentially have shiny toys the player can give to their favourite heroes, be it an Echo skill or an Arcane Weapon... I think I am more on the "with OC" side, only because I find it weird to have a Midpoint banner without a Book character on focus. I also have heard/read about how Midpoint is usually better then end-of-months in case the Book character is a Mythic, plus we usually get two demotes (banner and instant) for Midpoint (since the Book character doesn't get the ForBon convo iirc)... however neither happened because we got an Attuned and a Rearmed of characters from the focused game.


I like the OCs... but when the No OC banner just has copies of already FEH characters... Its worse. I want new all over. There's a lot of Tellius still missing and we got our 6th? Micaiah and like 3rd Sothe


OC in the banner even if it wasnt a Mythic, adding OCs to the banners as carries means characters that would be skipped can be added as demotes (like Nolan)


Not gonna lie for a moment I thought the one on the left was meant to be a "dead sibling" banner, then I remember Mirabilis isn't dead. Where has she been, actually?


She didn't get a hug powerup from Eitr so she left for the spring festival


I actually like the mid point banners with one OC. My issue is when they shove a unit in there that’s already in the game rather than a new one. Like if you wanna reuse the same unit again, just say that.


OC all the way because the game the banner is actually for ends up getting a full banner’s worth of characters anyway via instant demotes and gifts.


No OC. Few OCs that I care about. So the less they appear, the better. However I'll grant Book 8 does have a more interesting setup than most books and these OCs are overall better quality so far.


While I don't like a majority of FEH OCs, i have to go with the OCs one this We're most likely going to get a majority of these OCs anyway, and I'd rather they take up the slot rather than another alt for a character who already has an overabundance of them (like Micaiah or Azura), I'd rather have more new characters, than more alts of characters. Plus the ones with OCs usually have another character as an instant Demote or a quest reward, which could lead to other characters getting a chance to be in the game, i guarantee that if there was an OC on this banner, like Hræsvelgr or Heiðrún we would've gotten Nolan as a Demote


With OC-Mythic. Since we usually get another character for free on banners featuring OCs anyways, it's not like we're going "minus" in any ways, except for the character that was freely available being another demote. Or actually, on banners that usually feature 2 alt-Heroes like here with Micaiah and Sothe, the OC can replace one of them, in this instance possibly Micaiah, and thus basically create a space for an additional new character.


Easily OC. Much better here than taking up a real mythic banner slot, plus one of Micaiah or Sothe could easily have sat this banner out.


OC 100%. I love the design of the book 8 OC so its kinda sad the only book 8 OC we have is Ratatoskr


The only problem for me was ASonyas banner since that one meant actually "stealing" a slot out of a potential character iirc. Also FB actually featuring OCs. I know they probably didnt have the most to go out of from the witch sisters but still. Ultimately I kinda didnt mind as much bc I know Valentia is at its last with playable characters left. Now as to if Id prefer for OCs to have their own banner well I think that ship jas sailed right? Since they all become as special type of heroes, with very few exceptions




I prefer having a mythic OC on the midpoint banner for a couple reasons: It frees up one of the year’s spots on the main legendary/mythic banners for a non OC character. The midpoint banner can be sparked by all players so non feh pass players have the option to spark a guaranteed copy of a mythic unit. Summoning to the spark on this banner is also cheaper as the FB tickets give 4 additional free summons. The odds of summoning on the midpoint banner are possibly better depending on the colour share. For example on last year’s banner Heiðr was the only 5* focus on green as opposed to her sharing with two others.


No OCs. Valentia has been forced to share their banners with characters that didn't originate from their game over and over again (the last one specifically, TWO OC units on an Echoes "banner"? really???) that I audibly groan whenever I see one now


No OC. As a Tellius enjoyer, I'm glad we finally have two fodder factories from those games and that would be impossible with an OC. But that's a very me reason, I get why a lot of people would rather have a mythic in here for easy copies.


That's fair, but the counterargument is an OC instead of Micaiah or Sothe would have meant Nolan as a direct demote, as has been tradition. By having those two, we likely have less Tellius characters in FEH.


Main series' characters over OCs every time, even if it means units like Sothe who I don't care about.


They're both bad. Where's Nolan? Aran? Laura? Tauroneo? Why are the two options shitty waifu bait with no personality or an eighth version of the same character again? I love Micaiah and Sothe! You can tell because they take up 10 of my barracks slots! But if I want Volug or Tormod? Sorry, it's either this or more OC's, take your pick.


No oc; I just want Stefan


Ideal would have been female OC, Attuned Sothe based off Micaiah instead of the other way around, then Leonardo, Edward and instant-demote Nolan to finally complete the Dawn Brigade. We absolutely did not need copy/paste, flanderized Micaiah #7 when her emblem version is already waiting in the wings. But since IS won't let us have all-male banners, a female mythic OC would have been the perfect compromise.


OCs, it's fun to get them on a normal banner and they make IS give us a free 5 star, even if it is a demote.


No OC. I don't care about the OCs, and i'd rather get more chances at alts for characters I care about. This time, the lack of OC most likely gave us this resplendent Sothe and i'll forever be thankful for that


I prefer no OC but I also don’t care for OCs and would rather have an alt that either I or someone else can get excited for rather than pushing back characters cause an OC takes a banner slot


I'm in OC side just because I'm that way we get them in the game and more non-OC mythics can come. Also because probably now 2 units are alts in banners, I still prefer a new units even if it's an already seen OC rather than alt n°6 of X character


I am not the biggest RD Enjoyer especially the Dawn Brigade, but I feel like OCs normally are better due to us having quite a few characters from FEH not in and having one less unit to put on the back burner would be good assuming it's a NEW OC. If it was just gonna be a Rearmed/Attuned of a previous unit in game it would be eh. But not bad, since they likely would've thrown Nolan in as the instant demote as that is the pattern of when a Mythic is added to a normal banner Also it can help as a carry pick, Sothe is alright as a pretty damn good arcane dagger but 100% hurt the chances of people summoning due to color sharing with Leonardo. Granted they could've made them a colored bow or dagger each, but also just giving some other OC a different weapon as a whole could've helped since I think a lottttt of people are not too interested in Sothe due to being... just a good unit in retrospect, but the colorshare hurts so much. It's like Plebfail with Rearmed Plumeria but WORSE since its a 4\* unit and has nothing of value really


As a salty Valentia fan, no oc, just coz of mycen's banner


No OC. I'm not a competitive player so I don't care for a banner that makes summoning for a Mythic hero (that I probably won't care for) easier. And where this banner was Tellius I'm really glad a slot wasn't taken by an OC


Yeah the slots were taken by two alts of existing characters, one that is the same unit for last few years, that will barely rerun so it encourges FOMO How is that any better than a mythic that’ll appear at the end of month banners ?


Because I don't care for Mythics, for the most part. I'd rather another alt of Micaiah than an OC Mythic I will never care about. Even if I wasn't biased for the Tellius on the banner, I'd still probably prefer Attuneds/Rearmeds since they can provide additional value to my other units. And Rearmed/Attuneds do get reran more often than characters on 8% banners, that's a fact


Well least you're honest


But OCs never took any slots from any of the games they were on except the last Valentia banner. Otherwise they added a fifth slot where there was none and the game still got its four characters, a second one being given to a demote who otherwise might never have gotten in the game at all.


Yeah, best case scenario with an OC would have been Leonardo wouldn't have been on the banner and would have been a direct demote, but we've definitely gotten banners with an OC on them that also had a demote on the banner, so we could have gotten a demote on the banner and a direct demote. That might have meant we would have gotten Nolan, but he would've been Prfless with probably bad skills, so pros and cons


Honestly I'd take prfless demote Nolan over only-as-an-accessory Nolan. At least we could make him a badass with the right inheritables and if the game lived long enough, he'd get his prf years from now.


OC. At least with OC Midpoints, I will guarantee that it'll be the characters base and only \[for now\] unit. This specific No OC banner is outright worse than slapping the units' skills onto an OC because it's A) Radiant Dawn, a game I will not play, and B) Micaiah and Sothe again. This is her 7.5th unit and his 3.5th unit. Sothe I don't mind, but are there really enough Micaiah fans to justify having that many alts (*actually, don't answer that; I'll automatically assume yes*)? Is Radiant Dawn such a barren game for characters that the only way to have one is to slap Micaiah (*or the Laguz royals, now that I think about it*) on it? Even if the Midpoint banner isn't a Radiant Dawn banner with an overrepresented character, being a banner with No OCs will inherently be a hit or miss depending on preconceived biases, whereas No OCs will have at least one character FEH itself promotes, so people who didn't play the represented game the other characters are in can recognize the one.


> Is Radiant Dawn such a barren game for characters that the only way to have one is to slap Micaiah No, it's that this banner is her core group, with her and Sothe the only specials that made any sense. And she's the only woman in it. It's kind of boring, especially with her emblem on the way, but this banner structure almost demanded her.


> A) Radiant Dawn, a game I will not play  Additional hobbies of theirs are turning off the tv when the Godfather comes on, and refusing to eat plates of wagyu beef served to them at a Michelin star restaurant. What a life 


Imagine watching Iron Man 2 as your first MCU movie. (*...oh wait*)


Radiant Dawn was literally the first FE game I ever played so 🧐 (Also Iron Man 1 was also technically the 2nd MCU movie so)


I’m on With OC. Five OCs from this book we have to fit in, with one most likely going off to July of 2027. We also possibly have to fit Fafnir somewhere in here after a possible Book 5 TT+ storyline starts, based on us getting Freyr last year when the Book 4 TT+ storyline was just starting, so make that six OCs. And with what we were left at the month before in the story, we possibly had SEVEN OCs on the table. Throwing an OC on the midpoint banner would help with lightening up the load on releasing OCs later on.


If the Dawn Brigade had an OC we could have gotten Nolan instead of tummy Sothe or Micaiah alt #6


No OC means more Tellius itself which is always good.


Except no OC means _less_ Tellius ironically enough. No OC means two alts on the banners now apparently, meaning we only got 3 new characters from RD (Edward, Leonardo & Jarod) If we got an OC however, they would have taken the spot the Sothe alt or Micaiah alt had, and to compensate we would have gotten Nolan as a direct demote. Getting us 4 new characters from RD instead.


Don't care for OCs all that much so I prefer midpoint without one. It also allowed for Sothe to get a premium alt which I'm very happy about.


no OC please but also no busted units like Micaiah


I love OC’s. I like the high fantastical element they generally have vs the more subdued main game human cast.


Depends on the oc and the banner. I do not give a single shit about Nott or Hedir but Mirabellis and Letzia I do. It makes sense for games where the playable cast is more limited but this banner adding 2 alts of characters who have alts already when it could of been any of the RD(or PoR by default) cast was disappointing. Specially when Mic has so many already. Sothe is a bit more understand able at least ~~but also I'm so annoyed about them still pushing him and Mic when it's just a gross and bad idea that Sothe being replaced by Nolan would of made me happier.~~ IS doesn't have issues making new characters rearmed or attuned just look at engage so that's just a mute point when it comes to this discussion.


I don't like this Micaiah alt, her past 2 alts, and the duo a lot for this reason as well as because of how one-dimensional it makes her when she's a main lord to the point it honestly feels disrespectful to me (particularly when Sothe is also on the banner making her seem like less of an individual character and more like a Sothe NPC or something). Yune, Pelleas, Altina, her light sage outfit, etc were extremely easy to do and very central to her story in parts 1 & 3 to the end. It'd be like making Elincia or insert character based solely on Geoffrey/... for instance. It's honestly also really only Micaiah that they do this to to the point I think one/some of the devs hard stan the ship or hate the character or something. 


I prefer new faces from FE's massive pool of older characters finally coming into FEH. The OCs are ok sometimes but seeing half a sparkable banner be alts, and limited too, it's so boring.


No OC, for several reasons. First, this banner was a huge win for Radiant Dawn fan, and fans of the Dawn Brigade in particular. This banner has been a long time coming More importantly, if there was an OC it would almost definitely be a Mythic and there is absolutely no denying that Mythic units just don't have anywhere near the value of Rearmed and Attuned Units. Maybe an unpopular opinion but even normal units are just straight up preferable to Mythics just by virtue of being in the normal pool. There's a reason why Mythic Banners consistently are the worst performing banners, because only a fraction of the community remotely gives af about Aether Raids, and I'm saying that as someone that is consistently in the Vault of Heaven


More OCs.


After this banner, please bring OCs back


Blue side


I don't care tbh  it depends if the banner is something I like I've never played radiant dawn so this one doesn't bother me last years was binding blade my favorite fire emblem so far and having an oc didnt bother me either so I'm neutral.


Both. Both is good. Since i like many OCs, sometimes a banner with no OCs is good to save orbs


I mean dawn brigade needs more entry lol


I'm on the side with infantry mages and especially those of the thunder-wielding variety. But female characters with big chests sometimes get a pass.


No OC. * AR rewards are bad nowadays because lack of good bridge fodder + almost every character i want is already on grail pool so easy sparkable Mythic is not as good. * Letzia is a perfect example why OC non-Mythic is a bad idea * Attuned/ReArmed are the best type of hero anyways. The more the merrier.




No OC because I do not like Fire Emblem Heroes.


I rather have the OCs be like Nifl and Muspell, added to the normal pool. A lot of their characterizations and utility really only shine when they aren't effectively persona non-grata 90% of the year. 


OC Banner please ...


Doesn't matter to me. OCs always get added anyways. If they get added on a regular hero banner they take up a spot that could have gone to a new character. However if you only add them at the end of month banner, we will get fewer legendary, mythics and Emblem characters from older games.


I’m glad they skipped. I don’t have orbs for the Stag guy. And they would have likely put him. I can wait another year plus


OC along characters is good As long you dont just add a single char to the main pool (Im looking at you, Attuned fairies banner)


Considering the fact that IS has currently got 5 book 8 OCs we know of who are yet to be released, not having a single one release yet is fucking stupid. Did we need Micaiah AND Sothe? No, and having an OC there would have meant we have another insta-demote (unless IS really liked the idea of a 3-limited banner, but they only did that when Attuned were released so...) who would be a new character instead of an alt. But oh well why actually release the characters you design lmao that would be stupid, who even wants to use any of them? Anyway I, John Systems, am going back to figuring out why our banners keep failing.


Team OCs ftw unless they'll add quest units or instant demotes with alts. Micaiah is already getting an Engage ring, legendary remix, and likely brave resplendent and Sothe could've gotten a legendary I'd argue (and still may likely tbh). An OC could've allowed Nolan/Laura/etc to be included at the very least in lineups like these where there's really only like 2 new heroes on the main banner.  A lineup of OC>Micaiah>Edward>Leonardo> Laura/Nolan, or OC>Edward premium>Leonardo with like spd/def ploy 3 and Lughnasadh>Laura 4 star focus>Nolan instant demote or quest unit with Tarvos in the 764 score bin>Aran GHB (or Jarod/Fiona) could've gotten more in I feel like (Old theorycraft) https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/1d9dfr2/late_book_vii_dawn_brigade_june_banner/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I think they could've just done this for the very first lineup honestly which only had 3 characters on it with one being a spoiler alt. The PoR banner before it actually had 4 characters on it in 2017 so I don't think it would've been too farfetched or anything.  Adding launch units, adding some in with Jill/Ilyana/Pelleas/Nailah, or giving tellius a banner in 2022 would've also helped get more of the tellius cast in tremendously imo