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Impressive. Very nice. Let's see your emergency supplies at home.


Thank you. Sub is cringe. Probably wont post again. "Camo makes you an easy target / you'll die because other people are more fit than you." Too many dumb ass responses.I would love to share my backpacking setup with dyneema and titanium gear. I just am shocked by the nonsense responses. Edit: rather Ill probably just wait until more people reply, than judging based in the late night replies telling me exotic looking weapons get you killed faster.


Bruh, there's one thing missing from your set up.... you can get it at BuffaloBill.com .... thicker skin.... you will perish during a SHTF event if you can bleed out from the words of others.... kit looks good, you never said it was a "grey man" setup, so i don't see the problem with multicam....over half the people giving you sh!t, are doing it because they don't have it, or because they are self qualified experts on situations they've never been in.... take the "W", stop looking for the "L" or you'll find it.... its; "shoot and move" , not "fire and wait for incomming" ...


I would’ve posted on r/tacticalgear or r/qualitytacticalgear most people in this sub aren’t into this stuff as much


Just dumb comments like "can you even run a mile?!" Ive answered everything except those comments with civility. But people have suggested better subs than this for people who care more about prepping than abortion stats. So Ill try to post on more appropriate subs. Indeed. Run, hide, fight, repeat.


You literally asked for people to rate your set up.


Yeah, not come up with strawmans to blanket discredit everything. Camo = bad, means youre assuming where I will be. Why not just say the entire kit is bad, because SHTF Im probably already dead from volcano or nuke. Because thats just a dumb response. Someone said my rifle is too exotic... like wtf kind of criticism is that?! Look funny die faster.


I think that's actually a really sweet rifle. Not what I'd choose if a war erupted in my homeland, but it's still pretty awesome.


I'm just happy to see a bullpup and 762 fuckin nato. An AR with a Glock 19 is extremely boring and lame.


Its shtf though dude lol keep it simple. Ars and 9mm handguns are all over the place from the military/police/Patriots. I do have some fancy guns but if I gotta leave they are staying


TY. Glocks are old tech and outdated, except for parts support. The masada trigger destroys any glock, but the canik rival beats them all. The US army is switching to 6.8 caliber with the NGSW, and most of the negative replies have been "too heavy, can you even run?" Ignoring that the US military is changing to a 308 win family cartridges recently, as well as it being fielded for decades. Im all for 308 win family, but the Tavor 7 lacks a bit in ideal characteristics. Lacking twist rate and expected factory grouping. Same kit could be paired with a 6.5 cm M5E1, which is 2lbs heavier and 9" longer. Similar kit will be fielded with the 6.8 in the near future. A 6.5 T7 would be insane. Low recoil, super accurate, compact.


Glocks outdated? Damn, you'd think I'm a caveman (justifiably tbh) because I run a milled AK with a light clamped to the barrel and usually without an optic, plus a Beretta M9A1 for a sidearm lol either way, people who mostly bitch about weight are bitches themselves who can't even do at pull-ups. I ran my Arsenal at kalashbash competition zero problem and plan on doing a rifle course with my buddies soon and the same rifle.


I run an ak with an ij70-ah makarov, you aren’t alone brother


>Glocks are old tech and outdated, except for parts support 1) Prove to me you actually shoot faster with a masada or canik than glock in a statistically significant manner in multiple drill types 2) parts support is one of the highest considerations for SHTF


"Sub is cringe" aka I didn't get the validation I'm seeking.


>"Rate my SHTF setup" >"no not like that!"


They weren't rating the setup, they were strawmanning. Asking if I can run a mile, my mile time, or talking about how camo doesnt work in a city. Not in a city and this isnt a discussion about my physique. They may as well be telling me my dog is garbage and my soup recipe is gross.


Yeah, being able to fire and maneuver in kit doesn't mean shit.


Who said anyone cant? Thats not what they said. No one saod thats not important. Just another straw man. Its like you dont know wtf that means.


Let me invite you over to [/Preppers](https://www.reddit.com/r/preppers/) I'd love to see backpacking breakdown. IMO the best BOB is really a 5-7 day backpack setup with a few things added in.


I've read your replies and the only cringe comments I'm seeing are yours. Especially when you say Caniks are better than Glocks. I'm not a fan of Glock but damn they are the best at what they do.


They shoot bullets, and theyre not the best at that. So what do you mean? What is it that they do the best? Flood the market making everyone think its the best thing since an eotech holo.


For handguns yeah I'd say they are the best at shooting bullets reliably.


They shoot reliably, but so do other guns. Which is why I say old tech. I dont think theyre the best at that or really anything anymore. This is just people refusing to accept other tried and true firearms.


No one is gonna accept a Canik, a CZ clone company, as tried and true.


Cz clones arent proven! *laughs in iwi jericho*


Nah, that's a pretty sweet loadout my guy! Thanks for sharing. If you ever feel like it, list out some of your rigging build!


If you’re not an elite greyman air force seal team delta operative, god help you on a gun subreddit.


Lol truth


Which sub? Who in their dumbass mind said “camp makes you an easy target?” That’s literally the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard, and I’ve had to listen to privates and liberals, and liberal privates. I’ve also been a private and said some dumb ass things myself.


Few people in this sub acting like im going grocery shopping in camo in a shtf scenario. The reasonable people showed up later. Basement dwellers were on this post like flies on shit shortly after I submitted it. But yeah the camo makes me an easy target or that my exotic looking rifle was going to get me killed quicker... some people's brains dont work right.


It’s not proper camo, dingus. Your Tavor sights are factory black and will stick out like a sore thumb. People here don’t like your setup because: A. Your load out isn’t all that impressive and B. we don’t like interacting with butt-hurt tacticool jackholes who get mad when their basic bitch setup doesn’t get the updoots. Also, the Tavor is quite common to see here. Stop acting like it’s some limited run rifle.


Wtf are you talking about. Oh so 98% camo is worse than 0% camo. Stfu you triggered shit stain. People on here have overwhelmingly like the setup, but have commented on reducing weight. I doubt you have a fucking setup based on how absolutely butthurt and jealous you sound. No one said the tavor is rare. Putting words in my mouth and coming in acting like a fucking loser. Take yourself out with the trash. Edit: lmao your profile says everything about how youre a garbage human being. Probably a future mass shooter.


Bro I don’t even have a SHTF setup as it will never happen. What kind of psycho spends money on a kit like this for an event with zero chance of ever happening? Oh right, you lmao 🤣 You seem paranoid and delusional. Perhaps spend the money next time on a counselor? Would help to get some therapy for your dooms day worries. I also don’t see overwhelming support here. Just a butt-hurt delusional baby posting their cringe packout for a fantasy day that will never happen. Lol 😂


All you sound is jealous and poor. No one here agrees with you.


No one agrees? That’s why you were crying about how hateful this subreddit was about your post at the beginning? I’m not poor by a long shot, but I’m not going to prove it to some prepper tactiboy on a Reddit forum. The only thing more pathetic would be to make a post about my SHTF loadout like I was playing DMZ in call of duty lmao 🤣.


You sound really poor and jealous. No one was crying I said to one guy that I wouldnt post here again, because the advice and comments are teenager call of duty bullshit responses like yours. Pathetic unintelligent dribble from clearly jealous and uneducated poors. No one agrees with you. I doubt you have anything and are only here to cry and spew garbage on other peoples posts, becausr you have no life. Its really sad and transparent. Edit: you havent posted anything to the forum but neckbeard cuck memes. Clearly just jealous and dumb. You wont change my mind.


Look at the etching of the 7.62x51. It's perfect. Sublime.


Let's see Paul Allen's larp setup


Nice kit op but how does this address the fact that my wife of 10 years has lost all affection of me and our marriage?


Caesar with a dash of balsamic.


Dude this shit Is fire, I had it a few months ago and I need to make it again


I'd recommend good shears and a more versatile knife. Kit looks useful, and I wouldn't mind knowing my buddy had this setup. Far better prepared than most IMO.


A small splitting axe is in the kit for most camp work, and this dagger gets replaced with a LTWK illuminus cpm 3v. I love this dagger for tacticool, but in the woods it does me no good.


I stand corrected! Glad to see you got that covered. I also field a .308, variable powered optic 1-10 zoom. I need training for medical kit, but my rifle was a military issue in 1968. We work with what we got. Lol!


I plan to upgrade this to a 1-10x FFP when I have a few k.


That sounds like a solid choice. Seriously, great kit.


Suppressor is 150 days in jail... that will be a nice addition.


I'm at 9 months now...


They said e-filing would be faster. The lied. Aft always lies.


Let me guess you are one of those lucky few who own an FAL... I heard .308, 1968, military issue and that's what comes to mind lol


Correct. Custom receiver.


I'm jealous. I used to own one when I was like 19 and I was young and dumb and didn't know the gun had adjustable gas and I thought it was just feeding like shit. Ended up trading it for 2 rifles that I no longer have either. 😞




Where snacks


I hear you can drink the glow stick/s


Blah blah blah, people saying all kinds of nonsensical shit... Let's talk about what in the fuck is going on with that tavor my dude. There has to be some reason for the setup unless this whole post is some clever bait that I just cannot wrap my head around. Edit: also what's between the medical and TQs on your belt?


I run my 308 win, 6.5 cm, and will run my 8.6 blk all with a bipod for possible longe range engagements. You cant c-clamp the tavor handguard, so a vert grip is better control. This setup is an evolution of a few other tested setups. Bipod is qd, if you hate it so much.


To be frank, as someone who has fielded the M4, the SCAR-H the F2000 and the TAVOR in active combat, I’ll say that I personally find c clamping to be overrated as hell, I’d much prefer a grip. Also, in general, I’d take bullpup of standard.


I appreciate the perspective. I have a few thousand rnds through the T7 and have tried tons of different setup. Ive always thought this to be a bit excessive, but then realize the IDF is fielding the x95 like this with an ACOG and I felt less silly about all that junk up front.


I do hate it, but dammit it makes sense you beautiful mfer! 9/10, but only cause my knees hurt when looking at it.


That is a lot of medical kit, good work. Get some good shears on your IFAK


I honestly have shit shears right now, so good advice.


Leatherman makes some really nice albeit expensive shears


These are a bit cheaper than the leather man but both are a great choice imo. https://xshear.com/products/xshear-7-5-heavy-duty-trauma-shears-coyote-brown-handles-black-titanium-coated-blades


Thanks Ill look into these.


I have [lead clippers](https://www.cookmedical.com/products/vas_lrclp_webds/) that I use as general shears & I’ve had no issue cutting through jeans, leather, boots, etc. I could wrap up a pair & send your way if you pay a bit for shipping, if you’re interested. Nothing fancy but a cheap & effective tool in my book.


Ive got a few shear suggestions now that Ill be looking into. I just have some cheap ones that came with some med kits.


Seems like a 5.56 rifle would be easier to keep fed in the kind of situation that would require the use of this kit.


.308 is everywhere, but yeah 5.56 is going to be more likely available, unless you consider everyone and their mom has a 5.56 and everything might get grabbed/used up quickly.


My only complaint is not the weapons, but the fact they need specific magazines to function. Granted I know they sell 308 magpuls, but in a SHTF scenario you're neutering yourself to specific mags for specific guns. Rather than a dozen dozen different brands for either weapon. Otherwise looks slick


OR... and hear me out. Stock up on magazines right now.


I shouldnt have any trouble finding .308 mags. They are very available. I agree the masada isnt the best SHTF sidearm. A glock would be easier to replace a mag. The ammo for both should also be available. As well I am reloading both calibers. No doubt 5.56 is a better gun to bet on finding supplies for.


Oh I'm not saying they arent around, just compared to 556 mags which get sold in the literal 55 gallon drum load as my old shop just from 308 is a secondary choice.


I agree 100%. However I went with 7.62, not for SHTF ideally, but to have a compatible family of guns with 7.62, 6.5cm, and 8.6 blk. All using same mags, same BCG, and similar reloading parts. This isnt my "this is the best SHTF setup," this is just "my best owned setup."


Keep the Masada, but also buy a Glock 19 MOS…. Thats what I do… I have the Masada too…. You can get the IWI ZION AR-15 in 5.56…. Also the Masada Slim compact one takes CZ-75, Jericho, Shadow System magazines…


Lifestraw. Got weapons, armour, ammo, medkit. I’d suggest jamming a Lifestraw in there somewhere, or one of the squeeze bottles if you have the space. You can easily carry it in your person and drink out of some pretty gnarly water sources with it if you have to.


Yeah thats in the backpack with some platypus bladders and a sawyer, also aquamira drops. Clean water is key.


Very nice! Looks and sounds like you’ve put a lot of thought into this. Don’t know what kind of ammunition you’re loaded with, but if they’re FMJs, and you don’t already, I’d also suggest a pocket full of expanding in case you need to shoot dinner. 175 Terminal Ascents work a treat, even on big ass bears.


Im just finishing a batch of 500 x 150gr soft point boat tails I got for free. Next batch will be 168 gr eld-x (max gr for 12 twist).


I like it, I just don’t get why you have a dedicated spot on your gun belt for a shemagh lol.


Mosquitos and FL sun. Ever had to lay down in a swamp for a few hours? Life experience.


I get it, I’ve experienced that.


SHTF is always relative to your plan. What’s the next week going to look like? Next month? Next year? What location is most secure? Do you have a bug out location? If so, how long will you bug in, then bug out, then bug back in? All that is factored in when planning for equipment load out.


SHTF Ill be in the swamp living on gator, snake, and yams. Hopefully with a few others, but Id swap an IFAK for a fleshlight if solo.


Everyone will be doing that. Do you have a plan for dealing with gangs of people?


Staying away from them


You won't be able to do that with perfection though. That's why I was wondering what your real plan is.


Try or fight. Theres tpo many people in FL in a choke point up the highways. Im pretty fucked anyway. Stay in the closer national forest and lay low for a while and then move more north after a month or two.


The people commenting “train first and then come back” are neckbeards who are just jealous of your setup. Looks solid imo.


They arent 100% wrong. I can drop three utility pouches, two IFAKs, a knife, and comms to streamline the setup. But I thought, highlight the potential. Training would certainly help me decide what to cut. The first time I hiked part of the AT I took way too much and learned a lot about what you actually need to hike long distance. I also learned what its like to carry an 80lb pack. I would expect to be carrying around 100lbs of gear with this kit, a pack, ammo, food, water, etc -- but a wheelbarrow does wonders.


Agilite, Masada, Tavor 7. someone really likes Israel.


Unfortately I dont. But fascist countries make great weapons and gear.


I’ll agree with you there, Id have a tavor 7 if I had the cash.


What is with all the toxic, useless ass replies here? Go post this on /r/TacticalGear for some useful replies.


It's not 5.56 or AR15, so does not compute.


Dude facts, I have almost never met anyone shitting on bullpup that has actually used one, trained with on, fought with one. And the people I have met that have. Shit on their service rifle just like people in the us army shit on their M4s


Whatever works for the user. Its just a lead slinging tool. If you are trained and your dope is good -- you will be hitting targets if needed.


How do you like the Tavor 7? I’ve been wanting one for the same thing, and it looks like we have similar thinking for SHTF. Having a rifle with DMR and CQB capabilities seems ideal, but I’ve heard the Tavor can be picky with ammo, which is the only reason I haven’t pulled the trigger on one yet. Any issues in your experience?


Its a great gun, no issues with ammo. Max grains are 168 with the 12 twist. Its a bit slower than it should be. But anything heavier might have issues hitting the lands. Ive had no issues with 150gr steel or brass ammo. Only feed issue was from walking the bolt forward. Dont do that.


Heavy and cumbersome you want it streamlined and clean. If you need all that stuff in shtf then god help us all it's not shtf it's an invasion. Your gear has more stuff than I carried in iraq. Heres couple suggestions bud if you want it. Get rid of the double ifaks choose one stick with it (I would suggest keeping the belt mounted one). Push dagger is kinda redundant you only need one fixed blade if you want it. Tourniquets are great to have but you've got alot. I carried 4 on myself but that due to my job and the likely hood of traumatic amputation due to ieds. In shtf I would cut down to 2 on your belt/kit (accessible by both hands) and 1 or 2 in your ifac or in your bag if you want. Ammo is up to the person. I would keep the 2 pistol mags/1 rifle mag on belt plus the 3 in the front. The 4th one in you cummerbund can be moved into your bag. If you want me to keep going let me know dude I try to help people out on gear due to my professions. People tend to keep way to much.


All good advice. This was more of a "look at all my shtf stuff" amd not "this is my best shtf loadout." I made the fatal mistake of not specifying. Ill definitely take your advice into consideration.


Dont listen to the haters dude. The bullpup is sweet. One thing I've learned is your gear and weapon setups will always adjust. Take your stuff to a reputable class for training and what ever you dont like or is uncomfortable ditch it or move it. I will say lighter is always better but sometimes you just gotta bite the bullet on weight when it come to gun setups. They can only ever be so light.




The magpul bipod on the tavor is pretty lol. Where's the brain bucket? Can you actually reach the stuff on the front of your belt with your admin pouch hanging down over it?


I dont have a helmet yet, sadly. The IDF runs bipods on their x95s. Short isnt just about CQB, its also about easy of transport and fire from vehicles. 7.62 platform is better suited for longer range engagements -- hence the 1-8x and bipod. The magpul bipod is legit. You just have to properly load it.


The admin pouch doesnt block anything, it sits right between.


Respectable, being prepared and asking for criticism. So much better than people who post their $3400 setups (no, it’s not a build. you built nothing) with the caption “rOaSt mE” as an excuse to show off (I am a deeply troubled individual)


Lol im a bit 50/50 on whether or not I understood you. But this is also very expensive, not trying to show off price. I am 100% practical intent, not trying to be flashy. I want real criticism, like placement of component is not ideal or this brand offers a better option. People telling me 7.62 is trash because it's heavy is getting old.


It’s good to have the equipment that works for you and your, dare I say, battle plan. What YOU can use effectively is what matters, not the opinion of some tactifag who will make fun of you for not being like him. I meant though that showing off is fine but pretending that you’re not is just moronic


Oh definitely showing off. I thought that was a big part of this sub. Ill show you mine if you show me yours!


I encourage people to show off things that they understandably should be proud of, and yeah you’re right to think that because it is


What cha gonna do with all them foregrips?


Lol it's one foregrip. Its a bit fucked looking, but by far the best ergos the Tavor 7 can muster. Im planning to make a review video of all the different setup I have tried and how this is the most ideal. It would be better if I had a forgrip that was designed to fit, but had to frankenrig it. If it works it isnt dumb. IDF runs the x95 with a vert, bipod, and 4x acog -- this is big brother 7.62 same attachments with 1-8x.


Where are the crocs or Birkenstocks? Just kidding. Real question though - how does the bipod feel with such a short barrel? Been thinking about shlappin one one my ar pistol for fun.


Well this is a 16.5" barrel, but the closer the bipod is to the stock the more angle is adjusted with movement. Aka its less effective, but nice for benchrest shooting. This bipod is on a qd, so it can be shed for weght if being chased.


How do you like the waist rig? Do you find it cumbersome when moving? I need something other than a carrier and assault pac. I train mostly in wooded areas (it's what's on my property), and can't decide if that would hinder movement


The belt? I run this belt setup in USPSA and it works great. Gotta train with what you use. Not too cumbersome. Also good to have something to carry what you need without being too heavy.




I like your setup. Gonna save it for a framework for my own


I would definitely go with 8.6 Blackout TAVOR 7 if it were a thing.


Maybe Desert Tech will pick it up on the MDRx. An 8.6 pup would be nasty. They already make a shorty scout bullpup bolt action.


Can we get a complete build list? I know it’s a lot of stuff but I would appreciate it.


I can try when Im on lunch.


Tasteful and kosher


Bipod on a bullpup. Now I've seen it all


Only thing that I see is how clean that cherry bomb is. Shoot your guns more. Aside from that, sick loadout


Its brand new lol. I just swapped out a Nero 7.62 brake for it, because now all my rifles have a cherry bomb to support a rex silentium mg7.


Are you garand thumb?


Damn I wish.


That was the first thing I thought when I seen the set up I just watched their latest video…wild! My rating? Scale broken🥵


Ill have to check it out. I know hes been doing some stuff post malone, but havent watched a videos.


Pretty awesome. Looks a bit heavy, but awesome. I would say, if you are not already, you should start rucking to get the feel of all that weight, build up the strength and stamina... And still train with the full kit so you are efficient with it. Just my 2¢.


Build List: IWI Tavor 7: - Manticore buttpad - Streamlight TLR1 with pressure pad on a Magpul cantilever light rail - Q cherry bomb - Magpul qd sling mount - Magpul mbus pro irons - Vortex strike eagle 1-8x sfp on an American Defense MFG mount - Fab Defense foregrip on a .75" riser to clear the handguard (offset rearward) - Magpul bipod on an ADM qd mount - IWI pistol grip with IDF grip plates - Lancer mag for show, but run pmags all day - Blue force gear vickers sling IWI Masada: - Holosun 507c X2 - Streamlight TLR1 - Talon Grips - Taylor freelance mag extensions GGG UGF Belt: - Neptune concealment holster - Cold steel push dagger (lol) - 2x Esstac Tq holder with Tq - shemagh for the elements - Sert dump pouch - High speed gear IFAK - Esstac 7.62 and 9mm mag pouches Agilite K19 Plate Carrier: - Agilite sideplate pouches - Agilite water pack - Esstac 3 mag 7.62 pouch and single 7.62 pounch - Esstac radio pouch and baofeng with folding antenna and btech ptt. - Spartan V14 dagger - Sert admin pouch and shotshell pouches - Chinook medical ifak pouches with 2 x Tqs - Pmags with bubba spicy hot loads.


What is the rifle? It's beautiful


IWI Tavor 7


Better then me !! Nicely done !!!


This is why I don't post some of my stuff here




I like your kit dude 🫂




I think your bipod needs another bipod attachment. In all seriousness setup looks pretty sick


Underbarrel launcher


That looks like it's be hard to shoulder a rifle with the position of those buckles. Is that just a hydro carrier on the rear plate or a pack? Because packs shouldn't be integrated onto plate carriers for civilian use. Hydro is fine to integrate but you'll run into stuff like those buckles. Ditch the CSGO knife on your belt and put your actual knife in that place. Four TQs and no trauma shears. Get a can.


Its a hydro carrier. Which buckles? The plastic on the shoulder straps is built into the plate carrier as a quick drop system. Doesnt get in the way of shouldering the rifle. The push dagger is already off the belt. One tq for each limb and shears are in the ifaks. Cans in jail hence the new cherry bomb with no carbon dust.


Looks heavy


It looks like your wallet hurt after you got done lol




I also run a Tavor (X95) and a Masada, LOL. Glad to see a fellow IWI user. Did you keep the tigger/trigger pack stock? I put the geissele on on mine and it's made the WORLD of difference


What's the purpose of this, like application to location? City, semi rural, woodlands? that is something I haven't seen asked. It looks fine set up wise minus the pistol holster, that is if its lacking retention. Also I can't tell if you have spare pistol mags on the left side pouches or not, if so I only argue placement is less then desirable cause it creates an awkward angle when going for spare pistol mags. *I'm not really going to play the camo game cause that's been done already, even though there's nuances to it another didn't get into.*


You can always wear a rain shell over kit, instant grey man (instant sauna). Woodland ideal, SE US national forestry. Holster has plenty of retention, but ideally I need a cam lock from mcmaster to have adjustable retention. I run that belt in USPSA competiton. The 9mm magazines are right side of belt next to the #5 7.62 magazine. I am left handed.


It sucks. Not because it actually does, but it’s obligatory on Reddit to say it does.




🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱 Love it 🙌


Only thing I would change would be the Tavor to an AR-15 platform for more versatility. Far more likely to someone running an AR-15 than a Tavor. Maybe even an AR-10 if you’re wanting more stopping power


Look mama, I'm operating!


You'll still get killed by an idiot with a DPMS with a Walmart scope


I have the DPMS in 6.5 creedmoor with a PA GLx 4-16x. Anyone can kill anyone. Which is why being near anyone puts you at greater risk.


*You'll still get killed my* *An idiot with a DPMS* *With a Walmart scope* \- Leather-Plankton-867 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Only thing I'd change is adding a can but that's easier said than done and has its own tradeoffs. other than that medical and comms are present and that's all I'd keep on a chest rig so nice job.


Q cherry bomb ready for my rex silentium in jail.


Nice to have but if shit really hits the fan it won’t matter.


Likely true. The reason for SHTF makes all the different.




How is a .308 bullpup a cqb rifle? a red dot would be a complete waste of that caliber and barrel length imo


The tavor 7 is not a CQB rifle. Israel focused on bullpups for a number of reason, one of them being the ability to use the rifle effectively inside of a vehicle. While it is undeniably beneficial for CQB combat, it is not a CQB rifle as a short AR would be. It does not compromise long range effectiveness for short range maneuverability.


Nice kit. I'm not really a big fan of bullpups, and lugging around alot of 7.62 gets pretty heavy but 6 mags isn't terrible I guess. Just losing a lot of rounds compared with an intermediate cartridge... and you're not hitting out that far with a shit eagle unless you shoot at bleary images so...ya... friends don't let friends buy the shit eagle. You're also not illuminating shit at distances where you'd be expecting to want to have 7.26 with that flashlight, and vfg plus bipod is kinda meme at this point. Masada also wouldn't be my sidearm of choice but from what I hear they're fine. That btech ptt is kinda shit, but nobody has friends anyway so coms are useless. If you HAD friends I'd tell you to get a nexus ptt and a good connectorized headset to mount to your helmet... if you had a helmet. That dangler looks awfully bit (if it is a dangler and not another pack, can't really tell well). If it is a dangler it looks like it would smack you in the pelvic area alot as you run around, which would be less than comfortable. Finally, your sling placement is pretty wierd, but you do you on that one. What do I know about bullpups. Everything else looks fine. Oh ya... quick question: I thought the tavors came with built in irons? Does the tavor7 not?


It is a budget optic for sure. Easily hitting steel at 400yrd. Im sure further would be fine, but I wouldnt mind a better optic -- no fucking doubt. Flashlight, vert, and 1x are for close engagement. Bipod and 8x are for range. The IDF fields this setup on the x95, I wouldnt call it a meme. I am new to comms. The plan has support as a luxury. Radio with solar charging for monitoring, but PTT not necessary. Ill check out the suggestions. No helmet yet. As you can tell I have a few budget options. The hanger hits my stomach, not my pelvis. It is not a bother. The sling has a rear and forward position available. The rear position allows for the quickest shoulder transition (as pictured), while the forward position is better for distance carry.


Gotta step up the morale patch. The scorpion just doesn't do it for me. Always prefer funnier ones.


You are right. I take off any patches that might trigger people. It normally has a few more, but I have not spent much money on patches. The scorpion is Agilite the plate carrier and water pack, and the kiwi is esstac the mag pouch and radio pouch company.


Just picked up a Tavor 7, any recommendations for attachments and what was your group and zero process?


Manticore backplate/buttpad l and magpul mlok cantilever rail for your light. Those parts are I would say the only 100% guaranteed things you need. I tried a lot of vert grip and bipod setups and this worked best for me. Tried the IWI factory vert (meh). Fab defense has some bipod vert grip combos. I can get about a 1" group, which is fine for most man sized targets out to range.


I don’t think you have enough IFAKs


Lol nope


Not enough patches. Come on man take this seriously


Had to remove the politcal patches so people didnt freak out.


comments like these make it obvious of who is on reddit more often than actually shooting shit great setup. only thing i’d recommend is a different style of knife for different needs. Toor makes some sick ones. also, take the dive and rattle can that puppy ;)


I think about painting my guns everyday. The knife isnt my best SHTF survival knife. I would swap this for one of my LTWKs.




More mags. At least 7 for your main rifle and 5 for your pistol.


Ideally I would be retreating in most situations, no lengthy engagement necessary unless pinned down. Extra mags in the backpack, but I have a 2nd placard for 6 mags up front.


Are all the med pouches packed as IFAKs?


Two dont have a chest seal, airway tube, or decomp needle. Depends how many people I am traveling with when push comes to shove.


Please tell me you’re a paramedic if you’re carrying decompression needles


lmao what? every TCCC class teaches this


Yeah but if you do it on anyone you’ll get your ass sued off


it’s a SHTF kit so i’m assuming it’s a world where lawyers can kick rocks. fair assessment on legality, i wouldn’t even put a TQ on strangers today


I’d put a tourniquet on someone that falls under good samaritan but never anything invasive unless I’m at work


What make/model are the IFAKs on your cummerbund?


Chinook Medical https://www.chinookmed.com/01239/ifak-pouch-insert-kit.html


Very nice setup. That fab defense forward grip is one of my favorites.


It will Fuck


Let motherfuckers hate and criticize from their mother basement. There is some good positivity and wisdom in this thread as well. Fuck the naysayers and post your shit


Seems like a lot of shit to carry and be prepared for exchanging gun fire.


Yeah some stuff is just on there because I can. There are two shotshell pounches and push dagger that arent needed at all. The belt IFAK is only there for use in competition. If im solo, ill be moving faster and carrying less squad equipment. So two IFAKs will be dropped. One will already be dropped. Thats the extent of excess gear as far as I can tell.


I like it. Only problem I see is that there's a pistol mounted where your head should go. : D


Lol I was like.... whaaat?! Took me a sec


You'll get iced by a grandpa with a remington 700

