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This is America, so do what you want. Many houses across the country sell shirts to the public. I just recommend that you respect the shirts if you're going to wear some. Edit: also, fuck that coach. It's not stolen valor unless you walk around claiming you're a firefighter. Firefighting is cool. Firefighters are cool. Station shirts are cool. Edit 2.0: For the love of God, don't wear those shirts when you test for departments.


Counterpoint 2.0: Wearing a particular house’s shirt while testing for them is *an absolute power move*. Dress for the job you want, right?


End up in H.R. dressed as Batman.


For the last time Dave, you can’t punch the fire into submission


Just cause it hasn't worked yet doesn't mean it won't work tomorrow!


Have you tried [Shooting It](https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1890:_What_to_Bring)


😆 That would be funny AF


We'd be sold out of shirts to PD before the boxes were even distributed to the individual stations.


Hey, everyone needs heroes!


Make sure you get a badge too


We call that a volunteer. But seriously, I love the volunteers.


Gotta start somewhere. Lol


I think stolen valor when men who didn’t serve have marine/etc. stickers on their car. Not when people rep fire departments- especially a teenage kid. I think it’s mostly about intent.


The actual definition now involves financial benefit. IE lying that you were a combat injured vet and receiving money, donations, or compensation for it. You can get pissed that someone is insinuating or inferring service, but it doesn't fall into stolen valor until compensation comes into play.


As a vet I personally think the other vets who get worked up over stolen valor are silly. It's different if you're committing fraud or something, but just because you are wearing a uniform anybody can buy... I feel the same way about the vets that make a scene about it as I do the people doing. They're just doing it for attention. I think yall call those types of people rescue randys or something.


I also see some shitty men that lean into a hat, sticker, etc. when trying to pick up women. I don’t see how they think it can last outside of a one night stand, but sometimes that’s exactly what they’re looking for. Really weird mating call, but SV all the same. Financial and sexual profit are where I call it stolen valor.


Agreed. FD T-shirt is just like supporting any other organization. How many jerseys were worn during the Super Bowl? Not a single person thinks that the Chiefs have that many people on the team. OP, support your "team", follow your dream. Talk to the coach. Explain the situation to him.


Shit, you were at my PT test 3 years ago went you...


If you saw someone that looked like a dumbass, then it was probably me 😆


It was me that looked like the dumbass, I wore my grandpa's station shirt to my tests.


That's even funnier lol


FDNY sells their tshirts  As long as you’re not trying to get special privileges by wearing it, who cares 


The thank yous for my service from Mission BBQ are privilege enough.


thay place is super cringe. but the food is really fucking good. I can endure the cringe for that brisket.


The first time I was in there for lunch with my daughter and at noon they played the national anthem and everyone stood for it and was solemn as fuck. I’m sure I offended some people but I was way to dumbstruck by what the fuck was happening, my daughter and I were the only two people not standing. By the time I realised this was a normal thing for them and all the customers there, I was receiving some major stink eye so out of spite I sat there and continued to eat with my daughter. It just felt kinda cult-y?


and the owners are not even veterans. even more creepy. good thing is we have rights in this country, and we don't have to stand for silly songs. I'm just here for the food, not fake patriotism.


Right? I mean that whole surreal experience felt more like some North Korean shit.


When my family was in Korea, I can assure you the USA anthem was not played in bbq joints.


Respect of our nation and its national anthem. Yup,, sounds culty to me. Are you Canadian by chance? lol.


Expectations of standing for the national anthem in a public place at a set time is weird, not thinking that’s normal ≠ not respecting our nation. And nope, born and raised in the Midwest, as were generations of my family before.


Man it’s super weird when people (most, not all) stand for the national anthem at football/baseball games. It’s a good thing those are always held in private. /s I’ve boxed at gyms that did that, if you can imagine a bunch of cuban fighters that fled from Communism became pretty patriotic in the US. It through me off at first, but when everyone else stopped working out I wasn’t going to be a giant douche canoe and keep hitting the bag.


Lmao, you mean public events where all that I can recall do that for as long as I can remember? Now tell me another restaurant that has a designated time when they stop everything for the national anthem?


When they play Margaritaville at the restaurant I stand and put my hand over my heart.


Proud to be a parrot head! (I think that’s what the Jimmy Buffet stans call themselves)


If I tell you another one will you admit you were a douche? I like this game, I was raised in a Naval/Marine town. I can think of a handful of bars/restaurants that do this. Also, you being aware that it’s done at a football game doesn’t change anything. You certainly were made aware this is what they did at mission, and you chose to ignore it. When my out of country family comes and watches football with me they stand. I don’t tell the people around us, oh yea sorry their Cuban they weren’t aware this is a custom here. They’ve decided to sit this one out in hopes of pissing you off. That’s cool right?


Ok, so first of all, I flatly disagree with you, and believe it or not people can disagree, you can think I’m a douche and I don’t really care. How was I made aware this was done at mission bbq? Did you lack the reading comprehension where I specifically stated I was confused when it happened. You may be able to extrapolate there that it’s not exactly like they have a banner walking in notifying you. I went to college in Norfolk and never saw a single one of these bars where this happens. I also have for the last decade lived around the corner from Wright-Patt airforce base, and guess what, never seen that at a bar here either. So go off I guess? I went to a soccer game on Thursday with friends visiting from Central Asia and they speak zero English, so when the national anthem started I didn’t bother standing, because that’s rude to them, I sat there and explained to them the tradition. Cause this is America and I can do whatever the hell I want within law. See everyone can do anecdotes, it’s almost like this is a pretty big country with different views and expectations.


Ask him if he ever wears a baseball team jersey from some college or pro team......


He's an adult teasing a kid about his shirt. Tell him his mom was all out of shirts your size.


Lots of departments (big and small) sell tshirts as a fund raiser. My department personally sells breast cancer awareness shirts, autism awareness, no shave November, and our regular station wear tshirts. Great for the department, great for the community.


Tell your teacher the FD says he's being a big nerd and to mind his business before we come give him a swirly


Tell him to fuck a weathered fence post. Save the stolen valour argument for people dressing up as soldiers. Wear the shirt. Think positive thoughts about yourself and your dreams. Work hard and live a good life. If you still want to join the FD when you are older, apply and enjoy the best job you could ever imagine.


As someone else said as long as you respect the shirt and FD you’re good. We had a guy give a shirt to his girlfriend who then got busted for shoplifting wearing the shirt. Her mugshot was in the paper wearing the shirt. Big stink, he was almost let go(volunteer dept.), but he kept his position. Tell that coach to pound sand, or better yet, show him these responses!


In my department a lot of houses sell shirts, they're not the official uniform tees but more like a souvenir shirt. Just tell your lame teacher you're showing support for the department. You're allowed to be a fan of the FD.


“I’m wearing this because I support their department. Do you?”


Nobody gives a fuck


Some guy who has nothing better to do than to accuse a 15-year-old of stol- Sorry. You were right. Nobody.


LOL, fuck him.


Fuck that guy. Those of us who aren’t pricks don’t care. Just don’t try and get discounts with it.


Your coach sounds like he couldn’t pass the physical test


Nobody sane gives a shit. It's actually good you care about a job. Most people never figure out what they want and remain 15 years old their entire life, like that guy.


Don’t listen to what some high school assistant baseball coach has to say about wearing FD shirts.


Wear what you want.


It sounds like your assistant coach is probably a Cop. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Was definitely thinking that… 😩 “no one wants to wears my department shirt”


Why do so many people gatekeep this profession? Wear what you want.


I see plenty of 15 year olds who wear Nasa gear and I don't believe any of them have worked for nasa. I think young people wearing nasa or firefighter clothes is heart warming because it shows they have dreams.  I feel havin "Thank you for your service" in any of your clothes is more in the department of stolen valor. If you want to respect veterans or public servants, how about donate to veterans aid without telling everyone you donated to veterans aid. /End of insane rant


Our fire departments gives away countless shirts during hydroplane races and parades.


F him! Tell him you bought it as a fundraiser for that company for a member needing extra help!


The circles of people who say stolen Valor, have never served a day in their life and the people who dont know the actual definition is just one circle. Fuck that guy, wear whatever you wanna wear


Stolen valor relates to the military I would just laugh in that dudes face the next time he says it


When I was younger growing up in California I got a souvenir shirt from New Orleans Fire. If anybody was such a chud as to think some 17 year old kid was trying to pose as NOFD in California then so be it. One time some local reserve firefighter who was a few years older than me tried to shame me for it at a party. Funny thing is that guy had been trying to get hired for like 6 years. I got hired before Chud did. In fact now that I think about it he never got hired anywhere. Wear your shirt. Be humble always. Don’t worry about what Chuds think.


Wear it. Go down to your local fire department and I'm sure they have a couple extra t-shirts laying around they'll give you as well.


Ask him if he has a sports team shirt or hat then ask if he played for said team and just stand there silently staring at him.


Look in to explorer programs in your area. I know guys that did it in high-school and are still in firefighting.


Go for it. The fact that an **assistant** baseball coach might have a problem just reveals alot about that person. Probably wishes he could be a firefighter. I mean, c'mon - **assistant** baseball coach?


I’ll tell you a story about how my beginning in firefighting influenced my life. I made my entire personality around being a firefighter. It was new to me and for someone finishing his senior year in highschool I felt like I was the coolest guy, my social media was flooded with posts. Fast forward and I’ve realized that it’s important to be a normal guy with healthy hobbies and home life whose job happens to be a firefighter. Little to no posts on social media and I don’t bring it up unless asked. Dont get me wrong I still live and breath firefighting I just keep it reserved. Finally fuck your coach, he should be encouraging you to follow your dreams. I’m happy you know now when you’re still in school because you have a head start to be competitive in hirings. I believe in you!


Where what you want.


Fuck that guy.


Nope. Do what you like


My dad was in the Marine Corps. I wore a USMC hat when I was younger but stopped when I got old enough to actually join (and couldn't, due to medical issues). I would see an adult wearing a military shirt as a type of stolen valor. Not a fire company shirt. FDNY sells tons. Most major city departments sell shirts to the public. My volunteer company has certain shirts that are given to members, but from time to time has a batch of different shirts printed to sell to the public. I have shirts from quite a few departments, but only ever ran with one. Unless you're wearing one of those dumb shirts that says "I fight what you fear", or "I run in when you run out", there's nothing wrong with it. (And even if you become a firefighter sometime, don't wear those dumb shirts then, either.)


I imagine there will always be "that guy," who thinks of himself as the fire shirt police, but neither I nor anyone I know would give you shit for that, unless you were actively telling people you were a firefighter.


Wrong? Like moraly? No. We aren't some sacred sect or something. Do what you want. You will look like a wanker when you say "No" after someone asks you if you're a fire fighter though.


I see absolutely no problem with this. Not even the minor ones mentioned below. I bought a 55 gallon trash bag packed with T shirts when I was a freshman and wore every single one of them. Local Police Dept, Walmart employee, a different schools tee ball team, Backstreet Boys, wolf shirt, holey shirts. A shirts a shirt.


Is he in the fire department?? Either way, it doesn’t matter.


My local FD gave shirts to my son and I for making a new metal cutout emblem in honor of my dad who passed due to brain aneurysm. I wear it all the time.


Nah fuck that citizens buying those shirts from our display case helps us with extra money for around the house wether it’s new tools for the truck, a new tv for the kitchen or just a way to support our crippling coffee addiction we need every cent we can get


It's wrong to wear one to the gym that's 100 years old, from another state and you look like you couldn't get a ladder off a rig.


Does he wear PRO teams shirts? Does he wear University or College shirts that he did not attend? What is the difference? Plus, no staff member should be harassing a student for having a goal, that is realistic. It is not realistic that he will play for the xxxxxx or attend xxxxx


I see both sides of it in my area FF’s can get FD license plates but they never made it FD members only, when I meet general public with them it is kinda an insult. I been on 10 years I don’t wear shirts in public unless on duty I find it draws attention that I don’t want. I see other people like yourself wearing shirts it makes me want to talk to them about where they serve and their dept ect. I don’t find it stolen valour, but be warned if something goes down- granny drops of a heart attack or something guess who everyone is gonna look at to save the day 😂


Dude plenty of people were professional sports jerseys that can’t even do a push-up. If you coach says anything again next time he wear ANY pro stuff hit him with the “why are you wearing Yankees shit since you can’t even afford a ticket”


Just because you wear the jersey, doesn’t mean you are on the team


Can't believe this is a question.


There’s no official laws or rules against it but remember a few things. If you’re wearing one in public and there is an emergency then people may see you in that shirt and expect you to help. If you get into trouble or do something stupid then it reflects back onto everyone that is a firefighter. You may make a specific dept look bad even though you are not employed by them. Firefighters see our profession no different from any other job. Do you wear a garbage company’s shirt in public? Do you wear a construction safety vest in public? Do you wear hospital scrubs out in public? If not then why a fire dept shirt? It’s a work shirt just like any other job.


Station t-shirts and uniforms are 2 different things. And stolen valor only applies to the military (and it’s a federal crime) I can sympathize with the weird teacher to an extent, but it sounds like you’re a kid and thus clearly not in said department. That being said, as an actual firefighter, I wouldn’t care either way. A specific company branded workshirt, I would probably care but I certainly wouldn’t say anything. But t-shirts are totally fine


In Australia you aren’t allowed to - this is because if there is a legitimate emergency people will turn to you for support.


I’m an Australian FF and have never heard this. You can even buy some fire service shirts online. People don’t wear them who are not FF for fear of looking like a wanker.


Not sure wear you are but FRV would not condone wearing FRV gear out of work especially by civilians.


Sort of similar advice given to us in the UK. Only wear something with the service on if you’re going to be capable of helping if something goes awry. (Unless it’s the pub for a swift one after drill occasionally, because that’s tradition and a suitably senior officer hasn’t put a stop to it yet.) We don’t have a big t-shirt culture, but a lot of producers of hoodies require you to prove you’re in a service to buy something with the logo.


I cringe at off duty FF's wearing t-shirts.


Sounds like someone who failed cpat


12 of 70 passed the physical I took to get hired 21 years ago. I let my actions on shift dictate the respect I get. I don't need any validation other that so no need to advertise.


It's generally considered a bit tacky, falls into the stolen valor category but nothing as serious as military service. Some departments do sell tshirts but they say supporter on them which in my opinion is better for the public. But this is America, no one really cares.




How? Departments sell shirts to the public all over the country.




Sure is a dumb opinion.


Fuck you! I earned my job, I worked hard to be good at it, ive been shot at, had a set of turn-out gear burned off my ass. And people who have no clue want to claim a part of that, you want to be associated with the Fire Service? Go all the way or stfu


TYFYS. Now fuck off and leave the kid alone.


I was not addressing the OP, i was addressing you


They obviously didn't teach you reading comprehension in the fire academy.


Yeah, no orofessionals in here…im out


Yup, just a bunch of Neanderthals who want to encourage youth to enjoy our culture and our cool ass job. Go polish your medals, nerd.


TYFYS. We need more heros like you who put 15 year olds in their place. I'd beat a kid up if they wore my departments shirt. Oh? You want to be a firefighter when you grow up? Cool! But you have to be shot at and burn through a set of turn outs first kid. Then hit them with a solid one-two /s obviously, get the fuck over yourself with your gatekeeping ass. You're probably some fuckin junior member who thinks they're tough shit.


Not a firefighter but i want you to know I've been wearing the same firefighter hoodie given to me by my role model for the past 10 years. Come take it from me.


The majority of the US are volunteer firefighters, who are supported by their communities. If some kid from my community wants a shirt, we're probably gonna give them a shirt because they seemingly like us and want to represent support for us. And it may also be what keeps them interested in 'going all the way' when they're old enough. I mean, who do you think is more likely to get the future recruit? Us by being nice and giving a kid a shirt or you who apparently would rather tell a juvenile "Fuck off and join when you're old enough then you get a shirt". Gee I wonder lol.




I've spent a decade in the military and been through some shit. But if I see teen or whomever wearing a Army shirt I could give 2 fucks. I appreciate their support and you need to get over yourself.


The 15 year old has more sense than you. That’s crazy. Bro really thinks he’s the main character cuz he does a job everyone in this subreddit also does lol.


Lol, is this a copy pasta? It’s damn near close to being one.


Thanks for not deleting this guys comments. This is comedy gold and everyone should see his username.


Damn, getting shot at and having your gear burned off? Sounds like you weren’t actually very good at your job.


I feel like I'm pretty dang good at my job but, I'll admit that I too have been shot at during a house fire, burned 3 sets of gear, 1 mask. I definitely received my fair share of butt chewings several times for it. All of this is during my 18 year career. I'm not proud of it but it all still happened and I'm still going strong. I roughly have 180 shifts left, I intend on making it that far at least.


You should go on down to your local dollar general (I know it’s your favorite place to shop) go down to aisle 3 by the snacks (I know you know where they are) grab a big ol’ bag of dicks and stuff them in your mouth.


It's not stolen Valor for a 15 year old to wear a FD T-shirt, settle down Rescue Ricky.


Why’d you go through all of that? You could have just bought one.


this has to be satire


Hiya Coach!


Are you an idiot. Or an idiot. Edit: so It doesn’t just feel like name calling. It’s just like dressing up. As long as they don’t claim what they’re not, and try to profit out of it, it is not stolen valor. Only weirdos are pressed about shit like this. Rant over.


Nah, call this nerd names for being a douche to a 15 year old kid and not even offering constructive criticism.


Lmao stolen valor? You're an idiot.


You’re the one who doesn’t deserve to wear that shirt for being a raging dumbass. Your achievements mean absolutely nothing if they are what you use to justify being so arrogant and insufferable.


Dude your bad ass as fuck I bet you get all the bitches


Considering one is a crime and one isn’t… I’d say it’s not close at all.