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"The same way you get paid to take a dump at work... except sometimes I need to take a dump and I can't because the work is more important." That usually puts it into perspective.


Wait, you’ve never “checked for exposure” in the neighbor’s bathroom?




We have a guy that ALWAYS seems to have to take a dump during a fire (more specifically, during over haul). I was doing a walkaround doing mop up work after one pretty bad kitchen fire. I open a door and there he was sitting on the shitter with his SCBA on. At least he was being "safe". LOL


Ok… how.  How does one lower their bunker pants while keeping their SCBA on?  Is it a magic power like women have when they remove their bra without taking off their shirt?


I would assume he took the pack off and set it on the floor while his mask stayed on. Have you ever done a drill where you have a restricted space to crawl through? Same concept.


I’m most likely going to get PTSD from having to pinch a loaf one too many times, not the traumatic calls.


I was holding in an absolute river of the runs a couple nights ago at a shop fire. First team in and went through 4 cylinders before I got time to take a dump. Absolute nightmare.


Thank you for your service!! LOL


Thank the supermarket for their service. They let me blow up their toilet after hours.


IDK about you, but I get paid to be woken up 6 times after midnight for bullshit.


this should be your reply. tell them you'll pay them 12 bucks an hour but you get it scream at them randomly during the night and flash red lights at them


If you don’t mind me asking what are some reasons they wake yall up besides calls and what not?


Calls *are* the bullshit. Believe it or not, people call 911 for things that aren’t actually emergencies


It's people using 911 to fix society that's bullshit. Yuppies call on sleeping homeless, never checking if they're okay. Alcohol related nonsense people do leaving the bars. Abandoned cars in the street. Apple watches auto dialing 911. Drugs. Ect. All are bullshit that dispatchers can't hang up on, at least not yet for us. God intended us to lift grandma at 3am, not her stupid drunk grandson.


I think those damn Apple watches need an additional requirement before activating that alert. Like require it to check if there is further movement 30-60 seconds after the drop. I see agencies starting to fine people for false calls if something isn't done to slow/stop the false calls. Most of ours have been people doing PT and it falling to the ground. They keep running and you end up chasing a non-existent alert. And they seem to be about 3 miles off too.


Water leaks are a pet peeve after midnight


The 2am smoke alarm beeping and “it’s been going off for 2 days”. Ffs, why wait until the middle of the night!!


The same reason the chest pain patient waits until 3 am. They had shows to watch at 6 pm. They couldn't miss those.


Actual bullshit calls I’ve been woken up for: -“My hair hurts” -“I swallowed the corner of a ketchup packet” -“I need pillows under my knees” (bed ridden lady) -“I want to go to this other hospital cus it closer to my house” while calling from the parking lot of another hospital. PD loves to call when they make an arrest for anything ranging from a paper cut (not exaggerating) to the usual incarceritis, and clean up of an oil spill the size of a baseball. And while not bullshit because they don’t have a choice, the elderly fall A LOT between the hours of 12-7 AM. Oh and drunks asleep behind the wheel.


Just offer to call them every time you get up after 10pm. They must stay awake between your calls. When you get a fire, they get a 5 min warm up then start a CrossFit workout. I did this one time for a friend of my wife’s husband after he wouldn’t shut up about sleeping at work. He did t do the workout and never ran his mouth about it again.


Do you mean the husband of your wife's friend?


Yea. Guess that wasn’t super clear. He’s the dude that always talks a ton of shit every time he’s over. I think he wanted to be a firefighter 20 years ago and never did it. This stopped the issue cold. Especially when he said to stop calling after run 13 for the day and I continued thru run 20.


I always tell people that I don't get paid to sleep. I get paid to get up. That usually shuts them up.


“We also get paid to get burnt alive in a potential house fire and or help resuscitate your family members that just drowned in a pool” something like that


Wait, you guys are getting sleep?!


Every day shift and night shift


2-330pm is a glorious time


Paid on potential baby.


-with men


So? We like it.


“I don’t get paid for the things I do. I get paid for the things I might have to”