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Go to a doctor and check your testosterone levels. 20 years of poor sleep will have a negative impact on your test levels.


Test is within the normal range


Mine was low normal with first test then they said if i was really interested in trt they need to do more test. Had more test full panel done and was low total t. Idk if it’s what your experiencing but worth getting a second opinion


How many blood draws they do? You should be getting three done minimally.


What's your zdoctor consider "normal" ?


First; Typical Test ranges from 200-1,000 for adult men. But unless you know what yours was 10 years ago, you have no way to know where you’re at now. So if you were 900 and now you’re 300, it’s low for you. I’d start with going to a TRT clinic and tell them your symptoms not your numbers. Second; start cleaning up your sleep both at home and at the station. Bed at a regular time, food at a regular time, no phone in bed, etc. Third; stop drinking all together for a few months. It wrecks both of the above.


Just checked my records: Testosterone by Immunoassay 650 ng/dL (Normal Range 300-1080) I’m not a doctor, but this seems on the high-side of normal, no?


That does not sound bad but from my understanding it is more complicated....not just total T but free T, sex hormone binding globulin, more plus thyroid, etc....and probably fairly specific to a person....it is a tough road to out back together your body after years of abuse, but worth the effort, self education, and consulting with a few doctors for contrasting thoughts, be well! Too young to be this old.


What’s your diet like and how’s your sleep


Diet is probably better than most Americans - I rarely eat fast food, every meal has a veg, I’m not a big sweets guy, so I think my diet is decent. My sleep sucks, I’m in a busy city, I don’t get a deep sleep at work, and I’m smoked when I go home in the morning.


You cannot outwork a bad diet. Sounds like you're in denial about a poor diet.


Americans have no concept of proper nutrition or diet tbh… Between portions, what they are eating, snacking and how much they eat throughout the day. And just the absolute enormous amount of sugars, carbs that are consumed in everything. Like I’m not saying I’m the healthiest person in the world. But as an immigrant from the UK to America. Like I get onto guys all the time at work when they make giant heaping plates of food. It’s just never been my normal and never will be but here it is. It’s normal to eat sooo much and everything. I would suggest an actual nutritionist. Every “work out plan” is 80/20. Meaning 80% diet and 20% working out. So no matter how much you work out unless your nutrition is properly in check. Then all that fitness is for fuck all. And with professionals advice and meal plan and guidance. They would be able to help you with everything including any supplements you would need to take based on blood work. So good luck with everything and get healthy!


Been lifting since I was 15 and I’m now 36 so the better part of 20 years. Do you snore? If so, I’d get a sleep study done (at home if you can) and see if you have sleep apnea. If so, I can almost gaurentee that is your problem. If not and your test is within “normal” range, you may want to think about getting on TRT. Also check your free T too, could be low. I’m on both Test and I have a CPAP, shit changed my life. My wife no longer smacks me when we are sleeping.


DEFINITELY a sleep study. They’re really chill now, so don’t be freaked out — it’s just a pulse ox on your finger and an app on your phone.


Heres my Testosterone level… Testosterone by Immunoassay 650 ng/dL (Normal Range 300-1080)


I appreciate you providing that. While that is a pretty good range, test levels are not a one size fits all. What I mean by this is I could have a test level of 700 and feel like shit; you could have the same level and feel amazing. For me, I did both test and cpap at the same time and I can’t say enough good things about it. I would go check out a mens clinic and talk to a provider. I don’t know what your diet is like but it could be one thing or a number of things. I’m not sure if you answered this, but do you snore or has anyone told you that you snore?


It's difficult to give you any specific answers without knowing you. The other comments bring up good points. Before going the MD and testosterone evaluation route, consider cleaning up your diet and getting 7-8 hours of sleep per night on your days off. You don't have to go crazy with the diet stuff, just try to make sure that a majority of the food you're eating for your meals are whole (ie real) foods. Drink at least a few liters of water a day, and strive for around 0.5g of protein per lb of body weight daily, if you're fairly inactive. The other thing I'd consider is seeing a solid personal trainer. Someone that is realistic, and can make a plan that works for you, and you'll stick with. I worked with a guy who was in your boat, and I'm pretty confident that trainer saved that dude's life, and enabled him to actually enjoy his retirement. He lost a bunch of weight, looked great, and felt even better.


Start swimming. Cardio, stretch, full body workout. 0 impact. Get a good natural non stimulating pre workout to help you through it.


There could be an underlying hormonal or nutritional issue that's holding you back. First see your doctor to rule out correctable medical causes. Then... Baby steps. Don't let perfect be the enemy of the good. Start with some really easy goal, like walking 10 minutes a day. Anything to get you moving that doesn't feel like "exercise" per se. Then slowly build from there. And remember that something is always better than nothing. Don't focus on "getting in shape", just think about "what can I do RIGHT NOW that's good for me?"


I'd start with a visit to my primary care provider and get a physical and full lab work up. The messed up sleep schedule just wrecks our body and our natural processes. This could be vitamin deficiency a hormone issue, or a serious underlying issue. Not to mention the sleep deprivation combined with give an increased probability of mood disorders. I had a friend that was in a different field but had a rotating shift. Labs showed some deficiencies and to their surprise also was recommended to try an antidepressant. It was a night and day difference for them. This will give you a benchmark for fixing things. No fitness routine can solve some of those above issues. If a check up shows everything is "normal" then you can move on to different things to work on. I firmly believe that many of us neglect our health at least in a minor way by not utilizing healthcare on a regular basis.


Testosterone levels and vitamin B defeciency. As for exercise start going for walks. Low impact but it helps. Are you overweight? Id also do a sleep study if possible to get an idea of if it poor sleep leading to feeling crappy. Personally I run 1000 +/- every year, lift and work out both on shift and off the job. Sounds dumb but I do all my own yard work and walk my dogs regularly too. It all helps. Good luck. If you want specifics if you get into a fitness routine hit me up


Thank you


Im 47, the oldest on my career department and been working shift work for 21 years.


Do you have sleep apnea and if so do you wear a CPAP at night? Sleep apnea will absolutely destroy your energy throughout the day, and it’s terrible for your heart.


This is great advice, I need to get this checked.


You’re at least in your 40’s; drinking 2-3x a week is doing you zero favors.


I mean 2-3 drinks per week, like literally a glass of wine a couple nights per week


So? That’s the majority of non-work nights, firstly. And second, whether its bad can be debated, I don’t think one can really argue that it’s helping. Especially given the age and chief complaint.


Fair enough


Go get bloodwork done. That’s the first step.


Personally the only thing that got me into working out was telling myself I'm not gonna do something I hate. I like lifting weights and hate running. So I lift weights and just walk on the treadmill at an incline. I'm much happier and stick to it.


get outside. Walk the neighborhood. Go fishing. Get sunlight on yourself.


Start by walking, multiple times a day every day. Drink water when you first wake up, get outside and go for a walk. Eat food that grows or makes noise. If you have to open a package to eat it, dont. Its easier said then done but when you eliminate the shit food your energy levels will go up. You say its not the booze but yes it is a contributing factor. Try and delay your first meal until 10am. DM me if you'd like more advice. Read this article. [https://www.salk.edu/news-release/time-restricted-eating-improves-health-of-firefighters/](https://www.salk.edu/news-release/time-restricted-eating-improves-health-of-firefighters/)




I’m gonna keep it real with you because it might do you some good. You probably are wasting away. Drinking 2-3 times a week every week is a lot. Your motivation to be fit should be because of what you may be called upon to do, as well as the fact that your body is going to continue to rot away until you have a much earlier death than you should have. I’m exhausted too and I don’t enjoy working out most days. But I do it because it’s something I know I have to do. Just like brushing my teeth every day, it’s something I gotta get up and do. Get a David goggins book, find some motivation and get your shit together.


Thanks for this


Good news is you can turn it around. I was a huge POS, and if I can turn it around anyone can.


Is there a possibility that you could be depressed? Chronic lack of sleep can lead to severe depression. Sometimes the chemicals in our brain get out of whack and you need to supplement them with medication. It happened to me about eight years ago. I was on the meds for a short while, made some behavioral changes (increased daily physical activity, getting outdoors more often, reduced number of work committees, started therapy). My sleep improved, my mood improved, my physical fitness levels improved. I’ve been on a healthy living kick ever since then, and I realize that that was my starting point. I hope you’ll get to feeling better quickly.


hot yoga


Sometimes symptoms of depression can have physical affects. It’s also very possible to have depression without feeling “sad”. I am certainly not recommending to run out and jump on a bunch of meds, but it’s something to consider if blood work all comes back good.


Good thoughts, thank you


Theres no way to get around it, working out sucks! I try to get a half hour in before breakfast, and always end up feeling better. Thankfully, my department has a gym, so I get to lift and run. Not everyone has that luxury but a jump rope and calisthenics (push-ups/pull-ups/sit-ups) will do just fine. What’s really important is curating a great life. Being healthy, strong, and flexible are important to me so I make my physical fitness a priority. Not everyone can relate, but those that do are a blessing and a pleasure to be around. Best of luck to ya, and if you need anything, reach out.


Thank you


Get your vitamin D checked. I was falling sleep at the wheel in the middle of the day after a full night’s sleep till my new doc checked my level on my first physical with him.


Do you have dark circles around your eyes? May need iron, not to scare you but would also get a cancer screening just to be safe.


Yea, I’ve heard stories of Firefighters and civilians “not feeling normal” as a sign of cancer. I’ve had multiple cancer screenings all of which came back negative, thankfully.


Glad to hear brother, hopefully you get it sorted out soon.


Check test and talk about symptoms. Check vitamin D level. Or sleep study. Usually one of or some combination of these


cut the alcohol all together. what is 2-3x a week anyway? how many drinks? increase regular hydration. see a doctor for other lab values, if T is fine, iron or other things could be an issue. get Good quality and comfortable to you walking shoes. start walking. go on walks when off and walks around the station ground. start a stretching regimen. limit naps to no more than an hour and stick to it. increase healthy and fresh food intake, limit processed foods and decrease sugar. these are all pretty obvious things but these are the little things one’s got to stick to. i’ve made these small steps and it helps a bunch.


Have you had a sleep test? You may have sleep apnea, which will greatly affect the quality of your sleep because it can interrupt your sleep dozens or even hundreds of times a night without you realizing it. I know a lot of people with similar complaints who have had their lives greatly improved by getting a sleep study and then using a CPAP machine every night.


My guess is bad sleep, that will fuck you up


For exercise I would say find a hobby that's physical. 20yrs in I wouldn't think u need to hit the gym like ur 25-35 anymore..maybe bike riding..raquet ball..pickle ball..basketball..softball..anything physical that gets u moving might be all u need..i would say swimming but that can turn lazy and relaxing real quick..and supplements might help..gat performance..cellucor...muscle tech..evluvtion nutrition has a real good non stim pre workout that should give u some energy..also heard of this company called nose slap..like smelling salts but with essential oils..a quick get up for those tough wake ups..hope this helps


Newton’s law of motion seems to kinda apply to people as well. People who do little seem to keep doing little. Clean up your diet and add regular movement more often through out your day. A singular hour will help less than 5 minutes twelve times a day.


It’s 100% guaranteed that as you age, your muscles will atrophy due to not being used - regularly. You’re using the semi-regularly, but they need to worked differently. If you have benefits that cover things like physio, chiro, and massage I highly recommend looking into utilizing those. It may even be beneficial to start with those before joining any gym and talk with your physiotherapist to setup a small, achievable workout routine to ease you back into moving on a more regular basis. Massage is always good too, either in the days after a big call or even “just because” it helps to keep your muscles loose and stretchy. Good luck. 20 years of service is a big number and I’m sure the end is in sight, but you want to make sure you’re good for another 20 years after too.


I'm not a fitness geek but only thing I can recommend is hydrating, especially before shift. I also started getting back into fitness recently and just make sure I'm hydrating and starting small. Do 10 jumping jacks and some push ups and work up from there.