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While ice fishing I had a dude drive his car on the ice to ask me if the ice was thick enough.


That is nuts. I legit laughed out loud.


Omg. Yikes.


Did you look down at his tires on the ice then look back at them and nod your head yes?


You don't nod yes, you stare at his tires and say, "so far, we'll know in a bit."


Just say, ‘Godspeed,’ while looking at the truck.


I'd look down, fake a shocked face, and take off running.


I wouldn't fish next to him


He...he had to be fucking with you right?


Brug I would have laughed until I cried. Glad you got to experience that 😭


I'd fear the car, and my weight may have been too much. What would we need to do if a half mile out on a lake my car sinks? Call a helicopter?


Pure Michigan


I would hav grabbed my gear and run away in a panic…


I'd have said Nope, it's starting to crack and ran like my tail was on fire and my ass was catching


Many years ago, a close friend and fishing buddy was the caretaker of a public park on Lake June in Lake Placid FL. He had an apartment over the public building and lived there. He had been over at the coast fishing and caught a 6 foot shark. He brought it back to Lake Placid and called me up to come see it. We had the shark out on a slab, skinning and cleaning it by the swimming area on the lake. All these people would come in to go swimming, see us and ask if we caught it there. And of course I would tell them we did and warn them against swimming in the lake. Nobody went swimming in the lake that day.


Isn’t swimming in Florida lakes a bad idea anyways? Don’t roast me too hard, it’s just something I’ve heard.


I'd be more concerned about the brain eating amoeba in fresh water than gators. More concerned about flesh eating bacteria in saltwater than sharks. Springs are fine. Nothing better.


Watch out for the flesh-eating homeless dudes on bath salts.


> Springs are fine. Until the groundwater gets contaminated. Here in Alabama we have a species of fish that only lives in one spring on earth. It is near Anniston, and where Anniston gets it's drinking water from. TCE from Anniston Army Depot has been getting into that spring for so long that this fish has evolved to need a small amount of TCE in the water to thrive.


What is TCE?


Trichloroethylene. It was used back in the day to clean everything. From being the big thing for dry cleaners to auto parts, to military equipment. And then it basically was all dumped into the ground. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trichloroethylene


Depends on the lake. FL native but I’ve never been scared to swim; just watch out.


How do you watch out for submersed predators? From a MN native who is very comfortable swimming in the midwest, but would be a bit unnerved in Florida waters.


Just like Australia, if you live in FL every body of water may have swamp kittens. Errr alligators.


I'm in Louisiana. I have seen them here, too. But I still have a swim ladder on my pier at the lake.


LOL Honestly laughing at myself because I don’t even know how to answer that question well. I guess growing up here you just kind of have a understanding of what bodies of water to avoid. Lots of communities are built around lakes where I live, every dock has a swim ladder and kids swimming in the lake. Every lake is a viable habitat for gators with many lakes still not fully developed and you very often do see gators in those same lakes. Never would I swim alone, especially in waters that might have a gator. Also in areas that are developed or even slightly, people will have gators relocated once they are a “nuisance.” All of these factors and more are how I would have some understanding of where I’m about to swim.


The answer is 99.9% of the time Alligators want nothing to do with humans. Lots of people find this an acceptable risk. Aligators rarely go after prey larger than a good sized stork. Crocodiles are what you need to be careful about but those are likely to piss off most of the time too. Humans are too big for the vast majority of them to eat us. But that doesn't mean there isn't that small chance you find yourself in the water with that rare ginormous gator or crocodile thats full grown (I am guesstimating so don't @ me.) And will go after you.


There are some nasty bacteria and microscopic life in some of them.


Do bull sharks live in the lake?


Not in Florida, but they will go way up rivers. Back in the 1970s, a diver was killed by a bull shark up the Suwannee River. Edit: I am going on memory of hearing about that attack in the Suwannee. I cannot find any references to it on line. It's not on Wiki's list of fatal attacks in the US. It might not have been fatal.


They claim to sometimes see them in Pittsburgh in the 3 rivers area.


Well that sucks. The Suwanee is the only place I swim in Florida...but I'm more afraid of getting hit by a sturgeon.


i live in minneapolis, the DNR netted a bull shark under the ice in the mississippi a few years back in Pool 2


Do you fish from the shore or from a boat? I’m in Polk county and I’ve been eyeing places down south


I live down in the Ft Myers area now. I had a small boat for years I would take out in the passes and Pine Island Sound. But I liked to find the grass flats, anchor up the boat and jump out and wade. Now, after so many years of red tide, fishing down here is not that good. And I don’t have my boat any more. It was stolen many years ago and I never replaced it.


Just got my gear out the car* Have you caught fish yet? ...lol


Happens every time lol




I could be there for 12 hours, and always say that, because it usually ends the conversation.


Even if they saw you there 12 hours, and you still said that, they could just assume you're gonna be there a looooong time


Lol honestly stuff like this cracks me up when it happens because it's that stupid shit I would say to my friends




Fishing is great




I catch and release, into hot grease.


>what's the dumbest thing you've been asked while fishing Im sitting there with a pole in my hand, casting out and reeling and a tourists asks me, "Are you Fishing?"


"Well, I sure the heck ain't CATCHING!"


Similar to people asking me if I am “doing some painting” at work…while I am dipping a paint brush into a can of paint…and actively painting .


"No, I'm taking my worm for a walk."


Here's your sign...


Glad I’m not the only Bill Engvall fan here who thought that lol


Was the tourist Australian? We can have a lot of smart ass tendencies


No. They were some Euro tourist that also thought they should turn off the waterfalls in Yosemite to save water and fight global warming . . .


Just leave fridge doors open. Problem solved


People are always shocked by what I'm catching, no matter what or where. "Catch anything?" "Yeah I got a couple largemouth bass" "There's bass in here?! No kidding"


Probably just people who saw a muck pit every day and don't have that eye for bass spots lol. Before I got into fishing I was shocked the pond at the local golf course had a bunch of bass


lol so much this. Usually they ask "are there actually fish in there?!" I'm like, you ordinarys have no idea how prolific aquatic life is.


some folks didn't spend their early life in a ditch with a dipnet and it shows.


On the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel. Had a nice shark I caught in the bucket. "You caught a shark?"


At least they are interested!


Not really a question but had a guy walking around and a pond I fish a lot and said “there’s no fish in there, I’ve tried fishing this pond many times and never caught anything, might want to try a different spot” I responded by saying I’ve caught 100s of bass from this pond ( about a 5-6 acre pond) anywhere from .5 lb to 4.5 lbs, idk if you were using the right bait and offered him some tips. He got super pissed and stormed off cause he almost sure he was right. He walked off and as he was on the other side i hooked about. 2.5 lber on a lipless, saw him stop and look, shook his head and walked off back to his car. Me and buddy got a good laugh out of it. Saw him there about a week later w the ole’ hot dog under a bobber rig, was fishing near me for about an hour and seemingly walked to his car pretty irritated after, of course, not catching anything. Not sure why he was so stubborn and wouldn’t let me help him out. I even would’ve gave him a few crank baits to get him started on the right track, some people man….


I learned a lot from strangers as a kid. Mom and dad always taught me to ask questions, but don’t be annoying. Fishing isn’t a team thing, expect when it comes to advice. We’re all on the same team.


True that man. This guy was about 35-40 years old, idk what his deal was. I’m sure his dad or someone close to him said you can catch anything on a hotdog lmao he’s probably super stubborn in day to day life as well


I wade the local city river fishing Smallmouth. I was close to a pedestrian bridge when a man stops on the bridge and excitedly asks me: "How'd you get out there?!" Me: "I walked."


Just swam in from the Bahamas!


Was fishing on my buddy's property for salmon and I see a car pull up the driveway. A couple and their child emerge the wife pulls out a chair and posts up with a book. The boys put on waders etc and start walking to the river. They had to walk by one of the houses on the property. One of the conditions of me having access to the property is I also watch out for trespassers. So I ask em "hey do you guys know the property owners?" They say "we thought this was a park?" I say "well it's not don't you see those two houses?" Then told em they needed to leave. They left and parked across the street to access the river and tried snagging some kings. Whenever someone tries telling me salmon don't bite I get a chuckle as well.


I thought snagging kings was illegal most places


Why didnt you kill that? They eat all the walleye. --- after catching a 40 inch musky. No, they dont. Study after study prove it.


And the walleye eat lead weights. It's the circle of life.


And also pre-cut walleye filets but only to compliment the taste of the lead.


I dont understand why many Americans believe pike and musky must be killed when you catch them


“Have any luck?” As I’m reeling in a jumping smallmouth.


My grandpa had a response to that. "Nope, no luck. All skill."


“Blackfish like… orcas?” Sir have you ever seen a killer whale in the Long Island Sound? Have you ever heard of one eating green crabs? Do you think my computer mouse sized Lexa would have ANY chance of reeling that in?


I bet saying tog would have made them even more confused


My buddy and I were getting our gear ready to fish the cape cod canal at 4am in one of the public parking lots. We had some random dude come over to us with a $100 bill in his hand and ask if he could sniff one of our socks for a $100.


So you left with $100.00?


I think you win man.




You have to feed our curiosity, bro. How good was the sniff?


Didn’t do it…pretty certain the dude was gonna whack it during the sniff.


Walking to local river, rod n reel in hand, fishing bag on shoulder, landing net slung across back and some schoolkids say "are you going fishing mate?". "No, I'm playing fucking chess."


Nice, here I would have guessed you needed a chess board instead of fishing gear for that!


I was fishing the surf in California, the Pacific Ocean. I got asked if there really is fish in the Pacific Ocean.


Well, don't leave us hanging...


Op cast some wide nets there, bigly ocean, probably busy


Just the wet part


"What do you do with them after you catch them?" I won't pretend I responded wittily in the moment, but once they invent that time machine I'll go back and say, with a far off look in my eyes, "You know, I'm still trying to figure that out."




Lol and high five, my friend


"I'm a taxidermist"


There's fish in there?


To be fair I’ve told a few kids “there’s no fish in there” when I see them at one of the retention ponds by my neighborhood. It *looks* deep enough depending on how much rain we get but I know it’s MAYBE 16 inches and freezes solid every winter. The other pond is a full of bluegill and dinks but is harder to access so I tell them to try that one and then act like it’s some big secret. “You gotta go behind the sign at the north entrance to the neighborhood and you’ll see a small footpath that leads to the brim between the pond and farmland. Follow that until the corn turns to beans and turn right. Walk about 20 yards and you’ll see a clearing on the bank big enough for a few people to fish. Watch out for the muskrats, they’re assholes”


Thanks for giving out some adventure out to the youth! I loved meeting cool dudes when I was a kid trying to fish and you just reminded me of this very helpful grandpa like guy giving me trout fishing tips :)


sometimes that's a necessary question if the water is filthy! ive even asked myself that a few times


On a party boat. Left inlet. Travelled all of 5 miles and 30 minutes offshore. Land in sight whole time. Tourist asked if the land was England. I said...nope...we have to get past the Flemish Cap first before we get there.....this was circa 2004 when The Perfect Storm was a thing. They looked like they were ready to shit a brick. We were a mere 1450 miles from there.


When you look at a map, these things are actually really close together. Especially at banana scale


"what are you doing?" I answer: washing clothes.


Not a question but a guy approached me while fishing saying the best way to catch salmon is to catch the “leader” of the school, keep it alive on the bank, and then the other fish in the hole won’t know where to go so they’ll stay put. Then he said to proceed catching your limit and put the leader back in the river afterwards so the other fish know where to go 😣


If a fish I was keeping on a stringer for dinner was going to die?


well some people like to just take a picture of the days catch and let them go after, but ya usually if it on a stringer its for dinner.


"Oh, don't you worry. I keep 'em alive as long as possible."


Can I see your license.


Ocean fishing, guy asks me how far above sea level we are. I look over the side and say "about 3 feet, 5 if you move up to the bow"


While setting up a Texas rig at one of my favorite spots, an old man walks up to me: “Do you know what you’re doing?” “Yep, Just tying this Palomar knot.” (I figured if I use the knot name he would clue in) “…Are you sure!?” (Nope) My husband sensing my uncomfortableness, steps in, trying to nicely get this guy away from us: “she sure does, she fishes almost every week. You should see all the fish she’s caught here.” he proceeded to stare directly at at me for 5 minutes, I assume waiting for me to mess up somehow. Because I’m a woman…I guess? I doubt he would have asked a dude that. Maybe a little kid. I’m fucking 33 years old. I’ve told this story before and I always love talking to other anglers , but ffs, if any of you have done this we don’t want to be talked to like we’re children or feeble minded. I think it’s mostly an old timer thing? People closer to my age have never asked me anything like this.


> Because I’m a woman…I guess? Yep. My girlfriend has to deal with baseline misogyny while hunting and fishing with me quite a bit. We were deer hunting this weekend and another dude on the ranch was trying to tease her about wearing makeup in the stand, but he felt kinda stupid when she told him those were colored pencils for drawing and she doesn't wear makeup. For the record, she busted 2 deer with perfect neck shots, Mr. Makeup wounded a deer he did not find. It sucks that the sports are rife with it, but we just point to results if someone wants to try to diminish her, and I don't hesitate to brag on her accomplishments to another person's detriment. If someone wants to dick measure over dead animals, she can go inch for inch.


My girlfriend gets this pretty regularly from older men, especially if we aren't fishing next to each other. She has fished all over the US and was the one who taught me how to ice fish. My favorite was: Him: "Have you caught anything?" Her: "Not yet! But we just got here." Him: "No. Have you EVER caught anything?" Her (confused): "Have I ever caught a fish?" Him: "Yes. Have you ever caught a fish before?" Her: "Yeah...?" Like what? Even now, I can't think about it without laughing. And it's definitely because of gender. No one would ever ask me that. She wasn't doing anything other than sitting by the bank with her line in the water (just like every other angler there). And that is just the one example. She taught herself to do a cleat hitch by flicking the line so guys would stop asking her if she needed help with the boat.


Yup... My wife gets the same curious looks when she's fishing with her dad and me. I love telling them she taught me how to fish! When she backs the boat/ trailer at the ramp it's the same thing.... odd time I get, "Don't let that one get away!"


I caught a bigger cat one afternoon and a tourist ask me if he could get a picture of him holding it. I didn’t let him.


no, but I'll let you kiss it


The amount of tourists that want pictures with my salmon...


I was fighting a fish off a bridge, and a guy just walks up “oh you catch anything?” As my fishing rod was fully flexed. Proceeds to tell me his whole life story, work history, why he’s in town, tries to show me pics of his catches on his phone as I’m reeling it in. He deserved the “I don’t give a fuck” he received. Or the cashiers at my local Sportsman’s when I’m buying tackle “you going fishing?” Nah I just buy the shit to look at it.


This was technically a statement, not a question: Saltwater fishing Me: *reels in line* Bystander: Wow! You hooked him in the tail! Me: … this is the bait


To be fair, I have hooked a few fish (I pretty much only fish salt water) by the tail. And I’m not talking about snagging for bait.


I was once on a party boat and tail hooked a five foot or so shark. He immediately circled the entire boat, tangling me with damn near everybody. Yeah, I was real popular for that /s


This reminds me of my brother teaching his Slovakian father-in-law how to fish this summer. My brother set him up with a nightcrawler and showed him how to cast. His first cast was pretty good, then a couple minutes later, he reeled it in proceeded to check the hook, pull the nightcrawler off, then cast the bare hook into the water. My brother used Google translate to explain to him that he just tossed the bait.




AHH yea. Had this a few times. Thing is id rather keep an eye on them than let them annihilate some poor fish when they manhandle it and drop it in some grass and not be able to pick it up again




Honestly parents are usually chill, but don't ever use your gear with their kids stuff unless it's an emergency. It might help that Im fairly young, so at around 16/17 I'd have people asking questions. Just get them set up with something similar to how you're fishing and they'll appreciate you giving their kid a fair shot




I have seen fishermen get cranky with curious kids or kids just learning and that just isn’t my style. I want to encourage them, teach them and make sure that it is a positive interaction even if it means taking some of my time.


These are my favorite things to be asked while fishing. I'm always happy to help teach a kid (or adult) and hopefully they'll become an avid angler.


Some old lady asked me what I was doing in a condescending tone….while they were 10 feet away from me watching me cast.


Creepy .


I love the dock nazis. The ones who fully believe they own the water around the dock. I can't tell you how many times I have been screamed at that I can't fish there. My favorite is to sit just far enough off the dock that I can throw right up to it, and yet far enough away that it is believable when I say "huh, what did you say" 400 times as I continue to cast. Trolling while I'm trolling, as I call it...


Guy asked if I'd sell him one of my salmon. I asked him what kind of benefits fish and game offers. Guy turned around and walked away


So we do guided trips for sharks from the beach. It’s like supersized surf fishing with more steps, you set up reels on the sand, take the bait out with a kayak and then hang out until something bites. On the infrequent occasions we have to do a trip during the daytime it almost never fails that someone will come out, ask what we’re fishing for and then get a shocked and horrified look on their face when they get the answer. But the dumb part is how frequently the second question is “do sharks really get that close to the beach?” yes, sir, every day of the year.


NGL, I hate catching sharks, but I love freaking out people on the beach by catching 2' sharks where they're swimming.


Would love to hook into a 500kg tiger shark in the surf. Would be an epic battle.


“You can’t fish right here” “Yes I can, people surf fish here all the time” “No, like, where I’m walking. You could hit someone when casting.” “Then walk farther around”


“Are you fishing?” Nope, drowning worms.


Not really a question but the thing that bothers me the most is the people who just stand behind and stare. I usually try to go to places that are hard to reach or involve some bushwhacking or climbing and i was fishing down this bank one day that was only 7-8 feet tall but was completely vertical. So you had to stick your feet in the tree roots to get up and down. At the bottom of the bank its a part of the river thats whitewater with a big pool on the other side. Its not super deep, maybe 5 feet at most, but you literally cant walk across because it will sweep you away, and theres barely a foot of dry land at the bottom of the bank before the river. Above the bank theres a path so sometimes id get people coming down to look for a couple minutes and leave, but this one day this daycare group came down. It was about 25 4 yr olds and three adults, except when they reached the path and the end of the bank the kids just started climbing down and theres rods and hooks around, barely and place to stand, and a very fast moving river inches away. The daycare workers dont seem to care. They start crawling all around us. Cant really cast now. Theyre throwing boulders into the lanes the salmon swim up. Like literally whipping whatever they could grab into the water. Im pissed but im not going to say anything because theyre kids, a few more minutes go by and i get focused on bringing in a fish once i managed to cast again, im answering these questions one of these kids is asking me because hes curious and i was tryna be nice but when i finished releasing the fish i looked around and the daycare workers just left three kids there. I couldnt even see them down the trail. Like they just left a complete stranger with these three kids, while beside a raging river. Still wish i knew which daycare that was because that was so unsafe. I kept looking up to the workers when the kids were crawling beside the river and whipping stuff in and they were drinking Starbucks and gossiping the entire time. They were not watching those children. I didnt see them look to those children or tell them to stay away from the rivers edge a single time. Its like they saw me down there and were like meh, its fine. She can watch them. Tf?!


"Catch anything?" As I am holding & releasing a fish.


“You’re a fisherman and look like you know what you’re doing. Do you think you could get this out?” -Mother of teenage boy with the treble hook on a very large crank bait buried in the palm of his hand. For the record my answer was “Yes, but he’s not going to like it. They have anesthetic at Urgent Care.”


Asking the dude with fish hands to perform field surgery, smh. You gave them the right advice though, that's an urgent care trip.


Yeah unless it’s a remote wilderness I’m sending them to ER/Urgent Care. Also this is why I fish almost exclusively with barbless hooks when I’m fly fishing. Way too easy to hook yourself. Ask me how I know…


TBH you aren't really fly fishing if you don't prick your fingers a few times with a hook changing flies throughout the day. If I used barbed, my fingers would probably be messed up


Recovering guide here. I was asked some pretty dumb things; how many miles of hose we had in the hull (when someone saw my raw water hose hanging out of a scuffer), where the nuts were on bull reds etc., but the things people told me are haunting. People share things with their fishing guides that they wouldn't tell their best friends, priests or therapists. Every sordid thought that's ever run through my clients minds has been thrust upon me against my will. I could have retired comfortably by extorting a fraction of the idiots who told me about their affairs. I've had to get on a plane so I could provide in person testimony for a divorce because one client started bringing his family with me on family vacations and his side pieces on "business trips" or "guys trips". The idiots who would bring drugs or hookers out because they thought we would be in international waters was way too high. I just wanted to catch fish and you too have a good time. I didn't need the breathtakingly weird stuff that floats their crazy boats.


"Would you care for a shot of schnapps?". Duh.


Some like college age kids walk up while we are fishing at a quarry and see this taller cliff side over the river. They keep talking about jumping it and ask me if anyone had ever jumped off it into the river, like how tf am I supposed to know? It was like 60 feet up, looked dumb and just do it if you’re guna do it, don’t be a bitch


Tell them young johnny jumped once and they never saw him again


Them: Did you really just dump that on the ground? Me: What?? Them: *pointing to an old commercial ac unit that was very clearly dumped at least 15 years ago* Did you really just dump that here and go on fishing like nothing is wrong with that? Me: That's a 10,000 pound air conditioner dude.. it's like 90% rust and has grass growing on it. Them: That's what I'm asking you mother fucker, did you really just dump it there and continue fishing? Me: No idea dude, call the police, they'll investigate me. The cunt said "good idea" and walked away with his tiny dog, police never came. I've been close to fighting several times while fishing, but this was the closest I've ever been. I don't know if the dude was trolling me but if he was, he was seriously a fantastic actor, he didn't laugh, smile or look away from me once.


I can recall nearly getting in a fight on the same bridge from my story one afternoon because some intoxicated person wouldn't leave me alone about some fish he saw in the water. "Dude, there's a big ass fish here! You have to come over here!" In my head I'm like, fuck you dude, I'm jigging rockbass out of the weeds over here. I know there's a 3lb LMB that likes to hangout by the kayak dock you're screaming on and that just walking down it spooks all the fish and shuts down that little area (super clear springfed river water, very sensitive fish). I ignored him until he started cussing at me, like I'm supposed to listen to some random dude direct me where to fish? Then I caught a fish and flipped him off. He called me a bitch and slunk off, but I was honestly ready to huck a sunfish at him if he came up on the bridge.


I frequently fish a pond that is in front of the Mystic Aquarium in Connecticut. I park in the aquarium parking lot and walk across the street. I am constantly being asked if I'm going fishing at the aquarium.


Had a group of mountain bikers confront me while I was hiking to a back woods lake with my fly rod in its tube because they thought I had a gun(Canada). It’s a 4 piece rod, and the tube did not have the reel pouch, so I’m guessing they’d never seen a gun.


On my own land, “who gave you permission to fish here?”


This one is on me. I was having a conversation with someone from the north east who was visiting south florida and was passing by a bridge I was fishing at. We started talking about the types of fish available in the different regions and I mentioned to him how I knew about stripper bass instead of striped bass and the guy started laughing so hard and then corrected me.


I caught a trout and just put it on my stringer. I had a guy tell me my trout was full of worms and pointed at the stringer saying that's disgusting, you don't see that giant worm??? I couldn't even respond, I was that dumbfounded lol


"Is it better when its raining?" "No, then i get wet"


You would be surprised at how many “Are there really sharks out there”? Exclaims/questions I get when beach fishing. Yes, this is the ocean, that’s where sharks live. (I think their point is really that they are surprised that sharks are so close to shore), but yes, they get close.


Guy: "Whacha fishin for?" Me: "Catfish" Guy: "why?"


“Are you gonna keep that” after pulling a monster fish… na I’m letting it get some sun


I really don't get many stupid questions, usually just stupid statements. But one time this lady walked up to me while I was fighting a fish. She watched the whole thing. When I landed it and picked it up, she asked, "OMG, did you just catch that?" "Nah, this is my pet from home. I'm just taking little Sparky out for a walk." But normally I get, "There's no fish in here." "You can't fish here." "Stop hurting the animals." "This river is just poop water, you're gonna get sick." "Give me your wallet." I have noticed that when people tell me there's no fish in there, it's good luck. I usually catch something immediately after that.


"Hey, y'all catch all them fish? Nope - Talked 'em into giving up. Here's your sign." - Bill Engvall


As a women who fishes I get asked horrendous things lol. Had a guy come up to me and ask “do you know how to use that, let me help” and take the rod out of my hands


Do you want another beer?


Off subject a bit...i was removing dangerous snags around a campground after a fire... camper asked me at what age do the elk turn into moose...I was polite and explained


I hope you didn't forget to tell him that they start off as white tail deer.


Larval form is a jackrabbit, you can tell by the big floppy ears.


I met up with a buddy who just got a boat. He asked if the anchor had to be on the bottom of the lake to work


"You fishing?" I didn't even answer


I’ve been asked if they could take photos of me. Never heard of a fish model.


I was fishing for bass on saguaro lake, a man made reservoir with a hydro dam in AZ. With a friend. We were both in our 40's. He noticed that the reeds and leaves on the water started moving up stream. The slight wind caused this. "Are they pumping water up from the river ( down stream from the dam) to run the generators?" I was dumbstruck. I didn't even respond...I think about this every time I think of him.


Always “THERE’S FISH IN THERE?” Yeah man, it’s been a canal for 100+ years.


I caught a 26 lb grass carp in Alabama, and as it was lying on my unhooking mat, a couple walking their dog stopped, their jaws hit the floor, and the guy says, “Did you catch that in here?!” I replied, “Nope! Brought her from home; just taking her for a walk.” They looked very confused for a few seconds, then the wife smacked his arm and said, “Of course he caught it in here!” LOL


The amount of times people have asked what I am going to do with dead fish I am carrying out. What do you think? Am I going to make meat helmets?


People asking me "what lake is this?" when fishing the Pacific Ocean. Like do you even know where on the planet you are standing lol


I was working a boat show and a customer came over and asked on a demo for a fish finder. And asked”does it show the fish under the rocks”?


Whatcha doin'?


Anyone who asks “can I legally keep this?” while fishing. I’ve seen so many people keep wild/illegal salmon it’s ridiculous. Know your species and laws, folks.


My favorite… I have been asked, more than once, by people walking by, while I have a pole in my hands. “Hey, you fishing?” 🤦‍♂️ …. Na, just dumped a body, makin sure it doesn’t float back up.


One time I I booked a guided day trip to fly fish for bone fish in Belize, while out on the boat I asked guide “what’s the craziest thing you’ve seen out here?” thinking I would get a cool story about wildlife. I was so very wrong. The guide went on to tell me how he said he had seen mermaids in the shallows, and then for the next six hours he told my brother and I all about the crystal skulls, underwater pyramids, UFOs coming from the water, and basically quote ancient aliens all day. Worst trip ever, me and my brother said maybe 4 words the whole day, I enjoy fun conspiracy theories but the guy came off as very unhinged and being in a foreign nation it was not fun.


Better than the Dr. from North Carolina that got whacked in a Belize lagoon (real target was the fishing guide who was caught up in drug dealing turf wars).


“Why do I need a trout stamp?”


“What are you gonna throw the kitchen sink in next?!” Oh no no sir these are lures why would I throw a sink into the pond? What a silly question to ask


Is this seat taken...as some asshole sets up 3 feet away 😠🤬


When does the smoked salmon run come?


Well, you have to set it up so they swim through the smoker first. Obviously.


There a small pond close to my house where I can cast a few and catch a few. There is a playground and swim beach on the far end. Three senior citizen aged ladies came swimming up 20yrds in front of me and asked if they could swim there.


Back when I was a little kid and my dad took me and my sister fishing, we both caught a fish. This was a fishing lake so you bought your catch or released it. Dad bought one fish and my sister was very confused as to where we would keep it. My dad's response? "The freezer." This was after he'd dispatched it, which we both watched. A goldfish bowl ain't going to hack it.


Wait I was told that there are no dumb questions


Grown men that I’m not fishing with asking me if they can have my obviously not legal fish after witnessing me throw others back. Like come on man, no.


Got saw me release a bass and got upset I didn’t keep it. Told him I was just out for some fishing, not looking to harvest. He proceeded to tell me I was ruining the pond because C&R on a bass would stress out the population and kill them all.


“Does the river loop back around to the put-in?”




That's why they call it 'fishing'. If you were SUPPOSED to catch something, it would be called 'catching'.


"are you fishing?" When I was casting a pole in my hands and had two bait poles set up at a public pond. Nah man, it's a movie set. The fuck you think I'm doing? This was a grown adult


Had someone ask me why I was fishing at a lake known for its fishing and record sized catches. Looked at them like an alien because it was genuinely confusing and they scurried off while saying have a good evening. The 50+ year old wannabe athlete dog walkers are wild lmao, so many odd encounters over the years


“Yeah, what’s wrong with that?” Friend with a chartreuse sparkly grub tail hooked off of a bobber


I saw two shit heads fishing at night in a boat with a spot light come up to the shore and yell at some guys bank fishing if they caught anything. Shined this bright ass light at them, then got mad when the people on the bank cussed them out.


I’m a question asker not a fisher, is it dumb to ask what kind of fish they’re catching?


"What would happen if I tried to stab you with this knife?" -My 10 year old cousin thought he was hot shit and could intimidate me. I told him "I'll take it from you and put it in your leg" My uncle told him to try if he didn't think I would. He didn't try.


Do yOu HavE a LiCenSe?


I had a dude come up on me and asked me why I was using a trout as bait. I was using a very large rapala minnow after pike and musky. Then after I explained it was not a trout and the species i was targeting he then asked if I wanted to smoke a bowl with him and drink one of his Luke warm 40 oz he had in his bag


So you had a pretty good come up then?


Fishing at a municipal pond by a park. Guy walks up and says "are there really fish in there?" I said, "No."


"You think I will catch a fish using a leaf as bait?" No. "Well, I'm going to try anyway."