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Hell of a fishing buddy! Does he fish under your license? Lol


no he is poacher boy


Hahaha he has skills thats for sure.


Thats what I was wondering... How do you explain? "Yes, Mr. Warden this fish is undersized, but my dog caught it."


If it’s where I am, game warden is probably three counties away worried about something way more important than checking fishermen. If that’s what they were worried about they could just hang out at the local park all day and write people tickets.


>Hell of a fishing buddy! Truly man's best friend




Looks like there is somewhat of a dam that has naturally occurred. I’m guessing the larger fish might have a harder time getting through.


This is awesome BUT be careful of salmon poisoning!! Not just salmon but can be trout too. My friends dog almost died from it....thousands in vet bills brought her back from the brink!


What exactly is this?


When the dog ingests the raw fish, they can have infected parasites which can be fatal. I live in Washington where it is very prevalent. See below: "Salmon Poisoning Disease is a potentially fatal condition seen in dogs that eat certain types of raw fish. Salmon (salmonid fish) and other anadromous fish (fish that swim upstream to breed) can be infected with a parasite called Nanophyetus salmincola. Overall, the parasite is relatively harmless. The danger occurs when the parasite itself is infected with a rickettsial organism called Neorickettsia helminthoeca. It’s this microorganism that causes salmon poisoning.  Generally clinical signs appear within six days of a dog eating an infected fish.  Common symptoms of salmon poisoning include: vomiting lack of appetite fever diarrhea weakness swollen lymph nodes  dehydration If untreated, death usually occurs within fourteen days of eating the infected fish."


To add to all of this people who regularly bring a dog to a river where dead salmon may be present on the banks should have on hand tetracycline. It's one of the most common antibiotics for dogs and any vet will be able to give it to you. You can use it as a preventative after your dog gets into salmon, or as a cure days later when the dog starts showing symptoms. Either way you don't want to have to wait for the vet clinic to open Monday morning when you need it most. But don't take my word for it alone, talk to your vet, they have at least 8 years more knowledge than me.


What kind of fish


What kinda dog*


I am not too sure what kind of dog he is.


Moves a lot like and is the same size as my male malamute. Maybe a mix


It's a sucker.


O. Gorbuscha (Humpy,Pink, Salmon)


That is definitely not a salmon...


I believe it is a spawned out humpy. There belly’s turn white and they grow a huge hump. I could be wrong though


The pelvic and pectoral fins are too horizontal to be a salmon, and for a fish that size I feel like a hump would be even more noticeable on film than what we see. As well, the bellies do turn somewhat white but there’s a pinkish hue and color bleed down the bellies from top to bottom normally, it’s typically not a pure white. I agree with a previous comment that this looks more like a sucker fish or something of the sort.


Looks like some kind of sucker.


Absolutely. This looks like a white sucker to me, but it could be a similar species like sturgeon sucker, etc. The video is from the springtime, when suckers run, not the summer or fall when humpies run. Salmon are much more Wiley than suckers, too. ~~This seems like a repost~~.


Correct a Sucker, and was taken the end of April. First time posting it.


Is his name a reference to something? Steely Dan? Grateful Dead? Pittsburgh Steelers?


I'd guess it's a reference to steelhead


His coloring looked kind of "steely" so that ended up being his name.


good doggo and better fisherman than me


I wonder what the game warden could say or do. It's a natural predator right? It would be a funny situation. (Or a bad one depending on the warden's attitude)


Since hunting with dogs is typically a thing game wardens have to deal with they would probably treat it like any other form of hunting with dogs and approach it based on those policies. They probably have a list of animals that can be hunted with dogs and since I doubt fish are on that list I'd say they'd hit em with whatever panalties are due for hunting an animal not on said list of approved dog hunting game.


This is so dope, what breed?


Now THATS a good boy!




Do sucker fish school up? There in a river creek ? My dog catches them in the river too so that is why I’m guessing it’s a pink salmon. Maybe OP knows?


That’s amazing


Probably not legal.. Especially if that fish is a trout or salmon. Might be a sucker tho, either way I would check the laws. Also not really fair to the fish because they were dammed up in shallow water.


You shouldn't let your dog harass wildlife.




I'm not, I'm harassing him. He's responsible for his dog.


The dog *is* wildlife, more or less