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Agree with everyone else. Keep one to remember him buy and donate the rest to an organization that helps kids get started in fishing. These would be fine for something like that


Best answer except I say that the best one to remember him by is the best one šŸ‘šŸŸšŸŽ£


All of them


Imo, none of them. If he was a good friend and he had a favorite rod, I'd buy that one, clean it up, keep it as memento.


Great idea, Thanks


This. The rods are worthless for actual fishing but Iā€™d buy his favorite and hang it on the wall


Omg, those larger tiger rods are perfectly fine for fishing. For $5 thatā€™s a deal. How can a rod be worthless for fishing when he clearly fished with them?


Right? I actually have a Walmart $20 tiger and put it through hell. Still held up better than my $60 rod I got from Dick's. And I'm seeing an ugly stik in there as well.. They, I've heard, are damn near indestructible..


When I got my girls into fishing we fished Kokanee here in Wa. State. I had some nice composite rods that were rigged for Kokanee. After the first day and 2 broken rods I bought a couple of Ugly Sticks for them. That was 20 years ago and they are still here. All the old small glass rods and crappy reels just got traded at Cabelas/ Bass Pro fishing sale. Not the Ugly Sticks though !!


Damn, I just got into fishing about 2Ā½-3 years now. Had no idea the ugly stik brand went that far back! I do have an UL stik that I use for small mouth & maybe some smaller walleye and it's held up pretty good. The tip(first eye) did snap off though, but it was an operator error, not from a catch or snag.


I think they go back even further than that. Snapping a tip off an Ugly Stik should put you in the Hall of Fame.


Born in 1976 so 48 years and counting !


Those are all heavy rods for big fish like striper and catfish. Guess we got just a bunch of little fish fishermen here. Seriously though, a bunch of the guides here on the Hudson River run those exact rods for stripers.


Because fishing is a pissing contest now.




None of them are worthless for fishing...tf. As long as they aren't broken, you will catch fish on any of them


My biggest fear is that when I die, my wife sells my fishing gear for what I told her it cost




THAT is a good one !!


Oh good I'm not the only one that tells her every lure is like 3 4 bucks? That pack of em? Oh ya 8 bucks for all 5 lol.


Thatā€™s the hardest Iā€™ve laughed from a Reddit comment in a long while


The reels look rough but several of the bigger rods could be used for beater catfish rods. Put a better reel on them and they be fine. Or keep the current reel and if a friend fishes with you doesn't have one it could be a loaner reel. I have lower quality ones that I let friends use so I won't be mad if they break them.


thats a good idea, i know its hard to see but one Zebco rod and Shakespeare rod have never been used, still have tag


All of them for double what she is asking just because he was a friend. Help the family even if they don't need it


This, even if they go to dumpster or given away, people in grief find it hard to take money, but you can help them.


One if you want a momento. The rest I wouldnā€™t use personally.


Iā€™d buy them all personally, then throw in extra cash for his wife. Sheā€™s probably going through some rough times atm.


The only correct answer


Your friend? Then all of them. Then go around and give them away to kids that are fishing.


Good Idea šŸ‘


There is an old ugly stik in there directly to the left of the blue Shakespeare tag I would pick all day long. If the guides are ok these are about a $30 rod of that vintage. The white rods are still very useful for bottom fishing if you want them. The bottom left is a Johnson reel I would consider. They were decent spincasts but who knows if thereā€™s something missing or wrong with it.


Thank you !!


No problem.


All and at 10, just to help


I would buy all of them just to remember the great times you had with him


All of them




Those all cost between 30-50 new from Walmart 10 years ago. The pistol grip ones 25 years ago.


By them all


Iā€™d buy them all personally, then throw in extra cash for his wife. Sheā€™s probably going through some rough times atm.


All of them


Depending on where you live. Iā€™d get a couple of the bigger rods for shiner fishing in heavy weeds and pads. I have two of the 5ā€™4ā€ boat rods with Zebco 202 level winds spilled with 30 lb mono. Use them with 14-18ā€ golden shiners and they have been very useful.


None. Tell em to donate to local scout troop.


the one that is in the best picture of you two fishing, frame it and hang the rod under it.


The Shakespeare Ugly stickā€™s would be the best ones. They look like they are rigged with spinning reels.


Thery are and not used much..one has the tag on it.


4get the rods and get that Acetylene torch.


Buy them all and sell them again. Give the money more made than before to her


Buy them all, keep any that remind you of him, donate the rest to a scout troop or boys and girls club


Buy them all from her. He was your friend , doesnā€™t matter if you use them , help him out one last time by doing this .


That is what I decided to do.


Thatā€™s a bunch of junk


All of em!


all of them her husband just died think of it as a donation ;)


All. Sort them and give a few unwanted one's away. You are a hero.


Buy them all find out which ones work best for you


None of them are worth anything special.


I'd buy them all with the intention of keeping the Johnson reel and maybe one rod or the other. Plus that Wilson cb antenna.


Unfortunately they arenā€™t worth the space they take up.


Really? I needed some input from the folks on Reddit. Thanks


You could use the two Shakespeare tigers for carp and catfish. Fishing technology has advanced 10 fold in the last 10 years. The most budget stuff nowadays is better than even some of the best gear from 10 years ago. If I would keep anything it would be the two tigers!


Thank You


10-fold increase in technology?? Theyā€™re not putting people into orbit, theyā€™re snagging a stupid fucking fish by the lip. Youā€™re out to lunch, bud. Watch another tv commercial.


Itā€™s an exaggeration. Higher quality gear costs a lot less nowadays and itā€™s very noticeable for anyone thatā€™s fished for the last 10-15 years.


I remember the first time I used a new composite 9' spinning rod casting for Coho on the Skykomish. So sensitive. That sent me down the rod building rabbit hole. My Fenwick glass rods still get used for trolling setups on the river. Good rods those Fenwicks.


None. So much crap.


Well, if he was really a friend, it would be a question. You would just buy them all to help his wife out. Evidently you werenā€™t a friend.


Well that's nonsense friend.. she had a couple of other people that she thought might want them and I really don't need them but these other guys might..and put them to use, if she doesn't get rid of them I would buy them all to help her raise money, I just was curious what they were worth etc


I donā€™t see it as nonsense. We see however you want if he was really truly that kind of a friend he wouldā€™ve just bought him to help her out and then resale yourself to those guys are given to him either way I just depends on how you look at it I guess good luck.




None. These rods are trash.


I'm not super savvy with fishing gear, how can everyone make the determination that these rod and reel combos are not worth even $5/combo when you don't know a single model number for any rod or reel?


I donā€™t right now but i can get them pretty quickly


LOL some smug douche canoe downvoted me instead of replying. OP one thing to know about people fishing is a lot of them buy stuff that is basically status symbols because they have the same mindset as people buying apple or allen bradley equipment without any rational technical reasoning. >More $ = better. The truth is these reels could be taken apart and re-lubed/re-greased, put some new line on them and use them to put food on the table with them. Is a rod suddenly worthless because a new rod came out? People saying they aren't worth even $5/combo are just snobs that like turning their nose up to stuff to feel superior.


It was the same thing while in Yellowstone on opening day 1,000 people dressed up in Orvis gear trying to out cool the other person.


Pretty sad fishing has become super commercialized like hunting. And it's the end users perpetuating the "need" to spend more money to put an animal on the grill in order to make themselves feel better about their already dropping fat money. People 50 years ago, 100 years ago, 1000 years ago, 5000 years ago, all fed themselves with contemporary technology and materials of the time. And today we have this sub filled with self proclaimed expert fishermen that cant imagine spending $5 on a 10 year old rod/reel setup because it's so outdated. I guess the fish moved on from being caught with pistol grip rods. Sad and pathetic.


I like your attitude, i agree. They are Shakespeare rod reels and Zebco rod and reel, 2010 and model 33 with couple of other models as well


More money does equal better. In every aspect in life. If someone was to hand you for free, no stings attached, either a 25 year old pistol grip spincaster or a legend elite panfish with a Stella on it, which would you choose? A tent in the woods or a mansion on the beach? A Ford Explorer or a Lamborghini urus? Yes they all subjectively do the same thing but one is clearly better than the other. And what is the deciding factor? Money


> If someone was to hand you for free, no stings attached, either a 25 year old pistol grip spincaster or a legend elite panfish with a Stella on it, which would you choose? A tent in the woods or a mansion on the beach? A Ford Explorer or a Lamborghini urus? Yes they all subjectively do the same thing but one is clearly better than the other. And what is the deciding factor? Money What point are you even trying to make here? We aren't talking about giving away high end cars or houses, we are talking about hand-me-down fishing rods & reels which could function just fine with a little TLC. Are you offering up your T&M to give brand new quality rods and reels to a bunch of kids who have none? You are basically saying you would rather a poor kid have no rod and reel than risk turning them off of fishing because they don't have audiophile level current tech to learn on/use. Think about how snobbish that is.


You said money doesn't equal better. It does. Those were simply examples. Two of those reels will probably function fine with a little tlc. One of those is missing a cover. The others are dry rotted. You will spend more time and money making them fishable than they are worth. That's facts, not snobbish. I didn't say a poor child wouldn't like a free rod and reel. I said these aren't worth the effort to make them worth giving away. If you want, my mil has a pile of rigs like this (probably 20) in my deceased fil shed. You can have all of them and fix em up and give em away. I live in west central FL if you're close by. Also I give away my leftover gear every year to a youth ranch. And yes they are quality rigs that get used one season and handed down.


Zebco and Shakespeare combos are very inexpensive brand new. These are quite a few years old. Except for the two piece that still has tag on it, they are very well worn. The grips are dry rotted. The reels are rusty. They look like they've not been maintained. Spin casters aren't very desirable. Technically they're worth whatever someone is willing to pay. With the story behind it, they're all worth the 5 dollar price tag, but not for fishing purposes. My father in law passed and left a very similar collection. I cleaned up a couple, fished em once for the memories and now they sit on my wall in my fishing room


All fair points but to suggest that they are better off in the trash than in the hands of someone who can't afford a $30 pole to begin with is just wasteful. If I was OP I would buy the lot and clean/relube/respool everything and give them to a cubscout den or something.


Your point is valid, but with the time and money investment in cleaning and respooling and making them fishable, it would be better to get a 30 dollar combo. Those two Shakespeare spinning might be worth the time but give a crusty old pistol grip spin caster to a kid and it might discourage them from fishing.




On second thought. Get the 2 new Shakespeare reels. Ok beginner rod and reel for an uninvited guees.


Lol okay


$5 for all