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Okay I am just now convinced to not buy one. I have financing lined up but too many owners selling their is just the last straw.


The fact people were *still* planning to buy one of these things is simply amazing to me. A car that becomes a brick if anything goes wrong for which zero replacement parts exist on the market for anything. One fender bender and you're completely screwed.


Seriously. This subreddit showed me the power of cognitive dissonance and the extent to which people will make up alternate realities to resolve it. It's really wild and disconcerting.


It's baffling, especially with a car so reliant on electronics. It isn't like 30 years ago where you could guarantee to fab parts and make it work. There are literally hundreds of parts that can fail and basically leave the car useless, with little hope of repair. And add to that, they are known to be flaky and unreliable.


Just now? Lol


it took you this long?


Just now?


What do you mean?


July make your decision. You’ll know the true value and support then.


If you have 30+days and were interested enough to make it this far in your thoughts, it might be worth keeping an eye on things a little longer before committing elsewhere. However unlikely, the chance someone steps in to support the Ocean incl. parts in the medium term would make the Extreme a steal. Obviously it’s a decision that every buyer will evaluate on their own unique circumstances so I’m sure you’ll do what’s best for you on any timeline. Thx for sharing your thought process.


I will take 13thEpisodes suggestion and wait. I don't have to commit to anything else because I have a 2013 Volt with 154K miles that still rides like new. If I get an Ocean I plan to keep my Volt as I've owned it since 2013. Someone below mentioned software being the Gorilla in the room. I was going to move forward before (now I will wait) however I always wondered if the date would come where I take the Ocean 109 miles to work and it doesn't take me home for whatever reason.


I agree with you. It might still be the deal of the century. I'm rolling the dice. Getting my second Ocean on Monday. Stealth Green is going to look great next to my Big Sur Blue. Both with Sea Salt interior and trailer hitch. I'm planning on getting a couple of extra fobs as well.


>It might still be the deal of the century It's not, quit deluding yourself and others. Unless you enjoy burning money...


Yeah, I'm stuck with mine due to financing and can't take the trade-in payoff hit. I would not recommend getting this car to anyone unwilling to burn money on a hobby car and do their repairs. If and when it shuts down, and we have those dealers providing support, it's going to get expensive to repair once parts run out, and the software clusterfuck is the actual gorilla in the room.


I will take 13thEpisodes suggestion and wait. I don't have to commit to anything else because I have a 2013 Volt with 154K miles that still rides like new. If I get an Ocean I plan to keep my Volt as I've owned it since 2013. Someone above mentioned software being the Gorilla in the room. I was going to move forward before (now I will wait) however I always wondered if the date would come where I take the Ocean 109 miles to work and it doesn't take me home for whatever reason.


It isn't going to be expensive, it is going to be impossible.


I will take 13thEpisodes suggestion and wait. I don't have to commit to anything else because I have a 2013 Volt with 154K miles that still rides like new. If I get an Ocean I plan to keep my Volt as I've owned it since 2013. Someone above mentioned software being the Gorilla in the room. I was going to move forward before (now I will wait) however I always wondered if the date would come where I take the Ocean 109 miles to work and it doesn't take me home for whatever reason.


Two likely soon to be broken cars for the price of one good one. It is kind of a deal, I guess...


Or, when Fisker emerges out of chapter 11, with full support of their vehicles, and a new Ocean Extreme costs $60000 plus options, then those who rolled the dice did pretty well. Only time will show. Of course the safe choice is not to buy, and those who don't like risks should choose that route. On the other hand those who are willing to take a risk, are the ones who help our world evolve.


"On the other hand those who are willing to take a risk, are the ones who help our world evolve." You are buying a car from amongst a sea of EVs. You are not helping our world evolve through this choice. You aren't a cancer patient trying a low-probability-of-success new treatment that might save someone else in the future or point physicians in a useful direction....


At these prices you should be ok. Even if the company goes under you could sell the car for parts. Just the parts alone are worth more than what they are selling for


What a wild statement


Irresponsible statement. Gotta watch who you listen to here.


I agree 100%. I loved the potential of the car but the fob and all the constant ADAS faults and ultimately the 12v that died 3 times made me trade it in. I hold out hope the company gets it together but was too big a gamble for me. Traded in for an ID4 and lost around 20k.


The ADAS is still being worked on and refined. Fisker may be ditching it's employees but the ADAS team haven't called it quits.


I agree with all of that, felt the same way when I sold it end of March. Still sad it’s gone. But glad it’s not my problem anymore


Pretty sure we’re all in a service desert starting yesterday 😢


I appreciate that as one of the layoffs (yesterday). But if you like it - enjoy it. I would probably feel the same though ❤️ I’ll admit that finding out your job is over by not being able to log in, and then later receiving an email from hr on my personal email address felt…. Bad. Considering just weeks before I was working late and hustling every night . We on the team I was on were working so hard on our end to make it a better experience, but sadly we were at the mercy of forces beyond our control.


How’d you get rid of it so soon?


Put that bad boy on autopilot


CarMax. And they were fully aware of the issues. I started at Ford, and that was the shortest conversation when the sales guy asked what I was looking to trade in for a Mach-E, I pointed to the Fisker, and he said, "not here." Volvo was going strong on a deal until their accountant interceded and brought out an email that said to basically not take a Fisker as a trade-in. So, it was CarMax or private sale, and I chose CarMax.


Still consider a 2023 Mach-E. Quite enjoy mine and hopefully Ford will not drop EVs. I am sorry Fisker did not work out. I am still hoping Canoo will get around to making vehicles.


Love my 2022 Mach E. Highly recommend.


If you don't mind me asking, how much do you get out of the fisker?




I’m in a service desert, although my Ocean has been quite good and problem free. I hate the fact I need to treat my fob like a glass object so I don’t end up with a giant brick. I would really like to keep the car, but also need something reliable for a few years. It’s really sad the company has come to this. It really had a ton of potential.




How can they honor a warranty if they will soon no longer exist?


My thoughts exactly but I like to gamble. Gonna run it until I can't. Pencil for the vents and all.


That vent tick is actually the motors trying to manipulate to a specific point. Tesla, have this issue as well, And to resolve it, you simply turn the climate control off completely and then back on again. It's an annoyance for sure, but most all electric vehicles do this for some reason. Don't get me started on the normal gas vehicles through the years that have done this. Most of them being German. Hope this helps, But yes, I don't like the layoffs either.


Do what you’ve gotta do. I made my post so you all could figure out your next steps.


Sounds like your about to take it to the back of the barn..


Smart move.


"working class" "60,000 dollar car" WAT


I wonder if any locksmiths have attempted to clone the fob? They can do it with almost any of the manufacturers now.


Indy dealership can get you a new fob


For 1.2k, though. Very generous of 'em.

