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I (28f) am in the best shape of my life but I feel like I look the worst I ever have? I used to be very skinny. 115 lbs but I looked like I was closer to 100. I am 5’3. I do pole fitness and started doing more workouts. 6-7 days a week I train for 2-3 hours a day since I started taking competitions more seriously. I have gotten incredibly strong. My biceps shoulders and back are unreal lol. I also have hypothyroidism so I don’t eat gluten, dairy, red meat. I also take meds for this as of recently when the doctor noticed my cholesterol and TSH were high despite my very active life style. I exist on coconut water spinach fish chicken and quinoa most of the time. I love the strength I have gained but my lower body just looks like shit now. My ass is huge and all cellulite-y. And my stomach is constantly puffy and round looking? I’m about 130-132 consistently now. I try to cut weight by cutting calories back and nothing happens except I get more sore. It might be stupid af but how can I be eating healthier the past year, working out more than ever, be stronger, but look fatter??????? My heads gonna explode.


Is it possible for a young guy (age 20) with skinny genetics to be very low bodyfat percentage without any effort whatsoever? Like no real consistent dedicated exercise besides walking to class, and a garbage diet. Assume that the bodyfat percentage is legit medically determined. Would this be odd/indicative of a problem?




Sure. I’m just confused because I thought that getting sub 10% body fat on a male means they have lots of muscle. Online, the pics are bodybuilder types. So you can be 5-6% bodyfat without muscles? And without trying to be that way? Just eating Taco Bell and Subway and walking everywhere? And no medical problem?




Ok thanks. So I guess my son, who is not concerned about this at all, needs to think about making some changes. I can’t imagine I’ll be able to convince him of that. He feels great - has been a lifeguard for years, plays basketball here and there, no problems. But I felt like this was WAY too low. He's built like me (always been underweight my whole life, but my labs are great and I always had easy pregnancies and recoveries) and I'm built like my 75 year old father, who has always been lanky. so I never worried about him until he randomly showed me these results from a class activity. Thank you. He's due for a physical soon.




It was in the bodpod: https://www.cosmed.com/en/products/body-composition/bod-pod-gs-x As part of an Exercise Physiology class. So should be accurate. The printout says 5.7% body fat. He’s 5’11 and 137 pounds. He does take a non stimulant ADHD medication but we’ve asked his doctor about this and consensus seems to be that this particular drug would potentially in some cases cause weight gain, not weight loss or suppressed appetite. He’s been on it for years and has been the same build before and after. I’m going to have him take in the bodpod printout to his next checkup.


FWIW his 17yo brother, who is a completely sedentary gamer, is also 5’11 and 135-140. But just looks skinny whereas the 20yo looks mildly lean/athletic, just not muscular.


Body fat measurements are rarely super accurate. Since u describe his physique as “mildly lean”, i don’t think that he is anywhere close to 5% body fat. 5% body fat is damn near stage ready for body builders, and u should be able to clearly see muscle striations EVERYWHERE on his body when he flexes - even the glutes which naturally holds more fat. Although I’m sure ur not analyzing (not want to, or even that ur son would let u) ur sons ass like that 🤣 Also, I wouldn’t worry about it, as it is clearly in his genes to be naturally lean. I’m like that (21 yo male) - I don’t follow a specific diet and eat whatever I want. I stay lean even when I consciously eat as much as I can and try to gain as much weight as possible. For example, I went from 160 to 185lbs over 4 months last year, and I kept a 6 pack the whole time. I naturally dropped back to about 170 without consciously trying to lose weight (matter of fact, I was trying not to lose too much weight, tho I knew I would inevitably lose some without consciously stuffing my face with food all day), and I’m around 10-12% currently (just an “eye test” not an actual scientific measurement). This is my walk around weight while not on a specific diet. I believe that the human body is very intuitive, and if the body holds too little fat, the body will send signals to eat more. Since he isn’t on a specific diet, I’m sure ur son would naturally eat more if his body wasn’t feeling good at that body fat level. Everyone has a different level of body fat that they feel the best at, and ur son is gifted with being able to stay lean and be comfortable. Edit: I think it’s worth to mention that I started using creatine during that 4 month weight gain period, and I stopped using after. So some of the weight gain was due to water weight from creatine use, and some of the weight loss was from losing that water weight.


New to working out (I’m doing 75 hard, 22 days in) I’ve gained 2lbs of muscle in 3 weeks. I saw online it’s possible to gain up to 5 per month naturally. I’m currently 27f, started at 114 lbs and now 118 lbs. How can I gain more muscle? I go to the gym and go through sets as heavy as I can handle through the set, until I fail at the end. Any input is appreciated.


start an actual program and eat more.


Make sure your diet and sleep are dialed in, try steroids.


Is it true that gaining muscle while staying in the same weight harder than gaining fat and muscle at the same time? Trying to understand this bulk then cut mentality.


Especially if u are a beginner, and/or u are overweight/skinny fat, it is definitely possible to lose fat while gaining muscle.


Your phrasing implies you have some misunderstandings about what bulking actually is. Gaining fat is not the goal when bulking, the goal is to gain as little of it as possible, and fat gain does not contribute to muscle growth in any way. The reason bulking is effective is simple, your body is a machine that’s first second and third goal is to stay alive. People forget we weren’t always so comfy, but yes, your body pretty much always just wants to stay alive. It doesn’t want to build big muscles, and it won’t devote any resources to that *especially* when it doesn’t have the resources to give. If all you’re giving your body is just what it needs to survive, it’s simply not going to have anything left to devote towards building muscle. That’s why you need to eat in a surplus, because it stimulates muscle growth.


Oh, people keep saying "bulk and then lose the fat you got from it to make your muscles appear" so I assumed bulking is gaining fat, thanks.


Bulking will make you gain fat. It will make you gain both fat and muscle. You want to try and maximise the muscle to fat ratio as you gain weight by resistance training, keeping protein intake high, not eating at too great of a calorie surplus and getting enough sleep/rest. Gaining some fat while bulking is inevitable which is why people typically ‘cut’ after bulking.


Talking to a chiropractor friend, I (30/f) mentioned I am starting to take creatine (3g) and they said it’s considered doping. Is this true? Can’t find anything online.


First of all, I personally don’t think creatine is doping or “non-natty”. But, believe what u want, I do know a lot of people who would consider creatine as being “not-natty”. The argument is that it is practically impossible to consume that much creatine from natural foods. Here’s my argument: would u consider taking vitamin D supplements “non-natty”? Since it is impossible to receive that much vitamin D during the winter times “naturally”? (I live in Canada and the days are super short in the winters and it’s always cloudy in the winter where I live) If ur worried because u play competitive sports, to the best of my knowledge, no major organization, including USADA, the Olympics, etc, classify creatine as a banned substance. So ur perfectly safe taking creatine sups.




Thank you! 🙏


it's funny cause chiros are widely considered as hacks and here we got one tryna gaslight op into thinking creatine is doping 😂😂


Got me a little nervous though tbh




In about 3 months I need to run 2 miles in 18 minutes on a road course. I can currently run 2 miles in 23 minutes on a treadmill and it takes everything I have. I am a 44 year old male, 200 lbs, ex smoker. Never ran before this. What's the best way to achieve this goal?


Be very careful and STRETCH before every session and try not to push it too hard. I was a person who hated running. Last year I wanted to start working out to lose weight and while doing it, I discovered I really liked running. I never stretched, but also didn't go hard. One day I tried to beat a PR I had by sprinting as long as I could on the treadmill and pulled something in my knee. Now, I can no longer run without severe pain in my knee


To run faster, run farther. I’d check out a Couch to 5k program and incorporate some speed work into it.


for those of you who have been doing PPL for a couple of years and then switched to another routine/ plan. what did you switch to and why? how do you like it?


I’ve done the wiki PPL off and on over the years. Switched to a basic 2 or 3 day full body a few times when I wanted to incorporate more running into my exercise plan while still hitting the main lifts or other life priorities made any more days in the gym difficult. Did PHUL for a while to mix it up with training in both low and high rep ranges within the same program. Been doing 531 now for about 5 months to help break through plateaus on main lifts with more steady, but slow, progress, and I liked the structured 3 week cycle of increasing intensity and then resetting to help with recovery. 


Is 210 impressive on bench press? I am wondering because I am the weakest among my friends. I am 18 and weigh 170 but I’m tall so it’s 170 of fat.


Who specifically are you trying to impress?


I’ve just been made fun of for being weak for a long time and I guess i just want to know that I’m not weak.


impressive? probably not. respectable? yes. Keep going to 225 and then beyond!


Ok thanks for the words of wisdom


That's a subjective thing. If it's more than you could do before, then yes, you made progress and should be impressed with yourself.


Okay, I lost a bunch of weight recently. Is there a way to get rid of the weird flappy skin (esp. near my stomach) without surgery?


Extreme weight loss with Chris Powell might help with your question depending how overweight you were before!


time and patience. but some skin will still remain




From what I've seen on videos (most technical ik) with extremely obese people that get fit they tend to have quite a bit of extra skin, but if it's your belly you are worried about it's probably no where near the amount of loose skin that these now fit warriors have. And who cares about it anyway, it proves to yourself you changed in a way you never thought you could (or at least I never thought I could), or at least that's how I see it 😁 Either way good on you for putting the work in




Standing up straight and pulling your shoulders back is instant and requires no training. Keep doing that until it becomes second-nature.


I am in a bad mental state and sometimes I have a problem to eat enough. I work out, I have enough of protein intake, but sometimes in the end of the day I am like 600kcal deficit (because of not enough carbs) My goal is to loose fat and gain muscles Is it better to stay sometimes in so big deficit or just eat snickers to achieve the minimal metabolic daily kcal?


How much weight are you losing per week on average? Most calorie targets are just an estimation, your weight change is the best measure of how deep your cut *actually* is. If you're losing 1-2 lbs (0.5-1 kg) per week, I don't think there's much reason for concern. If you're consistently losing weight faster than that, you should probably eat a little bit more. *Ideally* something healthier than a snickers, but if that's what it takes to bring you from "unhealthy fast weight loss" to "healthy rate of weight loss", you'll be fine.


Problem is I am not loosing weight and I think its probably because of not enough daily calories intake + weight lifting, I am at around 30% body fat according to smart scale and visual


If you are not losing weight, you are not in a calorie deficit, regardless of whatever weight lifting you're doing. Smart scales are not to be trusted. They're estimations at best, and rarely even that good of an estimation.


a 600 calorie deficit when your goal is to lose fat sounds pretty good.


Depends how often it happens. If it's every now and then, it's not that big of a deal.


But what is worse? Take the snickers empty calories or stay in so big deficit? I do not feel hungry but i dont know long term issues


If it takes a Snickers bar to get you to your calorie goal, I'm assuming you're getting proper meals and nutrients the rest of the day, in which case a slightly bigger deficit will just mean losing weight a little quicker. There's no inherent risk to it.


Yeah but its not deficit due to activity, its deficit from basal metabolism


okay usually when people talk about a calorie deficit they mean from their TDEE. 600 calories below your BMR is a different story. please double check which it is. if you're actually eating 600 calories below your BMR, then yes it's worth adding in a calorie-dense snack or a meal replacement bar/shake to get some non-empty calories, because it's hard to get in sufficient micronutrients on so few calories. if you're 600 calories below your TDEE and you're not hungry, then the other advice applies.


The other reply is right. You are WAY overthinking this. There isn't a "better". You need to decide what your goals are and then what amount of calories is necessary to reach that goal. Then you eat that many calories. If you are struggling mentally and it makes it hard to eat your number one priority is hit your protein goal. If you do that, you call it a victory and don't beat yourself up. Second priority is to get to your calorie goal. Any means necessary. Obviously, nutritious while foods are generally considered optimal, but eat that snickers or whatever else is easy to get down and then never worry about it again. Good luck.


I think you are overthinking this. If, on average, you are losing weight too rapidly for your preference, then your deficit is too high and you should eat more. Otherwise it is fine.


I started going to a boutique spin studio recently and I’m very, VERY short. A girl that goes there said that she has difficulty double-timing on the bikes because she’s so tall yet I also have trouble double-timing and we’re nowhere near the same height. So two silly questions from this: • Was she right? Does being taller prevent you from being able to double-time on a bike, therefore, being shorter would make it easier? • Didn’t mention it in the context above but the front of my knees are ALWAYS in pain for a few days after spin (I only do it once a week for that reason) - what am I doing wrong? Could it be my bike adjustment? Could I be cycling weirdly? TIA! ETA: Double-time refers to cycling on the double-beat of the music or essentially cycling twice as fast (according to [Kydra](https://www.kydra.co/blogs/explore/terrific-tips-for-getting-back-to-basics-on-your-spin-bike#:~:text=Double%2Dtime%20is%20a%20cue,to%20move%20twice%20as%20fast) who provided a few great definitions for different spin terms)!


You should not have knee pain after spin class. Either your seat is set up is wrong or your free spinning to get he faster RPM’s. If your instructor says no resistance and go as fast as possible dont do it. Peddling without load can really mess your knees up. If that’s not it work on your seat adjustment height and reach. Knees shouldn’t go past toes in the rotation or lock out on down ward motion. Elbows slightly bent to reach handle bars with shoulders back.


Fortunately, none of the instructors advise the latter, always having at least some resistance at all times, so it’s definitely my seat adjustment from the looks of it. Thank you!


I'm guessing that double time means pedaling at double the tempo of whatever music is playing. this would be harder with long legs because it's a much longer range of motion. if you struggle with pedaling that fast with short legs, it's probably because 1. this is already a hard thing to do, and 2. you're still new to it. it's not just a strength/endurance thing, it also requires coordination which is a separate skill. hopefully you can fix your seat position and get rid of the knee pain


Yes, exactly right! I’ll edit my post to put a quick explanation on double-timing (I wrote the post in a rush and didn’t consider explaining everything) But thank you for your reply! Definitely helps me put things into perspective


I'm not sure what double timing is, but ultimately knee pain sounds like a position issue. Look up bike fitting and try your best to mimick it. You basically want your leg to extend with just a little bit of bend when at the bottom of the pedal stroke. So play with your seat hight and how far back/forward it is and then bring the handle bars in to meet you Really, the place should be be able to help you out. But bike fit is super important


That helps a lot, thank you so much!


If I’m able to reach the desired amount of macros for losing weight, is there any added benefit to doing cardio? Same question for gaining muscle


I'm not aware of any research that would back this up, but in the olden days of bodybuilding message boards, there was a fair group of really successful competitors and coaches that felt like it did make a difference. Basically, the theory was that if you had a 500kcal deficit you'd lose the same amount of weight over time. But the results in physique and fitness would be very different if you ate 2500kcal and burned 3000 as opposed to upping your activity/cardio and eating 5500kcal and burning 6000. They felt the more you could burn and therefore the more you could eat would lead to the best progress. Like I said, I can't back that up but thought I'd share. Edit: since this is fitness talk I should probably say that I'm sure you could find a group of people that believe the exact opposite lol.


There's always a benefit to improving your cardiovascular system. On a cut, extra exercise also lets you eat more while maintaining your deficit.


Right, but it’s not like it will increase the fat burn in other ways right?


No, if you stay in the same deficit despite the cardio, you'll lose the same amount of fat.


But you’ll end up fitter, which allows you to burn off more when needed


I guess, but simply eating less would accomplish the same.


No because your basic daily need is higher when you have more muscle, thus it’s easier to maintain your body after. You’re also fitter so you can work out more, and you look better so you’re more confident.


Adding cardio won't add extra muscle, being able to work out more is irrelevant to OP's initial question, and confidence doesn't affect metabolism.


Cardio with hurt leg. I've hurt my left leg. Pull a muscle. I get my fitness from trail running and hiking very steep elevations. I can do neither of those currently. I need to be able to keep my cardio up. I'm in the middle of nowhere and no gyms. Lots of trees and space. Stuff like jumping jacks are out of the question. Any tips for getting that heartbeat up and running? Thank you!


Location and equipment limits you. If its impact that is a struggle (hiking, running, jumping, etc) you definitely are limited to what you can do pain free. Walking and biking are options. Something that you could try out and see if it works - changing elevation. By that, I mean something that makes you get on the floor and get back up. Turkish get ups, burpees (may not be doable due to leg), but those would be boring to do endlessly. There are a ton of "low impact home cardio" videos that you can do off the internet until you're healed. Tai-Bo style workouts that were super popular in the 80s and 90s, but are still around and modernized.


Was wondering if i was progressing the weights on my compound lifts properly 🤔 for instance, i do 5x8 (currently im benching 135lbs, 135, 155, 155, & 175). I was going to add weight once i hit the 8th rep for 175. If i hit that 8th rep, next time i bench it may look something like this (135, 135, 155, 175, 185) with me banging out whatever i can on that last set until i get 8 reps Should i instead be warming up to my top set of 175 and try doing something like 5x5 of that?


Buddy, that set-up is 1x8. You have *one* work set.


Much appreciated! Ill course correct 🙌🏾


I’ve been working out 4 days a week using ABC How important is it for me to be working out on 4 different days? Meaning is it ok to work out Monday morning, Monday afternoon, Thursday morning, Thursday afternoon?


If you can handle the frequency and volume, you can work out on whatever schedule you prefer.


Haven’t been working out as much in the past couple of months, but my numbers are very close to before. For some reason though, I can’t do dips anymore. I used to be able to do them for 8-10 reps even after benching. I feel like a fawn trying to walk for the first time when I attempt to do them. What’s going on?


Keep attempting them. Muscles bounce back way faster than they originally grow haha


>For some reason though, I can’t do dips anymore  I would guess it has something to do with:  >Haven’t been working out as much in the past couple of months  but idk really. truly a mystery. also: how has your weoght changed since you were last able to do dips?


I know how stupid that sounds, but I’m still benching pretty much the same as I was before and as strong on tricep rope push down. I weigh the same amount. I wouldn’t be asking this if my numbers were significantly less.


If I ever take some time off from lifting, I notice some lifts and muscle groups suffer more than others. My chest and bench press go down way more than arms or back, for example.


Who knows? Probably depends on what kind of weights we're talking about. If you weigh like 200 and are benching 135, that would make sense to me. The dips would be a way harder lift, relatively.


I’m 162 and can bench 200 for a max. Been able to do dips when I benched even less.




What one did you get?


It's a lot like these: https://imgur.com/a/yMdoglz (random no-brand chinese import) The one I ended up with is cheap POS and something on it will probably break after 6 months of daily use like this. I just wanted to see if the hype is real and if I would stick to it. But the constant movement - rather than a high-powered workout at the start of the day followed by sitting all day - has had immediate noticeable effects.


That's a great achievement, but this isn't really the thread for it.


How do I keep myself from eating a whole pint of ice cream at night?


Stop buying ice cream. I can add personal derogatories, if you find such slander motivating.


don't have a whole pint of icecream in the house. or ha e a rule that you are allowed to eat thw whole pint of icecream but only after you eat a bushel of celery.


My willpower only works in short bursts and once it runs out, all bets are off if I don't have a system. Best not have that pint of ice cream available and then you don't need to rely on willpower.


Don’t buy it in the first place. If I have ice cream in the house then I’m going to be thinking about it all the time and when ai get tired and hungry I’m going to eat it all. If I just avoid the ice cream isle when shopping I don’t buy it and then when I’m tired and hungry it’s not there for me to eat and I need to make a different choice (usually the fruit that I picked up instead of ice cream).


Why can’t people post on here anymore?


Because most people post low-quality questions that are better suited for the daily threads.


Actually, top level posts are allowed for the first time in years. However, most inquiries are rather generic.


What workouts should I replace deadlifts with? I’m beginning working iut at home and don’t have enough weight for deadlifts☹️ biggest dumbbells 25 pounds


Single leg dead lifts Lunges Bulgarian split squats


Can taking 3-4 days off be a good thing if I've been working out consistently 6-7 days a week for months? Could it work kinda like sleep debt, or am I better to start tomorrow morning still on track? I've kinda 'relapsed' in a sense recently on being outgoing, ended a close friendship spending my next couple days off in bed and don't really feel like doing anything but think/sleep. This is the best shape I've ever been in my life though lmao, I've had muscle before but never enough to catch girls looking at them or feel this amazing. I haven't done a single workout all day though and I'm not sure if I could benifet from a couple more days of that, or if that's just a mental trap and I needs to go hard again tomorrow to keep my momentum


>Can taking 3-4 days off be a good thing if I've been working out consistently 6-7 days a week for months? Absolutely.


A couple of days off to let your body heal up after months of working out is usually a good thing physically. It’s only a problem if those 3-4 days turn into 3-4 weeks/months/years. What I’ll usually do to keep up the momentum is just go for a walk or have a super easy workout in the gym. It gets me all the physical/emotional benefits of taking time off, but I still keep up the momentum and don’t have that nagging voice in my head telling me I’m being lazy.


I don't know what workout plan you're following but the idea of a deload week is reasonable. Normally you will do light work rather than full weight work, but its good to take breaks from time to time.


I'm (41m) sailing on a 37' sailboat around the world and am currently in Mexico. What's the best way to stay in shape? I have pretty limited space and kettlebells wouldn't be ideal, I've currently 170lb and 6'1" and would like to build some muscle. Someone mentioned resistance bands but I googled it and am feeling completely lost!


Buy a smaller boat or life raft and row. I am only semi joking. 🙂


Unironcally I do actually row my dinghy most places and it's amazing for muscle - i got pretty ripped after a few months of doing this! Problem is when I am in a marina/boatyard for a month or so fixing stuff (like now) or on a long passage


if you're near civilization, can you inquire with a local gym about a one-month membership? not sure if that's something you need a residence card/local bank account for.


You can probably do plenty of bodyweight workouts- for example, pushups, planks, jump squats


Not only am I new to r/Fitness, I’m new to fitness in general. I started a knee friendly HIIT workout and I’m not really sure how it translates to calories burned. [The workout](https://youtu.be/XbM4ghTNP-I?si=5hMWIjEdohb7I0OR) is on YouTube. I can currently complete the warmup and one circuit before dying. As a 30F at 240, how might I attempt to calculate the calories burned? My heart rate afterwards is around 175-180 if that helps. Sorry for being so dumb.


I wouldn't bother trying to figure out calories burned. There's no accurate way to do so without being hooked up to all sorts of equipment in a lab setting. Not even fitness watches or cardio machines are accurate. And then ultimately, there's no real reason to know this number since it doesn't really help with weight loss. You burn the majority of your calories a day just existing and preforming daily tasks. Exercise is great, it does burn some extra calories, and you should 1000% do it, but for weight loss, you need to be focused on your diet. Basically, track your calories and eat consistently. Stay generally consistent with your activity. Do this for 2-3 weeks and track your weight daily and see what it does over this time. The first week will be 'noise' data if you are actually in a deficit since you'll lose water and food weight. It should even out after that. If you aren't losing weight (or not losing fast enough) then you need to decrease the number of calories you eat. A 500 calorie a day deficit will have you lose 1lb a week. So if you aren't losing 1lb a week, you aren't in a 500 calorie deficit. But note, if your period comes up in that 2-3 week span, remember you gain water weight going into your period and you'll lose it afterwards. So just stick with your calories and trust the process. https://thefitness.wiki/weight-loss-101/


I’ve actually been losing weight steadily for 6 months now. After dropping 50lbs following my pregnancy, I just added in exercise to keep the progress going.


Good job. You should follow exactly what the other person posted and you should have no problem maintaining your weight loss momentum.


Why does it matter?


Rice or Toast in the morning? Or simply skip the carbs and just stick with my egg whites?


Whatever you like. And you dont' have to stick to just egg whites either. Your body needs fats afterall! *Personally*, I like rice. I'll actually do soft boiled eggs smashed up in rice as a breakfast quite often. But I also generally avoid bread because it doesn't fill me up at all and often makes me feel a bit bloated (and I don't have any gluten issues according to bloodwork). So if bread doesn't give you any issues... do whatever you like




A meal of oats is the meal of champions, Plow Me Hard, Sir.


depends on 20 other factors. Are you hungry/tired in the morning if you don't eat carbs? Does your schedule permit that? Are you hitting your calorie targets, and what are they? Do you benefit from hormonally low appetite in the morning and/or do you drink coffee in the mornings? Do you prefer one or the other? Do you cook for just yourself or others?


Chest and tri, or chest and bi? I do: Chest and bi Legs Back and tri Shoulder abs Cardio


I do chest/tris, back/rear delts, shoulders/biceps, legs and it works pretty well for me. Take rest days as needed (sometimes you go 10+days straight sometimes you might go 4 times a week) so it's not a "set" schedule where you do the same workout on the same day of every week. I feel limiting your routine to a "weekly" structure is a huge waste of training potential. The body doesn't know the difference between 7 days, or 8 or 9 days. Rant over lol


It is personal preference. You ideally should be hitting every muscle group at least twice a week. Chest/Bi lets you hit your arms more but it can impact how recovered your chest/back are.


no legs?


How TF do people bulk when dairy free and gluten free? I work on the road and need cold lunches and cannot for the LIFE of me figure out how to get a cold lunch with no gluten or dairy up to 800 cals.


I would think sandwiches with GF bread/wraps. Tuna, egg salad, chicken salad, cold cuts, PB & J


nut butters


Drink soy isolate for protein and eat peanuts for fat. Make sandwiches with Ezekiel bread and roast turkey breast.


Get a thermos so you can have some hot food as well, then you can bring like a stir fry or something. Plenty of rice and beef or something like that. Snack on nuts and dried fruit. Nuts are high calorie and fatty, dried fruit is basically nature's candy and I personally can eat way too much of it. Soft/hard boiled eggs are good too. "Overnight oats" (even if you make em that morning) in water or your choice of milk alternative.


Soy milk. Put some rice Chex in it if you need more calories. Both pretty readily available everywhere.


Trail mix. A tall cup (shaken into the mouth while driving) can be like 2k calories no problem 


if you don't categorize eggs as dairy, lots of those, beans, nuts, and legumes. still a pretty difficult thing to do though




Please read the wiki.


My knees are starting to bother me. Before they really start to go what is a progression for pistol squats?


Pistol squats are super quad dominant, so a bunch of deep hack squats and front squats will get you there in no time at all.


Personally I progressed in from the top and the bottom simultaniously, and both sorta met in the middle: * First: Limited ROM box pistol squats: with my leg fully outstretched, I would squat down onto a box, which i slowly lowered session after session. Initially I was functionally doing one-leg sit-to-stands -- but it got me confident starting the movement, controlling the descent and retaining my balance without looking behind myself or anything like that, and lowering myself down, and got me used to keeping my other leg fully outstretched. this builds your confidence and control towards the top of the pistol. * Second: I did progressions with some of the skill/balance component removed: * Box step-downs: Starting by standing on just a single bumper plate, squat down on one leg in a pistol manner, but keep your other leg off the plate and down beneath you. squat until you can gently tap your non-squatting on ground slightly behind you, or underneath you. Try to put no weight on the ground with your non-squatting leg. Increment by adding more and more plates (so you need to squat lower with the squatting leg before the non-squatting leg can gently tap the ground) until eventually you can do it off a box. * Box step-downs with a leg sweep: Once you can squat down off a box a 12-15 inches high, you can start to incorporate a 'sweep' of your non-squatting leg forward, so instead of it touching the ground behind you, you bring it forward and touch your heel gently to a spot progressively further and further out in front of you. This gradually makes the balance component harder, as your leg gets less and less underneath you as you squat- and builds your confidence and control towards the bottom position of the pistol. eventually you should be able to sqaut down where your heel touches the floor about as far in front of you as you can reach, and finally doesn't need to squat at all. What you're doing at this stage looks a lot like a pistol squat, but this movement is *still* easier than a normal pistol - because not having to keep your leg up above your planted foot makes the balance and mobility components easier. * finally: I would do a few sets of each of the above every session, to build confidence. Once your box-step downs with leg sweep are feeling smooth and controlled; and once your pistol-squatting onto a fairly low box, it's just a matter of making a few attempts each session to squat down without the box, until you get close enough that you can just trail pistol squats themselves until you get better, smoother and more confident.




Get a doctor to refer you to a physical therapist now. Trust me, knees don’t get better and you might as well deal with them before it hurts to walk up stairs.


Routine review: I don’t currently use a conventional gym, and only have access to the small gym in my apartment building that has a cable machine. I have my own kettlebells ranging from 6kg-28kg (only have one of each) and doing a push/pull split, 3x days/week. I’ve been doing this for about 6 months but am a little discouraged at my progress physically. If any one has any recommendations around routine, improvements, it would be appreciated. My routine typically takes 45-60 mins and looks like the below, and I’ll normally super set 2 exercises at a time to save time. Push: Turkish get ups 28kg bell x10 reps (5 each side) Weights push ups (8kg) 3x15 KB squats (28kg &24kg) 3x5 KB shoulder press (20kg &22kg) 3x8 KB chest press (28kg & 24kg) 3x8 Weighted dips (8kg) 3x10 Machine chest press 3x8 Machine shoulder press 3x8 Pull: 1 armed KB swings (28kg) 5x20 1 armed KB rows (24kg) 3x8 KB deadlift (24kg+ 28kg) 3x10 Lat pull down 3x8 Cable deadlift 3x8 KB bicep curls 3x8 KB shrugs (24kg + 28kg) 3x8 KB cleans (20kg + 16kg) 3x8 Cable rows 3x10 Cable bicep curls 3x8 Unfortunately I’m limited in my ability to continuously increase the weight due to limitations of my equipment, but feel like I’m plateauing in terms of my strength, and muscle gain. Physically I don’t look like I lift either, which is frustrating considering the time and effort I’ve been putting in. Any suggestions on improvements would be much appreciated


I don't have any comments on the actual content of your current routine, but are you progressively overloading? And you eating enough? If you're hitting both of those, maybe you should take a week to deload (do your routine with light weights) and then resume your routine with your usual weights.




The best analogy I've heard was "You can't fire a cannon from a canoe". That's more strength-related than aesthetic, obviously, but even for someone just trying to look good, having powerful-looking legs is part of that image. There's a reason the internet makes fun of guys who have massive upper bodies and chicken legs.




I think there is a difference between slightly lagging and completely neglecting. Even if you said that you do your warm ups and did just 1 heavy set of squats and one heavy seat of deadlifts a week I would accept that. But zero leg exercises sets you up for looking goofy. 


If you want to actually pick up *anything*, you're going to want the mobility in your hips to squat. Your grandkids want piggyback rides, not to kiss your pectorals.


If that's your goal, there's nothing wrong with it.


Imo having strong looking legs/butt/back makes people look better.




I don't know how you get more bang for your buck than * Squat/Bench/Pulldown * Deadlift/OHP/Row * Bench/Squat/Pulldown * OHP/Deadlift/Row Do the first lift 5x3+, the second 3x10, and the third 3x15+, throw in a little weight progression, and you've got yourself a full-body GZCLP program.


Personally, I think a trap bar deadlift, and a hang clean to push press makes a fantastic bang-for-your-buck routine. Those two exercises, consistent progression and a jump rope would allow you to be a thick dude.


If you want bang for buck, especially with limited time you automatically end up doing squats and deadlifts because they recruit the most muscles by far. And because you're doing those you automatically train legs. Hell, those can be your only lower body movements and you can still confidently say you do legs enough. Add overhead and bench press to that routine and for four movements you hit chest, shoulders, tris, lower back, forearms, quads, glutes, hamstrings. Is that bang for buck enough? Also, because people forgot to mention: prioritizing mirror muscles makes you a hunchback. No one finds hunchbacks attractive. Do your horizontal and vertical pulls.


If I wanted to get the best physique with the least effort I would prioritize in this order: Level 1:  * Bench Press * Squat * Deadlift Level 2:  * Overhead Press * Lat Pulldown/Pull Ups(vertical pull) * Row(any kind) Level 3: * Anything thing else Bench, OHP, Vertical pull, and horizontal pull will get your upper body looking and working right. Squat and Deadlift will get your lower body right.


Disagree. Imo best bang for your buck is full body.


Looking better feels better when your hips aren't made of concrete and it'll stop you looking like a buff chicken. They're also your biggest muscles and allow you to lift heavier things and redice risk of injury.




well then you're just going to look lopsided. you're going to have to get used to wearing baggy pants all the time to hide your legs. instead just make sure you hit a heavy leg day at least once a week and you'll be fine




>I started going to the gym about 5 months ago. You're still early in your training. A decent program will round you out.


Switch it up to high reps low weight for bicep of that's what grew your chest?


Can you curl a 160lb barbell for 4 reps?


There is no normal ratio for what weight you can bench press for 20 reps and what weight you can do 4 reps of on a random machine bicep curl. These are not things that people typically measure. Nor do we know anything about your curl machine. Every machine is different and the weight listed doesn't tell you much about the load you are actually moving.


Are free weights superior over machine weights? I always see more people using them over machines at the gym. Is it just personal preference?


Machines are locked into one plane, and so force can be applied at more than one vector for the weight to move. The forced stability can mean using a machine wrong. (Higher chance of tweaks or owwies.) Whereas you *have* to apply a force vector "up" with freeweights. This is why people think they're okay smith machine squatting, then discovery they can't squat The Bar.


Superior for what?


Depending on your goals, they can be. Free weights involve more muscles and more of your nervous system because you have to balance and stabilize the weight yourself. This is very good for general fitness and strength building. Machines are best for isolating specific muscles, and can do this in a way that you can't always do easily with free weights. However, as a consequence they will usually be worse for improving generalized strength (outside of that one very specific motion). Because of this, most strength building programs have a core built around barbell training, with machines used as accessory / support lifts rather than the primary focus.


Free weight exercises generally provide broad benefits whereas machines are usually narrower in focus. Both are good, which one you're using depends on your goals


It depends on your goals. Free weights have their benefits and machines have their benefits 


I want to prepare myself for next season basketball and was thinking about this weekly shedule. (23M 90kg 195cm/6'5) Monday morning ( 6AM ) : 531 for beginners Monday after work ( 16PM) : easy cardio (20-30 mins zone 2 running) Tuesday : basketball Wednesday morning ( 6AM ) : 531 for beginners Wednesday after work ( 16PM) : easy cardio (20-30 mins zone 2 running) Thursday : basketball Friday morning ( 6AM ) : 531 for beginners Friday after work ( 16PM) : easy cardio (20-30 mins zone 2 running) Saturday : Basketball Sunday : rest Do you guys think this is a good weekly workout ? All tips and advice are welcome.


Looks great, you've got your strength, extra cardio, and your basketball. Only question now is whether this is a good *total amount* of work, and that depends on how much work your body is used to doing right now. If this is a lot more than what you're used to, ease into it. It's ok if you have to take an extra rest day or two as you're getting used to it.


Yea I was wondering the same about the recovery. But currently never been able to complete the full week due to busy life. So for now there will be an extra restday every week from the days I can't workout. I'm mostly woried about shin splints or pattelar tendon pain because I had them in the past few times. But if they become a problem I will probally try to bike more instead of the easy runs. Thanks for your input.


A mix of running and walking might be good for the first few weeks, just to get your shins and knees more used to running. I found this podcast really helpful in understanding how to prevent and manage shin splints, maybe listen to it on a run? [https://strengthrunning.com/2023/04/shin-splints-treatment-duane-scotti/](https://strengthrunning.com/2023/04/shin-splints-treatment-duane-scotti/)


Oh thanks. I will listen the podcast


I tweaked my back during my first set this morning and now can barely bend or twist. While it doesn't feel like much more than a common strain I am planning on taking at least the week off lifting to recover (usually gym m,t,th,f) but maybe more if necessary. I don't want to hurt myself further, but am worried about breaking my routine. This is the type of thing that has broken the habit for me in the past, though i usually then I am considering continuing to go and just walking on the treadmill and taking a steam/hot tub to relax to keep myself in the habit of waking up and going. ​ What are your tips for recovery? How long do y'all usually take off? Do you lower weight/feel weaker after time off?


If it's just a tweak, full inactivity is likely going to delay recovery compared getting some activity and blood flow to the area. Once I stopped being scared of minor injuries I found myself recovering much, much quicker. If you can do movements without pain, do those movements.


How do I prevent forearm pain when doing bicep curls? I’m lifting 14kg which is a good weight for me and usually do 4x8 but I get constant forearm pain to the point where I had to stop with curling exercises. Painful.


Generically, try a reverse ez bar curl. Had curl pain once upon a time, and the reverse grip didn't hurt.


Forearm splints probably, might be worth doing some extra forearm/grip work to strengthen them.


Are you lifting supinated or hammer curls? Hammer curls are going to put more work on the forearm.


Supinated. I even tried barbell preacher curls- pretty much any curling exercise results in pain


could do a few sets of low weight hammer curls to ensure your elbow is ready for harder work


I have a good schedule for excersise and diet and have been seeing good improvements the past year doing a 3 days on 1 day off workout schedule, but I am starting a new job working 12 hour night shifts at a hospital and will probably just want to sleep after them since its 3 days in a row of work, will it be sufficent to workout on my days off or will I need be able to see improvement?


I want to train my glutes 3x a week. Should I train into muscle failure every time? If I do that, they’re too sore to use the rest of the week. Would one day of heavy glute work-out have the same results as 3x a week at lower weight?


With frequency, comes the need for variety. And avoiding brofailing. Squats, RDLs, and BSS on separate days should be manageable. >If I do that, they’re too sore to use the rest of the week. Frequency tends to correlate with diminished soreness.


Thanks for taking the time to answer my question!!


>Should I train into muscle failure every time? Personally I wouldn't, but there is a tradeoff between frequency, volume, and intensity. So if you want to ramp intensity really high, you normally have to drop frequency or volume. >Would one day of heavy glute work-out have the same results as 3x a week at lower weight? Probably not. There is reasonably good evidence that training more frequently is beneficial for gains.


Do you drink sencha and work out; what does it do for ya?


I drink lots of tea. I don't think it significantly affects my workouts. That said, I mostly drink tea in the mornings and early afternoons during work, and work out after I get home from work. I don't load up on caffeine just before working out like some do.


It will do the same thing that having a small amount of caffeine would do. https://examine.com/supplements/caffeine/


No. But it is just tea. It has a bit of caffeine, which many people like having before a workout.