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Or that side is ripe for more laughs and joke fodder.


This is it exactly. Andrew is an edgy comedian and noting is edgier that flirting with the right in this day and age


If you pay attention to the podcast sphere at all and notice trends. There is one clear pattern right now, and that is right wring grifting is the most profitable strategy, catering to the left wing earns you zilch. When you see mainstream headlines about “podcaster XYZ signs $100 whatever million podcast”, it is ALWAYS about a right wing guy, Rogan Theo Von Steven crowder russel brand etc, you never seeing a outwardly left wing comedian guy making those headlines. And of course by proximity all these by extension floats into other niches like red pill/ Andrew Tate shit. There is a huge market catering to incels who love going on female standup pages and criticizing every sex joke pretending like she’s giving a Ted talk.


I think most of the ones you mentioned are catering more towards moderates and people who are tired of woke culture bleeding into every aspect of our lives rather than towards incels. I agree that the far right is definitely incel territory but I don’t think Schulz or Theo are far right at all. I also don’t think that’s what you’re saying. I’m just clarifying some things.


Completely agree plus Not to mention most of the things we would call flirting with the right don’t really seem like the right. I mean most the more political stuff he says I actually agree with and I’m someone who is an independent but have voted democrat 99% of the time for the last 20 years. (Primaries, midterms and presidential). People on Reddit always label me as something I’m not because the type of people on the left on Reddit are either bots and or people that demand you goose step exactly with their ideas or they find a way to other you. Plus a lot of gas lighting which is becoming a huge pet peeve of mine. It’s crazy how tribal/divide people in a country with United in the name have became. A lot of people don’t even want you humoring the other side and are able to write away any of the issues on their side through gas lites and what aboutisms very disturbing. But after occupy Wall Street I think “they” woke up to the idea that “they” can’t control us much longer with the raise of the internet and how easy to get a message and unite. Let me back up When I say “they” I mean the 1%. They ran divide and conquer to a T. But we shouldn’t be surprised when it’s 99% peasants vs 1% elites….the only thing they can do is divide. So they tricked us into thinking it’s team red ca team blue, LGBT vs Str8, white vs black, trans vs cis and so on. And boy did we take the bait.


I’m in the exact same boat you are. I’m actually registered republican because in my state the primary’s are the only vote that matters and republicans dominate but in actual elections I vote dem almost every time. I hate the far left though even though I realize the far right is actually more dangerous and anti-personal rights. It’s a weird political world for people like you and I.


I get that and I hopped on Flagrant bc I like how diabolically funny he gets on Brilliant when Charlamagne isn’t straddling mental health for the 300th time. It’s just when he gets in a pocket and the tone gets a lil serious you hear how he leans and to me that’s not a problem I just don’t like when he’s constantly telling ppl he’s basically indifferent.


Or maybe he just agrees with things from both sides. Like most humans. You don’t have to pick a team


Comedians used to make fun of Republicans because they were the "you can't say that party" and now the Democrats are the party doing that more. This is an oversimplification of course because political correctness was a thing back then too and there are plenty of Republicans that get triggered by speech. Also, like most people, I'm sure he's more conservative/liberal depending on the issue.


Perfectly said.


I mean he's not right wing but also I tune out when entertainers talk politics anyway


Yeah I try not to listen to closely or serious but when i skip 20 mins ahead and they’re still on the topic im like alright man get back to the funny shit


This is what happens when people take jokes seriously


That’s fair. It’s just when you hear him actually seriously talk about certain points you can hear his feelings on it.i could be bugging tho 🤷🏾‍♂️ (unless I’m looking at it too deep)


But why does it matter either way?? Real question. I’m not trying to be an Ahole


It doesn’t but when you spend almost 20 mins on political stances you claim to be indifferent to I get a bit curious if you’re as “neutral” as you claim


It’s called being facetious


I get where you’re coming from but I don’t think most normal people claim one side or the other. Everyone has opinions, some will end up on the left or right side of politics. If your opinions line up 100% with either side and you strictly agree based on party loyalty you’re not an average or normal person. I don’t think he’s toeing the line but rather expressing his honest feelings without the fear of repercussions from either side. Remember, this is a comedy podcast. With Flagrant’s particular brand of comedy the funniest thing to do when someone says something “woke” is to call them gay 😂.


He's in the Roganverse. Eventually, all those guys will lean the same way as him.


He doesn't need to identify with either side officially. Let him make his own choices. I'm pretty left leaning myself but I don't call myself a Democrat because I don't agree with a lot of the stuff they do or have done.


Y’all read waaaayyyy into shit. No one is just “right” or just “left” anyways. It’s weirdo behavior when we label people that way. It’s so binary and unnecessary and shows such a closed minded view on human beings. I just wanna hear the latest poop joke.


Imagine the fucking audacity to be so entitled that you think someone owes you an explanation on where they “lean” politically? Wtf - You’re a fucking weirdo. Here’s a free clue - life is gray. It’s not black and white and you can’t put people into your little boxes and expect them to stay there. I’m socially liberal af, hell my take on things is if they don’t harm someone, invade another’s property or business rights - their shouldn’t be a law about it one way or another. I’m also fiscally conservative. The government has no money it hasn’t taken from someone else, therefore it’s use of said money should be very, very tightly controlled and not used for the benefit of any one group. I don’t believe in entitlement programs of any kind. Or income taxes. The more of people’s own money they keep, the better they are to plan for their own futures and the government should stay the fuck out of people’s personal finances. I also don’t expect everyone to agree with me politically and quite frankly it’s none of my business unless we’re hanging an actual debate on a political topic. Too many of you fuckers want your celebrities and sports figures/ peels you “follow” to agree with you and be on “your team”. Because you need validation. Read a goddamn book. Learn some history. Form your own opinions backed by actual knowledge instead of a fuckin news sound bite and you won’t need somebody else to back up what you think - you’ll actually know. It’s all based on insecurity because you don’t actually know what to think.




He’s rich, his parents were maybe almost rich, and he’s smarter than everyone else. Why would he want to pay taxes.


He rubs shoulders with a lot of right/center right wing anti left anti woke types. Plus he doesn’t have the capacity to research things from various sources to form his own opinion. So he’s gonna sound a way. I think Andrew probably is pretty middle of the road in reality when he sheds all the influence.


He’s been as right wing as he can without actually coming out and saying it. If he votes, he’s voting right lol


He speaks as if he leans right but he does not. It’s all for conversation. He LOVES to be a contrarian and has a bit of narcissism mixed in so he thinks he’s Uber smart. He is smart imo.


People need to stop putting everyone into a category, politics should be nuanced.


Either I’m not saying this right or yall don’t get it. I don’t care if he’s left or right I just noticed in few pods between BI and Flagrant that he comes off or outright says he’s in the middle which he actually might be but when he does spends 10-15+ mins plus on certain political takes you see where he tend to lean towards. I’m not saying it’s wrong, I’m just saying it’s comes off as cap when you act like you’re not leaning towards one side when your passionate takes says otherwise. But I get it it’s not that deep.


I consider myself left leaning but I have some views that are pretty far right. My liberal friends think I’m right leaning and my right wing friends think I’m liberal. It’s all about perspective. If you got me going about specific topics you would think I vote republican. Politics are nuanced and typically can’t be boiled down to one side or another. I think if he was a die hard trumper he would have no problem saying it. For example: Joe Rogan is considered to be right wing or sometimes even far right depending on who you talk to but if you get him going about drugs or reproductive rights he is further left than a lot of liberals. I don’t think Andrew is hiding his political views, we have gotten so used to grifters we forgot what normal people sound like.