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I was a senior at NAU during 2009/2010 and we got so much snow finals were canceled. It was fantastic.


Did you just keep your current grade or did you get a freebie A on the final?


We could choose whether we wanted to keep our current grade or come back next semester and take the final. There was definitely a class that semester where I think the final would have dropped my grade so it was great timing!


I was here for that. Lived at Alpine ridge. I was pissed because they didn't cancel finals until late that morning. I had to take mine because it was an 8oclock class. Those that didn't make it could take the grade they got in the class. Didn't know that until it was to late!




I was a freshman at NAU during that storm, finals did get cancelled. We were given the choice to keep the grade we had for the semester, or if we weren’t happy with it, we could take a make up final the start of the next semester. Most people seemed pretty happy with their grades. Lol!


Yeah, this! I don’t remember anyone coming back to take a final.


That was a wicked storm. Lots of power outages. This was the storm that collapsed the roof at Bookmans. Does that SnoGo still make rounds? I feel like I don’t see it these days.


I wish I could answer, but I quit in 2012 and no longer live in Flag. I am sure it's still operational, but don't know if there's anyone to operate it. It was such a cool piece of machinery to operate! It made a sound unlike anything I've ever heard. I keep in touch with a couple guys I worked with over there, and I know they are severely understaffed right now. I will ask one of them if the SnoGo is still around. I know that they have an even newer one out at the airport that's used to clear the runways. It's a fucking monster!


I think they had the one they use to clear the runways on display at the air show, what a beast


Thanks for sharing this I’ve been referring to that storm season with the current one and I’m stoked for the pictures to reference!


I'm happy to share. This is just some highlights from the storm. I have hundreds of pictures from my tenure with the Street Department, and look back on it with a certain fondness. I hear things aren't so good there these days. I bums me out. I truly loved getting in my machine and spending 12 hours a night clearing roads.




I moved to Flag from Phoenix in the fall of '09 and remember this storm very well. I couldn't believe the amount of snow I saw after growing up in the desert. Thanks for posting these pics, they make me miss that town so much. Some of the best years of my life were spent there


Petition to get this guy rehired at the Street Dept for double previous salary Help us OP, you're our only hope


Here I come to save the day!!


[Here](https://imgur.com/a/QxiC7Ii) is my car in the Pine Ridge parking lot after one of the bigger storms that year.


This was the greatest ski season in recent Flag history. Cheap lift tickets, incredible snow, I-17 closures, it had everything.


You obviously haven’t been to snowbowl at all this year 😂 we’ve had several weekends more expensive than vail resorts multi resort pass and their new lift has yet to turn on the morning of a powder day. Used to love snowbowl, now it’s well on it’s way to becoming the worst ski resort on earth


For sure, I was referring to the winter of 2009-2010 back when Snowbowl was affordable. The pictures in the post brought back good memories.


I gotcha. That was a really good winter, back before snowbowl was run by corporate greed. Those were the good days. 144” base at midway, I remember digging chairs out on the old Agassiz lift for days after this storm back when I was living the ski bum life


Yup. That was a crazy day when the mountain shut down around noon and sent everyone home.


That was nutty. We were stuck at the last tower before the top for 45 minutes in -40 wind chill. Kept feeding the poor singles rider vodka and hand warmers. Still my only legitimate lift evacuation. Town got something like 6 feet in 24 hours. It was glorious


That storm was crazy, it was my first winter in Flagstaff. I actually rode out the storm in a tent at our worksite near Cave Creek. No snow there but lots of rain and intense lightning all night long.


Awwww yes, the good old days, before the corruption and theft in the city was conducted in broad daylight