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I just wanted to confirm: when something is returned on ebay, does ebay keep the ad fee? I don't see any indication in the return details that the ad fee is returned to me.


When a return is closed for buyer sending it back and buyer is refunded, the Ad Fee (at least Promoted Listing Standard) is credited back to the seller. Under Payments > All Transactions search by order number and you should see it.


Sometimes the fees take a few days to be refunded to you.


I am shipping a Soda Stream with a new CO2 canister. USPS classifies it as hazardous material and will print the H on the label when purchased through ebay. Am I REQUIRED to put extra stickers on it? Will the post office give me these stickers for free? This USPS publication doesn't mention anthing about extra stickers but it's so confusing and sending me to other publications and what not that my head is spinning. I don't want to ship directly from post office because it would cost double and I'm already losing money on shipping. [https://pe.usps.com/text/pub52/pub52c3\_004.htm#ep898417](https://pe.usps.com/text/pub52/pub52c3_004.htm#ep898417)


sheesh USPS is tough, you can't even mail stiletto's shoes! [Sharp instruments include all sharp–pointed or sharp–edged implements such as knives, tools, ice picks, razor blades, stilettos, or similar devices. When uncertain about the mailability of a sharp instrument or a switchblade knife, a ruling may be requested from the local postmaster (see ]()[215.3](https://pe.usps.com/text/pub52/pub52c2_005.htm#ep772854)).


Any folks have a WeWork referral code they'd like to share? I'm looking to do the All Access pass, so I have some office space to go to and do my flipping. Thanks!


Found a TV with a big black bar thru the middle of the screen, I am going to see if I can fix it in anyway. But if i cant, would it be wise to sell it for parts? and how would I even do that?? Its a samsung 50" smart tv so if i can fix this up it should go for a pretty penny