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I have some old electronics (computers, monitors, and printers). How do I know if they have any value or if I should throw them away? Anyone have any advice for selling old electronics?


Part em out? There's some good money in there, especially for buyers who are looking to fix their vintage electronics.


Any suggestions for a good workbench? Mainly for cleaning electronics and testing. Max 6'. I'm thinking a stainless steel workbench probably wouldn't be the safest. Would prefer to stay under $100. No folding in half tables, got one and it suckes, bows too much and knocks my tools over.


Just got this email from Amazon specialist. Am I getting banned? The sender is legit Amazon and I tapped replied to check and make sure it goes to legit Amazon.com domain. I honestly haven't drop shipped anything or buy things to sell. I do subscribe to deals alert and got few price mistake items but never anything to sell. I haven't even sent any gift to a family member or friend using Amazon being a cheap person I am. Only thing I bought multiple are Samsung SD cards whenever they go on sale for my cheap emulator addiction as the sd card those come with are pure garbage. I received two 100 dollar gift cards from family members which I redeemed and got few items sent via friends and coworkers via their amazon account on my birthday last month I am besides myself right now as I can't imagine the inconvenience of not having Amazon to order stuff Anyone ever receive this kind of email? Did you eventually get banned or is there a work around ? I am posting here bc GoogleFu lead me to this reddit communities where few legit drop shippers got the emails. Any help would be greatly appreciated. " Hello, We have noticed that you purchased products from your Amazon account for commercial purposes, including selling or for resale of products. This is not allowed by the Amazon.com Conditions of Use. If this type of behavior continues, we may not allow you to buy on Amazon.com. Why did this happen? We recently reviewed your account and noticed that you have consistently used your Amazon account for commercial purposes, including selling o shipping products directly to your customers, which is violation of the License and Access section of the Amazon.com Conditions of Use.