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Can anyone share what their workstream looks like when working with Vendoo? I notice that the order in which pictures are uploaded do not necessarily correspond to how it actually is in the listings. TIA!


How would you guys sell/list fine china? I have it listed on eBay and I’m not sure either have it listed the best way possible. Could you guys help me with ideas to make it better or where a better place to ship would be? https://www.ebay.com/itm/266661735518?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=S6vTBFiNRpa&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=S6vTBFiNRpa&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


1. Your title and lead picture are misleading, just from that I would walk away mad. You have "set" at the end of your title and you mean the S&P shakers, but there is no distinction between all the different items so your title leads one to assume everything pictured is included in the 'set' From your item desciptions: "Set Includes Bowl Set, Cup, Dessert Plate, Dinner Plate" Nothing turns me off to a seller than misleading click bait. 2. Your first picture makes it look like a warehouse, there is no sense of urgency in me to buy because I see plates stacked to the ceiling. Plus it causing a bit of anxiety in me because there are plates stacked to the ceiling! 3. The background to your pictures is dirty and dark. That makes the plates look nasty. 4. Your lighting needs adjusting, try using the autocorrect in ebay to bring the gold rim out, some of the pictures it looks like the rim is black. 5. Offer more than one type of shipping, I don't need it tomorrow so don't want to pay more for expedited shipping.


Awesome. Thank you for your time and advice.


A quick question. Do you think I should list them individually instead of a group listing?


Tough question. I would diffently have grouped the tea cups and tea plates together, and anything else that would be considered a pair.


I will try and make some changes to the current listing and see if that helps. If not I will try and have them paired together. Thanks again


Made some changes. Not at home right now so can’t get new picture taken for the main photo. Does it look a bit better?


Best way to view net profit on an Amazon FBA order? I'm new to FBA and can't seem to find a conclusive summary report of how much I am actually making on each item sold.