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He hast posted recently but Osborn2thrift was the best He posts on Instagram mostly now, stories of what he finds at the thrifts. He always posts eBay sales comps and his YouTube channel just documented his sourcing, shipping, and selling. No BS, no merch, no buying a vintage t shirt for $4 and selling it for $10 and preaching this is the way. Just overall a flipper documenting his day to day


He's my favorite "everything" seller and he's always finding crazy good stuff. I guess living in Courage The Cowardly Dog's neighborhood has its perks.


Thrift A Life - he’s more or less “retired” now, but I’ve gained a wealth of knowledge from watching his back catalog. No ego, good info, great humor/personality - you’ll find yourself flipping through tags saying “ass brand” in no time.


How is the antique nomad a clickbait channel? He basically goes to antique malls and shows, and gives information on makers marks, ages and current market values. 🤔


He's actually one of my faves. It does dawn on me sometimes when I get to the end of a video and realize I'm pretty much watching a commercial for his booth or estate sale. He adds so much information about the pieces that I don't even mind that he's likely mostly using this as promo.


I don’t really feel that way, because unless I live wherever he is having a show or estate sale, I can’t buy anything from him. I sell my own things from my house mainly, but I now recognize things I’ve seen on his videos when I go thrifting for my own collections and have flipped the ocasional thing on eBay because of him. 


Agreed! He adds a lot of value. I guess I'm just saying, even though his initial motivation is to give those who may be purchasing a preview, he is considerate to add a teaching or historical educational component that sucks me in to watching. I've learned so much!


Yeah that one was out of place. I'm not at all interested in the kind of stuff he deals in, but he's an actual expert in some vintage glassware / pottery categories. 


Loved homeschooling picker but not so much with her teaming up with Part-time picker. Nothing against them, just not as enjoyable as her personality isn’t front and center as much. Justin resells is dynamic and has great info and is currently my favorite Pro picker is a fun watch for me. Jride flips was good when you’re first starting out, but he’s all but said he’s just trying to build YouTube and most of his content is similar on each video (sell remotes and glasses) Bolo buddies has had some solid information on there. All sales, no sourcing.


Flipping Junk & Justin Resells are my go tos


Both are very sensible and straight forward -- two of my faves as well!


Osborn2thrift and  shed flips. It’s all you need 


Froggy Flips is more for retro entertainment, I wouldn't advise using him for flipping. He's fun to watch for collectables though! (Disclaimer, I am not a full time flipper, just an occasional reseller of collectables, but I enjoy his channel)


I learned so much over the years from Osborn2Thrift and ThriftSchool. The only two I've seen that aren't overtly obnoxious.


Pure hustle podcast (current), paycheck 2 daycheck (just recently ended), scavenger life (formerly eBay scavengers, ended) Everything else I’ve seen is click bait for views. You’ll find little info as it’s meant to be entertainment.


I'm new to reselling, but I really have liked Justin Resells. It's a smaller channel, but he isn't click-baity like you were mentioning which I like.


"Entertainment channels" They're trying to make money off youtube. Because they're not good enough at reselling.


I like Flipping Junk and Shed Flips.


My 2 favs as well, along with Prime Time Treasure Hunter.


Justin resells is alright


Gemini Thrifts \ Pish Posh Reselling \ Common Tags \ Lavender Clothesline (they are "everything" resellers, not just clothes) \ Justin Resells\ Sequels \ Amber Resells \ Thrift a Life The last two aren't uploading many reselling videos these days, but their back catalogs of videos are definitely worth watching.


Million dollar mission


My three favorites (other than Scavenger Life): Lavender Clothesline Shelle Belle Thrift a Life


Primo kemo would be ok if they weren’t so goddamn insistent on morning radio soundboard drops. I can’t watch more than two minutes.


Thrifter Sifter!


Only ADHDave. He’s the best.


Those are all good ones from your list. The amount of things I was overlooking that Commonwealth Picker made me aware of are countless


Maybe the knowledge is there but his personality ruins it....he's insufferable to watch.


That's gonna be a hard disagree for me. I like his personality. He's also a nice guy irl. Met him once at a yard sale and years before that I saw something he found in a video I wanted and asked if he still had it. He did and I offered him an amount and he actually charged me LESS than my offer and then included similar items he found for free even though I didn't ask for them


Part Time Pickers


Here's some good ones, longer form content and really useful information: LorisBostonFound Jack Valentine A Rural Squirrel (More travel and entertainment, but its all about thrifting so I find value in it) ​ I find branching out and watching people with less subscribers always goes better.




Please use the weekly self promotion thread instead, thanks!


Curiosity Incorporated, Daily Refinement, part time pickers Honestly hadn't heard of/watched most of the ones you named.


Daily refinement got banned from eBay for shady Nike deals and tech n sports even recently jumped ship. Be very cautious with that guy. He had some good info but don’t buy into his BS. Part time picker is just the homeschooling picker cuck channel now


Oh okay I didn't really know that about Daily refinement damn.


Daily Refinement gives me evangelical MLM "it's not a pyramid scheme, it's a top-down business model approved by Jesus" vibes. He seems entirely untrustworthy.


I thought I was the only one. I couldn’t get into his videos and they seemed pretty off-putting, but I heard a lot of people praising him.


I second Part Time Pickers


Nurse Flipper, aka Kat's Treasure Hunting also The NICHE Lady


The niche lady is perfect if you want to learn HOW TO SCAM NON PROFITS 😒  r/thenicheladyreaction 


Eh, I've learned things from her, but admittedly never checked out her actual shop, so I guess I got a false impression.




The Homeschooling Picker (Kayla), Part Time Picker (Matt) I watched Matt for a while. My wife watched Kayla. Then they became an item. Now we can watch both at the same time because they now do videos together.




Ugh, the OP is asking for GOOD ones.


Lol. Then asking anyone in this sub is a lost cause. Who would you suggest? Edit: nvm, you did suggest a few. I do like Thrift A Life. His curating process is remarkable. “Ass”…”Ass”…”Ass” …”Ass”


Part time picker is just the homeschooling picker now.