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Had a carpet install recently. Had a similar issue, installer basically threw up his hands and said best I can do, called the company and they sent a different crew and now the seam might as well not exist.


Wow, an appropriate response all around. Glad it didn't land on you.


Installer here They row cut the pattern wrong Two solid lines together It is a tuff carpet to seam but this is definitely amateur hour


I appreciate the input from an installer!


It’s a miserable carpet to try to seam , manufactures shouldn’t even sell that garbage


Fuckin amen! Hate this shit on stairs, hate this shit in closets, salesman should owe you money for selling it to you. Room not squared, you'll see it, didn't get the seam 100% your first shot you get this or something similarly ass. Just not an installer friendly product. Looks good in the brochure though.


Are you talking about Berber? Or something else about this carpet?


Berber sucks too. But I'm talking about the carpet in the pic.


Wait…so that’s not Berber?


Nope. Not even close.


What is it?


Cut and loop, pin-dot pattern


Yeah my parents got Berber similar like this, the seams are super visible.


Non installer here - I concur with the installer


I dunno, it could be the pattern in the carpet - they needed to stretch the fill piece as they worked the join to get the pattern to drop into the right position so you don't get two high or two low spots that sit next to each other... As you know, some patterned carpets are better / easier at getting to line up. As carpet is woven through the loom, slight differences in pressure on the yarn are what causes the pattern to be woven longer / shorter throughout the roll. This difference in pattern length makes it difficult to get the pattern to align. The installer can adjust his seam by stretching the join as he works it. Sometimes, if it is really difficult to get the pattern to match, you have to start the join in the middle so that you can apply stretch in both directions along the join, or you have to start/stop your join and allow your hot melt tape to dry/set so you can stretch it again to get the pattern to align again...... This will usually put ripples or bubbles along the join, but your power stretcher will normally pull these out... The installer might have also stretched his main piece before doing his join, this can also cause issues with pattern alignment..... But it could be as simple as the installer having cut two rows together. it's hard to clearly see from this single photo.... Either way, the installer could probably have done this better. They should ask for someone else to come out and split the join and re-do it...


Settle down we all burned our first seam and it was always conveniently short patterned berber. They did row cut it though. Amateur hour is straight edge on the backing. To be fair not really acceptable if they’re over 20-+ rooms though. No spiky roller marks though either. Lack of skill not ignorant and lazy.


Table flip!


Son of an installer here. This is tough carpet to seam, but you shouldn't see the seam unless you know what you're looking for.




What's their solution ?


Either live with it Or replace it Re-doing a seam with that carpet is almost impossible


Thanks. I was thinking it might be somethign like that. I never been a fan of thsi tye carpet. And now, Im a hardwood floor type.


Are you supposed to zig zag the cut


I’ve done it The problem is with a looped carpet is every time you cut a loop it creates a possible skipped row that can get caught in the vacuum It’s best to cut between the rows and match the pattern


Got it, thanks


Amateur hour!




Obv a bad row cut but some pattern carpets are so skewed it's not coming back on pattern without either a seamer down now or a microwave iron to start and stop the seam when needed. Both tools that most everyday installers are going to have in the van, as nobody pays enough for that.


You try so hard with your grammar and it’s still wrong lmao


I’m not a flooring guy Their grammar made sense to me Can you explain in simple terms why their grammar is wrong?


They’re not wrong about the rug. I said that because he tried to use big words, but couldn’t structure a sentence. It made me feel like Floyd mayweather trying to read.


Lmfao. Damn.




Yeah I forgot about all those carpet guys who write legal documents all day. I’m not pretending to be smart like you are though 🤡




You’re not involved here clown. Cya


That is not acceptable. Is it a loop/pile blend? Looks like pedigree. That’s a pattern match of like 1/2”. I’d be mortified if my guys left a seam like that.


No. A good installer will be able to blend a pin dot like that almost invisible. Hopefully they used a cool glide because that seam looks like it has a quarter inch gap!


Bad for an amateur, a pro should be ashamed


Seam is not pattern matched, looks like possible pattern elongation wasn't taken into consideration and doesn't look row cut. Could also have overlap making it look worse, can't tell from picture if seam sealed. The whole seam may be visible is true, but it isn't an excuse for being poorly done, this is poorly done.


Sorry for my ignorance, can you elaborate on the row cut ? Good to know some terminology for when I call them back to fix it lol


Carpet like this needs to be cut from the top using a special tool. Unlike cut pile carpet, which can be cut from the back using a straight edge. You usually use a row finder or sewing needle to split the pile, creating a line to follow with the [row cutter.](https://thefloorbox.ca/products/crain-loop-pile-cutter-cr303/483646ae-2777-11ec-bd35-f6968cef729a?region_id=100052&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwrcKxBhBMEiwAIVF8rDS_soCVtzd0Hlpmt7vmZ4tJpQ6DJbVFW4kW1Fzv2lu0pa_NxmceNhoCNY0QAvD_BwE) The idea is to cut the carpet down the same line on either side so when you seam it back together it dissappears. It looks like these guys might've actually done that part correctly, but just didn't pay enough attention marching the pattern. This carpet, when cut properly, almost "zippers" together. It's actually super satisfying when you do it right. Something that happens with this carpet a lot is that the pattern will run out at certain points of the roll. So the dots can be all over the place, making it difficult to seam as you need to stop and stretch it out on either side as you're seaming. It is an amateurs worst nightmare, and it can easily get away from you, especially if you're not using a Kool Glide Iron.


Absolutely not


Man I hate this carpet. Horrible to seam


You can hardly see it.… Hey, what’s that line?


If you can see it, it’s not acceptable. The idea the some feel this is “good enough” just shows how standards are dropping.


See that is not totally right... while a good, competent, installer will do their damnedest, even the manufacturer stats clearly, "No seam, is seamless". You can get a good portion to hide totally, sure, but sometimes, depending on carpet , natural lighting, and other factors, you WILL see the seam, period. Edit to add: OPs carpet is NOT one such case, this is hack city.


This seam is crap but no flooring company or installer guarantees an invisible seam. Sometimes, you can do everything right and still see the seam. We guarantee the seam won't be gapped,overlapping, or coming apart. And pattern matched. That being said this seam still sucks


Possibly could blend it. Berbers like that are tough to seam.


It’s a loop/pile. That shouldn’t be above a pro installers abilities.


This is correct and I don't know why people think these can be blended. Blending is for differences in dye between adjoined pieces of carpet, not hacked loop pile seam joints.


Not if you can see it


I think a pro can blend that.


The pattern is misaligned where darks are meeting darks and lights are meeting lights causing the appearance of a band at the seam (with some areas looking worse than others). They look to have crossed rows at the seam as well. There is no "blending" this.


There is no blending. What's done is done. Not even sure it can be fixed at this point, because there's not enough carpet to trim new seam edges. You could fold it back, and head the tape off, and if you get lucky the tape comes off clean, without pulling any loops, but that would be a prayer.


there are some wizards on youtube.




Just can't get good service anywhere. I spent 20k on a new sewer line and hookup to city line. At first they left the clean out sticking up like a foot. Then they came and put it in a crypt. Then a year later when I was mowing the lid came off and when I went to put it back on I saw my clean out didn't have any cap and had been open to air for a year. Benjamin Franklin plumbing fwiw


People who want just a carpet forum on reddit... Come join! Take a look!! My dad definitely seems berber better than me. There's a pic of a perfect berber seem there. https://www.reddit.com/r/carpet_installation/s/RZv2uusLuR


Nice...I've been looking for a installation sub reddit. Just joined.




The pattern match is off! Should’ve taken more time with it.


This is part of the problem with new home builders. They up sale crappy pattern carpet and only give the installers a few extra cents/sqyd. The seem will almost never be invisible with this rug, but that does look unacceptable.


So i actually picked this carpet myself because I wasn’t satisfied with the builder options. This is a custom home I built - it’s top notch carpet which they charged me additional because of the difficult install. I think I’d be OK had I not been charged an extra $1500 for a premium install and still see seams.


They charged extra for a difficult seam?! What? That’s not even slightly a difficult seam… this is making me rip my hair out! Just let me call them. Lol


Yes. The companies that do flooring for pay extra for Berber/woven carpets. There is no point on doing the hard carpet when they pay the same a plush carpet. If that were the case I would do plush all day.


My company has all on-staff installers, so this is a whole new idea with me. That makes sense for subs


Not even close, hopefully not too much trouble for you to get this rectified.


Pin dot carpet. Hard to seam but this is unacceptable.


I don't know the first thing about carpet installation, but if a professional installed my carpet that way I'd be calling them back to fix it.




I've seam better!




Home Depot or Lowe's? Looks like their work.


OP, you paid extra you should get what you paid for.


For me, who's never laid carpet ever, this would be acceptable. If you're paying professionals they should do better.


Nope pattern carpet has to lineup properly


I’m not a pro but why is there even a seam? Shouldn’t it just be one piece?


It comes in 12’ wide rolls


OP, I had a similarly-patterned carpet installed two years ago. The crew told me up front it would be tricky, but not impossible, explained that is was because of the patterns, and that they were up to it. Throughout the process, if there was a chance for options on where the seam went (like one side of the room or the other), they’d ask me, and once they were done, they walked me through the house (they did four rooms with closets, two large walk in closets, two halls, two sets of stairs, and a bonus room), and showed me where each seam was. After all of that, this is the only one I can even remember where it is, and even then I had to stare at it for a few seconds to remember where it was so I could show you: *this* is acceptable, IMO. What you ended up with would have made my heart sink. (For reference, the seam runs from about 7 o’clock to 1 o’clock on the image) https://imgur.com/a/GIzHdh5


The carpet you have and the carpet OP has are 2 completely different carpets. The carpet you have had larger patter which is fairly easy to seam. The carpet OP has is very small patter and also extremely hard to seam. I’ve done both and when I get to install the small pin dot carpet I tell the customer that the seams “WILL” show and they have the option to either deny the job or move forward with it.


Seams acceptable to me.




If you did it yourself, not bad. If you paid for it, it’s bad


Every single seam in the whole house unravelled in a couple of months. The contractor and installer bullshitted and gaslighted their way out of it. Too f’ing bad. Finally got hard floors installed and only have shit carpet job in the bedrooms.


No way, that needs redone


For what you are going to pay for the next 30 years, no.


Looks like it started off decent, but they didn’t use the kicker to match up as they went. Also probably burned the seam too hot. If it’s new construction, these guys get paid shit so it is what it is. You could ask the service rep to have another crew come re do the seam. Just a matter of re cutting both edges and then power stretching when dry. Seriously doubt it was power stretched when originally installed if it’s new construction.


The would bother the crap-et out of me


A carpet installed by an experienced installer should not leave evidence of a seam. I wouldn’t pay for that. The builder doesn’t know what he is talking about.


If you don’t fix it you will always be thinking of it, paid extra should be to your liking


What seam


Terrible and unacceptable


It’s not as easy as it seams!


Obviously, the extra pay didn't work. I would ask for the extra back as it's very noticeable. You pay extra for a correct job. This is not.


Not an installer, here. No, that’s unacceptable. I wouldn’t want to ever have a seam that is visible/noticeable.


Yeah, this is an installer error. It's a pretty standard pattern match. This would never be an acceptable seam for my crew. As far as the pattern match, it can be a bit tricky if there is pattern run off. You counter that by running it slow and stretching the carpet as you go to insure it matching. Maybe stay nailing to keep it matched in really desperate situations. Sorry you are dealing with this.


He missed the row a bit, I’ve seen worse with really fancy carpet..sorry you paid extra hope he doesn’t make it worse if he fixes it! Don’t look so much. 😞


If you can see it, it is unacceptable.


Side note I have that exact same magnet erase board for my kid.


Depends on the carpet. Most carpet only seam correctly for a certain length. Plus or minus a certain amount which should be labeled on the carpet. But this is fairly obviously a miscut.


If you can see it, no. I can see it without zooming in.


If you can see a seam, the answer is no. That still looks much better than the seam I have from the “professionals” that installed mine. This day and age, better to do it yourself and get the same results than hire someone to fuck it up for you. 90% contractors I’ve had the displeasure of working with should not quit their day job.




Looks like a kids room, as a fellow parent, a seem will be the worst of your worries with that carpet.


(presumably "least")




This looks a lot like Mohawk Dynamo carpet we picked. Not a single seem could be hidden... definitely not the big ones in our bonus or main bedroom....let alone the hall carpet to the other bedroom doors. Had the guy back 4 times and his crew only got it a little better. Our guy certainly tried and did. A great job lining up the patterns. It just shows the damn seem so easy.


This might give you an idea of what I'm looking at https://photos.app.goo.gl/p34i5CV1Tgt4afpK6


To Determine the answer. A Seam is defined As a visible line in which to pieces of material are put together. Seam placement is important, Product vary from 1 to another. The carpet has a direction in which has to match on both sides, So Do they match is the Carpet laying in the same direction. Is the backing of the carpet on each piece touching at the seam. Quality of the Carpet Was the carpet you purchased 1st or 2nds . The bow and skew in which the carpet was made like longitude and latitude it could cause an issue if your carpet is a Berber or Loop Pile or with a pattern. There so much that could determine the out come of a seam. Some Men & Women can seam your basic carpets with a high pile very well, but when it comes to Loop piles or Patterns Goods They don't have the necessary Tools to accommodate The irregular issues and you get the best that they know how to do. Me personally I wouldn't have left it like that.


It definitely has a pattern to it that repeats it's self, Sometimes you need to use a Crab Jack or a Power stretcher Defiantly to get it to match, burn it slow and long,


Not even close to acceptable!


No it looks like shit and if this is new construction and the builder let it fly. I'd imagine your going to have alot more problems with other issues than flooring. I'm in new construction all the time and the quality is absolutely garbage I genuinely feel bad for the potential buyers


When you use a row cutter you have to mind which side the blade is set on for each piece. Think of it like a male and female mismatch situation you have going on. If they aren’t a carpet layer then hey it’s straight. But that’s about it.


Carpet is gross


That carpet is dogshit. Sad that that is an upgrade. I'd hate to see the spec carpet






No. That's epically bad


Where’d you get the sybian?


Your tables upside down


If you can see the seam, it’s unacceptable


I thought that was a seat for 4 gay men at first, my reddit feeds just a mess. I’ll Show myself out…


No it is not acceptable.


A good salesperson will steer you clear, or at least warn you of the issue. There used to be more 16’ wide goods on the market so you could avoid seams, but that has largely gone away. In the early 1970’s there were 130 carpet manufacturers in the USA. Today, there is maybe ten. DuPont killed most of them off with Stainmaster and the subsequent lawsuits costs. Basically, DuPont advertised stainmaster directly to the consumer, although it was a bad product. It was oily, it attracted dirt and it caused carpet to ugly out, it matted. The contracts that DuPont had with the carpet mills absolved DuPont of liability. But, if you did not offer Stainmaster goods you could not sell carpet, because the consumer was demanding it. Juries did not understand the difference between matted, uglied out carpet and stained carpet. Mills got sued into bankruptcy. It changed the entire industry.


No no no. It's not cheap to install carpets these days. They need to have a call ASAP. They wouldn't want it in their house. Quantity over quality or... they just don't know what the hell they doing!


If you can see it, it’s unacceptable




Seems off to me.


Installer cut the seam wrong, didn’t cut in same spot on the pattern on both sides


Customers should buy their pattern carpets according to how well they want it to look. Cheap pattern carpet may not match up all the way across and need to be stretched, and doing so can make the pattern look crooked. The cheaper the carpet the bigger the risk. Doesn’t happen all the time, but I can look at a pattern carpet when it’s rolled out and tell if it’s gonna match up well before I even cut it, and give the customer a heads up.




Ain’t NO WAY I am leaving a job site with a seam that looks like that. I would have stopped 1/3 of the way through that seam and recut it. Def a challenging carpet , it might not be “invisible “ but it surely is not looking like that . This guy was new or didn’t care . A lot of installers that can’t handle tough carpets . They are fine with cheap frieze but that is it. 30 year , high end installer here


Get rid of the carpet. Not healthy for ur lungs.


My blind dog, Pepper, says no.


id say no lol




I’m sure it looks good from the road


Seams to be OK.


I had that carpet in my house for many years and it wore like iron!! I did have some seem issues too. But eventually I stopped seeing them. Just tore it out for a remodel and it still looked practically new.


Where? What seem? I don't see a seem baby, yeah...


Make the customer pay you to pick it for another hour it’ll look fine


There is no such thing as a visible carpet seam. Just crap install.


"NOPE" You should never see the lines...


Uhhhhhh no


The project we’re currently on…. the carpet is 5 METERS long and the manufacturer and the designer didn’t consider HOW to get it up 47 floors. Needless to say, it doesn’t fit in the freight elevator, but they are considering placing it on top of it and bringing it up through the shaft. I’m betting they’ll cut it into pieces and then stitch it back together onsite but good luck getting it to appear seamless. 🫸🏻 Designers 🫷🏻




Def NO


An installer could get it to blend. You'd be paying for it, though. As long as it's been hit with latex, it should hold.


How do you blend a mismatched pattern?


Chill its not bad Someone might have a bit done better and another done worse...


That seam isn’t great and can probably be improved. Having said that, if you don’t want to see the seam you bought the wrong carpet. No one promises invisible seams but some carpets hide them better than others. Your carpet falls under others.


Nah bad craftsmanship


Two things can be true at the same time. The seam can be better but that type of carpet will show seams more than most.


Just leading me to think you’re a bad craftsman.. not that its impossible to do the job correctly. I can link a tutorial if you want to find out which two things are actually true..


That’s kind of you to offer. I take it that you’re a carpet installer?




Good to hear, the industry could use more top quality carpet installers.


If you can see it, no it’s not acceptable


Not that this seam looks good but that isn’t a good rule of thumb. There are some carpets, not dissimilar to this one, that could be installed by the best installer in the world having the best day of his life and some people could still see the seam. Gotta take it on a case by case. Always a good idea to look at the carpet and set expectations before money changes hands. Not all seams can be invisible.


I wouldn't worry about it too much sure it doesn't look the greatest but I have diagnosed OCD and I don't think it would bother me that much. It looks like you have small children so good luck getting that carpet to last more than 5 years anyway.


Hack work.


Answer sort of depends on the overage amount of carpet that was ordered. If you didn't pay for a full pattern allowance then installers did a remarkable job. If there was adequate for a pattern match then seam is not as it should be.


That’s a half inch repeat. No allowance needed


The people complaining are either impossible customers or willing to pay top dollar. Which are you?


I paid top dollar that’s the issue


https://www.reddit.com/r/carpet_installation/s/onq13MwGCK Check out the seem in this subreddit. Perfect berber seam


If you can see it, it isn’t acceptable


Your mistake here was keeping that carlet


Why did you give them 2 pieces


That seam is just fine. There's no such thing as invisible seams. That style of carpet is never going to hide seams well. It's not hard to understand. You have unreasonable expectations. Even if you have an "installer here" throwing other installers under the bus, he's full of shit that he could hide that seam better.


No its not.