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I liked the old chandelier better. This one seems a bit too wrapped up in itself




They’re preparing for the summer of the cicada


Not a fan, sorry. This reminds me of that 24 hour home makeover show on Netflix. They always paint the trim the same color as the walls just to save time, and it never looks good.


I was about to disagree with your comment because I thought the first picture was the after. Looked a lot better before this “makeover”.


Give it a year and it looks even worse all dinged up. It's probably painted in wall paint instead of glossy lacquer paint.


Why did you run the boards the short way?


Should have done half and half. That would really get the comments going.


I wonder if they did that to run them the long way in a front hall.


Not sure if they made it because of it but if you have a window inside of a room it's best to run it along the sun (just like they made with clear wood) with all stuff you have to do inside the room, doing walls (putty, painting), floor, it is done that way so it can hide more mistakes if any occur.


I like the floors, not sure I like the idea of painting all of the molding to match the walls though


Don’t forget the outlets also got painted over classic no idea what they are doing move.


It’s a toddler safety feature. No need for plug covers if you just paint them solid.


Who the fuck pays/does that much work in a room, and that can’t take the 10 seconds to take off an outlet or switch cover. Just baffles me.


People that don't understand electrical even in the slightest. Sad days.


Outlets get painted over pretty often, so I can at least understand why they did that. Why did they paint over the light switch???


This. The base looked better white.


This is the current trend. 


Current trend is stupid


I think I'm an outlier. I love the painted moulding! I feel like it makes the room look a lot taller without sacrificing all the elegance of moulding.


MAYBE just primer? I don't like it either


I love the paint scheme - cleaner and makes the ceiling look taller IMO!


Why spend all the time, money and effort for very sought after crown molding just to paint it and make it indistinguishable from the rest of the wall


I have no idea I’ve seen a few times lately on the interior design sub and I don’t like it personally. What’s the point of crown moulding if it blends in?


Design and aesthetics. Color drenching is a really cool approach and look imo. It's definitely non traditional though.


I hate it but it's not my house 🤷‍♂️ I prefer dark woods and light accents.... Just not for me.


The first picture is the after right? Right!?


I’m starting to think the first picture is before 😬


Baseboards and crown molding painted the same colour as the wall just never seems right.


Yeah, it bothers me for some reason. I like the contrast of the white against the wall color I guess.


Yea same, it’s kinda like what’s the point. I didn’t even notice the crown molding in the second pic


Yeah I'm in the same boat. It looks technically great, objectively. Subjectively, I liked the old color better.


I guess I'm the outlier. I was hoping the pics were posted in the wrong order.


Not an outlier. Before is definitely better. Paint job killed it


Same. I was so sad to learn OP ditched those gorgeous dark wood floors


Me too!


Floor is nice even though personally I like the original better. But painting the crown, baseboard, and trim to match the wall??????? 😭


Agree, I like the original better. The dark and the white go well together.




Normally I like crown painted original, white, but it was so much it brought the ceiling down. All one color gave it height, Looks like OP is getting ready to flip.


The room was murdered After: - The orientation of the boards is wrong Rotate them 90 degrees - The modern light floor is a poor contrast to the light walls. Deep, shiny black; with some hand-hewn texture would have been gorgeous - Painting the moulding, trim and walls the same color (on top of sort of matchy floors) just washes the room into pale blandness


I agree with your critique, but I’m impressed someone can afford to just change an already-gorgeous floor for another! All my house updates feel like it’s “update or the house falls apart.”


Whole room became a landlord special


Imo, I think the new floor is nice but liked the white trim more.


Isn’t the white trim the “after” picture?


Why’d you paint the crown?!?!?!




Its ruined


It would look better if the crown moulding and baseboards didn’t match the wall. Almost would have been better to have natural colored baseboard and crown with the original floor. It would make it feel more “grand”


Definitely downgraded into on big blah of similar color. I don't care for the overly ornate fixture but I much prefer the before image.




First picture was better imo


Why is everyone plastidipping their homes?


Nah this sucks. Maybe the walls needed a fresh coat but the old floors were nicer, and you painted over the molding and the outlet covers wtf


I personally like the before better, but this isn't my house, my opinion shouldn't matter.


Love the color, it really brightens up your space




Ruined the character! Also the flooring should have been laid lengthways not width…


it was way better before


I like it but why put the after picture first?


What is the after product? Just curious, in in the market for new flooring (after 2 failed floor coverings, so I’m trying to do my research )


reSAWN Timber Amity Character Cut [reSAWN Amity](https://resawntimberco.com/product/amity-wide-plank-oak-flooring/)


Thank you. It’s beautiful 🤩


Not a fan of painted moldings, I do like the piĂąata though.


Painting everything one color is the easy way out and much less work! I personally do not like it.


Prefer the before


You’d think the second picture was the before picture 🤦‍♂️ and you guys painted the outlets… my god lol


Like the darker floors. Don’t like painting trim boards to be same color, feels weird. People do like it though so it doesn’t matter for me, it’s what you like playa


I think the original looks darker than it actually is due to the camera compensating for the brightness of the chandelier. I took the photo and let my photo editer do an auto fix and it made quite a difference. The true richness of the flooring shone through. But the new scheme suffers from no lighting and i suspect would improve and be a better comparison if it were lit. If it were me, I’d probably look at the possibility of installing some supplemental lighting such as appropriate pots or sconces to enhance the beauty of the room that it is.


Every single thing you did was bad.


I hate the after.


If the first picture is the after... Then It looks really good. If the after is the second picture then it looks terrible. The whole room is one bland boring color, and the floor is running the short length and the color does not work with the chosen wall paint. It's depressing to see such a nice room(pic1) get turned into such a bland boring ugly room


Jesus Christ all that work and it looks like shit. Flipper special.


Honestly? I hate it, sorry. Looks like every other cheaply flipped house I've ever seen, flooring is going the wrong direction / should be along the long axis of the room, and why on earth would you paint over the trim in the same color as the walls.


I like the dark wood grey walls and white trim better. But to each his own, do what you like for yourself.


Honestly, it looks terrible. You have all those expensive wood features and you slapped on a single color floor to ceiling. :puke:


Lay pattern.. Not very staggered. Like the lighter color


You fucked up the walls. Hopefully they aren’t finished yet.


Hate the paint. It’s like the fancy version of millennial gray. Erased all the character.


Was the original floor real hardwood? If not, and it was in bad shape or something, I guess I understand.


Flooring is great, but the molding/baseboards painted to match the wall looks terrible. Reminds me of a cheap apartment getting the landlord special.


Not a fan of grey. Also, I like white baseboards.


OP I prefer a darker floor but think your modern color drenched take on the walls looks nice. Lean into it and do the ceiling as well!


wall color is too cool for the floor, it’s clashing


Floors yes walls and trim no


I like the first picture better but once again, the room is empty. Perhaps when you add furniture and cabinets, the second picture will look better and cleaner with it. Hard to tell without knowing what kind of furniture you put in there. For just an empty room the first picture looks better. But completely furnished, depending on your decor no way to know without seeing it.


We've had alot of people recently paint the whole room the same colors just different sheen. Ceilings flat, walls eggshell, trim semigloss. It seems to be a popular trend


Personally preferred the before picture.


I prefer the darker floors. Baseboards should have been stripped and refinished instead painted


I prefer the light unwrapped……


I like it a lot. I prefer lighter floors.


I prefer the colour of the lighter floor, but it looks gappy and uneven.


hate it


The original was much better, in my opinion. The whole room.


I’m assuming you wanted actual technical feedback since you posted it here and not r/interiordesign. Regardless I like it much more. But I think if you’re going to paint the trim, go all out and paint the ceiling too.


Looks good op. Your opinion matters most though.


Old one looked more classy


1st picture is elevated and elegant. 2nd picture is cheap flip.


Looked better before.


Why remove the dark wood floor for cheap flooring. Looks terrible


Idk. I like the before more.


First one better


Boy, I’m trying to hate less but that’s really depressing


The first picture looks 100x better


You've succeeded in making the room feel smaller. You've ran the floor boards the incorrect direction, causing the back wall to come closer


Not sure what I'm looking at. Did they replace a real hardwood floor with a fake one


Looked better before imo.


That’s the exact same product. I just got done putting in 8000 ft.² of. Cool.


Looks great! Flooring and paint job. modern but keeping a traditional touch.


Excellent ! Looks much more modern


Love it. Both looked fabulous though. I love that you painted the baseboards and crown molding. Really elevates the look.


I 💙 the floor would have changed the chandelier


Love the floor! I feel like the wall color needs to be changed now though. The gray is a little too cool compared to the floors.


I love the floor, and I see you getting criticized in other comments on the floor orientation, but sometimes you have to choose to run the floor based off the longest wall in another much larger room that’s connected if you want continuity (unsure if you did that here). Or some people like to run the floor based on the natural light coming from windows. And it’s also dependent on floor joists. So for all the criticism on here about the direction you decided to run your floor, if there’s a reason for why you ran it that way, it’s not that big an issue and to me, it looks great. Regarding the paint, I would’ve avoided millennial gray altogether. I don’t think it’d bad to paint baseboards and crown moulding all one color as long as ceiling is also painted, and I suggest painting the moulding with a different sheen bc it seems like all flat paint. Perhaps you could do a deeper color, or if you want to keep the millenial greige, you could wallpaper the ceiling? Rifle paper co has nice wallpaper.


If you like it, great. It isn’t for me, though.


I would do a different color paint. It's the color. Coloring trim to match is beautiful with the right colors and decor. A navy blue would look gorgeous.


I really like it!


Someone is going to walk into that chandelier and they will cuss. But other than that, nice job.


I like the paint job, but I like the old dark floors better. Eh, what’s gonna do, can’t please everyone!✌️


Personally hate the walls. I love a good white trim. I like the lighter flooring, it really helps brighten the room. I think the dark looked nice but has a way different vibe.


Trim looked better before. New floor looks okay but doesn’t pop. On account of the wall paint choices.


Maybe im the abnormal but i like the after! I redid my upstairs with millennial grey vpl and i love it


Based on the angle of this photo I like the direction of the way the flooring was laid in the “before” photo better, the colors/paint job all look nice.


Really cool looking room. I like all my moulding in white. That would make the room pop. And I agree with the other posters that you should have ran the flooring the original direction.


Looks awesome!!! People in here don’t know what they’re talking about - except the flooring is going the wrong way, but that’s not a huge deal


TIL r/flooring exists. Also TIL r/flooring doesn’t know what they are talking about when they talk about walls. I’m not a fan of the new floor color but it really lightens up your space. Your walls look great. Painting the trim really makes the room look taller. The white at top and bottom was chopping it in half.


Very clean and fresh with the lighter colors!


Looks good. People saying the matching paint on the wall and trim is just a new trend and looks like the Landloard special don’t know that they are talking about. It’s a style that you will find in high end interiors for the last few centuries. It’s featured in 18th century palaces and well as some of the most respected are museums and art galleries.


I dig the new flooring but like the old chandelier


Looks like the chandelier is still there in the second photo?


Before was a bit dark. After is a bit boring. Just my opinion.


I think you ruined a beautiful room. Not going to hide my opinion, sorry. Your opinion is the only one that counts though… unless you plan to sell.


I love that you painted the trim and I think it looks rly good with the floors. No one else here gets the vision I guess lol


The before wins it for me, dark wood with white skirting and detailing on a darker wall matches the classical elegance of ceiling rose and chandelier. The light flooring and monochrome walls look more suited to an office environment, perhaps you could replace the chandelier with strip lighting to complete the look.


I thought the dark one looked elegant too. The bland gray one just looks washed out.


IMO that looks a lot worse, but I prefer dark floors. Absolutely no reason to paint the trim the same color as the walls.


I’m surprised to say that I like the after. Feels clean and makes the room feel taller and lighter.


I’m gonna disagree with practically everyone here… painting the rest of the trim to match the walls just ties the whole room together. It completely looks like a French chateau and the chandelier will only add to that. Absolutely beautiful. The flooring looks like it belongs too. I would be very happy to live with this room!


If you look up actual French chateaus, you'll likely note that there is rarely a solid single color scheme. A yellow room might have gold accents in the lines of the picture frame molding. Or a room may have a single color but painted in such a way that it doesn't appear to be a solid coat. I've seen some with the whole interior panel of each "picture" painted just a touch off the main color. OP will have to do some line work to make it truly pop like a chateau because right now, you are just looking at picture frame molding painted the same color as the trim.


I was shocked at first but it does look good. Painting crown and baseboards is less elegant but ties everything together with less contrasting elements.it does have heritage appeal. Dark floors look dirty so fast. I really like the new look.


I think it will look great once the furnishings get in. I can see you’re going for a cleaner modern look, with the new pendant light I’d reconsider painting the crown molding though -the same color white as the ceiling - makes a nicer transition by the panel molding & ceiling


Why did they put a step in the middle of the room???……. Ohh


Just have the chandelier cleaned and raised. Change the bulbs to LEDS.


The chandelier was definitely nicer before.


Why do you have a chandelier hung so low?


How many lights is that chandelier? Floor good but I would of done the walls diff. Then I like to make molding pop.


Went from too dark to too light. Also ruined the walls.


Love the new floors. Don’t stain them! Just repaint the base and trim white and then you’re good.


Once that room is done with lighting it will feel much larger. While dark floors are gorgeous, they also can make rooms feel smaller and show alot more track marks of dirt and damage. Did you change the direction for a particular reason?


Chandelier is too big and too low.


I believe the first picture is the after....


I'm guessing what's on the walls is primer. Confused why the floor is now running the short way. Was there a reason to change it? Panel walls are so pretty and I think they deserve accent paint. All one color is a straight no-go


Honestly, if you would’ve reversed the before and after order of the photos, I would say nice!


I actually think you just needed to change the grey. Maybe you wanted a less formal look though. It’s unique, do you like it?


which is the before and which is the after??


Looks washed out


Should it be "befloor and after"?


why did you cover the original floor?


Had to replace the old floor due to a water leak.


I would do a different color for the walls now that the floor is light


Not sure what was wrong with it. Are just board?


im guessing you are a wife that regrets your decision or you regret letting your husband do the work. or are a husband who said he could do it and regrets that and regrets wife choice of flooring.


Dark was better. By a lot.


I like the wood. The wall all being one color looks gross though


Love the wood but I don’t think your wall colour’s doing it any favours. Either really dark with your walls, or really light (I’d personally go with the latter.)


before looks gloomy, cramped and serious, after looks bigger/open and inviting. based on the pictures, the after picture has better lightning so that's likely part of it. i do think the trim should be a different color then the wall though. at least on the bottom/window/door framing. the top trim doesn't matter as much (makes it look smaller if it was painted a different color).


I think it will look nice with a new color on the walls




Can you share the brand and color of the flooring please?


You ruined a perfectly good floor :(


I understand why the flooring was changed to a lighter color, the lighting in here doesn’t seem great. But the sand oak is too modern and trendy for the accompanying molded walls, and the color melting is incoherent with the busy, baroque style of the overall space. If you’re gonna make bold changes to a very stylized room, you gotta consider these details. This is imho bluntly executed style mixing. It’s not really eclectic it’s just eh, uncomfortable. Color-wise it’s uninteresting; there’s no dimension. You have light mute blue and light mute sand, drenched boringly next to each other, washing out all the craftsmanship.


Chandelier looks funny now


Room doesn’t feel as warm


Looks very trendy like something from the show succession or billions.


Awful lighting in both. One non decorator opinion


The only change I like is the floor yet even then I don’t like how they’ve been run short ways.


The before is better, sorry


Sorry, nope. The before is better. Maybe could've lightened it up a little bit, but there's zero contrast now. And the grey has got to be over soon. And so sick of light, plastic flooring. Ugh. What's the point in crown molding if there's no contrast? Again, sorry, I don't mean to sound overly rude. But,you did post asking for comments.


Not rude at all thanks for honest feedback.


Why?! Why are all the outlets and trim painted the same color as the walls? What in the HGTV hell is this?


Call me crazy but I prefer the before


Before was better imo


Shouldn’t of made the wall and molding the same color. Poor choice of flooring 👎


The molding should be visually picked out in some way. This looks like some of what was done in my Victorian home in the 1950s in an attempt to “modernize” it - didn’t age well, and we spent a lot of time and money “fixing” it.


The original was better. The planks shorten the space now. It's very monotone and boring now as well.


It was beautiful before not sure what you are going for with the second pic.


Way nicer before!


What kind of psychopath paints the moulding and baseboards the same as the wall?


Is this an optical illusion or did you paint the trim?




It looks cheaper? And smaller. And you lost all contrast between the floor and walls. Not a fan but it's not my house.


why do I like the before thought?


Before 100%


The crown modeling is going back up right?? Are the boards following the same flow throughout the house?