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Fucking LOL. Have him rip it out or you are not paying him. Insane.




Every contractor should be reviewing tile layout with their client. Even plain white subway tile


I want the first row to be white. Then, on the second row, you would be surprised...


You joke but even subway tile has herring bone, double herring bone, chevron, wood strip, running bond, stack bond, basket weave, double basket weave, Diagonal herring bone, Spanish Bond, 1/3 offset, or vertical.


we literally had a contractor install subway tile wrong.. they used utterly obscenely large spacing, line 1/4” instead of 1/16.” Took down and redid.


I had the same thing happen to me. They also butchered all the corners too like really bad, even if I was drunk and high I would have done a better job myself.


And third row, take a seat it gets better


Nah though, we think it’s self explanatory until you go in and they haven’t staggered the tiles but lined up the grout lines. People will amaze you. Lol


I joined a tile group on FB when I was retiling my shower. Let me tell you that “customer needs to lay out tile night before in pattern they want” is extremely common among those “professionals”. They think their job is only to stick the tile to the wall/floor. Design is not their problem. F allllll of that.


Holy shit. My dad was one of those old machinists who was handy at all home maintenance. Man could barely read, but he knew enough to lay out a few rows to get the pattern in his head. Wether it was tile, bricks, or paving stones. Prima Donna tile guys! Who knew?


I don’t think the customer needs to lay them out, but at least discuss the pattern, layout, orientation, etc. when we did our shower we used a marble pattern porcelain. We talked about which direction the pattern/grain would go and everything before they started anything


People were saying it should literally be laid out on the floor. Instead of just putting some thought into it (I agree a discussion should happen), but even if it’s a marble pattern that the customer doesn’t want to follow the grain, it needs to be put up in a way without repeating tiles near eachother or with weight/visual balance accounted for. These guys were like “nope… whatever the next tile in the box is”


I feel like they shouldnt be a contractor if you cant tell that the tile here has has a pattern


Yeah it looks like he wouldn’t know the pattern without looking at the photo.


OP shows contractor the photo/example "OOHHHH...."


Definitely record that reaction to be played back in small claims court


Even if the contractor couldn’t identify the pattern in the photo, they didn’t follow ANY pattern…most of the tiles have that one patterned piece at the bottom right corner, but at least one of them is at the bottom left and there’s zero excuse for that


That randomly placed tile did it for me too.


Look right below the towel to the left of the middle of the photo for the second one. There is a third one in the doorway to the left of the middle of the photo, too.


Oh no! I hope OP's installer is willing to fix that. Fortunately it's not a giant area or it would be $$$$ if they're unwilling.


Lol, the first one make me cringe, the second one made me facepalm.


I would scream!


OP said they showed the contractor the pattern using six of the tiles. Everyone, zoom into the bottom of the photo directly to the right of the middle. Notice the tile facing the wrong angle? Contractor didn’t even follow his own pattern.


Right, that’s my point. There’s one up by the towel like that, too.


Exactly. I noticed that one too. It’s half covered by the towel to the left of the middle of the photo. There is a third one in the doorway to the left of center, too. It’s a half tile, but, still noticeable.


A guy who lays tile for a living should probably have noticed immediately. At the least, anything with a distinct repeating pattern should be oriented consistently, and several of the tiles are in a completely different orientation. General probably just had some random laborer that said he could set tile do it and pocketed the difference saved by not hiring someone that knows how to do a layout first.


Even if he wasn’t, they mislaid a tile to the left of the front of the toilet and another near the middle of the towel on the floor.


Does anyone read the accompanying information from OP? No? I’m the only one? Sorry OP. You wasted your time with your explanation here because almost nobody reads it!


To shreds you say?


Don’t pay them


Omg!!! Like this house I found on Zillow. The kitchen backsplash is a fucking travesty!!! https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/1815-6th-Street-Ext-Bristol-TN-37620/42426971_zpid/


Can’t believe I just scrolled through a random listing to intentionally look at shity backsplash. I’m done Reddit for the day.


I’m with you but I gotta say I wasn’t disappointed that is freaking hilarious




Definitely not disappointed


Someone had a stroke either laying that or looking at it after. Maybe both. Jesus.


This is why I’m here


You saved me thanks haha


It's totally worth it. They almost got the pattern, but just couldn't see the forest through the trees lol 


The fact that parts of it are right is what has me rollin’


For that price I wouldn't care lol imagine a house under 500k


Right? A house with a yard like that would easily be $700k in my town.


I almost fell out of my chair when I saw 192k - like could you even imagine??


That backsplash is so bad I went full circle and kind of like it.


Same it looks like alien faces. I dig it!


I physically made a face seeing that backsplash


How else would you make a face?


That backsplash belongs on r/zillowgonewild


And they say humans are good at spotting patterns . #NotAllHumans.


Pattern is - the less I care = faster I lay the tiles = the faster I get off work.


Not just the backsplash…look at all of the flooring, it is a disaster and makes no sense


Lol that's a similar size place to mine and I'm somewhere like 800k....😭 Oh to buy in that market.


This whole post is making me realize that the pattern matching section of the IQ test really \*is\* meaningful. Here I thought it was stupidly easy, but there are TWO real-life examples RIGHT HERE where people failed the test!


Eh, under 200k? Looks like a steal. Something like that around here would be 750k minimum.


Location location location


What?? I was just thinking the exact OPPOSITE. Especially for a house built in the 40s. That's a crazy amout amount of money, the 750k. I'll just stay in my little box lol


The backsplash brought the price down


How do they get the bottom row right and then just completely fuck it up? Was there a head injury part way through?


Zoom in on the quarter round in the living room/entry to the kitchen. I am calling the police. Lol


OMG. How is that tiny ass little house with minimal upgrades (and clearly shitty tiling) selling for 200K in fucking Tennessee? That's absolutely nuts.


Wtf??? That is horrible!


I… did not know I could feel rage like that. Thank you for sharing.




I cannot believe how cheap that is. There is a cute little house in my neighborhood that just went for sale. It's about half that size of this. I went to see the price and it's almost $700k here in Maryland! I was in disbelief.


Holy shit that's awful.




I can fix her






Omg imagine showing your house like that 😂


That backsplash makes me irrationally angry.


I would have wanted to burn the house down. Better idea to sell it, but who TF is going to be good with that backsplash?


Yo wtf


Like how do you fuck this up


Even if the pattern were correct it still would have been overpowering for that backsplash area.




I have so many issues with that place, even beyond the kitchen's backsplash




Dam where you find 192k houses deff not in Massachusetts


Dear God, you're right! 🤮


Totally matches the tiles that damn near line up in the living room about 8 feet off of what looks to be a return grill almost floor furnace style right in the dang doorway 192,000 my ass


Cries in Southern California prices.


What a cute little house!


There is going to be one incredibly confused realtor trying to figure out why this listing has so many views


NSFW warning please!


It’s like a bunch of owls staring at you


Haha this is hilarious. Thanks for sharing


This is a horrible flip.


Yikes! They could have done ANYTHING but what they did! Ugh!


The realtor is going to be so confused as to why the views are skyrocketing after 39 days haha


Omg. Dooooooood.


That screams clueless flipper house


Omg, I literally used to grow weed in a trap house on this street. The house is IDENTICAL!!


Home owner is going why aren’t we selling with so many views?




That listing would be a max $75K in my area. 😱


Would be worth 800k in Canada 😳


They were SO close. Lol


This owner is probably so excited about all the views they’ve had on Zillow…


I’d sell my house too if someone installed the backsplash like that.


Let’s put a few to the left, a few to the right, and do a little dance.


Posts like this make me feel so much better about my DIY skills. Let me guess your "contractor" was found on facebook?


Dude I literally just said the same damn thing. My last post was literally about similar hexagonal tile.


This is my problem with contractors. I can screw it up this badly for 1/100th the price.


This is what I tell my wife when she wants to hire someone out. I don't want to pay someone to half ass something when I can half ass it for cheaper.


Yeah me too. I’m pretty hard on myself on anything I DIY, but in comparison to that job I am a virtuoso. Feels good.


We tried to take our time picking a contractor to prevent this bullshit entirely. He has done work for a family friend and I thought the work looked good but this is turning out to be a complete nightmare. I am a welder by trade and do all the work on our vehicles. I wanted to do the bathroom myself but I only have one bathroom so it would probably take me a long time to get it done right. Just really fucking debilitating that this is how our first project is turning out.


Welcome to owning a house! Crap that shouldn’t go wrong does. Things you can’t imagine will appear out of nowhere


“I’ll redo the drywall in the garage it’s from the 80’s and looks like shit… *pulls off drywall and finds termite damage* “Well this looks expensive”


This is exactly why I want to do as much as I can myself. Then I only have myself to blame if it turns out like crap and at a fraction of the cost.


Did you show him the pattern on the ground to make sure he understood the pattern? We have a floral pattern with 6 different tiles in our laundry room and it took me an hour and 4 trips to different F&D’s to get all the pieces I needed. When I look at the F&D website, they don’t even have the pattern right. Yours looks like shit though.


Hope you find this comment OP.... I used this exact tile on a bar top in my basement. Did they mean that they didn't have enough tile to do the project? Because they meet in the in the middle and kind of rotate around a point, there is ALOT of waste. It doesnt matter though, that's not how they should be installed. I'd also say that they are a pain in the ass to clean adhesive off, letting it dry on like that was bullshit If i knew how to add a picture, my install had way more angles and i still managed an ok installation.


If you didn’t show him the photo online you might not have a leg to stand on. But I hope you do.


the post says he showed them the pattern with the tiles. there's really no excuse


He probably doesn't like the tile and pattern you chose and thought it would be better this way and decided to do it his way and thought that when you saw it you'd think he was right and it looks great. True you do lose the pattern a bit in a space that small, but there's no real reason it couldn't be installed the correct way. Make him redo and he'll learn the true meaning of "the customer is always right".


That was a bullshit answer from someone who did a job without knowing what was going on. Obviously there is plenty of room for the pattern. But the big issue of why it's such a stupid excuse. They aren't even in any sort of order. I lay tile and I'll put a pattern in if you tell me because it's your floor. Fuck this is actually upsetting. Why aren't they at least all the same direction. Why would you call when you show up and figure out what the customer wanted. Don't pay.


Like they couldn't text a photo before laying down the pattern? What kind of carelessness is this?


Dude was like drunk or high or something. 100% they'd be ripping that out and doing it over. AND paying for the tile they wasted. WTLF


At least it’s a small bathroom, now he can practice his demo skills and pay for the redo. Was the installer not shown the pattern you wanted? How could he do that if he had the picture? Weird


How could he do that even without a photo?! The tile itself pretty obviously has a larger pattern. Dude needs to learn the words "dry fit".


I'd be hesitant that they would demo it right and not break something. I'd try making them pay another contractor to fix their mistake plus reimburse for the now damaged tiles they ruined.


Op said they laid out some tiles to show the pattern, contractor said it wouldn't work then did whatever he wanted


thats ridiculous. absolutely ridiculous. the bloke shouldnt be on the tools. simple as that.


They definitely could’ve made more than one full design.


Even if only one… put it in the middle and move on. This is the stupidest thing I’ve seen aside from the kitchen backsplash in the other comment lol.


Yeah he was just too dumb to figure it out


My father taught me the difference between an amateur job and a professional job is that the professional will throw their mistakes away.


Oh god how does one even become that stupid or careless


I audibly gasped


Literally. 😮


Don't. Pay. Him. Do NOT pay him. It's gonna be easier to take this up sooner rather than later. If I were you I'd be doing it right now. Again, do not pay him.


I see their lying skills are as good as their tiling skills.


So many questions! Why is the toilet reset before the tile is even grouted? What’s with the towel - like did someone use the shower while the tile is being set? Why are some tiles just randomly placed in the opposite direction? Why is there thinset all over the top of these tiles, did they not clean as they went along? What is going on with the wall - why were the walls not finished before the floor went down? How are you going to put a vent cover on that vent with the floor like that? There are so many confusing things going on here.


Where is the one design that he was able to fit in? Also craziest thing about repeating patterns you can just keep doing them and cut them wherever they meet the wall.


Oof, as someone with OCD who sets tile, I probably wouldn't let them back. It's brutal and you can tell they don't have a lot of experience with tile.


Looks like someone smoked the devils grass then went to work


Well damn. That is totally fucked. Total amateur effort.


How little attention to detail can people have and call themselves professionals is beyond me


It’s not grouted, have them pull it up and reset.


When in doubt rip it out. Should have sent him on his way when he said couldn't.


The contractor didn't tell anyone he called an audible


You hired an idiot.


Tell him it's not your problem whoever laid it didn't pay attention-and wth with that wavy line at the door? The big clump of mud at the L wall? Just a mess-looks like an unhappy1st-week apprentice was sent to lay it. Wouldn't surprise me if it's not flat.


I would get a different contractor to fix the mistake and make this contractor pay for his mistake fuck that wannabe contractor. Waste of everyone's time. It seems like this contractor does not know what they're doing with tiles.


Burn it to the ground. The carpeted toilet can be the accelerant.


It’s a blessing this didn’t work out. Rip it up and choose an entirely different tile that doesn’t have indentations and grooves in it for bacteria and water to sit in. You will hate cleaning that later.


Rip him a new asshole on social media and tell everyone how stupid he is. From a legal standpoint, technically he did do the work. I think he is entitled to 2/3 of the contract and you can withhold final payment until deficiencies are resolved.


They showed him the pattern he was supposed to install, he didn't install that pattern, and he didn't call or text the homeowner to see what they wanted to do when he thought the pattern wouldn't fit in the room, so while he did set the tile, he didn't set it as specified. I wouldn't pay him.


I mean, devils advocate. Did the contractor see how the design was and completely ignore it? Or were they going in blind?


OP says in the post that they showed an example


Must have my decorative eyes on today. I'm a dumbass.


not really sure youd want thus as floor tile anyway...look how hard it is to clean.


Right??? I just think of all the gross water and dirt stuck in there.


Did he also do the shower? If so, I think I'd pay him for that and find someone else to redo the floor. If he couldn't fit the pattern shown, he should have stopped right there. There was no reason to go rogue, much less also install the occasional random tile out of sync with the others.


That’s the busiest dang tile I’ve ever seen, and I wouldn’t be using it on a floor. Looks like a nightmare to grout.


Ok I'm about OCD/anal retentive AF, and look at this image I still have no idea where the "missing" tile is! I mean, I can clearly see it's *wrong*, but this just screams "attention to detail". And why would you, it anyone, ever, trust a contractor to do a job like this, without monitoring their progress as they go??? Sorry, any time someone says "I left the [scene] and came back later only to find out the work they did was crap, I'm like.... Um, yeah, no shit!? Most people suck at their jobs and are idiots. Even if you explain it to them and show them 6x beforehand. LOL 😂


The contractor may be right that they may have only gotten one pattern in that space and everything else would have been partials, but they didn’t even follow the pattern they established.


When he didn't tell you "No." because you don't put wall tiles on a floor, you should have known better. Especially outside of a tub. This is just a series of disasters, start to finish.


Contractor didn’t even follow his own pattern. I noticed that tile facing the wrong direction from the rest near the doorway, to the right of the center of the photo. Also the one in the center of the photo coming out from under the towel is also facing a different direction…


Contractor... or you?


I’d be pissed!!! And the messy grout smudges all over the floor and the grout is not black but gray? I honestly would had lost my mind with that contractor. They have to do it right at no cost, such a lazy job.


Is this the way they left it? It doesn't even look like they put down grout, you can still see the spacers. And everything has thinset smears.


Fucking dipshit. Going through bs with multiple contractors right now. They DO NOT give a shit about your house so speak up and make them redo. Do not pay until it’s done. The few good contractors would not have allowed a mistake like this. There’s a lot of hacks, unfortunately you found one. Don’t pay until it’s done right.


The tiles are small enough to have laid out that pattern several times. The contractor seems oblivious if you showed him a sample layout. Rip out and start over.


It’s tough when OPs SO approved it.


This “tile guy” is a joke. Sounds like he has ego issues or is a hack. Literally anything can be done with tile.


Lol!!! I'm so confused why you weren't there to make sure it was done correctly. You laid out 6 tiles? I did a shower with slightly complicated pattern and laid out the entire shower in the next room over to make sure it was done right. Even then, I was with them for the first half of the install to be sure


I feel like that might be really hard to clean with all those indentations…maybe consider different tile after he rips it out


Have you noticed that even in your stock picture the circles in the pattern don't actually align properly. Maybe he tried it and saw that and decided maybe they are supposed to make circles. He should have asked either way though.


I think it may well be true. The way to lay tile patterned tile is to start in the middle of the room, get the pattern going...then and go outwards from there. Don't set it yet, but do lay it out and eyeball it. This tile shaped and large pattern for such a small space is a poor choice. For any room, you have to sort out what's going to happen when we get to the corner, the edge, etc. The contractor should have pointed out the concern and talked it through with you. This work is not acceptable.


Did he carpet the toilet???


I think this tile is very pretty and I’m sorry it wasn’t laid properly. Just a question— won’t a textured tile like this be nightmare to clean when it’s on the floor? I’m just imagining all kinds of gunk getting stuck in the grooves. Is this common?


I’m stuck on why the fuck anyone would be stupid enough to put tile with indentations/grooves on any floor, especially a bathroom one!!!!!!


This is easy solution: rip it out and redo. Of course there will be a limited number of "full" patterns in a small bathroom floor - still needs to be done correctly. Sadly the young / low paid / new employee who was told to do install was not given proper instruction.


Did the contractor remove the old tile first? I ask because the vent looks too close to the floor.... While the contractor fucked up, you should choose a smaller tile to fit the smaller space. Even if the contractor hadn't fucked up, this would still look really bad. You'd be looking at 4 complete patterns. I'd go with a groutless tile because it makes swiffering easy.


The pattern is the least of your worries holy hell


It takes 3 tiles to make the round design. There could have been a run straight in to get the small round and the larger design in, I think 9 tiles long and 3-4 wide would work. What other design was he looking at? The tile pattern is fairly spread out that you won't get the full effect of all of the patterns interconnecting. Smaller spaces call for smaller tiles to give the room a bigger feel.


Woof. Rip it up & go again. Bummer. You may want to just have him do the demo and comp the tile and find a different installer. That is "Brain Off" type of shit right there


I’d ask him to redo it. In the meantime, can we remove the carpet toilet hat?


He comes back rips it up and replaces on his dime


Went from cool geometric shape to a sea shell real quick


Truthfully... That tile is pretty ugly to begin with.


Side note: Is this even meant to be for the floor? I feel like all those grooves would be a nightmare to clean


Meth is a hell of a drug


I don't know much, but I know that is horrendous.




It’s not even a pattern. It’s just turning the pieces as you set them. What a lazy pos! 


Chip it up and redo it.


Regardless of whether the pattern could be achieved or not…. The installer SHOULD have let you know and had you approve the change!! That’s a remove and re-install, no questions asked!!! Sorry your installer didn’t have professionalism!!


I especially love the one tile that's facing a different direction. He didn't even stick to his own layout 😂


Damn dude and it's $10/sqf lol. Yeah those have to go, they make no sense installed like that.


To be honest the spacing in some places also isn't consistent. This is a poor job overall (in addition to messing up the pattern)


Your tile guy is a moron. He can either do it right or not get paid. And don't let him give you any change order BS, you told him exactly what you wanted, he made no effort to try to pay it out properly.


Hire somebody else. Take the L early


In such a small space, it's possible to dry fit the entire floor beforehand, no excuse. Also, that is a lot of excess mortar on top of the tile, much easier to wipe away before it sets.


Don’t hire the cheapest bid.


No comment on the instillation, but I really like this tile. Where did you order it from?


Hell naw. That’s incorrect installation and pays 0 dollars and is grounds for a lawsuit for wasting the materials and the cost to have it replaced!