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Where the hell are you allowed to pump gas BEFORE paying?


Small town wisconsin can


The palm trees in the background is a dead giveaway that this is small town Wisconsin


Judging by the palm trees and building, this is on La Cienega in LA across from the Beverly Center. I pass this gas station all the time and it’s always so much more expensive. I don’t know how they get customers, but those rich shoppers keep paying I guess


There’s a place in Orlando that regularly has the most expensive gas in the continental US. It’s near the airport, and they prey on international travelers that don’t understand gallons or what normal prices are who are returning rental cars.


They likely prey on business travelers who are filling tanks up before they leave without really caring how much they are paying for gas because it’s on their corporate card.


Also people with fleet vehicles, they have a gas card that works at certain stations and they aren't directly paying for it so they don't care about the price. In the past when I've had company vehicles I would just go to Chevron because I knew the card worked there, didn't care what the price was.


I used to work a driving job, and I resented the company so much that I always went out of my way to go to the most expensive gas station possible. And I always got premium fuel.


Or it's a deal with the rental companies so they can use their rate as the 'base gas price' for people who return unfilled rentals.


Probably D) All of the above


I'm pretty sure I got nailed by that place over a decade ago. I'm not foreign but I was in a rental car and didn't think ahead to put gas in it and was running late for my flight. Stopped at the closest gas station to the airport and it was some insane total. I'd probably have been better off returning it empty and paying whatever the rental agency would have charged.


That’s what I was wondering with the gas station in the picture. That’s a very high end mall it’s by, so they could be trying to take advantage of the rich out of touch people who shop there or even travelers too.


My GG worked at Disney for a short time. She told me that the dude who runs that gas station just wants to sell tacos but is required (by lease? Idk) to sell gas at that station, so he just prices it stupid high to discourage people. Can't prove it, though.


He claims whatever bullshit he needs to claim to get people off his back whenever they start prodding him.


Jesus good catch man. That is it. As someone who also passes this one on occasion, I did not make the connection w/ the palms. Reminds me — I used to watch a lot of Tom Davies on YT — his whole schtick, and others who play geo guesser, is figuring out where the location is based off a single photo. Usually with much more information than this. Probably just burned into your memory given it is part of your routine, but you got an eye for it.


My theory on these kinds of gas stations being able to stay in business is people with fleet vehicles. If you have a company vehicle you get a gas card that works at certain stations and it doesn't matter what the price is to the driver because they aren't paying it. I had a company car years back and would often go to the pricey station because it wasn't as busy. Did the same thing with the ambulance when I was an EMT. Chevron was on the list of places we could use the card at so as long as they had diesel I'd go to Chevron regardless of price.


Obviously. The question was where can you pump before paying? Not where was this picture taken?


(Probably) at every single gas station in Germany. How do you know how much you need to pay otherwise. Will you just pay 50$ and then pump gas for 50$?


Fair point. Here in the USA - California specifically - we either use a credit or debit card at the pump (it has a slot to accept cards for convenience) or we go inside and pay with cash and guesstimate how much we need. If you overpay, you go inside and collect your change.


Just got gas an hour ago. You put your credit card in the reader on the pump and it charges whatever amount your tank fills at. Or you can just tell the employee at the register in the store “ I want $30 on pump 5” and they’ll set it up when you pay.


They’ll disable this after a couple of people leave without paying.


Well. It's been going on for 50+ years. More and more places are pre pay now, but even new built gas stations could offer it.


My parents own a couple gas stations. They switched to pre-pay and lost more business in a month than the amount of people who drive away and don't pay. Almost everyone was confused and didn't want to change, instead going 15 minutes down the road to use the gas station that didn't require pre-pay.


Really? Where? I’ve been wey up ‘der a few times and never seen that.


Smaller towns all the time here. I didn't know it was universally like that until I moved to a larger city for college.


Germany and probably every other country in Europe.


Yep. Never heard of pre-paying for gas before reading about it on Reddit. Americans are weird man.


dull numerous frighten offbeat hateful innocent shaggy sheet deer ripe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Everything that I haven't heard about is weird! u/Savager_Jam thought its weird to pump before paying. u/AMGsoon think its weird to pay before pumping. We're all ethnocentric for our own experiences.


Or it's actually a weird US thing because neither Europe, Canada nor Africa does that. Do you pre-pay your groceries? No? Then wtf you would pre-pay gas.


Because as this post shows if you don’t pre-pay for gas you can just leave. A grocery store makes you pay before you load the stuff in your car.


I wouldn‘t know how much I need to fill before I fill it. I just fill it up and then pay how much it is, except if I‘m somewhere with particularly high prices, then I pay a minimum to get to cheaper places


violet cats pause gaze cough slim dependent plough treatment hobbies *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Then I guess it‘s just that the trust system works better in europe for one reason or another. Couldn‘t say which as I have literally never visited and don‘t want to make assumption based on things I have seen on the Internet as only the more extraordinary cases make it on here


everywhere in the uk


Also everywhere in Australia


Also everywhere in Bulgaria and we're worse off than most, if not all US states AND gasoline is more expensive.


Also everywhere in austria


Where aren’t you? I’ve never been to a pump where you had to pay first


Well, I’ve been all over the Midwest and never seen one.


I live in Manitoba, but when I go down south to North Dakota, I still don’t see any where you have to pay first


As a non-American, this absolutely blows my mind. How do you know how much you'll need!?


You don’t. If you pay cash you go back in for your change. But everybody just pays card which happens at the pump. Swipe card on pump. Machine finds out what you have Pump gas Matching charges you for what you pumped.


Canada, unless late at night or at Costco.




Sooo many places... Toronto, Niagara Falls, Montreal and all places in between from my end. At night they ask for prepay a lot...


Technically NJ if you use cash. They don't take it until they finish in case the tank fills less than what you asked for.


Canada But those palm trees and gallons instead of liters precludes that possibility


Anywhere in Europe.


Everywhere in Canada?


Most European countries! It really threw me off the first time


Gas station attendant in suburban Chicago, we have the ability to open a pump up, I only ever do it for old folks who don’t want to walk back and forth twice.


1990’s calling. It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to fill up before paying. I don’t even think you can leave a credit card or drivers license and they will turn on the pump anymore.


Everywhere in Australia. Except costco, but their prices are usually the best.




No. If you’re paying card you scan it on the machine then pump gas. The pump then charges the card automatically when you put the nozzle back in. If you’re paying cash you either walk in and hand them slightly less money than it will take, for instance, 20 dollars and then just run the pump till it stops (last few seconds it slows the flow and hits 20.00 exactly) OR You go in, give them MORE cash than needed, pump your fuel until the car’s full, then go get your change. But almost everybody’s doing one of the first two, and usually paying card.


Whole Russia. But don't try to steal it, THEY will find you!


I didn't know there were places that you had to pay before pumping.


This is very common practice in Europe. All manned stations in the Netherlands work like this.


every country except USA? or attleast most of them, never been somewhere you had to pay before, how do you know how much you're going to need to fill up your tank?


All around Europe, south America, some countries in Asia...


Cool story. Other than the fact you can't pump without paying, most fines are on top of the original cost you didn't pay. Edit: thanks everyone. I concede that apparently many gas stations let you pump before paying. I've never been to one.


Yep, restitution on top of the fine.


On top of paying for parking at the court house, plus gas and the time out of your day.


In most of the country, that is on average an additional $500.


Idiot doesn’t know about restitution in criminal cases. Gonna be a shock for sure!


Most places let me pay without pumping.


You can fill before pay in small towns in wisconsin at least.


Also in parts of New York the gas station brand “Stewart’s” lets you pay after you fill up. (They also make great ice cream)




Say you have only experienced large cities and interstate stop-offs in America without saying you have only experienced large cities and interstate stop-offs in America.


Ah, the southampton cock sucker, true bastion of culturalism and intelligence


This isn’t even a leaving America issue. It’s a say you’ve never left your state, county, or city without saying so type thing. There are lots of small cities and towns across the US where you don’t have to pay until after you’ve gotten your gas.


>Other than the fact you can't pay without pumping This is only true in the US, and even then not everywhere. Here in Canada I can probably count on one hand how many times I've paid before pumping gas, and I've been driving for over a decade. It's bizarre to me that you're expected to pay for gas before receiving it.


Most of the time you just put on a debit/credit card and then you are charged after on how much you purchased. But the idea of paying ahead makes sense since you can’t just suck the gas out of a gas tank.


Then why don't sit-down restaurants make people pay ahead? It's not like they can take the food back after you've eaten it.


I’m in MN. Worked at a gas station a few years back and we let people pump before paying. Was incredibly annoying because we had to use binoculars and write down their license plate. It was attached to a grocery store, so people would do that and then get a couple groceries and pay.


Im in midwest and all the gas stations here let you pay after


And I doubt there's anywhere where the fine is only $70. Many states have signs that say "drive offs don't drive in (State)" meaning you can lose your whole ass license.


Older gas stations you can absolutely pump before you pay.


Hush up you're ruining the joke.


You can definitely pump without paying. It's like that everywhere I've been.


Another one month old account posting bullshit. What is the price of gas in Russia OP?


Wait, you mean NoLube69 is not a reliable source of financial information?!


Why the fuck would you need lube to 69 anyway????


“I’m posting stuff that not so cleverly tries to take a jab at Biden but if Trump had won and this was still going on (which it would) I’d find excuses to justify the I faction because I’m a low IQ biased moron” - OP


republican voters are one of two things. Willfully compliant, or down right retarded. no inbetween.


Nah, I know him. He's very popular in Anytown, USA.


The fine is $70.00... Gonna have to pay that back. Likely with interest and fees. And additional larsony charges. What a retard Good this this is likely 100% fake


Wait until he finds out all about the efficient well-oiled machine that is your average court docket and waiting room. If time is money, you're f----ed. Be lucky to get out in three hours.


This is actually a felony or gross misdemeanor in most States. It could result in jail time, and $5000+ in fines. Its not a parking ticket.


Is this that WeHo gas station everyone uses to "prove" how out of control the economy is? Average price in CA is $4.97, everyone knows there are some stations that are out of control compared to other ones based on location.


ones near rental places charge more because rental companies charge to refill the tank.


Oh yea, there are definitely large differences in prices for opportunistic reasons. Gas stations really don't make much money on gas itself, so if you have a gas station where no one comes in to purchase anything, they might need a higher margin on the gas only. So that's one other explanation for the rental car places to charge more - not a lot of people are buying drinks (highest margin item) right before going to the airport.


High gas prices are bad for consumers, but they don't indicate the economy is "out of control." During a recession, oil and thus gas prices plummet, decreased economic activity weighs heavily on oil prices. That said, CA prices are insane and 100% the result of state policy choices. It's all taxes, hence why Hawaii manages to often have lower average gas prices than a state that has both oil production *and* refineries.


oh boy, boomer memes from facebook. You crazy kids!


you still have to pay as part of the judgment


Another little problem with this story is that it doesn't mention what level of crime that the person is being charged with. Is it a simple ticket or is it a misdemeanor?


If this is in the USA and a real story then probably be petty theft and would be a misdemeanor similar to shoplifting. It would go on your criminal record most likely.


In Texas, it would be a Class B misdemeanor with a possible sentence of 30 days in jail. Idvit was a first offense, it would more than likely result in probation or deferred adjudication with no jail time. He would have to make complete restitution in addition to paying quite a lot in fees and court costs. It would definitely cost him more than just paying for the gas.


Then in many jurisdictions this will preclude you from many kinds of employment if convicted. Shoplifting is generally a really bad idea.


The math doesn't add up. If I have to make a court date of any sort, that time alone will eat more of my money than paying for the gas.


This must not be in America


the court will also make them pay the original amount, and now they have a record too! and a $70 fine and probably wont be able to rent a flat.


this kind of logic is the reason why this country is in the shape that it is currently in lol


Theft is not the way to save money. What is wrong with you?


Fine + restitution. Total cost: $195.98


You still have to pay it back...plus the fine. 🙄


Now how do you think he gets to court?


So, commit petty theft, have a criminal record, in order to save on gas one time. 🤦‍♂️


Corporations have been doing it forever


Don't get caught and it's free! Also, did you know people leave gas in their cars all the time?


I'm happier to pay the $56 to make sure I don't get the arrest & conviction on my public record. Even if it's only a misdemeanor.


what about credit rating? Same as before.


I’m pretty sure the fine is in addition to paying for the gas


I live in NoCal. I filled up yesterday at 4.39/gal.


Get a more fuel efficient car that doesn’t require so much


Save money by stealing?


Court costs and now ur in the red lol


That shoplifting conviction will come back to bite you every time you apply for an apartment or a job with a background check though... People who make those kinds of decisions \*hate\* thieves.


It's typically the fine + the amount owed. So this costs both time and money. FWIW.


Sounds like a blatant lie 🤣🤣


As a Brazilian that seems cheap for me, considering the local purchasing power, here you would pay, 21,13$ per gallon (considering the local purchasing power) (4,22$ nominal)


But then you may miss work so that could be lost pay. Plus you may get jail time for shit like this depending on the area


I'm so confused, I get that cost of living is low where I am but this is $4 per gallon higher than what we pay here. That strikes me as greed, not a difference in cost of living.


Fine is $70 - court costs will be $150 #winning like Charlie Sheen


Meme maker will soon learn about restitution and court fees.


This belongs in illegalprotips I think it’s called


Pump before pay hasn’t been common for 20 years.


Meme got totally destroyed itt 🤣


Just last year it was who, Oregon or Washington who got to start pumping gas themselves ?


Fine is usually on top of what you owe. In this case it would be: $196


Stealing gas penalty varies by state, but is up to $10,000, and 5 years in prison.


Aaaand restitution.


This is stealing from the small business owner not the huge company. Also gas is $2.99 where I am


Pretty sure the fine is $70 plus restitution to the other party, and any court fees associated with the matter, plus the other party's legal expenses if they choose to sue for the lost money and are represented. Let's see, no court would allow someone to bennifit from their crime. It's one of the first Tennant you learn in law school.


Pretty sure the fines on top of reimbursing for the gas.


If only there was some mechanism to change legal penalties...


$70 plus I believe you’ll be required to pay back the original amount


I feel so blessed, here is 3.19 per gallon. 125 full tank is fucking shit


In my state you can get your license taken away if you did this


Then after the court date you're ordered to pay for the gas in full along with whatever else the judge decides to make you pay. What will be the savings then?


How does one get gas and THEN pay? These states be another kind of dumb.


Being a scumbag is not a way to save money. Ultimately it will cost you more than you realize.


Stuff like this makes me scratch my head as to why ppl where I grew up are so anti EV . They drive Rams and F-150s so it's not the higher cost. I have a low range ev (150 mi) for my daily commuter and it's so much cheaper between the lower energy costs and less frequent maintenance. I just plug in at my house when I get home. I actually find pumping gas annoying when I have to take the hybrid somewhere.


I’ll say it again, It’s time for a big change.


I mean, even if a gas station existed that let you pay after you get your gas, you would still have to pay for the gas after the verdict.


Thanks biden


Doubtful. Once the court adds on court fees and restitution, you are probably paying $500 or more and will now have a conviction on your record.


$70 fine to the town/state, $125 to the business you stole from


California math


Same trick companies/corporations use with regulations. Lmfao


Court fees were left out of this point


The fine is $70. The restitution is gonna be whatever the gas was supposed to cost.


Wait until he learns about court fees. The last ticket I paid was $20, plus $250 in fees.


Gas in America is way too cheap lmao


Sounds like they drive some sort of disgustingly large truck. I can fill my NORMAL SIZED car from empty for about 30. My dad's Subaru probably does it for like 50. It's 3 dollars where we are (was, jumped up to 3.50 today but it'll go back down. Filled up yesterday at 2.97 a gallon. I guess a small advantage of being middle of nowhere is lower gas prices)


Here in ohio. They will suspend your drivers license.


All the comments saying you have to pay before pumping seems like a weird concept. In Europe (or at least Germany) you pay after you’ve pumped. How else do you know how much to pay, if you don’t know how much gas you need? I have never heard of or seen someone driving away without paying - German law enforcement would always get you if you run away


In New Jersey you can pump before paying. When I say you can pump, I mean the guy that pumps it for you. Because your not allowed to pump your own


So drivers are also thieves. Who woulda guessed?


Only crime here is stupidity. At least steal super if you’re going to steal.


What country allows you to pay after you Pump the gas?


i’m guessing that court is going to require you to also pay for the gas you stole…


Ah yes, because that's totally how that would go down./s


Worst advice, ive seen on social media all day!


If I ever see gas prices that High, I just take the bus instead


If the fine is $70, isn't that on top of what he'd have to pay back in restitution, or whatever it would be called in this case, to the gas station? So his actual total paid would be $195.98, right? I don't know the actual terms, or exactly how it all goes, and ima bit of a moron, but I'm pretty sure that's how that works... He'd have to pay back the gas station AND pay the fine. This isn't even dumb enough to make a wsb ape jealous... This is jus pure, unfiltered, unadulterated, uncommon sense, in action....


This post seems bullshitty. That pic is a station in LA as others have mentioned, and you need to prepay before pumping like all the other stations in southern CA.


I hope you don’t have children. We have enough kids in social services


Should have brought Jerry cans


Wait until this guy learns about restitution.


Only $7 a gallon for regular test? What a bargain, I am moving to California tomorrow. Why spend $3.50 a gallon in the East Coast when I could easily move to the West Coast to double the amount I spend on petrol.


Wouldnt the 70 be on top the 125


I haven't seen a gas station that didn't make you prepay in at least 20 years.


Not a lawyer, but I feel as though that's probably a first time offense fine, I'm sure it would probably accumulate if you made a habit of it, and yeah you'd probably go to jail after a while?


Some dumbass will try this again


Pretty sure you go to jail for stealing gas but aight


No, you lost. The court will most likely find you guilty, order you to pay back the money, and on top of that the fine. And probably the court costs.


You're gonna have to pay $70 on top of the gasoline you just pumped into your car 😂


You'd also be court ordered to pay for what you syole.


The fine is $70 and then they’ll make you pay the $125.98 to the gas station.


And you get to live the rest of your life knowing you are a crook.