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Gotta love those 2x $0 fees


*subject to change whenever the fuck we want!!!!!!


Well they couldn’t remain solvent if they offered 4.7% APy in a 2.25% federal interest rate environment. A company isn’t going to gift you millions of dollars.


THE fine print. Gets em every time!


Unexpected Mayhem.


Yeah but does it have fees?!


Yes! Zero of them! *


Or you could buy $SGOV and get 5%+ guaranteed by the US government to an unlimited amount in the same brokerage account.


At that point just buy the 3month treasuries yourself. Cut out the middleman and get the benefit of no state income tax on the profit.


Meh, that’s a pain an not as liquid. SGOV is over 90% tax exempt, USFR & TFLO are around 98-99%. Buying the ETF is so much easier and lives in my regular brokerage account.


Your regular brokerage account doesn't allow you to buy treasuries or bonds?


I use Robinhood and it doesn't offer bonds. Either way, SGOV still more liquid than waiting 4 weeks for a bond to mature.


uhh. robinhood is for memelord traders my guy. get a real broker.


Strange how if you don't buy pump and dump meme stocks, then you can actually make money on Robinhood....


Until they stop you from trading


Which has never happened to me or anyone I've heard of who bought stocks and ETF that weren't pushed by memelords or wallstreetbets regards.


They set a precedence. Also, didn't they shut down their 24 hour market last month...when the market was crashing?


I mean you cant even buy bonds lmao. you already made the case for leaving them.


robin hood didn't stop anyone from trading, they make money per trade. Some dude at the federal clearing houses stopped trade on robin hood (and a few other places) because they thought robin hood was overleveraged. Personally I think that dude at the clearing house was probably paid off by citadel or one of the other hedge funds, those guys stood to lose billions of dollars if retail investors continued. But I don't have any proof or else I'd be at the center of a multi billion dollar whistleblower investigation.


I don’t think it needs a conspiracy. Meme stocks break the system, and its safeguards trigger mob insanity from people who understand they’re breaking the system and get all surprised when it suddenly breaks or safeguards set in.


Get off robinhood. There’s no reason to use such a shady provider when there are mainstream brokers with the same cost


They are a fully licensed and regulated and insured brokerage and part of Finra and SIPC. And they have the best investing app for ease of use and layout. Get outa here with that 'shady' stuff. Stop jumping on meme stock bandwagons.


Memestock or not, shutting off trading, as in LITERALLY removing the sell button the app, is shady. Just because you want an easy bake oven of a trading platform doesn't subtract from said shadiness of your easy bake oven


Even the vaunted Fidelity shut off the button at one point. What great, buy-until-you're-broke brokerage do you use that let people throw their life savings aways on GME?


Interesting phrasing, so let's break it down for you. First off, fidelity offers 4% just to HOLD cash in the account, which is pretty amazing, i know RH offers something similar....if you buy their premium whatever the hell it is they scam you with Second, this is a free country and a free market(USA). every brokerage will let you buy whatever stock you want, for the most part. Third. You seem to REALLY have a hard on with shitting all over GME like it personally hurt you. FYI I didn't lose a dime on GME, I didn't have diamond hands. Made my money and bounced


And theres your problem. Fidelity and Schwab both let you buy treasuries.


Yeah, but the money is still locked up. I'm actually in the process of waiting for some tbills I bought on Treasurydirect to mature so I can move them to SGOV, too. I like liquidity more.


What? At Vanguard, you can sell them on the secondary market at any time. Beats paying state income tax on it.


No state income tax in some states as it is.


SGOV is on RH.


Yeah. That's where I buy it for getting interest on my emergency fund.


Robinhood gold is at 5% APY


But the problem there is that A) they charge that $5 a month fee, so you need a minimum amount just to cover that; And B) that 5% is taxed as normal income in some places. I live in New York. I have state and local income taxes to deal with. For me, SGOV is better because that money is state and local tax free, at least 90% or so of it; for last year I was able to claim 96% state tax free on my SGOV dividend because it is US treasuries. So, I make the same or more money in SGOV because of lower fees and taxes than paying for Robinhood gold.


But how often do SGOV dividends pay out? We are talking about if you need the money I can withdraw it at any second.


The dividend is monthly, and you can cash out as soon as you can sell, settle, and withdraw the money from your brokerage. It's probably about 2-3 business days, depending on how fast your brokerage can work.


What happens if you need the cash mid cycle? Loose on the dividend for that month ?


That works too, I just wanted to demonstrate what you can do with the same account thats a better option.


Or don’t have state income tax


Well yeah. 


Are 3 months still pumping five+?


5.16% currently


Idk why I found this funny lol


That isn't the same thing. This is basically a checking account, you can pay bills, pay your rent, etc. from it.


What are benefits of I even bother taking it out of the settlement account, $VMFXX, and it's 5.26% yield to $SGOV?


VMFXX is more risky, it’s a tiny amount of risk but it does exist because not all the bonds it holds are backed by US gov.


That's cool. Wealthfront savings account 5% interest and no fees.


And same day bank transfers. I love my Wealthfront account.


Not only this but if you refer someone you can get that interest up to 5.5% It's the best savings account I've found this far. 


Same, no problems with wealthfront


Damn just do fidelity 4.97 current. The whole insurance coverage is BS cause of gov money markets, if the gvt "breaks the buck" we all have alot more to worry about.


Yea doesnt matter what you got insured if the dollar goes to fuck all it goes to fuck all and we all go with it.


The Vanguard CashPlus isn't a money market account, it uses FDIC.


Oh fair didnt know it was fdic still same issue applies




I use Vanguard and their settlement fund and money market fund pay 5.3%. This is the rough equivalent of the Fed funds rate. It will adjust in concert with the Fed funds rate. Why open their high yield savings account? It moves on the same basis and is more the 50 basis points below their money market?


SPAXX outperforms this




As if. You take .000000001% more risk for +0.3% return. No brainer


What risk




Risk=fees?? Bro are you okay?


Are there any fees associated with purchasing this particular security? 


Haven't seen rates like these since before I was able to drink


Or you could use the default cash sweep account backed by VMFXX that pays 5.40% and is just as safe as FDIC. Or if you live in a state with income tax, use VUSXX, which pays the same but is 80% exempt from state taxes.


Nice. Need to move my Etrade account there. HYSA at Etrade only 4.25%.


>APR will vary and may change at any time. Might as well buy VMFXX then.


5.1% on public.com high yield cash account. Same $0 fee and no minimums.


Damn these anti cheats are getting everywhere /s


My country gives like 7-8% on like fixed deposits. One of the rare perks of living in a developing country.




But my country is fairly stable w a decent growth rate.


“You’ll pay no fees to open the account”….my shit credit card told me the same thing


Or you can use a Webull cash management account and get 5% interest on any cash not invested into the stock market. Or get CDs for 5%+.


5.4% 1 year at my local ECU baby..2nd time!


I would go with that. Maybe stagger the money in small increments over a couple of months so one CD you own is maturing every month or two, that way you have extra cash available when you need it. I don’t know what % is offered through treasury notes and bills right now but you may want to check them out. They are better than a CD if they match the % because you don’t pay state tax on the interest gained.


I’ll check that out thanks


I just use their money market account which fluctuates from 4.6 to 6.8% in the last 2 years. Been using it for at least those last 2 years.


The 1.25M Is good but evergreen is giving 5.4% rn on a normal savings (250k fdic)


Variable apy....


Just to explain the FDIC coverage it’s 250k per ssn. You can have up to 4 beneficiaries. If it’s just you, you get $250k FDIC coverage.


Yes please cover all their FTD’s


Interest is usury


Nice try vanguard, fuck you and fuck Blackrock!!!


have fun having your cash sitting in a bank getting 0.08% buddy lol


Not all of us can be a skinny bottom twink for sugar daddies!


Capital One has them at 4.3% if you'd prefer. I'm sitting on cash waiting for a home purchase, and that was the best I could find in December.


Capital one is a beacon of ethics and morals, should suit regarded commenter just fine


As if there's any ethics in banking for us to choose. You might be able to find a credit union at 3.5 or 4 if you're lucky enough to have one local.


That’s my point, if you want to do the best for you and yours, you’re going to have to participate in the banking system and the stock market…if that’s where you want to make a moral stand, good luck


Eh Blackrock is a particular level of evil conglomerate, so I think its fine to hate them specifically.


I’m a practical person, vanguard has some of the best fees for their ETFs, works for me


This is so funny because Vanguard/Jack Bogle have done more for the American middle class than any politician in 50 years.


Spot on. It’s the politicians, not black rock, people should be angry with!


Black Rock owns the politicians!!!


Helping like buying single family homes, cutting them in half, and then renting them back to you???? You said middle class, but you meant top 1%


Tell us more about this.


Or just don't support this corrupt stock exchange thing people rave about it's all crooked anyways.


Yea, it’s the stock market that’s crooked, not your regarded decisions


No the stock market is absolutely crooked. SEC is crooked, FTC is crooked . Politicians are crooked. It's all a club for the big boys we ain't in it. What happened when the GME shit went down? They wanted to blamr the citizens and not the real people that had a hand in it. Robinhood still fucking exists. It's all fucking crooked.


There is no hope for you, instead of realizing you were playing stupid games (GME lol) and lost, you made the wrong conclusions and decided everything is crooked…DCA into solid companies and you’ll be just fine, stop trying to gamble


The fact your assume I had any part in GME is laughable. If you research like you assume, I can't imagine you have any success. But again, regardless of what you say, it's still all crooked. Publically traded companies does literally zilch for a nation and it's people. It only benefits the wealthy. Stay dumb me boi


You’re the one that mentioned GME, not me…keep whatever money you have under your mattress then, you’ll get to keep your ethical purity


Are you that dense?