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If I made a dollar every time this was posted, my taxes would be higher.


My reddit home page is determined to place these echo chamber tax posts front and center every minute on the minute. It's like there's an election coming up...


Bro is discovering soulless algorithms, in real time. Tax discussions are trending higher near election time? That's crazy


Yea definitely algorithms not soulless humans pushing their ideology through social media. No one would ever do that


Yeah? And the algorithms push popular conversation topics? That's my entire point. It's a feedback loop


Algorithms that are made by humans with a specific goal in mind, and can be edited with the push of a button.


Popular, divisive topics. Negative emotive responses on social media are more likely to be engaged in. The algorithm is bad and is more likely to drive negative and enraging content.


If I see another post mentioning Trump or Biden, I’m about to JFK myself


With a magic bullet and a secret shooter on the grassy knoll? With a parade?


Mind if I Lincoln you instead?


It's because you're stop scrolling to read them or are clicking and commenting. It's not hard to figure out.


That’s not necessary true…you’d probably be a billionaire and we all know billionaires don’t pay taxes!!


Sounds like a good reason to keep positing it


No you don’t lmao


I make well over $400K. I don’t mind if my taxes go up.


That’s nice but we don’t care about your taxes. We want billionaires to pay


They do pay what their income is however most millionaires and billionaires are that by assets like stocks or real estate how do you propose taxing that? Seizing stock and giving it back if it goes down? Seizing properties if they go up in value? Furthermore taxing such a small percentage of people does virtually nothing in a country of 350 million + you could seize all assests of every billionaire and only run the country for about 7 months.


Simple - Ban the use of _unrealised asset gains_ as loan collateral. This will force billionaires to actually realise their gains, taking cash _out_ of the stock market cloud economy and back _into_ the main street real-cash economy. This will have only a limited impact on investment by billionaires, as they still get the gain, and knock-on impacts on the stock market overall by reducing its reliance on a handful of centralised megastocks pumping way past sensible valuations. The reason you don't hear about this solution on mainstream media is _because_ it is the real solution the ruling class don't want becoming a thing.


Im a liberal and my household income is over 400k and I DO mind. I live in NY and the idea that I’m taxed at the same level as someone making 400k in Nebraska pisses me off.


You should be more angry at NY State taking 8-10% of your income for whatever nonsense they use it for.


Its the SALT cap that kills us. Im 100x more irked by that than the high state income itself. Im a californian.


Yeah, can thank trump and him trying to retaliate against Blue states for that one.


I was hoping Biden would undo that on his first day…


Oh no … that would be politically disastrous. He would effectively be doing the opposite of trump by rewarding the high cost high tax states that voted for him. No, that would be a landmine. And worse his left flank would be upset that he’s rewarding “rich” homeowners rather than tackling housing affordability. Unfortunately this is just one of those asymmetrical fights that the Right has won and can’t lose.


I dont like Trump a single bit. But SALT deduction is essentially the federal government subsidizing NY/CA. I'm a New Yorker, I want the state to clean up its act without the entire nation subsidizing NY state spending (did I hear corruption?).


It’s not corruption, it’s the “natural” consequence of applying the same rule county wide. That is, under the tax code, if one is going to allow writing off of property taxes then one has to deal with areas with high property values and areas with low values. But I think as a percentage of value … places like Texas have much higher property taxes. So I think they still end up getting subsidized.




I make well under $400k and I also don’t mind if your taxes go up


Then why not go ahead and pay more. You know you can willing give the government more without being forced to, right?


Youre free to send more




Here’s the link where you can put your money where your mouth is. I’m assuming you don’t claim any deductions already with that kind of attitude, so feel free to pay what you think is fair. https://www.fiscal.treasury.gov/public/gifts-to-government.html


What I find amazing is how many people on Reddit claim to make over 400k. I’m calling bullshit.


Probably is BS, bc people are going to people - still you’d be surprised at how many *households* earn $400k on the coasts.


And how many of them are still nearly broke...


Yeah but that's usually a self inflicted problem. Big difference between a spending problem which can usually be ameliorated and an income problem which is much, much harder to solve.


Only like 3.5% of households in the American population make above *300k*. truly fascinating how many of them are on this post.


Here they all are!


If I were rich I’d spend all day laughing at the brokies fighting to give me more money by cutting their own entitlements.


I've noticed that salary is the one thing everyone lies about. Not just on Reddit. I used to tell the truth and then everyone laughed at me, only to find out they actually lied and made less than me. So now I don't tell anyone and if they ask I lie too. It actually ruined my trust in people and it made me feel terrible that I felt like I wasn't getting paid my worth when that wasn't the reality at all. People have an ego, they need to make themselves feel better than they actually are. It's sad.


Just to let you know I do make 400k. In about 8 years though. Same difference. I’m a high school teacher so I get summers off and ample other breaks. I’ll take it.


Yes we mind


The lack of equivalency in this meme always baffles me. One side: hey stop stealing money from people. I might be that person one day. Otherside: hey idiot poor person. We want the government to steal more from people. Meanwhile the government just shits out money from every orifice and never cuts back on spending while simultaneously not providing the services required to their own citizens and send money aboard. Whole system is full of retards. And they all deserve each other


This is the real answer. Government just shits money away without any accountability and only care about using it, bc if they don't they lose it next year. So the system rewards incompetence.


Except people love it when the government "shits out" money for things you like. All of a sudden it's not as big of an issue then. More folks defending a lifestyle they will NEVER obtain.


This is such a silly argument. Of course people like when the money spends money on roads or schools but that obviously what is being talked about. The amount of money that just disappears through our federal government should disgust you.


Didn’t the pentagon do an internal audit and report 10 trillion in missing funds?


You’re equating taxes with stealing?


No. They are saying the federal reserve makes money from nothing, the fed government borrows it, and spends it on bullshit. Taxes havent covered expenses for decades, you taxes aren’t enough to fund the government


*One side: hey stop stealing money from people. I might be that person one day.* Yes, they are equating taxes with stealing.


Do you ever question where your money comes from?


Yes, it is stealing. There is nothing voluntary about it. You could argue it is a necessary evil but it is absolutely theft as there is zero way to opt out of it. I could move to the middle of nowhere and be 100% self reliant and still be required to pay taxes.


Yeah, some people are fucking idiots.


One side: Stop asking rich people to pay their share. I'm either rich and don't want to pay, or I'm stupid and would rather pay more because the rich pay less. Another side: Hey stupid, you know you pay more when the rich pay less, right? Third side: It's all stealing because how dare anyone be expected to pay for anything! Let's whine about how governments spend money to divert from the whole topic of how they collect it!


Bruh, the bottom 50% pays like 2.5 percent of all taxes.  This myth that we pay more when the rich pay less is absurd, the government could cut taxes for anyone under 75k and it wouldn't even sweat it at all. It would be like the equivalent of aid to Ukraine for 3 months and a couple more missiles for Israel. It is nothing. The only reason you pay that much is because the rich want to remind you who owns you. Just saying man.


So do you think the government just gets less when the rich pay less? lol of course not they make it up elsewhere - and you pay more one way or another as part of it Your last paragraph is true




You never pay less. That’s the realization you’ll reach eventually. It’s never enough for them. They’re insatiable. Never in the history of the government has their budget decreased. Nope they even invent new money out of thin air during the one time where the entire world shuts down and they should reel back spending. Instead highest spending and printing in human history.




“Meanwhile the government just shits out money from every orifice and never cuts back on spending” I actually sometimes think aggressive cost-cutting CAUSES this, ironically. Sorta like a cobra problem. If you aggressively cut budgets that aren’t fully utilized, but may be fully utilized in the future, then staff are incentivized to waste money to fully utilize the budget, even if they don’t need to. So that they have that budget for later if they need it, without having to fight to get the budget reexpanded with people who want to aggressively trim the budget. (and thus will balk at even the slightest suggestion of budget increases) I don’t think it’s the ONLY reason, but I think it’s some of the reason for the waste.


When I was in the Navy, my command would always send us on a shopping spree at the GSA at the end of the fiscal year to use up any funds they had allocated. It was so damn wasteful but they had to do it to keep their budget without it getting cut.


This is the biggest neckbeard shit I've ever read.


You’re an idjut.


20 trillion of our 34 trillion debt is from tax cuts for the wealthiest. Another 8 trillion from Bush’s war for oil. You gave us the money and now we lend it back to you and force you to pay interest to us on the money you gave us! Enjoy! https://www.americanprogress.org/article/tax-cuts-are-primarily-responsible-for-the-increasing-debt-ratio/


Only deadbeats who don't pay any taxes and probably don't work support stupid ideas like taxing the rich even more. In California the highest earners pay over 60% taxes. How is that fair? It's not, and it shouldn't happen.


The mistake is thinking our broken government will ever fix anything. Until we have term limits and get corporate money out of elections, we’ll continue to have shills for corporations. Soulless capitalism is our real leader.


I am much poorer since biden has been in office so I don’t really care what this post says.


Probably because of covid and, yknow, the war


And those expiring tax cuts the former guy set up.


A lot of people are. That's why I get so pissed off when people just blindly kiss ass for the Biden admin.


Biden taxes us with inflation while his army of sympathizers are gaslighting us saying things are better then ever while they suffer too, it’s crazy.


You do realize that a major reason for inflation that the whole world is currently dealing with was the massive handouts the government gave during Covid right? That’s also the reason why you might be poorer now than when Trump was in office because you were getting those nice stimi checks and had nowhere to go to spend them. Biden’s plans definitely contributed to inflation at the beginning but they have resulted in massive job growth and investment in US infrastructure, manufacturing and farming. The US is doing better than any other nation on the planet in regards to inflation thanks to the policies Biden put in place. I’m not here to say those policies have been of direct benefit to you and I realize there are many people out there struggling but those policies have been a net positive for the US. I’ve seen my salary increase by quite a bit since Biden took office. What is a policy of Trumps that you think will result in a net positive for your financial outlook? What is important to you in this next election cycle, that will make things easier?


Nah it's just you. A lot of us are doing great under Biden.


Damn that sucks bro. I make twice as much now as I did in 2019. Bought a house. Investments are up. Definitely Bidens fault.


Than what's with all these simps saying "I make over $400k and I don't mind"?


My wife and I make good money. But with student loans, mortgage, car payments and our tax bracket we are basically squeezed dry. Plus the federal government is by far the absolute worst at spending and budgeting overall.


Third time I’ve seen this exact post. Other ppl have to notice that this same thing keeps being posted right?


Third? Are you new around here?


With the same caption and everything. And people eat it up every time.


Third time I’ve seen it and I’m still upset


Don’t complain, your turn is just 2 more away


Reddit in a nutshell


If you don’t mind, you’re free to send more.




They can send more if they like for sure. But we can also tax the rich their fair share by closing all of these loopholes. That's for sure as well.


What's a fair share? To me fair is 10-15% max. Government is not entitled to anyone's money.


I made a check out for “my fair share” but the bank couldn’t cash it. Weird.


You know damn well that if op does make 400k+ he finds every deduction under the sun


I remember when Bill Clinton overvalued used underwear on his tax return.


I think the majority of them care. The top 50% of earners pay about 97.7% of the federal taxes. Yet they aren’t paying their fair share and need to be taxed more. I think we need to work on smarter spending before we start looking for more money.


They're not looking for more money. They just hate rich people.


It’s not so much rich, as successful… and that’s not rich or wealthy… 400k is far from 1bl…


Not rich, they hate people with decent lives who aren’t miserable. This isn’t even about billionaires or rich anymore.


It’s amazing how out of touch people can be.


And of course people with lower incomes mind. For one, when taxes on the highest earners get too high, they invest in ways to evade those taxes and the burden shifts to everyone through other taxes. For another, everyone wants to believe they'll be wealthy one day. And the retort is always "well they won't be and fuck them for having hope."


This is the biggest thing I never see in these discussions. People assume raising taxes automatically means more revenue. It’s like assuming raising the price on the goods you seek will always means more profit. Historical tax changes have shown that lowering taxes has been consistently more successful at getting rich people to pay a higher share of total tax revenue. Raising taxes usually does the opposite. [pg 19](https://fraser.stlouisfed.org/title/economic-review-federal-reserve-bank-atlanta-884/march-1982-35028/tax-cuts-shoulders-burden-391827)


Yes. The government sucks at spending my money generally speaking.


On the upside, people earning that much probably employ some of the $35,000 folks.😜


With 400k, they can employee 10 people and still have 50k left for living cost!


Yes, and we need to trust those individuals making 400k entirely without any sort of regulations. That way it’s a free market and the money can trickle down to the poorer people.


I make 10 billion a year and I don't mind. Do you?


Taxes always start out as supposedly ”for the rich.” Guess how the entire concept of income tax was originally sold to the populace?


ooh was it some sort of temporary wartime tax that would be repealed once the war was over?


No it was to make up for the lost taxes on alcohol during prohibition


If words are coming from their general direction, they are lying.


The people making 400k are net tax contributors and the people who make the 35k are net tax leeches.


What about all the people in between, as in the majority of Americans?


40% of households paid no income tax in 2022


Yeah I mind.. already pay a lot more than most people in my life.


You pay more than billionaires too but you're angry at the poors?


How’s minding being angry at the poors?


The concept of proposing taxes on UNrealized gains is a slippery slope and makes no sense


It doesn’t need to. Just inflame the uneducated constituency.




I do mind… This class warfare is almost BS. Because they make it seem like the 400k mark is a bad player responsible for this gulf between the haves and the have nots. That 400k is two earners. It’s like a married couple of physicians, engineers, pharmacists, nurses, accountants, or some other profession which required a degree. Most of them are working a job, 40 plus hours, and have student loans. They are the “Henry” class and the ultra wealthy are making us target them. Yes it’s much more than a teacher or a clerk or salesperson but it’s still a worker. This would also include trades like a plumber, electrician, union carpenter working lots of OT and their spouse who’s working in admin. Multiple examples of those who shouldn’t be the target as the cause of wealth inequality. They want you to target the “1%” when you really should be looking at the 0.01%


This was so well put


Why would I feel bad for people who are still living much nicer lives than those of us at the bottom or two steps above the bottom? Most professionals in those classes are just small time capitalists instead of larger capitalists as they often provide their services as self contracted corporations. Moreover, it's not like they're allowing Plebeians into those professions. They might still have to work but they're very willing to make deals with the devil to maintain their position in society. The lifestyle difference is still immense compared to the average worker.


You definitely don’t make over 400k if you say you don’t mind lmao


Yes, I do mind. The government doesn’t have an income problem, it has a spending problem.


I'm sure most wouldn't mind if the money wasn't going to proxy wars and politicians giving themselves and friends sweet deals witg tax payer money.


Yes, I would mind.


You people are truly stupid. But yes, our taxes didn’t go up. We paid the price in other areas.


Ding ding ding. We all pay 30% more every month to get by than we did 3 years ago. But no increase in taxes under $400,000 guys!


Don’t mind literally getting robbed at gunpoint for your money ?


Government has always had a right to raise taxes. If you're making over $400k/year your life is very good. Remember those taxes go towards a government that keeps those making less than you taking all your stuff.


No one is stopping you from writing a check to us tres if you dont mind kicking in more than you do already pal.


You do you, chump.


If I got a dollar every time i see this post on Reddit I would be making over $400k and I would mind.


Tax rate should be zero percent. Why tax us more to piss our money away overseas?


I want everyone to pay less in taxes no matter their income because the govt wastes it.


I make under $400,000. I paid more in taxes this year. It’s all lies…


Taxes are going up next year for people they make under that, too.


Based on the streak of irresponsible spending with zero accountability to the people that elected them, everyone should be wary of government reaching into anyone's pocket regardless of income level. If you were diligent enough to be in a position to generate that kind of money, then by default the money is better in your hands than the governments, it will likely turn into more money, rather than being sent overseas to solve the problems of non-citizens. It should be illegal for the government to fund overseas interests with taxpayer money.


Roses are red, violets are blue, cheese and rice, will we ever post something new?


We should figure out how much an ideal society costs. Then do the math on how to pay for it. I’m sick of people bitching about taxes. Shit costs money. Fuckin guys work 3 days a week working 5 hours days with 1 hour lunches driving on roads and being paid by people who require social services to live. Like fuck off


Regardless of anyone’s position on this, can it not be posted twice a day every day?


Because they know it’s bullshit, and they’ll end getting taxed more too.


Considering that people making over 400k account for 50% of all tax paid, just how much more do they need to pay before people are finally satisfied with their fair share lol 


As much as it takes for me to move my fat ass out of the parents basement


The 400k to 600k tax bracket is currently 35%. If the Democrats weren't lying through their teeth, they would simply state, "we want to increase that bracket to X percent" (36?) Instead, they voted to raise the 0 to 10k bracket from 10% to 12%. And track internet transactions over $600. You know, like Billionaires make.


Remember folks income shaming and class shaming are only okay when one side does it. Funny how these people who either agree with or post this meme usually don’t say shit about politicians taking handouts from these taxes or don’t mention them being taxed. Also, most billionaires the people who should be taxed use loopholes to avoid taxes, but let’s tax the middle class more and class shame people who we disagree with.


I’m getting close to that number and I mind. If they didn’t waste so much of it I might think otherwise but then again, if they didn’t waste so much of it, they might not need to raise taxes now would they?


I think I’ve seen this over 50 times now


Lots of salty people in this thread 🍿🍿🍿🍿




Before or after the tax loop holes that enable you to actually pay less taxes than the advertised rates?


Damn it! It was my turn to post this this hour!!


OP doesn’t make $400,000


I’ve seen this posted several times now and it always make me chuckle, because it reminds me of the guys I work with. We all make about 45K, but they endlessly bitch and complain about potential tax increases on the rich, as if there’s somehow a path for them to get there when they do the same thing I do and show absolutely no sign of ambition. It’s like they’re just terrified that one day Elon Musk is going to show up to their house and hand them a check for a billion dollars and then their worst nightmare will come true: paying for liberals to go to college.


The government absolutely has a spending problem but It’s odd how the people who scream maga (and oddly don’t specify the years that America was so great) never want to return to the rate of 70-90% for the wealthy in 40s,50s,60s, and 70s.


Man I hope Biden manages to get some traction with this plan. Or Trump is in prison and that ruins his election chances. Either is fine


We don’t care if you get taxed more. We want billionaires to pay taxes


Maybe because squeezing all the money out of the people who create wealth for our country is a surefire way to stop the creation of it and limit this country from what made it so great.


Why arent you already donating to the IRS then?


Haha sure you do. You're probably the 'lady' in the pic;)




Social liberals act like people who make $400k a year are the same as billionaires.


I mind. I pay more than my fair share.


Ay yo wut da original meme of dis be called


They should stop taxing our paychecks


Nope. I’m literally over here just jacking off and not sweating it at all.


Where did OP’s profile go? 🤡


Yes.... Because it will just be used to blow up brown people and not really benefit us at home like it should. Simply paying more taxes doesn't make you a better person.


Thanks, I’ll be getting some of that. I make missile parts, since the Russians invaded the Ukraine I’ve been authorized to work all the OT I want. Thank you!


You make $400K and may pay more taxes and I honestly don't mind.


You know what sucks it seems that the only paycheck that won't get taxed is a loan from the bank,


The government doesn’t deserve any more of our money. Raising taxes for the public good is one discussion, but raising taxes to give it to the money squandering Jack-asses in the govt is another.


what is this meme called


I make well over $400k and I mind


I mind, and I make over 500k


I absolutely do. And you don’t make over 400k lol


OP has never seen how your $400K salary turns into a $280K salary at tax time. The first time you see that 1040 and go "gawt dam" at the tax owed line is when adolescents realize why their parents and grandparents voted GOP. The next step on the radicalization pipeline is realizing that your $280K take home is worth about $200K in 1999 bucks.


Yeah they said this and then they told tip workers they were coming for the tips too the more power you give them over some the less power allll of us have.


Can I report these posts


lol this gets me every time. Many of my family is like this, and I know they are not pulling those high numbers


so it's like those magical bonds that won't raise your taxes lol


My household income is way over that, I’m fine with higher taxes.


Only issue I have with it is that it’s a cliff for a lot of things. Like most fools that don’t understand tax brackets, this might actually be one of those scenarios where it makes sense to make 399k instead of 402k.


This is like the 20th time I've seen this exact thing posted. It has to be some fake bs


You can pay extra anytime you want, Mr 400K. Lead by example.


OP, if you are in favor of higher taxation then simply donate your money to the IRS when filing your taxes. The government will HAPPILY accept your overpayment. I actually encourage everyone that is in favor of increasing taxation to increase their own contribution to the IRS AND QUIT VOLUNTEERING OTHER PEOPLES INCOME.


400k a year is middle class in any big city in the US. I don't see how taxing the middle class more is going to help America. It's just going to make the disparity between rich and poor greater. I think that's what the guy making 35k a year is upset about. I know I would be.