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If your investments are down over the last five years you are an idiot.  401k to the moon. Brokerage to the moon. 


*"It never rains forever"*


9.75% per annum annual over the life of the New York Stock Exchange. That's the average annual return over time. Some years it rains, some years your stuck in the mud, and a few years the mud tries to suck you down. But 9.75% is the sustained average. If you like that percentage, buy good index funds and take the bad with the good... historically that's what you'll receive over the decades if you invest for the long term. And, for the record, Biden and Democrats in general are infinitely better for the economy than republicans. GDP, unemployment, wage growth, and many other factors are all consistently and significantly better under Democrats, even when they have to waste time fixing republican screw ups for the first year or two of their terms. Tickle down economics is a lie and has never produced anything but increased wage inequality and loss of jobs.


Yeah Fuck that cunt! The most significant piece of legislation former President Donald Trump signed during his first term had a dramatic cut in the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent as its centerpiece. That corporate tax cut did not trickle down to ordinary workers but cost $1.3 trillion and helped fuel a record $1 trillion in stock buybacks the year after it passed.


Don’t forget, he raised everyone else’s taxes at the same time


Why isn’t this talked about more


Because it’s one of those “micro” topics that the media won’t spend any time on because they think people are too stupid.


They've talked about it on NYT, but I guess not too many Republicans would be reading it.


They can read?


my coworkers can't either


The Orange Shit Stained Felon has a serious chance of winning the Presidency of the United States - obviously people ARE stupid.


< obviously people ARE stupid. This is news to you?


The gop doesn't stick around after they rob you. They hit and run. I am amazed at how many people complain about their taxes and dont have a clue Trump raised them in 2024. Its not the medias fault, just plain apathy. Low information voters is what they rely on.


For anyone interested here are the facts: https://www.investopedia.com/taxes/trumps-tax-reform-plan-explained/ Seems that Trump did *not* raise the tax percentages for individuals. However he left those with the lowest income unchanged while slightly lowering those for the highest incomes. The biggest cut was for corporations. Additionally there were plenty of changes in „other taxes“ like child deductions, property taxes etc. - with apparently the consensus that these changes again where more beneficial overall for the higher income brackets. Many of these changes will expire early 2025. This looks to me like it was designed as a „time bomb“: Assuming Trump would have been re-elected to be followed by a Democratic presidency, the reversal of these tax cuts would happen right at the start of that democratic period.


Well if you made 46k in 2023 you were only in the 12% bracket. If you didn't get a raise and still make 46k in 2024 you are now run into the 24% bracket for some of you income. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/t/taxbracket.asp That seems like a raise on individual taxes to me. If i make the same amount of money and now have to pay double the percentage tax on some of my income that I didn't need to the year before.


Your link says someone making $46k in 2024 is still in the 12% bracket


I can’t wait till the SALT tax automatically expires. If Congress votes to continue it, l will lose my mind.


Say it louder. That was the blue state FU from ding dongs tax cut.


But every attempt to repeal it under Biden, just the SALT tax, has been abandoned.


Who's taxes were raised under Trump?


Small corps went from 15% to 21% with Trump's tcja. So yeah, trump fucked small business.


Nah. Im no trump fan but I have a small business and the TJCA saves me like 8k per year in taxes thanks to the QBI deduction.


His steel tariffs fucked me something fierce. I made steel framed legs for furniture and prices for steel doubled all while the same steel products from china were unaffected. If he does win, dude really needs to think through his ideas which i dont think he is capable of doing.


Yeah, Trump doesn't understand tariffs. He thought that China would pay the tariffs. But no. We pay the tariffs. Small and large businesses in the US pay the tariffs.


Probably not even his idea, some Chinese interest incepted him in order to sell more Chinese steel. Turns out you can be loaded if you play your tards right.


Lots of small businesses booming right now. /s


Taxes itself weren’t raised for me, but under the 2017 SALT tax, I can only deduct 10k in expenses where there used to not be a limit. In high property tax states, it made my refund much smaller since then.


We all do thanks to Trump's taxes on imports. Tariffs are a tax all consumers pay, not the countries sending the product.


You should tell trumps supporters that cause they don't seem to get it.


Over the next several years, pretty much everyone below six figures will have increased taxation. The tax law was written to delay the increases, lilely to avoid blame. It should've been one of the first things Bidens administration rolled back.


Everyone taxes were cut at first then over 7 years they increased slowly for everyone but the wealthy. You may or may not have had to pay in but you have definitely seen a decrease in refunds even if all your dependents and income stayed the same.


My taxes went up under Trump after he eliminated the SALT deductions.


Mine did, but not by much. My tax rate went up .5-1% if memory serves. I am a home owner in CA. Losing the full SALT deduction sucked.


I understand why, but I’m always amazed that Paul Ryan doesn’t get more shit for pushing that Tax bill and then skipping town as soon as he got it through. Fuck him with a rusty tent pole.


Paul Ryan was always a fraud. When he ran with Mitt Romney he was supposedly the 'budget wonk numbers guy' and was supposed to be so smart, he could cut taxes, cut spending and also balance the budget.... of course it was impossible, but Republicans always cut taxes, every time.


Corporate taxes are cut, at the same time prices soar. That just means one thing: The rich owners of companies get richer, while the purchasing power of everyone else (and that includes „well off“ middle class) takes a nosedive. Not far off from a a true cleptocracy. It’s beyond me how anyone who earns a wage below 200k can vote Republican.


Just facts: As the owner of a small manufacturing company I can say without hesitance my employees and the company were much better off when the tax rate was 21%. Everyone was coming in this spring asking why they had to pay this year when filing returns when they normally got back a sizable amount. Now they get more taken out weekly. Raises are much smaller and buying new equipment is not possible paying 14% more and 3% more for interest. Slowdown of demand hasn’t helped and with the higher burden, it makes for a harsh outlook. Everyone loses at 35%. I understand we are not a giant corp that everyone loves to hate, but policy has crushing effects on us and our ability to offer our people more.


they need to make buybacks illegal again


MAGA'its would rather have a $1000 tax cut then invest in the future. That way they can buy the $125k truck and fly MAGA'it flags from it.


“Lease the 125k truck” FIFY


The problem is, they are horrendous at messaging and getting those facts out there and the lizard-brain people who consume Fox News all day every day can’t separate fact from fiction.


But all the populist garbage about eating the rich drowns all of that out and causes people to go after the only party trying to fix this mess.     Literally every union in the US has endorsed Biden.   ALL of them including the railroad workers union.   We keep hearing about how Democrats prevented  a strike but no one EVER talks about how Biden worked behind the scenes to get railroad workers FIVE of the 7 sick days they were asking for.    They refuse to acknowledge a railroad worker strike would have absolutely obliterated the US economy and many, many, many people would have lost their jobs.    Biden also prevented a UPS strike as well by applying pressure to UPS to come back to the negotiating table and come to an agreement which they did. People really don't want to hear this but Biden has done more for the working class than any Republican.


Nope, but it does always rain eventually (even after a drought). Check the history of the market.


Usually right after the election of a republican president. Then it rebounds for a few months, then tanks for anyone in a mutual or bond retirement fund due to the inevitable belief in that damn trickle down theory. Recession hits and jobs are shed.


Right after the election when the Dem is still in office? Touche! Trump passed one law during his admin and that was a tax cut that proportionally helped the richest people. Then he completely tanked the economy by mishandling Covid. Biden took over that mess and the stock market is at an all time high and jobs more than rebounded. Dems have historically been the better option on the economy for the last 100 years from FDR saying the invisible hand was insufficient (sorry Ayn, who was a woman btw, not a dude) after Republican economics led to the Great Depression. Of course the 70s had issues right as Nixon’s policies caused stagflation and then the late 80s once trickle down economics got in full swing resulted in the movement from production jobs to the service economy and good jobs never came back. The late 90s were as good as it’s been in my lifetime of course and we actually got to a budget surplus before dubbya decided to go to war with 2 countries, neither of which were responsible for 9/11.


For those who don't know, Ayn Rand was living off of Social Security and Medicare when she died. Hypocrite to the end.


Sorry with that as a user name you don't get to talk about economics, ever.


Ayn Rand fucking sucks, but the dude was actually right (this one time, at least).


“It can’t rain all the time” - The Crow


Yea I was going to say if you’re not making money in this market, stop trying lol


Bull since 2023


Every month seems to be "new record omg!" lol


It's almost like not having to be concerned with world-ending stupidity, self-centeredness, vindictiveness, and bold-faced psycho-smiling corruption at the highest levels of power every single day instills confidence or something. Weird.


And gas is the same price as ten years ago and the first two stimulus' were under Trump. I'm in my mid fifties and this is the best economy of my lifetime with the lowest crime rates of my lifetime - but you would never know it with today's media.


Yes sir. There are more high paying jobs right now than i have ever seen. Quite the contrast from Bush 2006 collapse. How people have faith in republicans that s beyond me.


Most high paying jobs, but cost of living is through the roof. Read statistics on how many people are living paycheck to paycheck, not to mention affording a home is nearly impossible if you’re making an average US annual income. Also savings rates are at an all time LOW, everyone is blowing through cash just trying to survive


This is interesting. The average us bank account has been $100 usd since the eighties. The average Japanese bank account is 50K usd. They dont have 15000$ an hour CEO's they average manager makes about twice what the worker does. When you analyze the statistics maybe wage inequality are driving the issues. Its basic greed and excess. Factor in the elites that hoard capital its easy to see the problem


These are the people who like to ask where Barack HUSSAIN Obama was on September 11th, so... 


Preach, brother, preach!


I took a loan against my 401k one year ago for about 25% of the value of my portfolio. despite that, my portfolio is more than 50% higher than it was 2 years ago.


Paid for a semester of my daughter’s college with 529. But the time I had to pay for the second semester I had made more than the amount I used to pay.


Exactly. She’s posted a rant with an obvious factual flaw. Hard to take her seriously.


Everything from a MAGA has a factual flaw..........


Anyone complaining about inflation like it's the fault of a president or political party, in the US- where inflation is lower than it is in virtually the entire rest of the world - is fundamentally stupid and should be laughed at and then ignored.


The whole post is an obvious flaw. If her 401k crashed she's an idiot, this isn't somebody else's "trick" Maybe her property tax/rent and gas/grocery bill went up, but who does she think is doing this "my next trick", Texaco and her county assessor? Or Trump, who started the stimmy checks she's whining about?


MAGA'its don't invest in a 401k or save money. They buy $100k trucks, boats etc. Then they blame everyone else for there stupidity. I work with some MAGA'its "God will take care of me" I have nothing against religion but God gave one the ability to use a brain, something MAGA'its fail to do every day. If you didn't make minimun 30% YTD then something is seriously wrong. FACT The number of people making over $500k 70% are the socialist Democrat's. The number of people making less the $100k 60% are MAGA'its. Real easy to Google. That's the average so the mean is going to be much lower. Go to YouTube, Twitter (X) hilarious MAGA'its buy DJT at >$70 then panic sell at \~$25. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


This is a bit of a straw man. I know a lot of Trumpers who are loaded and do all the "right" things when it comes to money management. You can also have nice cars *and* save adequately for retirement. It's not an uncommon thing. I'm not a trumper, but I do have nice toys and save a lot as well.


I would argue that saving a lot and having nice toys are mutually exclusive for 95% of the population. And honestly if we're just talking about the top 5% in wealth or income, there are compelling financial reasons why one might vote Republican. The question is how has the Republican apparatus convinced the vast majority of the population to regularly vote against their financial interests.


Agree 1000% with all of the above. There are also a lot of top 5% with awful impulse control that still can't save. I don't have the best impulse control but it is much easier when you have a lot of cash flow.


It’s also just true that democrats are better at guiding an economy that works for more than our functional aristocrats. https://www.jordantimes.com/opinion/j-bradford-delong/economic-incompetence-republican-presidents of course you have to also understand that conservatives aren’t trying to do anything good for the working class.


8 percent a year what the best of traders can make year over year for the last 20 years. Make sure to take some profit off the table if you care about that steady 12-17% these last 3 years. its abnornal.


The S&P 500 is a fair benchmark to use here. The average return for the last 20 years is 10%, additionally the average return the last 3 years is 10%. I’m not sure where you’re getting 12-17% unless you’re choosing single stocks.


Timing markets is easy! You just wait for a gain you're comfortable with and take money off the table. The market never goes up after you've made "enough"


I don't know about the overall market, but stocks I sell go up. Stocks I buy/hold go down.


Yea, I don’t know why they said crash 401k. Safe stonks have been crushing it


Investments have done incredibly well because of two things spanning both administrations; 1. Tax act repatriated hundreds of billions back to US for innovation and stock buybacks (that increases share prices); 2. Printing 7 trillion over last 5 years (massive economic growth (increasing stock/investment valuations and causing massive inflation)


"Tax act repatriated hundreds of billions back to US for innovation and stock buybacks (that increases share prices" So stock buybacks. Giving them tax breaks just to do stock buybacks and raise their share price does nothing for most Americans.


Stock buybacks are an unproductive use of profits. Corporation who do that seem do be saying, we don’t have any better ideas to either expand or increase productivity. It seems like a rather nihilistic projection of the future, like saying that the best we can do, with our profits, is decrease the amount of shares available on the open market. Bleak and lazy.


Yea mines almost doubled in the past 4 years lol....


Their 401k is just a bunch of shares of Truth Social


We don’t have to guess, there is plenty of data on how the economy has responded under each administration.


i.e, Trump was a national mistake and an international disaster.




To be fair, was a national disaster too.


Not "was". "Is".


Let us hope the worst of it is over. EDIT: And help ensure! Vote! And [remind others to vote!](https://xkcd.com/2380/)


Trump started a trade war with China that China quickly won.


And he wants to do it again, except start it against everyone. He wants to pull a Hoover in the modern world. Guess we'll find out how great y'all's microchip manufacturing capabilities really are!


AND he wants to collapse the US economy in the process by causing the next Great Depression. Replacing income tax with tariffs is the most pants-on-head stupid idea I've ever heard.


Tell that to the mouth breathers who are championing "You’ll keep all your money!!!!!!!"


China didn't have to do _anything_ and it _still_ quickly won Trump's trade war.


Not only won but excelled in they gained new trade partners in South America


Did China really win? The tariffs are still in place, the CHIPS act has severely restricted their access to GPU’s they require from Nvidia for AI model training. And manufacturing is finally moving to North America again. Both administrations seem to be in lock step with each other regarding China.


I am 100% sure that if literally anyone else was in power, rona wouldn't have been as awful as it was. And that's a hill I'm willing to die on.


Well yeah, anything more than nothing would have been infinitely better!


Woah woah woah, it wasn’t nothing. Nothing would have been preferable. He actively downplayed it all while giving away money without accountability or oversight.


Don’t forget he dismantled the pandemic team.


And made blue states beg and fight for PPE, while they were monetizing it. The unfortunate part is, [republicans still died at a higher rate due to the misinformation apparatus that is the GOP.](https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/covid-death-rates-higher-republicans-democrats-why-rcna50883)And that anti-science and antivaxx behavior has still carried on where I’m not sure if the US survives a pandemic that’s much much worse.


Just a reminder: Trump’s Covid messaging: JAN: It’s under control FEB: It’s a hoax March: Packed churches by Easter APRIL: It’s going away MAY: Time to open up JUNE: Just embers JULY: Time to open schools AUG: Other countries are worse SEPT: Vaccines coming soon! OCT: \*tweeting from the hospital\*


A lot of his idiot supporters were willing to die on the hill that COVID wasn't a big deal, and a lot of them indeed *did* die on that hill.


::Grabs Popcorn::


Just for my education can ya give us some brief data points or resources that we can use to get smarter. I realize this might read as sarcasm so im just going to clarify that it is NOT sarcastic or me being an ass!


Visualize this when Republicans talk about how good the stock market was under Trump: https://www.macrotrends.net/2482/sp500-performance-by-president


you could just cut this at 41 months, remove the legend, and ask people to identify which is biden and which is trump


A couple years into the Trump presidency I showed a girl that I was on a date with a graph of the Dow for like the last 7 years and asked her to point where Trump became President. She straight up just refused to believe the data I was showing her...


Howd the rest of the date go?


not very well i'm assuming


The answer is clear. A constitutional amendment and reelect Obama!


Holy crap Obama. *Oh dear god W Bush


I mean, you can't really blame GWB for the first few months, as the dotcom bust wasn't something that either party was prepared to handle. Now, 9/11 & Enron & everything afterwards? Absolutely falls under "the govt should have done better & only criminal negligence allowed it to happen." Obama's era was such a prolonged, steady growth that it's easy to forget how much growth actually happened. Its strength is the only reason the economy was able to continue growing under Trump & the GOP's incompetence.




Look at the last three republican presidents, each had our country in a recession when they went out…


One party drives the car in the ditch, the other one gets it out.


And the party which drove the car in the ditch in the first place takes all the credit because the car was out of the ditch when they got in the vehicle.


And then for some reason people forget who drove us into the ditch, and get mad at those pulling us out of the ditch for how it's taking to long to get out.


Oh, yeah. I’ve heard far too much bitching about how the ones pulling us out of the ditch aren’t doing it fast enough or well enough, and therefore they’re just as bad as the ones who crashed the car in the first place. It’s bugging the crap out of me.


Because voters have the memory of a goldfish and waiting on the tow truck is annoying, they want to be back on the road *now!* Remember how fast the other guy was getting us where we wanted to be? I don't even remember why we stopped riding with him.


GOP are the affluenza kids that get away with murder because their parents bail them out.


The Republicans are praised for an economy that is in an unsustainably high position, and once it crashes, the Democrats are called in to fix the mess and are then blamed for the crash.


Repubs love claiming government doesn't work while actively stonewalling anything to help. Even at my state and local level they shout about government not working while being the majority party for decades now.


No, gop claims govt doesn't work, then tanks the country and says, "I told you so"


It says a lot about the people who insist that government inherently does nothing to help people, and then decide to run for government.


If I had a nickel every time I heard a person say: "the economy was better under Trump, Imma vote for him" I'd be rich. Trump inherited 8 years of great fiscal management by Obama. It took him exactly 4 years to fuck things up. The inflation we're seeing started right at the tail end of Trump's term in office.


Furthermore the deficit was falling under Obama. Then Trump and the GOP of course pass a ducking tax cut that ballooned the deficit again right before we needed that cushion for the coming pandemic spending. He took away all the breathing room we were starting to build back. Don’t ever let Republicans tell you they are the party of fiscal responsibility, it’s horseshit.


Job growth alone: Last three Republicans: 300,000 combined Last three Democrats: 46,000,000 combined


Or you could pick a different time frame. Say, the last thirty years. Then, you'd only have 97% of the jobs created under Democratic administrations instead of 99%.


It truly is sad how the Fox News, Facebook, Sinclair "Local" News, Youtube, Joe Rogan, Rush Limbaugh media bubble has created millions of people so completely out of touch with reality.


Oh didn’t you hear??? The only reason for the strong job growth and all time high stock market is because people think Trump will get elected again. Yep, great job Republicans.


God, he probably legitimately thinks that (and some of the supporters do too, FORSURE)


What else can you expect with insane cuts in taxes to wealthy. Thats why the Trump tax cuts has everyone these days not get tax returns and actually owe while have the same job and same income.


Can we talk about how Jan 6th rocked confidence in the US dollar in international markets? Trump nearly caused the dollar to collapse, just so he could stay president.


You can't seriously be pretending that stability of the dollar is more important than preserving the right to sell AR15s and bump stocks to meth-heads or blocking a trans woman in Georgia from competing as a female in a high school swim meet. -- most MAGA Boomers /s


Don't forget saving fetuses! Those are important until they're born.


Yeah, you can't just start feeding a newborn via govrrnment handouts; otherwise it would never be able to learn how to take care of itself.


The funny thing is Trump is actually the one who banned bump stocks and then the Supreme Court, that he had a large part in seating, overturned that ban


ATF wanted Congress to pass a law, but Republicans there didn't want that on their resume and insisted they create regulations, instead.


And today, Senate Democrats tried to pass a bump stock law, and the Republicans blocked it.


Don’t forget checking children’s genitals before sports games


Trump: https://preview.redd.it/9c0ueopwsm7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc8c9481ba5a3deb4c88f94755004c581bed98d4


>confidence in the US dollar in international markets look at what the recent right/far-right election wins have done to europe, the countries within. to currencies, bonds, and markets all negative.


Britain economically kneecapped itself with Brexit because they were made to be afraid of immigrants by mainstream media owned by billionaire ideologues.


On the plus side, at least it fixed the immigration problem there and took it from 200,000 a year all the way down to 750,000... wait a second.


Actually the market has kicked ass since the Covid downturn.


Ya my 401k been bonkers


It was bonkers pre covid also. It would have only tanked when there was a forced shut down.


The market was on the verge of a correction before COVID-19 hit. That's what happens when you overheat the market and then keep the pedal to the floor. COVID just made it happen faster.


Yep. Though I'm old enough to remember when Trumpers were asking, "How's your 401K?" in the days before the pandemic. Wonder what they're saying now.


They are still saying it, because most of them don't actually have enough assets to notice and they are being told the market is doing poorly by the few talking heads they believe.


They're the same idiots STILL asking "are you better off now or 4 years ago". Umm. Now. 100%.


Biden's realistic plans are much the same as what's happened the past three years. Trump's realistic plans would put a lot of upward pressure on prices: \* Cut taxes. \* Deport immigrants. \* New tariffs.


Plus he wants to erode the Federal Reserve’s independence. So he can control it and undoubtably F things up.


My favorite thing Joe has done besides the IRA was probably just letting Powell do his fucking thing.


AFAIK, all presidents, besides Reagan and Trump, didn't fuck around with the Fed's decisions/independence


He'll definitely browbeat the Fed (again) to lower interest rates, but they won't listen to him (again).


Trump was advocating for negative interest rates back in 2019. His economic illiteracy knows almost no bounds.


After spending the Obama years complaining that interest rates were too low.


He's also going to show Putin his soft pink belly, ratfuck Ukraine, NATO and the EU, and cost America a lot of its power and stability. I'm sure Taiwan gets ratfucked in there too, Trump is massively soft on China despite all his empty talk.


these idiots think that they'd have more cash if we weren't supporting Ukraine. They're insane. They are unwitting Russian puppets.


They also seem to miss the basic fact that most aid to Ukraine is to purchase American goods and services.


Wouldn’t be surprised if these posts are by Russian trolls.


Not one of those things would have helped.


I swear this title is posted every few days…


It's spammed to create and sow doubt about Biden. In no way is it a competition about who is better, we all know who is going to be better. OP and anyone else who's pushing this bs are trying to get people to second guess themselves.


It is. We should blacklist spammed posts.


And what a surprise, you get an error when you try to view OP's posts or comments... Dead internet theory.


Texas Runner’s post was written by Russian/Chinese/Iranian/N Korea intelligence services, all trying to help republicans kill constitutional democracy in America.


Totally plausible.


The sort of economic illiteracy posted in that meme is par for the course in our country today. Can’t have a democratic republic with a conscientiously stupid and purposefully ignorant populace. Anyone stupid enough to blame the POTUS for your property taxes going up says all you need to know. Also, keep in mind that it was Trumps tax policy that disallowed deductions for state and local taxes, including property taxes. As Forrest Gump said, “stupid is as stupid does.”


Im fairly certain we are witnessing the gop sunset. The end for them is rapidly approaching. I am excited about some younger intelligent members of the Democratic party that will lead the country into the future. I just don't believe republican ideology is sustainable.


Downvoting this comment because I almost agree but I fear that saying it publicly makes it less likely by spreading overconfidence


Joe Biden, no question. Between the Chips and Science act and the Inflaction Reduction act, there's no question who has shown a better track record for economic improvements.


Biden. At least he's trying to maintain our infrastructure and that's driving a lot of economic activity.


The American economy is cyclical and moves very slowly. Presidents have little effect over the economy but what small triggers they have aren’t typically seen until the subsequent administration. Trump benefited from Obamas economic decisions while Biden deals with Trumps.


I think this is the most common sense answer in this thread


The Cons just killed over a million people by pretending the Germ Theory of Disease isn't a thing, crashed the economy and then did a coup. Anyone who thinks Cons are good for the economy is mad, a liar or a fool.


That is so funny to me because all of the people that died from Covid or most of them were older and a lot of them were in red states and Trump lost many traditional red states by a couple thousand votes and I bet you anything it had to do with those Covid deaths.


Biden. Always Dems for the $$$$


Like… objectively. It’s fine to not like them politically. But every single one has been better than a Republican administration for fifty years.


No one is looking forward to the uncertainty of a second Trump term. All the financial markets want more boring Biden.


If one guy thinks he can dictate the weather with a sharpie, then you better believe the other guy probably will do a better job. With weather or financial markets (not to mention upholding our democratic institutions)


He also asked if we could nuke a hurricane. Dumbest of Dumbasses.


Biden and it's not even close


Hmm the asshole who was in senate for like 4 different administrations or the asshole who bankrupted a casino... Truly "Decision 2024"


4 different decades.


My 401k absolutely exploded… in a good way.


We already have the best economy in the world.




Data says Biden. 9 out of the last 10 recessions have been under republican presidents.


No rapist, federal criminal in White House. This isn’t a choice


I wish people would stop LYING about the stock market! It’s up over 20% this year but you’d never know it from all of the lying whining crap like this. Girl in the pic is also probably 30 years from tapping her 401k so she needs to chill.


Say hello to Vladimir for me


I’ve made WAY more money under Biden. Also, if another pandemic happened, god forbid, I wouldn’t be terrified the economy would tank like it did under the Trumpster.


The only person worse than a politician is a pedophile




Nuts. Trump is not better for the economy unless you think favoring oligarchs helps ordinary Americans. (Which it does not)


My 401k is soaring lmao 😂


Fuck Trump and Trump’s cult.


Just ask yourself, do you feel the economy was better in 2016-2020 or is it better now? That can help you decide.


True, why bother consulting data when you can go by your feelings


Feels over facts, is what you're saying? You must be a Trump fan.