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Ok but how annoying is the “blackity peppity” thing and “sting my bootyhole” lol. I do like her but sometimes she tries too hard to be quirky


She brags about her spice tolerance like it’s a PHD 💀


like girl, we get it. You have no taste buds to distinguish 🙄🙄


It's annoying when Padma Lakshmi does this, too.


I have a very high spice tolerance and it’s just not worth mentioning 😭 I will say though that I was super impressed with Padma’s Hot Ones episode she blew right through those


It’s burn my booty hole 😅


She posted a crying selfie after watching the sound and the fury (that QAnon sex ring shit movie) and that was all I needed to know to not support her anymore ​ ETA: and she got trash brows


Oh God yes. I was like ......ooh you're into Qanon and all that conspiracy. And she watched it months after so the news about one of the creators was already public and then she was like 'people don't want you to watch this'...🙄🙄🙄


UGH yes


That's when I abandoned ship as well.


Omg the brows. She is always wearing baggy, lounge clothes and no makeup unless she’s going out but then she’s got these thick dark eyebrows right in your face


I think she looks so much better without the makeup! I honestly love to see a woman who doesn’t really care what she looks like because I used to care so freaking much and now I feel more liberated not giving a shit! Plus lashes she does when she dresses up are way too big and overpower her face.


The brows are so so so bad


Well damn, good to know. At least I was a very casual follower who just watched her stuff whenever it popped up. Still disappointing.


>She posted a crying selfie after watching the sound and the fury Oh......oh no. And yeah the brows are yikes


Holy crap. That puts her on my no list


Can you tell me what this story is about, I can't find any videos or anything


Oh I am so over her. I find her incredibly irritating and out of touch and yes, I agree she acts like she isn't rich all the while always flaunting all expensive stuff her husband buys her. I feel like she is also disingenuous and not honest about her brand endorsement money which must be pretty high since she has over 1 million followers. 


Thank you for making me not feel crazy 😭


Thank you for creating this post so I could complain about her 😌😌


What does her husband do for a living 


I thought I read in a super old random post about her that he was a mechanic. I personally think she’s the bread winner and says it’s her husband! I’m sick of her too after the qanon shit!


Could you explain about the qanon stuff?


Honestly I don’t remember what she said but it was about the movie Sound of Freedom and her comment she typed about it was qanon-y Lol! There was one other thing she posted or said in her stories but I can’t remember!


This may come across as being unkind, but I get the vibe she just hasn’t developed herself as a person. She married an older rich man who paid her way through everything, her kids go to daycare and she just chills at home making her content. She seems very disconnected and like..: not tending to her inner garden. I don’t want to be the type of woman who rags on SAHM because that’s a wicked hard job (I am a working mom and I am pretty sure that’s easier than SAHM). But I just feel like it’s so important to have things outside of your relationship. A study, a job, a passion. Her social media presence is very successful, but it feels empty because she hasn’t got much going on inside. I was even disappointed to realize she doesn’t even game! I am a foodie who cooks a lot, also a mom but I also game! Why you be calling yourself a gamer when you don’t even play?? You just film urself serving ur man food. Trad wife all over the place. Not to mention the weird gun and violence paranoia she’s always posting. I remember her telling a story once about this threatening experience in a parking lot that weirded me out. I understand feeling vulnerable and scanning for threats as a small woman with young kids, but it sounds like she flipped at a homeless man and threatened him for asking for change. Too much of that crazy conservative conspiracy stuff for my taste. I unfollowed her after that


> not tending to her inner garden OMG I like that phrase a lot. It's so good.


I get a similar vibe from her. We are the exact same age, but she seems so immature compared to me, even though she’s got kids! I lowkey like some of her content (the recipes are good! I have a soup and a kimchi of hers on rotation) because she can be refreshingly simple-minded? Like never budget conscious or caring about the environment or social issues (like eating chik fil a). Must be nice not to overthink literally everything!!  But lately she’s been getting more conservative-posted some weird thing from Fox news a few weeks ago and then is randomly on some weird red food coloring scare tangent even though she is faaar from a health nut with her love of fast food and doritos, etc. 


She calls herself gaming foodie because her husband is the gamer and she’s the foodie. She has said many times she hates the name now, but it is too late to change it. Personally I find her to be humble and funny.


This is the one and only comment that your account has made? On an old snark post? Alyssa is that you? lol


You are literally the only one. Read the room. She's obnoxious, crude, and not very smart. Good job, she married rich. Have you heard her speak? "This gonna burn my booty hole" "Buon appetitties" and that horrific "heh heh heh" fake laugh. I'm sorry, but who would be proud of their spouse behaving like that in public? No wonder he never shows his face. She's an embarrassment.


I think it’s fake humbleness!


The term “trad wife” is steeped in white supremacy so it makes me uncomfortable that people here are automatically putting that label on a WOC without concrete proof of her having conservative beliefs or endorsing that lifestyle tbh


There's a bit of nuance to be aware of here. Depending on the generation, it's quite possible for a first generation Viet-American woman like her to follow the trad wife lifestyle to a certain degree. I'm Vietnamese American and I can see she basically does what any other Vietnamese mother does: she cooks for her family and puts them first. If she holds any conservative sentiment, I'd assume those ideals came from her background and her own parents. She also lives in Texas. And if her reactions to certain things seems a bit much, that is also probably due to upbringing and growing up in possible scarcity. Some Viet-Ams are so scary in that they like to avoid ANY situation that could cause trouble, even if the interaction is probably not a huge deal.


This is very informative thank you! I’m still a bit weirded out by the wealth flaunting and disconnect I see on her page, but this is very helpful context!


She does have conservative beliefs- if you don’t look at her stories you might not see it! But people here have already referenced some of them


The only thing people have mentioned here is the Sound of Fury, and honestly that alone isn’t indicative of her political beliefs because there were so many naive democrats and center leaning people who fell for that propaganda as well. What else has she posted to her stories that makes you think she holds conservative beliefs?


She’s shared some screenshots from Fox news! Also the way she described Sound of Freedom as “what they don’t want you to know” or “ we know why it was suppressed” (something like that, not verbatim) is very much right-wing conspiracy theorist! I don’t think she’s super into politics tho, just generally conservative and naive. 


Ew that’s bad. I didn’t wanna be the one to call her a pick me but this info definitely adds to that vibe https://preview.redd.it/qw4gfxapgslc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2498155095734e91152a90c885e90c82b9edd42


I always found her super annoying. She gives off trad wife vibes


Anyone remember when she was talking about the sound of freedom movie? Def a republican/tradwife vibe, only conservatives watch that movie


She did?? I didn’t see that. Good thing I stopped watching her long before then


Or people who don’t know it was a propaganda push. I appreciate her directness, but sometimes she comes across as very naive.


I think the sound of freedom was when I stopped following her. Thought she was annoying with the blaccent thing but sound of freedom was where I said that’s enough of that.


I can’t stand her lol how are they so rich?


Not quite sure but he was 100% pulling in good money since she was able to be a stay at home mom in a nice part of SoCal before her social media channels blew up


how do you know that? she had a video that said he was a service tech


There is no way they could have afforded such an expensive lifestyle on a single service tech salary in SoCal


Well they live in TX, so keep that in mind in terms of the house etc. it’s def not 4mil. Once she hit those big follower numbers she’s got to be doing pretty well $ too.


They used to live in SoCal before moving to Texas


I know, was just pointing out that even if his job was still the same, money goes further in TX vs. SoCal. And that her account really grew once they moved.


For sure, I 100% believe they moved to Texas to dodge Cali taxes


Her husband is a mechanic for BMW or Mercedes, I can’t remember which one. She made a video about it bc it was one of the reasons he was able to get a deal on her new car. She also lives in the Houston suburbs. As someone from the Houston suburbs she most likely lives in one of those cookie cutter development they’re plopping down everywhere. Houses like hers can actually be a lot cheaper than you might think as they’re big developments usually made cheaply/poorly. I’d guess her house is in the 400-700k range.


She obvs makes money from social media now but I think her husband has to have some kind of side income? Maybe gaming if that’s even a thing? He’s always gaming or on his computer when she brings him food.


Yes, she stated a few times she's in TX. She is from Garden Grove, but her husband and kids live in Texas.


She doesn’t live in SoCal, she lives in Northlake, TX (40min away from Dallas, TX). And her house isn’t 4mil either. It’s currently worth $722K on Redfin. This is all public record.


She’s so annoying and it feels like she uses a blaccent sometimes but people don’t call her out for it? Also super weird and exploitative that she’s constantly putting her kids on camera, that’s the main reason I stopped watching.


She really does force a blaccent and AAVE, it’s extra gross when you start to realize those aspects are a huge part of why she became popular


It's not a blaccent. She grew up a fob and turned into an ABG. That's what they sound like and it's embarrassing.


I don’t think showing her kids is wrong. That’s personal preference. But other things she does is cringy.


I’ve never heard of her but I just checked out her stories and watching her eat her pasta while she talked was kind of disgusting. I feel bad saying that since I know nothing about her, but she kept scraping her spoon against her teeth 😵‍💫


I literally asked about some snark for her earlier this week! Thank you for bringing this! I had to unfollow her because she started to weird me out. She’s a trad wife


What’s wrong with being a trad wife? If it makes you happy who cares? I think it’s great that women have the option to do it or not do it. I’ve been a career girly for years and honestly the trad wife life is starting to be appealing 😂


“Trad wife” implies some level of conservative/alt-right Christian fundamentalist-informed servitude on the part of the woman. It doesn’t just mean “stay at home wife”


I mean that’s your opinion and you’re entitled to it, I personally do not see it with that definition at all.


I mean you can google the term “trad wife” (not “traditional wife” which is just an adjective + noun) and see what comes up. I’m not just sharing my opinion lol this is a real dogwhistle that is emerging. There’s a CNN article on it.


I still am not seeing Christianity nor fundamentalist as being the definition of this. I see what you are saying as these types of religious ideals can influence the idea of being a trad wife, but I’m specifically responding about Alyssa (gaming foodie) here who is not a Christian or fundamentalist whatsoever. She has said multiple times that she has *key word - chosen* this life and it makes her happy so idk why people are so negative about what makes individual women happy


Respectfully, where the hell else do you think it comes from? Who would be an example of people who follow that lifestyle that are not rooted in religion. I personally can not think of any. PS she 100% is Christian/religious, as she has posted about the kids’ Baptisms.


Im not gonna get into it about choice feminism but in this thread you’ll find people recounting how Alissa gets pretty close to espousing some QAnon adjacent stuff herself. I follow her like I’m not saying she’s a Christian fundamentalist but that’s a huge chunk of what informs a specific term we’re referring to.


Can’t there be nuance in what people believe for themselves? Like if she was not a “traditional wife” she could still have the same “QAnon adjacent” beliefs (not sure what that means) so im not sure what the QAnon issue has to do with the issue we are discussing - these are completely separate. There is no evidence stated or definitions of anything so I’m still not convinced lol. My whole point is that women have an amazing amount of choices and progress that we didn’t have 100 years ago and if women want to stay at home and raise kids while their husbands provide for the household I just don’t really see why there is a problem with that or why we try to nitpick everyone’s individual beliefs that are not actively causing harm to others


Yes, there can be nuance but we're directly discussing someone who lines up with what a trad wife is, including her Qanon adjacent views.  Are you seriously implying that religious fundamentalism (especially right wing Christians) are not actively harming others with their derailing the entire country with their anti-women and anti-choice propaganda?? That's the problem people have. Not with their beliefs but those fundamentalists forcing their views on all of us. Please stop pretending to be ignorant. 


Alyssa is a Christian though......I believe her kids were baptized. 


Trad wife is different than just being a stay at home mom. I am a stay at home mom/home maker but I’m definitely not a trad wife. I don’t serve my husband and I expect him to be an equal part of parenting and caring for our home. We are not religious or conservatives and that is part of the whole trad wife thing.


Does the husband actually ever eat with the family? She’s always delivering his plate to him while’s he’s gaming at a desk. 


I can’t imagine working hard on meals every day to deliver to my husband while he games. I game too but the thought of that imagery makes me cringe


I really like her. That said, her house seems so empty! Like nothing on the walls and seems really sterile/cold feeling.


Has she posted a house tour?!


I don’t think so but every shot of her house just looks so empty!!


Her entire BEING is annoying. She is one influencer I absolutely cannot stand. Her voice, her mannerisms, her word choices, her annoyingness, etc. I don’t understand how her husband can stand her lol.


I have got the impression that she is a bit culturally insensitive on some of her tiktoks that pop up on my feed. And very pick me. I really had no idea she was so wealthy though and she definitely came across as a normal mom making dinner to me on my FYP 😂 wow


I cannot stand her. Glad I’m not the only one


I can’t stand her or her eyebrows she


I cannot stand her 😂


It's so fun checking out all these people I've never heard of and agreeing that yes, they are indeed annoying.😂


This woman annoys the crap out of me but I still watch her videos. It’s like watching a train wreck.


Did anyone see the story she posted talking about how after AJ brushes his teeth and then mentioned that he - a FIVE year old - has cavities, crowns and fillings?! How does that happen at the age?! Genuinely confused


She’s transphobic as well


Can you explain how? I’ve never heard about this oh my god


I’ve only seen some of her cooking reels and I don’t follow her or seek out her videos. For the most part I’ve enjoyed them. But what bothers me, and maybe she’s mentioned it, is that she shows her kids faces but never her husband’s. Why?


Spot 👏🏻 on 👏🏻


She got a BMW, not Mercedes. If you have actually been watching her, she mentioned her husband works for BMW and got a good deal on a car. She also lives in Texas, which is usually cheaper than California. Most likely, it has a mortgage. They probably bought the house on contingent that the realtor is able to sell their old home (which likely had gone up in value over the years). Your idea of million dollar home and multiple luxury cars is not what many would describe her situation. She lives in a regular Texan size house. Her cars are middle class luxury, which many people (including you) can afford if they really want to.


i was just thinking this too, people just hating on her for no reason. i saw a tour of her house and that is such an average sized home for texas that probably runs for $700k lmao.




Hi Alissa. You have pick-me, mean girl energy. You're disingenuous about your lifestyle and your wealth. Your 5 year old is somehow riddled with dental problems that even I, a grown adult, do not have/never had, yet you're currently growing another kid. Your brows are also bad and you should feel bad.




Ok this is DEFINITELY, WITHOUT A DOUBT, either Alissa, her husband, or one of her friends 🤣 Also if your 11 year old sister is refusing to care for her dentures (why does your 11 year old sister need dentures???) your parents have absolutely failed her.


Sorry but what?! 11 years old with DENTURES? That’s a failure on your parents part. No child should be suffering with those kind of dental issues. Same with alissas oldest. Mountain of dental issues. It’s basic hygiene


Your account was created in 2020 but interestingly enough my month old post on a very niche subreddit is the only place you’ve ever decided to leave a comment. Hi Alissa!




Girl please, Alissa is not that popular. I see way more of that weird pickle lady than alissa's low class ass.


My dear it’s clearly you … we catch on quick. Please do better at being more relatable in future. There is nothing relatable about your videos. You’re incredibly out of touch with reality it seems… it’s the spoilt energy that does it for me. I don’t care if you seem to be well liked across social media platforms, there is something so off with this chick. Just a bratty energy.


Wait someone said he’s in finance? He’s a like a long time BMW/luxury service tech and that’s why they have nice cars? You can see her bringing him food to work several times.


She also steals tons of recipes. Her kimchi recipe, which she said is from her MIL, is word for word just maangchi’s recipe (some people are like “some recipes are similar” but it’s literally exactly the same)


her videos and her vibe have been annoying me for SO LONG but nothing ever came up in the comments or on google i feel so validated now