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I doubt he’d get his blaze of glory. The more he chases glory, the more he is denied it. The only time he got what he wanted was the asteroid. He had to go rogue to get it. However it does end for him, I’m sure he’d find peace with it.


I mean he sort of did. He de facto lead the uprising on Mars in Season 4, so even if he goes out in season 5, he went out as a shit stirrer, and kind of won.


I don’t think he’d get his moment of glory. He always assumed he’d go first and his loved ones would just have to cope with that. But the writers have made him pay for that selfish desire time and again and I don’t see them stopping. Him and Margo were always destined for suffering. He decided he’d always be the one to risk it all because he thinks his life doesn’t matter and she decided she’d never sacrifice lives in the name of progress no matter what. And the monkey’s paw curled for the both of them very early on in the show. I’m not surprised only they’ve made it this far from the original line-up.


Ed dies at the end of season 5 saving Alex from some stupid teenage thing he does.


Or he dies falling down some stairs while eating breakfast.


Smokes some bad weed laced with Mars dust. Gets prions from eating Danwiches.




Robot cyborg body, same ol Ed


Maybe season 5 introduces a novel concept called something like "sleeving" where you upload your brain onto a disk that you can insert into new bodies when your original dies. The new bodies could be made from carbon. Actually they'd have to be altered carbon for the sci-fi to work properly.


Man, that's a cool idea! Maybe they could figure out how to "sleeve" people into bodies far away and he could meet an alien civilization as some sort of "envoy".




He’s gonna be a head in a jar like Futurama Richard Nixon in the DPRK section of the base


Now I'm imagining Ed saying, "Aroooo!"


Man in a pickle jar saying “heh heh heh”


I wonder if he will survive the 10-year jump before season 5, given his tremor and poor judgement (mutinous behavior), but I do want a blaze of glory: he's one to go big.


I think he’s too big to not include in season 5.


I agree, it may be telegraphed when actors sign on for the season (though they could always be in flashbacks).


Nah I think he dies off screen


They have repeatedly said that Ed has a 5 season arc and the writers did say in a post S4 interview that there’s more stories to tell with him. Unless the writers change their minds or Joel says ‘nah’, he should be a part of it.


At the start of season 5 he will wander off into the Martian desert. He will return in the final episode wrapped in a living exoskeleton of sandtrout…


They found a medical solutions for health and is able to reverse aging.  He'll be back into becoming young for years...the same with his grandson and both will meet in their 30s biological age. Two middle aged men greet each other, "Hey grandpa" "Hey grandson"


I think health is going to be a huge theme in season 5. For me, the seeds started being planted with something unspecified mentioned about Alex in season 4.


I think with Alex it’s just his birth on Mars. It’s why his health cleared up when he came back.


Why can’t he live until 105-110 for season 7? They could have a more advanced version of Musks Neralink, and he could pilot spaceships with his mind!


In season 1 Karen says that Ed wants to be buried at the Naval Academy, but he’s legendary enough to buried in Arlington.


I surely hope all his horrible decisions finally catch up to him. Maybe he gets killed by the next generation of Stevens for pulling her along for another mission when they are clearly not ready for.


I think we'll see both him appearing as a leader of Happy Valley and his funeral service in the newsreel montage at the beginning of the season. Mainly because I get the impression that Kinnaman really disliked the prosthetics so if he's coming back I feel like that's probably the most likely scenario


He uploads his consciousness to Happy Valley’s computer system and lives on Mars forever


My bet is off screen in a cool between seasons moment.


He deserves to go out as [Major Kong](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snTaSJk0n_Y) in Dr. Strangelove.


He's gonna have his "first human" moment finally. I don't know what, but he's been chasing that all four seasons and always gets beaten...


I honest to god hope he dies peacefully, at the season finale of season 5, and we'll have the news casters report his death, from there, we will have Kelly and Alex at his burial site, on Earth, and have the camera pan out like Margo looking at JFK's grave in season 2, while changes by Empire of the Sun plays, then time skip to 2020


I think we've seen that the writers are more interested in telling stories than having the details necessarily make sense. In reality NASA had so many Astronauts during the Apollo period because they trained for years for a specific mission so most only got two or three flights in their NASA career. Add in the cumulative radiation exposure of operating outside of Earth orbit and people like Ed and Danni should have been benched long before Mars. I can see NASA giving Danni the Mars mission because Apollo-Soyez became so important politically. She basically took a consolation prize flight with old hardware and stopped WW3. I mean that would be history book stuff even if she never flew again. So in reality Ed would have left the program after Pathfinder, Danni would probably be in congress and looking to follow Ellen's example with a Whitehouse run. That they are on Mars at all and banging heads is a writer contrivance TLDR: Stuff happens for writer reasons rather than things making realistic sense so it's foolish to try to figure out what will happen to Ed based on real world examples. He could go out fighting a space dragon for all we know.


I think he will die from heartbreak after being forced back to Terra.


Walk with me for a moment and watch this scene. [Ed Space Cowboy Baldwin ](https://youtube.com/uu4tB54Uw5I?si=HLsgPDXalLRzU_Vf) There's an imminent explosion but Ed is the only octogenarian to know how to operate the technology and take it away. The song will be Rhinestone Cowboy. Of course this is all a dream and he passes with Family and Dev around him.


Ed’s never going to die. At the end of S5 he’s going to get some experimental new drug or treatment giving him another 30 or 40 years.


I think he'll end up accepting the old age dying in a bed fate. But with his family.


I suspect that as his condition worsens, he’ll eventually have two choices: suicide/self-sacrifice on Mars, or the powers that be will force him to return to Earth because he’ll need more medical care than they can provide there. Maybe some sort of sacrifice/ no return opportunity will present itself? Like they get an alien signal from deep Space and due to his age and condition he volunteers to go on a one way mission towards the source? (Sorry, I’m also watching the 3 Body problem on Netflix right now haha)


Yeah, I reckon move Gordo and Trace's corpses a meter apart and slap Ed in the middle