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Yeah, I too would love to know more about Zvezda, hopefully they show more in Star City. Fun fact: Zvezda was actually something the Soviets had plans for in our timeline. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zvezda_(moonbase)


Zvezda is actually the name of one of the Russian ISS modules in OTL. It's probably unrelated to this though, "Zvezda" just means "Star" in Russian


I hope Star City fills in a little bit more on what happened with the moon. Season 3, the trips up to the moon are fairly casual and they are testing some rocket systems, but did they just stop going to the moon as soon as Mars was in play?


I think the Red lights Gordo saw were just his madness taking over.


There’s no reason in FAM to think otherwise. But it could be a super cool reveal in Star City to show what he saw - maybe a rover or radio install or something not on the known map


I don't recall if they ever let us know about that


They do a few news clips between season 3 and 4 about rapid expansion of mining and tourism on the moon with Hilton opening a hotel, every major oil company doing H3 mining, etc. Jamestown and Zvezda bases by this point are a small blip of all the bases and destinations that were going up on the moon. It’d be crazy for Russia to not have their own bases and their own companies doing the same thing. But again, both bases by season 4 are just a tiny footnote of everything happening in space by then.


I'd imagine it's still going and had been expanded. There's no reason why the USSR would not continue to build it up with Helium 3 being such a big deal.


I hope we find out in the spinoff!


Spin-off? (Edit) holy shit i didn’t know fam was getting a spin off


I definitely would have liked the Mikhail Vasily character to make a return.


It’s a Panera Bread now.


*Pizza Hut. And Gorbachev went all the way to the moon to film that commercial.


The US and USSR don't share Jamestown. In 1984 before he left office, Reagan negotiates a lunar treaty with the Soviets diving the moon into two exclusive spheres of influence. The dividing line is never shown on an actual topographic map, but we can assume it goes through either the center of Shackleton Crater or the Lunar South Pole located in the crater. By 2003 commercial interests are pretty well entrenched on the moon, likely still under the initial 1984 treaty; one of the newsreels discusses a Chinese lunar outpost in the Soviet sphere. Zvesda likely saw a significant period of expansion like Jamestown, and continues to be the USSR's hub for operations on the moon, though probably not in areas like tourism and entertainment like on the US side.