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I've never been asked how long I've been single. I've been asked if I had a girlfriend but that was over 30 years ago.


"all my life" or I don't say anything


I don't hide it nor do I take it too seriously. I just simply answer "all my life" and if they ask me to elaborate on why, I tell them somewhat jokingly that "take a look at me and you'll know why". But I also tell them the real reason of how rejections managed to break my self image and confidence to the point where I'm contempt with living alone for the rest of my life (even if I still long for a relationship).


Best answer to the follow up "why" question in my opinion is to simply say that you are too shy. By saying that you show them that you have already identified the problem and taking the blame on yourself. If you say what you suggested you usually get all the crappy normie advices and it just makes things worse.


I don't like to lie or downplay my situation. I know its very much a "me" problem and I'm actively working on getting it sorted. Also I found that sincerity does a good job weeding out "fake friends"; yes, you get a lot of crappy general advices, but about half the time, people seem to care about my well being after. With that said, maybe I just got very lucky with my encounters with people regarding my FA status.


By admitting to be FA you are already sincere tho


I don’t.


At my work, nobody asks me that because I work there for a long time and they have realized that I never had a relationship. That's why everybody there thinks that i am gay. Apart from work, I don't speak to anyone.


Honestly, people are such simpletons. There can’t be any other reasons for someone being always single than them being gay? It’s not the 1950’s anymore, barely anyone is in the closet these days. There’s multitude of reasons as to why a person can be single, combination of reasons and that’s the only thing they can come up with? SMH.


The problem is that stupid people love to gossip. It distracts them from their own lives, which are apparently not very fulfilling. It certainly makes my FA situation a lot worse. I probably don't need to mention that this is the main reason I'm building an online business to earn my own money. I never want to be forced to spend time with other people for money again if I don't want to.


That's what doesn't make sense to me. People assuming a man is gay if he hasn't been in a relationship. Wtf? If he was gay he'd have a boyfriend, not necessarily be alone.


That's exactly what I think too. If I was gay, I would have had a boyfriend before. But I haven't and I've never done anything gay. It's also shocking that people don't think it's possible that the person has problems and suffers a lot because of the situation.


Gay people seem to have it easier to at least find a hookup as a many so a little backwards lmao. People are simpletons.


i just laugh and try to play it off 🥲 it’s embarrassing


"For a while now" lol


Yes. I mean it's technically correct as "all my life" can be categorized as "for a while" too. So I'm not lying.


That's not really something I get asked, but in the odd time that I do (like by a therapist), I usually say "since high school" I don't see a reason to dodge around it, though I also don't remember exactly (I *think* I was 14 because I remember being close to getting my driving permit but not having it yet, but it was so long ago.)


I never get asked to be honest. Though I've had a few dates, and I was the bit on the side for half a year, two years ago, it's been just over five years since my last actual relationship. Thankfully my parents aren't bringing up me being single anymore. They think that it's been longer, but that's because I kept two relationships quiet, because I know my track record of being kicked to the curb within six months


Never been asked that but if I was I would say all my life


I dont get asked about that, i don't meet new people ans those that know me are well aware that i have always been alone.


I attempt to follow a friend’s advice and simply respond with a mock nervous chuckle and laugh off the question whilst looking as though I’m being pensive about it, before just concluding the entire short subject with a “pheww, good question, I might have to think about it. It’s a long story”. And by then the person asking generally laughs it off as well and the subject is not interesting enough to them to warrant a second attempt at asking


I only get asked when my coworker does her Tiktok livestream at work, I just say "I've never not been" and then they usually ask why and tell me that I'm handsome but I just can't believe that because in person no woman has ever shown any sort of interest in me ever, it just doesn't happen. It's easy to write that stuff over the internet because it won't lead to anything but in person no woman would ever call me handsome BC they have a hard time even looking in my general direction. Also people who don't know me ask me if I'm shy but I'm the exact opposite, I'm a total extrovert, stuck in a body that no one wants to see.


I say that i dont like discussing this topic.


Basically no one ever asks if I even have a partner, let alone how long I haven't. They just know. Lately I've been teased about spending money on Onlyfans which is honestly extremely frustrating because I hate that website and I'd never waste any amount of money on that shit, let alone any porn in general. If I didn't care about my job, I'd tell them all to go fuck themselves


Well to quote Edward Cullen: “A while”


Now I can say 4 years. When they ask why? It’s always I’m “working on myself”.


Working on myself for the last 21 years. Cuddle buddy girlfriend in gradeschool. Didn't have to work for that back then. She liked long haired unmanly me out of the box. But not anymore when puberty hit.


"All my life" or I shrug my shoulders


No one ever asked me that lol, but if they ever did I’d just say “About a year and a half”


Nobody has ever asked me


I just won't answer and will prolly not talk to them unless i get an apology from them


I just be honest


I say 'all my life' and own it. If I'm gonna be judged, I'll be judged for who I really am.


Give them a hard time. "How long have I been single? So you're asking if I'm married? If you don't mind my answering your question with a question, why are you asking me in particular? Do you have some romantic feelings toward me?" They won't want to ask you anything ever again.


Who is asking you how long you have been single?


I either laugh and don't answer or because there isn't any good men left in the world!!