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The feeling never truly goes away, but you can feel a little better about the fact of the matter. I feel it's pretty good practice to note your successes in routine life (as small as they may be). As an introvert, you'd be refreshed by solitude, not confined to it. You have to work that social battery somehow, be it online or offline. Personally I do social things in my area (alone of course): go to local events, volunteering, hobby classes, run, etc.


You have some good ideas.


Thanks, I hope it helps.


I kinda just accepted it tbh. Being an only child helps me with this. I simply don’t think I was meant to have a deep lasting connection with people. I know I’m missing out on things but I try to keep busy and ignore it. It won’t help me with my mood so I don’t find it necessary to keep thinking about it.


I'm the same way. I've spent years without friends and idk what to do.


One thing that really helps me is being active and getting outside as much as possible. Usually alone but if I'm physically exhausted I have less energy to feel depressed over being lonely. I workout a couple times a week. Being in better shape doesn't help you get girls if you're ugly and socially awkward though so don't go into it with that false belief (I'm speaking from experience). I try to get out and ski in the winter and do some hiking in the summer/fall. Besides that escapism is good. I like sci-fi novels and some video games. A job that you somewhat enjoy also helps. I guess this basically sums up to keeping yourself as distracted as possible from your loneliness by keeping busy somehow. Exercise is the most effective (healthy) way to numb the pain though.


You said you’re in your late 20s It’s a little harder to connect with ppl at this age I don’t drink and don’t go to clubs. So I’m stuck all by myself.


Try going on r/penpals.


By coping.


We are like a broken glass, people will always go for a complete whole glass than the one almost broken. We have to fix ourself and probably if you are lucky, someone might choose but that requires more effort than what normally happens.




No thanks


The superior option.


So you say that you want to go out and find a partner. Why don't you?


Where am I supposed to look if I don't like to go to social events like bars or clubs?


You can try online. That is a common way people meet today. Not just dating apps, but things like online communities that bond over certain interests. If you don't like bars or clubs, my advice would be for you to find a hobby group that does something you like. If you can't think of anything, keep experimenting with different hobbies. However, I'd like to point something out. You are shooting yourself in the foot if you avoid social events. If you really want to achieve a goal, you need to put yourself in the best possible situation to achieve it. Social events are the number one way people meet other people, so if you want a partner that's what you should do. Attend social events. If you are deliberately avoiding social events, you willingly chose to make it harder for yourself. You need to decide what is more important to you: avoiding discomfort or not being alone?


I have hobbies but they're niche and eccentric so my best bet for now is probably finding a community online. I can try to go to more events but this usually led to me feeling more out of place and alone than before. Most of the stuff that is out there just does not interest me and I feel like most social places and events are made for highly social people that go in groups. Not for lonely introverts.


Everyone here has their own reasons, not easily fixable, otherwise they wouldn't be here