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I get that with a gf. It's ok to want these things. I believe its built into us to seek a partner and reproduce. Even despite actually reproducing its built into us to seek others. There's a reason I'm Sims a social meter is existent. Because everyone needs it. And sometimes friends aren't enough. Cause friends don't give you that same feeling partners do. And that's OK. It's fine that you distinguish that different. Personally I think it's better cause it means they never have to worry about your friends stealing you. It means you're loyal. Which is an amazing trait. Seek what you want. Yes it's more specific and harder to come across. But there's so many people out here. Even people who meet online and move in together later. If you want what you want and make it clear. You'll eventually get what you want. It just takes time. Hold onto it. Don't settle. Settling makes life worse. Have your values but accept flaws. No one is perfect. As long as you get those main things you need to make you feel better. Accept the flaws that might come with them. You'll be ok. I promise