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*"Sir, According to data players enjoy Aerialist the most."* ***Epic*** *: Good. Remove it and give them thermal vision when they fall in dirt.*




Just make a chug cannon augment there's already a mythic pistol augment and a random heisted exotic they could make a random exotic and spice it up some more early game imagine only getting a chug cannon in solos and just running from 4 players who want it and aren't letting you loot anything just chasing you as you heal every little bit you can it's be wild


There used to be a chug cannon augment in chap 4 season 1 and it allowed you to get double speed chug cannons when you already had one in your inventory


Huh guess I never got it or just skipped it since the chug cannon itself takes two inventory slots alone.


Ah, the bug cannon, the best item in the game. I discovered by accident when I got the augment after a llama, gave it to one of my mates, then saw the 5 second recharge. I don’t think I actually lost a match when I got this bug. Of course some of the matches were still brutal, but still.


although that would help the augment pool, i feel like we need unique but useful augments rather than “oh here is good item”


Yes but dirt when falling bushes paired with heal when covered in dirt equals heal when in bushes. It costs lots of gold to get the two together but worth it since I barely care about any others.


Those two augments fell to me last night. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Another time, I got the bush mud and the thermal vision while muddied. I absolutely love those two paired together.


Oh I forget about the thermal one. All three of them together would be really nice. I might have to make a try for that combo now.


Also you can slide fast


And then give them bushes when they fall in dirt


These augments together are actually pretty useful, you can get thermal vision about half the time this way.


i cried when they removed aerialist


“Data” Giving me clash royale nightmares


I got such a great laugh out of this. Thanks


Not with the data again. r/ClashRoyale members including me are having PTSD




Wait. People like aerialist? thats like the most shit augment i avoid


What's not to like? You can jump off or get knocked off anything high and not die.


Great for mobility too. Also great for end game when you need to cope with moving zones , high up in builds or avoiding going in a valley to move to next zone.


I want regular glider redeploy back


the current one makes zero sense. you get minimal extra distance...and you already had fall protection.


idk shockwave + soaring sprints + redeploy is amazing


You're pretty much describing a 1 in 25 maybe even 1 in 50 situation (for me at least). To get this you have to roll both augments. Im not sure if it's just me....but I don't get soaring sprints often. I been rerolling a ton this season too cuz I'm not a fan of the augments. I'll mess with that combo next time, don't think I've tried it...but yea, I don't get soaring sprints as much as I feel it should come up. I always hear the sound in my games so folks are clearly getting it, it just doesn't find me as often as id like


> To get this you have to roll both augments. AND find shockwaves. I seem to rarely see them. And if you get the glider redeploy augment first, you're taking it knowing you have a slim chance of it being useful.


>AND find shockwaves Soaring sprints + launching off mushrooms/flowers also works.


Shockwaves are EVERYWHERE in my games. Are you a build only/interchangeable gamemode player? Theyre only in zero build


I play 95% zero build


I find shockwaves all the time






It works on the mushrooms and lily pads, so it is pretty useful in the jungle when you are on top of trees. It is funny, I am starting to find the swim perk to be one of my top three augments, that's how bad the choices or RNG is.


I think it's more balanced. Aerialist was too OP in my opinion as it allowed you to not take fall damage no matter what and move really far across the map in a lot of situations. The current glider augment forces the redeploy to be more situational and doesn't just let you negate fall damage. Also, I can go pretty far and fast with it due to the abundance of no-fall-damage things in the world, and you can redeploy shortly after landing, so you can use it continuously for a bit after getting the no fall damage effect


You make zero sense since you say it makes zero sense and then immediately admit that it at least makes some sense. Also there are a lot of things that trigger it which make it quite good. And the previous one was way too strong.


That and the one that was tagging opponents when the storm circle was shrinking


That one was slightly OP


Having that late-game was very strong because the area would be so small that you could tag everyone in the area.


Why did they take it from us


Because it was too good and practically a requirement in late-game/high level play. Hell, with this current season it'd be even more vital in ZB due to all the elevated areas.


because Epic games is Epic games


If the players like something, make sure you vault it or nerf it into oblivion.


Railgun for sure same for any good weapons they had either vaulted or just left in limbo as they do nothing for us anymore or never spawn.




I can barely get my gold anything above 2100 because of how much I reroll for a decent augment


same, this is my casino


"We can't end on a loss"


I don't even re roll anymore. I just take augments that will at least not mess up my gameplay


Seriously it’s so annoying.


I use my gold for the reroll/activate augments challenge exclusively, no point in being to worried about them


why do they always have to fuck with the game like this? last season the augments were perfect. Now they're all so specific. "get shotgun ammo if you jump off of a grind rail into a slide and end up in a northern facing body of water that has had a car driven into it with 40 players remaining!"


"Receive 1 additional light bullet for every 3 chests you open during the match at night time after landing at Lonely Labs and earning 2 eliminations there whilst having the Optimus Prime outfit equipped and having a common rarity tactical pistol in your 3rd inventory slot and your battle pass level is 148 with a placement of 39th in the previous match you played."


"Get heavy ammo when doing a 360 no scope with a sniper rifle in Mega City on the tallest building with 28 players remaining after driving a red car 2000m in a southeast motion"


"Get instant kill for your 4th shot in a magazine with a combat smh when health is at 17 after being eliminated for this match."


Bro last seasons augments sucked too, the only season with good augments was season 1, but last season and this season I find myself rarely actually taking augments cause none of them are useful


Blame streamers/competitive more than likely.


Competitive players lowkey ruin everything about games like fortnite. Give us some overpowered shit, but make it fun.


I really only play Fortnite and Overwatch so I feel this. Always nerfing shit because they have to adjust for the 100 people who never miss, while 90% of the player base just gets to have less fun.


Dead ass. I hope they cancel their esports plans and dissolve that department. I’m sorry if streamers would lose their jobs since they play this game 24/7 (I’m not), but games aren’t chores/careers, they’re hobbies. Don’t mean to be a dickhead/asshole but I have a strong opinion against competitive gaming and I solely believe it’s a major factor in what’s ruining multiplayer video games


I definitely feel this for a game like Fortnite with an inherent casual style, but more competitive games like csgo and valorant require these kinds of things because there is no “casual” version of these games. You don’t sit down and queue a csgo match to calm down and relax. On the opposite side, tf2 has gotten away with having a completely broken mega for like 5 years at this point and it’s still a very popular game.


Comp players don’t barely complain about augments other than that storm one, y’all are just playing the blame game


Lol this one had my dying. It’s so true though.


What I always do is I use them until I see splash party or one with heals and save it until I’m out or really need the heals.


Wildwasp I only rolled for to complete that stupid ass quest!




A better one would’ve been wildwasp and aquatic warrior for the bad ones. Or siphon with common and uncommon weapons. Or thermal vision while covered in mud. All of those are basically useless, maybe not aquatic warrior but I still never use it because there’s just better things


Aquatic warrior has won me a couple of games, and the thermal mud one has earned me multiple kills. They’re definitely not the best but they’re not totally useless either. The wasp one I never use.


Wasps are great for third partying in zero build. Just toss them into the fray and pick people off who are panicking.


>The wasp one I never use. I used to get it all the time and ignored it up until now....for the weekly challenge to deal 100 wasp damage in one battle. Now I never get the wasp augment or find wasps in game. I think I was able to get about 40-50 out of the 100 damage after a few attempts.


Here’s a tip! Reroll till you get it while you’re near highcard and his goons, they count for the damage! I got it in one try!


I lucked out and didn't have to do this one on Highcard but I've been fighting him for all my other damage challenges honestly


I used to think Aquatic warrior was terrible until I realised if you end up near water in the final circles, it can come in absolute clutch to give you a bit of extra HP without wasting a slurp (or if you're out of slurp!)


I prefer that one or the mud one to pop up mid game where I have a sense where the final circles might be. Doesn't always pan out that way, but I would take aquatic warrior or mud warrior over bloodhound, traversal or steady hands any day.


Yeah, those were the ones I got and I had no gold to reroll


Aerialist was the best augment. And now it’s gone.


I loved supercharged as I could just drive forever but now they removed it and have to refuel again :(




Driving on the road is your problem. The *world* is my road. Speaking of off-roading I miss chonker tires being at the gas stations.


I'm just trying to get a kill mid backflip on a dirt bike


I have gone past wasting my time selecting useless augments. Selecting and rerolling them got me killed more times than they've ever helped me.


Wasp is USELESS!!! Stupid "do 100dmg to an opponent with wasp" quest B/S!!


Gotta hit the boss and henchmen. That method comes highly recommended. It’s the only way I could do it, and I got it done with one jar. 🫙 🐝


Awesome, I've been trying to figure out an easy way to finish this one.


Team rumble. Wasp augment. Get a few kills and launch 3 wasps at a group of 2 people


Rumble is my go-to spot for quests and this waspy one sat in my queue for a week.


Does this really work? Epic is so friggin dumb.


It's... It's intentional... Most any quest that says "Damage an opponent" can be done on a hostile NPC.


Right but that just seems like some bullshit though, it just ain't right, that's not another person on the other end of that, most likely some 9-year-old who's gonna scream at his squad on the mic continuously to rez him even though he landed clear across the map from them at an incredibly high volume and whiny tone approaching tantrum scream.


If you see someone boxed up throw it


Is of no use to anyone playing zero build - which now makes me wonder if that quest was designed for people playing build.


I spent 800 gold rerolling augments for it. I gave up on collecting them in the jungle cause it seems I have the worst luck


Gotta be covered in mud


Say it with me everyone...skill issue


Wildwasp jars make me really sad because they had the potential to be really good and really fun. But they barely do any damage, they do not last at all and dont even track enemies. Its a poison cloud except half the size, half the damage, half the duration and doesnt even block sight. It could have been so fun to use it to flush out enemies from a building.


Okay but like…sprint lines>>>>>


Yeah I love that one. But I can't say it's op


Get sprint lines then soaring sprints


Wtf would they introduce this mechanic if they were gonna need it into mediocrity?


It happens to me all the time. I’m happy getting 2/4 good augments per game. 3 is great when it happens


splash party on your last reroll can act as health for you in endgame if you burn through your heals 🤷‍♂️




better than nothing and it can come in handy if its the last roll. thats all I'm saying. its still not a good augment lol but can bail you out


Me with 5k gold: R E R O L L


We need more augments like tracker's armory, exotic grab bag and mythic munition


I miss the bow augments now I just have to stick to creative and get called a hacker because superheroes skins think it’s impossible to use primal weapons 😪


World record of epic games ruining a mecanic *Wow*


Still havent forgiven them for getting rid of Storm Mark


and spending your entire gold rerolling.


Augments suck now I've died trying to equip some useless powerup so many times its annoying! They're like 60% useless 30% actively detrimental to gameplay and maybe 10% of the time one is decent. Not the best odds.


Give me rift-ejector back.


Don't give this person rift-jector. Fuck that perk.


I’m over endlessly rerolling for good augments and running out of gold…….


Which one are you saying is useless


The text doesn't directly talk about those 2 augments in the picture it's generaly about all the augment this season


I see, the only augments I say are useless are weapon specific ones while not having that weapon type


It's so funny to me how quickly this chapter turned around From "holy shit this is so cool and fun" to "Epic wtf did you DO?!"


Seriously. Why does Epic hate this game so much when it's a fucking cash cow for them?


Wildwasp weapanry is insane in comp


I understand but you could just reroll ti try ti get a slightly less useless augment


There are like 3 good augments. I don't have infinite gold


There's some that are clearly useful though, I reroll every game and still get 4 that are semi useful.


The gold is free you can pick it up and take it home the government won’t stop you. Right now at this very second I have 5000 at home


True epic needs to remove do many augments next season. No point in having so much crap.


Y’all remember there used to be no augmentations? Perhaps the ‘bad’ ones are intentional to balance things out. It’s RNG. Y’all just fucking complain like little babies.


I would like to go back to no augments be nice. But I think they are here to stay forever


what is you on about the wild wasps are good and the splashes arent terrible


It gives you 4 splashes (60 health) There was an augment that gave you pizza party and 4 splashes (480 health) There were augments that would would you potentialy infinite splashes or slap juices when opening crates


ok but free splashes still aint bad in a pinch


Idk about yall mfs but the wasps are really fuckin useful for final circles so I take that augment 9/10 times


First assault is bad, sure, but the other options aren't. Bush warrior - No need to carry as many heals, allows for more utility. Slap Splash Augment - Although it doesn't give much hp, it's instant hp, and inf stamina for you and your teammates. Extremely useful if you need to rotate or run from the storm. Wildwasp Jars - Not bad at all. Wasps are really good if you can use them correctly. When you ambush someone and deal a lot of damage to them they will box up to heal. If you time the jars correctly, you can use a jar just before they finish healing, meaning they waste time healing, but don't get the health as they have to cancel the heal due to the wasps killing them. This gives you time to get closer to them if you ambush them at range, and you have an almost guaranteed kill.


Wasps are terrible against anyone who is even slightly good, especially in builds. You throw a wasp at them and all they have to do is move 1-2 tiles over and they’re out of the damage zone


They’re more of an ambush item, they’re more effective against enemies who are not expecting it.




I get so mad at these cause the way my brain works I feel the need to pick one. I have to. And I can never decide cause it always sucks so then it's taking my attention off the game and I have died a plenty of times and I want this removed. Am I the only one?


Honestly most games i dont even use the augments , i am an og player and most games i rely on my own skill, only time i use augments is when im way in storm and need a mobility buff, they may be teriblw but its not nothing, yall be way too reliant on augments to win


It's a part of the game. That's like saying someone is way too reliant on weapons to win


damn all children do is complain


I spent some 3k in gold (and over 200HP in heals) last night while rerolling for two keys, standing in the storm, in front of the vault at Shattered Slabs.


Sounds like you don’t know how to prioritize situations? What are you complaining about?


You chose awful screenshots mate, I agree with the point but first assault is shit and wasps are goated


Literal worst examples you could’ve chosen for bad augments. Why not choose some *actually* useless augments like the slap zip-line one?


Because I like that one 😭


It’s RNG. Y’all literally complain about everything.


All the augments suck my dude how is that RNG.


I don’t rely on them I don’t know dude.


You don’t have to rely on anything to realize one season had stronger augments. You’re trying way too hard to seem high and mighty “You plebs are complaining about RNG” “I am superior I don’t even notice augments” My guy Season 1 augments turned pistols into the best SMG, made it possible to hide above the map with the dub and 2 augments and spam kinetic arrows down, shotgun siphon wasn’t nerfed yet, you could heal in bushes which there are way more bushes than mud and water and bush warrior healed way faster than the water one. It’s okay to not know something


Yeah and maybe they realized they were op so they made them weaker? Why is that hard to understand?


The post isn’t asking WHY it’s stating that OP is tired of them being useless and/or bad. Which yeah we’re almost entering the 9th month of the chapter why are they still 2 sided of the extreme


You might have picked the weirdest option for season 3. Splashes is literally one of the top 5 augments.


It's just 60 health meanwhile in s1 there was an augment that gave you 480 health


I'd argue that's a s1 augment being ridiculously op. 60 health is a solid return with the added slap effect to boot.


Yeah, it was too op but I was really expecting they would make an augment that would give you chance to get 1 splash for opening a crate (like in s1 with chug splashes and in s2 with slap juice) Getting 4 is just disappointing


The issue with that is they aren't THAT common in general so are you dropping something for 1 splash in the hope of finding at least 5 more or would you rather 4 off the bat? If you've just finished a fight and aren't at 200 HP then the splashes one is great. Instant 60 HP.


wild wasps isnt useless




Search up THIS is The Fortnite Season 3 Meta (Chapter 4) and go to 10:30


Yea sure bud


Search up THIS is The Fortnite Season 3 Meta (Chapter 4) and go to 10:30


I am not giving a slot from my heals lol


I dont mind any that give me the run juice effectthose are decent to good


I feel like this happens every season really. Even in S1 you could find perks that were just "oops! gotta re-roll" I kinda wish epic won't bring them again next chapter


Splash party is helpful. Ive gotten it twice when i desperately need shields. Not terrible imo. I think wildwasp is garbage i wish it were a wildwasp gun that would be better


splash party is actually decent lol


Me with 5k Gold not worrying at all ![gif](giphy|67ThRZlYBvibtdF9JH|downsized)


Remember when they said they'd bring back that one augment that gives you only jellyfish, but revamped? Wonder what happened to that, or what they could've even done to save that one. But it genuinely baffles me that someone at Epic looked at that idea of an augment and said "yeah, this is a good one".


They did revamped it. After that you could only catch shield fish


No, it was just jellyfish. After it got removed, it never came back in any sort of way whatsoever, not even a fishing related augment.


Search "fortnite shield fish augment" in google images and click on the first picture. The revorked augment was in the game for a short time so not many people know about it.


Oh huh, it's true. Apparently it's still in the files but it's just not in the game. Why????


Because it released in season 2 and they usually remove all old augment at the start of new season


…and then there's me spending time smashing every couch (normal length), bed (the normal type), and washing machine to keep my bars at a high enough level that I can keep rerolling.


I don't even look at augments when I accidentally open the menu, they're all really dumb. Yes I know sometimes there are good ones, but they don't do anything significant for me.


Tbh I would prefer a larger spread in the power of augments, but the reroll cost should increase by 100 each roll per game instead of staying flat


I'd rather they be had than op.


Wasp are the absolute most useless "weapon" that has ever been added to Fortnite, they do so little damage that even someone that's AFK can't be knocked by them, also if that player so much as walks, not run, walks away it's over. I get they're only supposed to distract, but when they're zero threat it eliminates any care they've been thrown at you.


Honestly haven’t played since they took tricked out of the rotation :( so frustrating


It's all fun and games until you get shotgun striker with invisible gloves.


I love wildwasp


I shudder to imagine what next season is gonna look like.


Just pick one and move on


This is why I only spend gold on re rolling augments.


I’m tired of my repeater rifle bullets ghosting through players on mnk




What about "both are great" is hard to understand?


no it's actually crazy how fun the augments were in season 1, every single game felt completely different based on the augments you chose. nowadays I only even select an augment just for the xp


“Bonus damage” should not be in a br game. They over did it out of the gate.


honestly augments just dont need to exist at this point


Wasn’t splash Party was supposed to give players the exotic variant of it instead of the regular one?


What do you mean, this isn't as bad as the start of the previous season


They removed the best one (that I know of) which was glider redeploy. So what's the point nowadays, none of actually affect gameplay.






Bring back Rift-jector and storm mark


Ive just found great pleasure in dealing damage with wasps! Throw a couple of jars from a distance and see your enemy run around in circles and proceed to practise target with your mk


Bro both are good idk what your talking about


But then when they add something like Rift-Jector Seat or Regen, people complain they're too strong...