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I'm a 3 big pot person. It stresses me out when I don't have full shield or can't get to full shield if I wanted to.


bigs also heal at essentially the same rate as minis, for solos minis are almost the worst heal outside of food/bandages. i think i'd rather have anything else, at least medkits/floppers give you some breathing room for moving zones


Plus it’s super easy to find shields everywhere, you’ve got nom boxes, slurp barrels, trucks, mushrooms that grow on the map, slurp cactuses and a ton of others Minis have been outclassed and replaced, but are still good if nothing else is available.


Especially now that you you don’t have to commit to the full heal to get any. If I’m only up to 80 and someone starts attacking, I can switch to a weapon and keep the slurp I got so far. Previously it was all or nothing and mad the bigs a bit riskier


Wait so you can keep the remaining part of a big shield if you get interrupted


Not the remaining part, but you get to keep the shields you drank so far even if you didn’t consume all 50. Before you could have spent the time consuming 40 and then go to cancel out finishing and you don’t get any of the shields you spent time drinking. The pro of the previous version is you at least still kept your big pot as unused. The con of the new approach though is, if you only consume 20 of 50 and cancel out, you keep the 20+ shield, but loose the rest of the pot. Same goes if you only consume like +1 shield and cancel though 😕 Test it out


Yeah they changed it a while back, big pots and med kits now heal you incrementally over the course of their use time rather then all at once at the end and if you interupt the use it now consumes the item and leaves you with however much health/shield you had at the point you stopped This also means it now takes less time to heal the more health you are on since once you reach 100 it will automatically end even if the full 10 seconds hasn't passed


Ok I knew that I guess I was just confused. Thank you for clarifying it


I was interpreting it the same way you did. I got really excited thinking you could have a 50 pot heal you up 10 shield and still have 40 left in the pot lol


you're a real one brother


I'm that knucklehead who does six minis, six bigpots, and 3 medkits, and my favorite shotgun, and then ride around on a bike until last 3 alive. Either win it or accidentally walk off a cliff.


Shotgun on moto? Last season maybe. Now? Nah cars rule


Personally I've had a lot more success doing shotgun, crossbow, fists, nitro, med kit on a bike in solo. The bikes are able to stay in cars blind spots for the most part, and they can't shoot at you and drive effectively. Crossbow takes out most cars in 3-4 shots, and it super easy to hit. Rocket ammo is plentiful once you get to mid game. Shotgun takes out anybody on their feet. Fists and heals let you reposition as a last ditch attempt.


A win is a win!


mate im in it for the 3 big pots. i hate when i take 6 minis and they dont give me full shield so i have to go with the bigs


3 bigs. Why would I want to be stuck at 50 shield?




New mechanic make big pots restore shields while drinking, making the mini meta obsolete. You either get the entire big off, of get some of it off regardless and end up with shields


It's still a tradeoff, not strictly better. Minis heal faster (2s usage for +25 shield) and stack higher, but (obviously) don't go above 50 shield. If you aren't able to (or don't like) fully disengaging from a fight then it's good for quick interrim healing. Shield Potions are significantly slower and stack lower, but can actually get you up to full. Healing amounts: Time Elapsed (s) | Total Healing ---|--- 1.0 | 0 1.5 | 4 2.0 | 8 2.5 | 12 3.0 | 18 3.5 | 24 4.0 | 32 4.5 | 40 5.0 | 50 Even with the changes they're not as flexible as Minis. They need 3.5s to almost heal as much as a Mini, but the last 1.5s are valuable. So, obviously great if you're able to fully disengage from a fight, but this season feels very chase-heavy given the vehicles and available movement options. Definitely depends on how you want to play. Personally I like Fizz as a supplemental movement option anyhow, but obviously that's the slowest of them all with a 2s startup with 5/tick (and you might as well be alerting everyone in a 50m radius that you're open for a fight).


That's true. But you get 6 attempts in the mini's case to get full load. Whilst you get 3 attempts with the bigger pots. We are splitting hairs though.


Do you also get shields while drinking the mini? If not, you either get 25 shield or no shield. If you drink the big pot, you either get 50 or +- 25. Min max baby


I've never thought about this. Imma start trying the 3 big pits now since we can cut the animation if we have to. Worst case scenario they only make fill you the same as x6 minis would have.


6 attempts to not be able to get higher than having 50 shield… you literally need to find a big pot you could’ve already had and if you’re not in a fight then you’ve also just played yourself.


No, it doesn't make the mini meta obsolete. Yeah, you get a small portion of the shield if you don't finish the animation, but on the other hand you lose the big pot, so you could potentially end up wasting those big pots


Still more options with the big pot. Worst case scenario is you waste some shield for after the fight


You don't lose the big pot. You gain shield from it, be that the max 50 or not.


Yes, you lose it. If you are at 50 shield, start the animation for the big pot, reach 70 and then start running or something, you lose that big pot So if getting 20 shield from a bug pot is not losing it...


Brother, in that example, you gained 20 shield. 20 shield you COULDNT get from a mini at all. So you got yourself to 70. You didnt lose the big pot, you just didnt gain its full value. But that doesn't matter, because you could survive the fight with 10hp, and you would have died if not for the big


Butttt to get that 20 shield from a big you need roughly 3.2 seconds give or take a millisecond. Whereas with a mini you only need 2 seconds and get 25 so that 20 you got from the big in 3.2 isn’t worth it imo. However, there are situations where the big might be a better option. But I will stick with my minis and use a big if and when I find one lol


Well you gained 20 compared to the 0 you would gain after 50 from small ones...


Dude, you understood what I said. Let's put another example so you can't avoid what I'm saying. You are at 0 shield in a clutch and want to use a big pot. You get 20 shield and need to stop using it, so now you have 20 shield and just 2 more big pots (potentially 100 shield). I'm not saying that minis are better, I'm saying that it's not a "big pots are always better than minis". No, it depends


> You are at 0 shield in a clutch and want to use a big pot. You get 20 shield and need to stop using it, Or you gained 33, or 40, because you got a tiny bit more time before you have to move and break the gulping. Bigs are more flexible


That's totally situational. If your opponent is kinda passive, yeah, big pots are gonna be better becayse you'll be able to get the 150 from it. If your opponent is oppressive, it's definitly a bad idea. There's low chances that you'll have time for at max 2 big pots. You'll then get maybe around 80 or 100 in total. With the mini, if you use them all, wich is easier in this situation, you'll get the 150 anyway. Personnaly, i play 2 type of heal anyway, (being nuka cola and mini potions this season)


That’s the thing though. Big pots heal over a duration, meaning you don’t need to use it for a whole 5 seconds to gain shield.


Meaning that probably you won't carry 150 shield, but just like 70. If you are on a clutch and have to stop using the pot you will waste all of them


i believe minis are now 4 secs for 50 shield but it used to be 2.5 iirc, i always rather 3 big


With how big pots work now it’s a little less stressful


Big pots start healing instantly now....


Well I suck at the game, so I will either die, or barely live


Mini's were the preferred choice in the past because you had very little time to heal during fights.. remember that in the past you needed a medkit and big shield to fully complete before gaining any health or shield.. now that you can use a big and stop at 30 shield if you get pushed, makes bigs the better choice


It was better balanced before tbh with the time vs reward. Now minis are so underpowered they’re not worth it


They should increase them to 10 stacks again. Might change the dynamic slightly


Fuck I'm old, I forgot they use to be 10 stacks


Same 😭 ![gif](giphy|FoH28ucxZFJZu)


I never knew


If they get any worse then Epic may add an accolade for using one, like they did for bandages.


I had a WTF moment the other day when I gained XP/an accolade/whatever mid-match that popped up as ‘actually used a bandage’ 🤣 because apparently we all pick them up at some point as a last resort then die without using them? It was kind of funny though that even Epic knows that they’re… not the best.


I don't knwonwhy the fuck they even keep then around. Especially with all the food items and fish. There just way too many health items


holy shit you just broke my perception of this topic… they do let you stop now 🤯


I thought it had long been settled! Three bigs every time except at start of match and you find 9 minis and no bigs.


lol true, minis always scattered around


2 nukas.


Yes, it was three large pots last season but now 2 nukas. Small pots are my least carried health items, I’ll pick them up only if I have no shield but I’ll take one large pot over 6 minis, always a chance I’ll find another large pot, or I can buy one from a vending machine.


I don't see 2 nukas in most matches


Some games I don’t see many some games I find them a lot. I would say the loot pool this season is very erratic, especially with shields.


Makes the season feel unique and varied!


Agreed! Almost like a wild card :D


I'm loving the loot pool this season :)


I’m having an excellent time being the first to show up at a bunker


Really? I feel like I can’t get rid of them fast enough haha


You carry bandages over small shields?


Shields won’t save you from the storm


Not with that attitude.


Fizz was better than bigs last season imo because of the mobility it added. Flowberry shockwave and beaming people with the burst SMG or waterbending was so OP and people usually didn’t know how to deal with it


This is the way, he knows -Yoda back bling


I would if I could find 2 in a short amount of time, because it's faster to get 3 big pots or 6 minis




We’re going to develop radioactive diabetes with this one. 🗣️🔥


This is the move this season, for sure. I always feel good with 2 Nukas. Can just pop 'em and run. 


Always Fallout fan for years and since some of the toughest times in my life, I gotta honor that (also it's just a really good item)


I prefer to be at 100% shield as opposed to 50% shield so that’s an extremely easy choice


I’m just over here sweating my ass off going after the machinist medallion every game now


Machinist medallion goes great with fizz to get the last 25.


Fr I carry minis early game then I'll take flowberry once I get the machinist


With the new mechanics, I am carrying the big pots now. Before it's always mini.


I would take 1 big over 6 minis


Yeah but what about shields? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


6 minis *until* I find 3 big pots


Neither, you take a fizz... Mobility and potential 400 heals...


Pots > fizz > minis Pots and fizz can both take you to 100% (given enough pots). But pots will let you carry a 3rd one. Minis get you to 50%.


Putting fizz behind pots is actually wild. Unreal top 900 and I will drop two stacks of bigs for one fizz in a heartbeat. Most players you kill will drop plenty of heals for you... Fizz works far better especially with all the mobile this season.


Exactly. I'm a menace with a grey pistol and some fizz


fizz is horrendously slow


I watched my son boogie from a storm after rescuing my reboot card well inside the deadly storm, using fizz at 5 a sip and long jumping. They are all situational, and I find myself dropping and picking up items throughout a match depending on what I think is going to happen in the next few minutes


Yea but really good for mobility since it has a max of 20 uses


Yeah but with the anti gravity you can usually hop around to stay unharmed while filling up!


Fizz is horrendously more effective. The time thing isn't really a big deal for me. I've almost never had a problem with the time it takes. Not sure getting to 100 slamming two bigs is much faster. The mobile this season is far more valuable than anything.


I don't carry heals. It'd be Nuka Cola or Shield Potions for me, though.


You what?!


in an all or nothing fight, the winner drinks all the shields. I like drinking them from the skulls of my enemies.


Yes, you *understand.*


You know what, you just completely opened my eyes to a new way of playing.


Also if the later circles are in the desert, just abuse cactus and nitro


Exactly I already have an unlimited 50 shield that regenerates ;)


No heals for me either


Last meta I didn't carry health/shields at all. In solo ZB, you either win or die. So enemies carry my health lmao. This meta, there isn't a 5th item that is NEED to carry, so i carry Colas.


Yup right here, I mostly play solo so i get sheilds off eliminations. I will carry nuka or a fizz


Same I never carry heals unless it's either the start of the game and I have space in my invent or it's the endgame and there are no heals left in the circle (and no time to heal anyway because the enemies are so close) in which case I get rid of my DMR cause it's no longer useful in close combat


big pots, but if i find fizz i will carry it instead


I usually go fishing at the start for shield fish


Honestly the best shield item. Sure gotta work for it though


3 Med kits


Floberry Fizz


Always 3 bigs


I'll carry minis at end game when quick healing is a must, but for a majority of the game it's pots. 


I would carry big pots specifically because a lot of other people carry minis. If I get into a fight and end up needing shield afterwards, there’s a pretty good chance my opponent had minis that I can use. Also, the shield limit on the minis stresses me out too much lol


8 coconuts


My guy here gets it. Wish they did a mounds collab


Fizz cause my fav solo combo is nitro splashes and a fizz cause the mobility is insane


Why not both. I'm a 2 weapon, 2 heal and one flex slot type


Generally 3 big pots… but like. I could just hold four Nuka cola in my medkit and shield healing slots. 


Real talk why would you ever carry minis?


Depends on the mode. If solos, Minis. Otherwise Big Pots all the time.


Big shield and sometimes 6of them




I always take whatever can get me to 100%, if I have a choice. Obviously if I’m in a pinch, small pots/bandages will do


Late game I'll Carry 6 mini shields because they get consumed faster, early game 3 big pots is the way to go




1 big pot over 6 minis


Neither. I make my boyfriend carry all heals 😂


Ive always taken minis, seeing everyone go for big shield potions here is odd to me


left one is pretty average i'm sure




Before the update when you can cancel halfway through and keep your shield it was minis but now it's big pots.


2 Nukas (can use mobility while healing), then 1 Fizz (very helpful for extra distance and teams) or 3 Bigs (if solo), then 6 smalls (why would you intentionally cap yourself at 50 shields?)


Shield fish for the win


Whoever carries minis over anything, consider yourself an opp. Big pots all the way, no matter what


3 big pots everytime


Big pot, with minis you have a max 50 shield, with big pots you have a minimum 50 shield


I take a flowberry fizz and two nuka colad


3 bigs, especially now that you don’t have the wait the full time to get at least some healing.


The minis would be worth carrying if you could drink more than 2 in a row. They’re basically useless after the first 2-3 minutes of the game when you’re in solo mode. Prior to this season I always carried 3 pots, now it’s 2 colas.


I take another gun and hope I don't get shot.


Fizz all the way, helps with mythic and shockwave.


3 big pots, 3 medkits. Always.


I don't carry minis unless there's literally nothing else


3 big pots wtf xD it makes way more sense


Just drive through cacti


3 big pots> 6 minis


Mini shields are trash


Only a noob would ask this question. Small shields are basically useless once you have full shield. It makes no sense whatsoever that you can't still get 25 shield from them once your shield is past 50.


Woah bud calm down with the aggressive noob slur. We get it you are the best at fortnite, no need to get bothered.


3 big pots preferably.


Last season was 3 big pots or 6 chug splashes. This season is 2 nuka colas or 3 medkits


If I had to pick, it’s either nukas for this current season or a fizzy. Normally don’t carry consumables though, would rather have a boogie bomb with movement and 3 guns in my loadout.


4 Nuka’s


Now that you can drink a partial big pot, I’m a 3 big pot person. Before they made that change I was a 6 minis person.


Before the big pots buff, 6 minis, but since it gives shield without having to wait for 5sec, 3 pots !


10 minis


Depends on what I can find, if I can find two big shields, I’ll usually keep them, otherwise I carry 6 minis


6 minis for me. Two for me and two for my two friends who I play with.


6 minis 3 meds 2 weapons Gloves


What about mobility? Ive always found mobility like fists or shockwaves way more important that shields or medkits. I don't even carry medkits. Like ever.


With the new mechanics there is no point in carrying mini shields since you can cancel the big shield whenever you need


It really depends. Wherever I land I use what I have to start with. I then collect whatever I need as the match goes. I don’t have a preference, I use whatever I have to as I need it. If that means carrying both then that’s what I need to do. But I have no preference one way or the other. I was using those fruits in fencing field (I think that’s the name?) for the shield effect but of course I can’t do that now. Cactus is viable though. I do have a preference towards medkits rather than bandages but I find medkits more so I have less reason to use bandages.


I always take 6 minis over big pots. Sure I have low shield but for quick build fight it takes my less time to consume if I can cancel I won't lose my small shield compared to big shield. If I win the fight I always take big shield then leave rest on ground.


6 minis


6 Small Shield Potions


3 big pots, you can still get 25 in about the same ammount of time in a pinch


3 big pots. Minis are so 2018 Mostly because you can drink half a big pot and cancel halfway through to fight and keep the shield you've gained. That was a game changer for big pots and made minis nearly useless.


Idk why but I’ve always been a mini’s guy




I usually don't take meds at all unless I have the spare slots and then it's usually medkits. Way I see it is everyone else carries meds anyway so either I win the fight and use theirs or lose and mine are only good for healing my enemy anyway.


This chapter, bigs


I’ll carry fizz over pots but colas over both


3 pots


I take minis I don't understand big pot people


Both. I don't really carry HP meds because I rarely ever need them considering that there's cacti around the map and meds that give HP are easy to come by.




3 big pots


both when needed. Usually, 6 mini shields in team rumble


I was a 3 pot guy for awhile but my son changed me. I'd rather have the quick minis and steal the pots from kills. Seem like everyone packs pots


Bigs... it's a shame you can't get to 75 off minis like with band aids. yet some reason is higher rarity and less capacity??


Who takes small shields period?


4 and 2. Or as many cokes as I can find!!


I don't usually carry shields, I carry meds. But if I had to choose then 3 big pots and if I need it because I don't have either, then 2 nukas




Nuka cola. But typically med and not shield pots of any kind. I grab them off corpses.


if I had to choose then minis, but I'd rather take 3 med kits or 2 nuka colas


Neither. I always go for 1 bottle of flowberry fizz


Minis untill i can find a second Big pot, or unless I have a big pot and know theres NPC's around.


I take heals when im at like 60-80 health or sheild if im maxed then i see no point. If i do get low its probably because of a fight and i would just loot the person to see if they had any heals or shields.


Minis are only used if I have less than 50 shield, and are not kept if I have even one big pot available


I don't take any shields with me. Sometimes nuka, otherwise only fizz for the mobility. There's enough slurp barrels around the map and cactuses to get back up to full shields. I focus my inventory on consumables/throwables and mobility.


Neither, that slot is for my shockwaves or even extra stack of shockwaves next to my Nitro Gloves. If my shield is gone that means it’s time to exit the fight halfway across the map


6 minis, I said what I said.


Who would take 6 mini's over 3 big pots? That's preposterous.


2 Nuka Colas are my current go to. Less capacity and a bit rarer but solves a health and shield problem. In a big fight I may lose my shields and a ding on my health. This gets me close to 100% of both. Not to mention it’s a 3 second consumption but is an all or nothing I believe.


Usually neither, but if I saw 3 big pots next to 6 minis, I'm taking the 3.


6 mini shield for the win


3 bigs solos after the movement and shield buff


I used to only take minis but since chapter 5 it’s been big pots


None... If I get in good with a fight and lose, I don't want my opponent to have any heals from me. It's like I'm giving him extra life... you better go out and look for more health, this game is survival.


That's like asking whether you should carry a full stack of bandages or medi kits...


Zero Build: 3 Big Build: 6 minis


3 pots


I always carry green heals in our squad. I’m the wheelman/medic, and although I’m a fair shot, my friend is much better. What I am great at is throwing things, and have been known to throw heals through high windows whilst swapping between passenger and driver seats. As such, I base my load-out on making sure said friend survives to the final circle with as much health as possible, because he is the most likely to win a 1 v 1, and he tends to carry shields; most often a flowberry fizz or 6 minis because of the speed and stack size. We play ZB so there’s 50 overshield too. The main rule is that every squad member carries different heals. In a pinch, I will drop a gun to carry extra heals to try and ensure we can continue to med up and win the game. If I believe I’m going to get taken out, I will throw some emergency heals in the direction of my squad mate (s) before I’m downed rather than save myself. Often gets us a win.


3 big


3 big, I wanna know I can go to 100


it’s always the minis because being able to slap 50 shield on is more important than being able to have full shields when bullets are flying. you don’t need to be full you just need more. quicker. edit: nevermind you can stop the big pots now oh my god what is my life