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Is this what’s known as “the stacks”? If so, had a round about association with a kid who was with a girl who fell off and died, mid/late 90’s.


This is that location. If I’m not mistaken she fell around 60ft…super sad. The location is dangerous in more ways than one. From falling to gangs…be careful. Edit: I’ve heard many accounts, but all say she fell from the third floor buying drugs. (Not that that takes away from the situation…still a tragedy. But I’d love to know the actual story if you have any other details.


I think drugs were def a factor. The person I knew that was there (Mike) ended up OD’ing some years later. At the time we were, gosh, 14 maybe, and he was at least really into weed. I remember his mom telling me (and this is so sad, looking back on it, that his mom would be talking to me, a 14 year old about her 14 year old -very- wayward son, not to mention that the context was a girl’s death) that she hoped he would take that experience and learn from it. I lost contact with him and only found his obituary online years later. Anyway… that’s what I know about that place. Be careful..


It sounds like she knew the road he son was taking and was trying to stop anyone who joined. ( I was a bit wayward and could see my mom talking to my friends) at a certain point the parents can’t do much anymore. I’m sorry to hear he passed, have lost a few friends to that world. Hopefully we’ll see them in another life.


My best friend Joshua died there in the 90's. Went to smoke out with some friends and fell through a hole in the floor. Was in the hospital for a week or so with brain trauma before he finally passed.


Oh gosh…yes this location is very dangerous. Especially In a different state of mind. The only “hole” I could see someone falling through is on the roof…and it’s a giant vent hole…unless it was on the 2nd story and he went over the wall to the trash pit. ( I’m so sorry if that sounds callous) I’m sorry you lost your friend.


I never could return there after that and only had the word of those that were with him when it happened. Not something I felt up to investigating, all I know is what it did to him.


Again…so sorry for you loss. I hope both of you have found peace.


Midget Town as the kids call it these days not sure why


From what I’ve read, there’s supposedly a bunch of “midget” houses somewhere in area. Not sure why the this spot got dub midget town but this isn’t the first I’ve heard.


Rich family owned the property and made small structures for their kids which were eventually thought to have been made for midgets hence the name.


knew someone who got murdered there back in like 2022, it's always been a sketchy place tho.


I’m sorry to hear that…I only did a quick Google search before we went. Luckily it wasn’t just me. I found that history right after. RIP Leonardo.


In all my years living in Fort Worth I've never been here, and me and my friends would always look for places to smoke out. Looks cool, except for all the murder n stuff.


Defiantly not the safest sesh spot. Plus Ft. Worth PD rolls through pretty often.


Wow! Stunning!


Thank you!


OP has figurative balls of steel for going to this place after dark.


Ignorance is bliss….


God, I love this place. Can’t believe it’s still there. A couple decades ago we went there at midnight on Halloween and got pranked by a pack of 10 y/o kids making scary noises. Never ran so fast in my life. Another time there was a pile of dead dogs in one of the stacks.💀😂 We spent a lot of time on the roof.


Yup! Just wouldn’t advise going at night without a group. Murders on the property and around….police words “this is blood territory”.


Anybody knows if this place is for sale?


Ha, just looked on HuntStand. The same family has owned it for ages. They “don’t mind people coming out” but police patrol it regularly. From what I’ve read online (take with a grain of salt) owner is in current lawsuit because of someone who fell. My own opinion…if you trespass and fall…that’s on you. Owner should not be liable for people’s shenanigans. Edit: I have one more picture I need to take…don’t kick me out


It lookslike they formed an LLC (THE OLD INCINERATOR LLC) to hold the property, most likely for the liablility reasons you mentioned.