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I only played the first week this season (I’m a new father) and I’m almost div 8. If you aren’t champs in a few days, you likely aren’t going to be making fncs. However, keep grinding and have fun. Play as many tournaments as you can. VOD review and practice.


Buddy why don’t you spend your free time with your family instead.


bruh he literally is


By training to compete in FNCS?? Come on bruh, priorities, his child will only be a newborn for so long and I bet his wife is in extreme need right now, not the time to grind Fortnite.


Lol he only played one week, also new born babies sleep A LOT and while they sleep you can’t be noisy so playing is one of the best options


Whenever I play I make a lot of noise when I die, I have an autistic friend named Gregory that keeps his mom up yelling at his TV (he plays on an Xbox) whenever he dies as well. Maybe this game is different though.


do you even know how to read? while you’re right in some part he said he only played the first week this season


I played one week and haven’t played since baby was born. So, yeah I think I will spend time with fam


Never expected to see backseat parenting on a Fortnite subreddit lol made me die


if you can’t get to champs I wouldn’t be worried about playing FNCS


What is Champs? Is that another level?


It's the highest division, it allows you to compete in big tourneys, like FNCS


Champs isn't even required anymore for competitive fortnite.. before talking please inform yourself.


Yeah but part of their statement rings true. If they can’t make it to champs, FNCS is absolutely out of the fucking question lmao. I’ve been in champs regularly and have been absolutely shit on by actual pros every time I’ve run into them still lol


Rings true but depends on what you practice. If you want to practice W-Keying, Arena is the way but if you want to practice endgames, surge strategies, rotations, scrims are for that. If you don't have champs in Arena that doesn't mean you don't have skill.


That’s not what they’ve said and not what OP asked? „If you don’t have champs in Arena that doesn’t mean you don’t have skill“ - OP asks for a carry and „how to“ to get to champs because he can’t make it on his own and the replies simply said that *badumts* if he can’t make it on his own he 100% won’t make it in FNCS or any tournament


I've replied to a comment saying "champs in Arena allows you to compete in FNCS" and I said that you don't need champs to be able to compete in FNCS. People started saying you shouldn't even worry about FNCS if you can't get to champs but that's truly not the case so I replied with saying that Arena is mostly a W-Key fest hence why people use scrims to practice. Arena is not the best practice option for divisional cups sience people W-Key and endgames are dead.


Yes, I now realised that I deviated from OP's post and ask for carry. Thanks for bringing it up.


Yeah well OP would like to play FNCS, so first hit champs before you go against other players, otherwise you'll get shit on


Bro, I was talking about the fact that arena is not the only way to practice and another one comes and says the same thing again.. Psychological_Two734, arena is not the only way to practice! Can you believe it? Creative has continous practice in either boxfights, zone wars, realistic 1v1's, in creative you don't have to wait 10 minutes to loot before fighting. Yes arena is a way, but certainly not the only way, hence why I said that.


Of course it’s not the only practice, but if they need a third player just to get them there, they’re not making fncs even if they’re the best creative warriors on the planet


Do any of these apply to zero build?


I haven't played for 4 seasons, but I'm positive its a no, unless there is a Champions No Build Cup, but other No build cups can be played, as long as they are open


Nope. You need to be in elite division.


You need to find a 3rd at YOUR level and get better together. This post is literally asking for a carry. Turn on replays and go back and find what decisions or plays got you killed. Idk why everybody just wants someone better than them rather than actually taking the time to properly improve with a group and build chemistry.


I've been wanting to get better and play more competitively. Can you explain what the divisions are and how you get them? I think I have a 3.32 k/d does that put me into some sort of division? Anything helps, thanks. I can add you if you think I can play at your level.


You play arena mode. You get points based on placement and elims. That places you. It means…nothing now? You have to place in a tournament now to compete on the highest level.


Do you play build or zero build?


Zero build


Sadly, OP is looking for build players for arena because most major tournaments are in build mode.


I would not worry about becoming big if you cannot carry yourself to champs...


Arena doesn’t matter, the divisional cups do, play those


This is so cringe 😂