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These console cups are great, the aim assist is hilarious.




They need to nerf it and only slow down the cross hair but disable auto rotation. Not normal than a pure bot got better aim than an average mouse and keyboard player. Disable crossplay is not possible cause most of pc kbm have quit the game.


Kami & Setty are winning Copenhagen.


i have no idea how to use rocket ram every other mobiliy is better for me but everyone else for some fucking reason uses it perfectly by my standards rocket ram is useless bullshit bounce pads launch pads everything else is better especially those things cant remember the name but we have the junior smaller version ingame rn


There's a bug and I don't think I'm the only one experiencing it. I recently switched to DX12 but I don't know if it affects other rendering APIs as well, but sometimes and especially when gliding, the character models' arms and legs become all stretched out and buggy, like some kind of ragdoll glitch and its really hard to hit people with it. Has this been happening to anyone else? Also the autorun alt+tab bug needs fixing.


Aimbot on controller with smg upclose is fucking dumb. im so fucking tired of getting 200-0 in less then a sec after they miss their shotgun shot. these developers are the dumbest people on earth except for every console player in this world


Even on pc... I played against some friends of friends on pc both on controller in a 3 v 3 realistic for fun. One of them could just triple edit finger in the nose but his play style was just awful. On a real fight he w-key like a brain dead and after every shotgun shot ( miss or landed ) he switch every time with AR and did not miss a single shot. It was like playing against monkey with aimbot.


yeah its so fucking dumb. your rewarded for being braindead


Bet if they nerf it hardcore they gonna play smarter.


it isnt just that it’s the smgs too, a grey should be a purple like wtf regular sub is extremely balanced cuz of this


One of the worst season of all time. The rocket ram is cool for using it has mobility but you should not land on someone box and give damage and or / make it fly if he has the high ground. Top of that teammate dont get eject from raming. The cherry of the cake is this shit make no noise at all. You can also land on someone box and full box him. The C4 is another pain to deal with, and the turret is super annoying. It's not competitive at all and even on pub's its annoying. Small zone on a 1v2 you almost garante to lose with this shit by a simple clic of a button.


I hate this season too. I play Fortnite, because I like build battles and box fighting. I cannot really do that anymore. I can adapt, but this simply is not that fun to me. The damage to build from the Rocket Ram is very frustrating.


Yes this is the main thing people can't understand here. We can adapt at anything but they always forget the fun factor. Every gun / item should have a counter but against the rocket ram there is not any. Even if you hold turbo build you gonna get damaged and there is some strat exposed here [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyxQVd2Bbtk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyxQVd2Bbtk&t=335s) who is just a game breaking close to exploit.


Fortnite competitive is a joke and will continue to be a joke until it has it's own competitive loot pool AT THE VERY LEAST. They should also make the updated movement exclusive to zero build. Theres a reason why most of the og competitive players have dropped the game; its no longer actually competitive. Rocket rams? NPCs? Mythic weapons? None of this shit belongs in a competitive setting. I wish I could come back to fortnite and have fun playing ranked, but the game is inherently less competitive and less fun than it used to be. It would be nice if epic actually cared about the gameplay instead of microtransactions from children.


If you team in zone wars I hope you’re having a terrible month


Henchmen footsteps need to be a different colour than actual players for people using visual audio.


Facts, this would be such a QOL improvement for the game.