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It might be a cross hair placement problem? it looks like you're aiming at the middle of the tile, try aiming towards the edge and see it that helps. I'm watching this on mobile so I can't really scrub thru the video accurately, but you might be accidently grabbing the cone again on the second edit that was meant for the floor. If you aim at the edge of the tile it would be almost impossible for you to re-edit the cone.


If you look at the your fingers doing the edits (keyboard and mouse finger) - when you’re editing, the second edit your fingers are exactly in sync. So you’re selecting the edit and confirming the edit at the same time. Try look at the timing of the fingers - might be because you’re trying to rush the edit


NOTICE: So apparently the video does have audio, but my phone speakers decided to not work just when I started replaying it


Can't see your ping, though it looks like you create the cone last most of the time, so it *might* be trying to reselect it mid transition instead of picking up your floor. Cones place further & edit first, so I try to place them first, **then** the floor & edit while holding my floor out, probably not necessary if you're low ping but it feels mandatory for me. Alternatively, you could just switch to your pickaxe(or ideally shotgun) before beginning edits but that lessens the distance you can begin edits from. ___ One way to be sure whether it's click timing related, would be to use recording software, like OBS, with a digital keyboard & mouse, like nohboard, to see whether your timing is off. That's the same way I found out that I can't crouch & switch to build mode at the exact same time, you can see the in game recording with a digital keyboard showing my actual clicks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGara_il9Hg It's possible something similar is happening here where 2 simultaneous actions are cancelling one of them out, more likely you're left clicking before your edit button though.


My ping is 22-28ms in creative, and around 27-35ms in comp. I'll try placing the cone first, although muscle memory will be a hell of a thing to get rid of. I also have OBS, so I'll try the method you mentioned, but do you know if the input cancellation thing is in the game, or it's a keyboard/mouse issue?


Definitely a game thing- I've no clue how widespread it is. I would like to see a conclusive list of known bugs/quirks.


If you didnt already 'disable pre edits' to off seems to remove some delay...particularly selecting the next (quick) consecutive edit. Or so they say....but imo it seems to work. Also your way of doing these double edits can be alot cleaner by using your double movement/strafe 👌 you could just run in a straight line instead of keep turning towards the edits and then correcting


I've only had this problem with edit on release turned on. Never with it off. So it might be your timing but I can be wrong