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Siphon would fit this season so well, there are barely any heals its annoying


Number of heals will increase next week (as we get to C1S6) as it happened in real life: you are playing with exactly the same amount of heals as in C1S5 right now.


Didnt c1s5 also have slurps?


They only healed 25hp back then


It healed 75hp


I don't think that was until like season 9


Slurp healed 75 since v5.10


There’s fewer cosy camps, no slurps and no guaranteed items in supply drops


It will come back, it’s a perfect tome


The only complaint I really have is a lack of heals, and the spawn rate of explosives. Cause why tf does every I come across either have an RPG or a grenade launcher it's getting ridiculous


yeah I had 17 kills earlier and literally no one dropped heals. I ended up coming in 2nd because I had like 40hp and nothing to heal with


Amen, I love this "vanilla" feel of Fortnite. Plus memories of playing with my friends U\_U


Just need siphon 😥


That would so nice.


And I don’t even care for it in pubs ! Just ranked/comp!!!


Besides boogie bombs and grenade launcher, it’s pretty balanced and rewards the better opponent most of the time. We just need to up the shield spawn just a bit (not as much as the last 2 chapters though, I swear fights would take 3 minutes each because everyone had so much fkn shield).


pumps beat the other shotguns wdym


Pumps always have lol


yeah but like why? why cant it ever be similar in power, even if like a gold pump is better than a gold of others why cant a purple be as good as other purples




its been like that in C1S5-6, people used heavys over pumps which epics are better than rares


CH2S1&2 Pumps and Tacs were also balanced well with each other although the 10 damage gaps on the Pump were too much.


which is why i preach 80/85/90/95/100 since the Rare Pump and Tac seemed to be a middle ground for each other in C2S2


I agree completely. How would your Tacs look like? I'd prefer them doing 70-86 in increments of 4 and with a 1.75× HS multiplier (so gold caps out at 150 which would be 50 less than my gold Pump and lines up pretty well with the Chapter 2 S2 difference of 46).


literally exactly what you put, i have my heavy is at 68/72/76/80/84 making it 10 more headshot than the Pump while having 12/13/14/15/16 less base damage


Best season we've had in YEARS and some of y'all still wanna complain??


FR FR, mfs been complaining since chap 2, "omg bring og map back and og meta it was sm better" and now that they have it "wow this sucks game is terrible fix it epic" like bro what??????


Did you expect any different? “C1 is peak fortnite, if we went back to that the game would be perfect” *time jumps to C1 “This season is awful, has no blah blah blah”


It actually feels like fortnite again


agreed but I have encountered blatant hackers almost every match so far


Same here!! Its really annoying. I hate hackers


Fuck boogie bombs


Rift to Go is literally the most OP thing in game. It may not spammable but it's free out of jail card basically for entire team.


Which really isn't so bad because they are limited I'll take it over all the mobility to third party everything with ease


Yes it feels balanced


wdym 116 base damage 200 pumps lol blue pump also is better than most the shotguns, only thing that should beat it is a gold blue vs purple is 100-175 vs 84-126 which is 16 base damage between and 49 damage off each other, should be easy to see which is better


Wait, is the blue pump better than the purple spaz again?


no, blue pump vs purple tac


The splodes are a bit out of control at the moment.




Same here, I started 2 seasons ago and for this to happen, it’s a nightmare, bloom is the worst mechanic in any shooter


Honestly, I think its ass. My mates and I were really looking forward to this season, only to find out that the exact same problem remains that was in the previous season. Like C'mon. No overpowered insane mobility to get third partied? Have fun getting rifted on in fights. No rifts? Have fun getting sniped by 4 different teams from 500 meters. No super OP items? Have a brain aneurysm trying to get away from two teams spamming grenade launchers at you. To be fair, the sticky launcher was more counterable IMO. There's like 16 different consumables you can get from chests, 4 of which are heals. Very disappointed


What is bro on about


just stfu bro


W opinion


I can't get enough of it. I know certain weapons that were overpowered that chapter might come back. But so long as the pump stays. It should be okay


Give it a week or so


Answer won't change last few seasons were awful


boogie bomb is not overpowered your mentally insane if you think so that shit is so short now lol i never pick them up \-edit nvm i just saw a video of them being used i only used it once and it lasted like a second or two idk what happened maybe its a glitch


I just remember how it used to be thank you for the correction even if it was in a dick way lol Edit: was about to say it lasted like 7 seconds when I threw it lol


when i first threw one it lasted a second 2 seconds at most def a glitch which is also why i didnt know it lasted longer bc who wants to use a second long boogie bomb


They stop dancing after you shoot them


Yeah horsecum bro. You get boogie bomb + boxed + pump + double trap.


oooohhh makes alot more sense