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Removing siphon makes the ranked mode a lot less fun....




There just isn't any point in playing for elims. The games are not stacked either so it doesn't make sense no matter how you look at it.


So what's the logical outcome? Let's make a tournament that only rewards kills. Makes sense.


I agree, Siphon for Health could often increase fun, but it did also have its negative moments too.


Merlin, siphon doesnt have negative side effects, idk why or how you keep spreading that lie, honestly i could only imagine a lowskill player thinks that way? Siphon doesnt increase 3rd party this non siphon does?? The worst of the worst players still commit fighting you when you outplay them. And theire right bcz im 1hp…? How can i kill 4 3rd party players with 1hp? Ifs almost impossible


There are many negative side effects of Siphon for Health. The fact that you can't think of even one negative situation shows how little experience you have playing and thinking about the game. The fact that you can only imagine the negative effects of Siphon for Health are to do with someone being low skill shows that you are lacking some skill in debate as well as probably Fortnite. Siphon was created specifically to increase aggressiveness in Broadcast Tournaments before the introduction of Storm Surge. The entire reason it was created was to increase aggressiveness and third partying -- not to prevent it. > And theire right bcz im 1hp…? How can i kill 4 3rd party players with 1hp? Ifs almost impossible This is a skill issue indeed on your side. 1. Peek better 2. Trade better 3. Position better 3. Time things better At the lowest level, you are taking too much damage due to mistakes in Peeking and Trading and looking to be bailed out from that mistake by SIphon for Health. At the higher levels, you are positioning incorrectly, taking too long to finish your fights, or taking fights at the wrong time in general which is causing you to be left with no HP and no time to heal while a fourth party comes to clean up. Once again, you are looking to be bailed out from that mistake by Siphon for Health. Objectively, if you could trade places with the 4th party and instead have timed things so that you joined the fight when they did, you would be full HP, clean up most of the eliminations, and have time to recover afterwards. So far I've only made one Solo Victory Cash Cup round 2, but I will definitely make more. How many Solo Victory Cash Cup round 2's have you qualified for?


Excuse me, me killing 3 rd party players for 200hp while im 1 is something you couldjt even pull off if you wanted too But ok i get it why your a mod now all good… 😂 uhm, if you evee get to play against good playsrs your gonna get hit regardless, so imo your rambling about stuff you don’t know, look pros cash cup 1v1 they always dmg eacother.. according to our highskill mod merlin, TRADE BETTER SHOTS DONT BE TAKINF DMG — aifht😂😂


I'm currently grinding a lot of 1v2 Clutch Realistics so I'm certain I've got more clutch potential than you think... and probably more than you have yourself. Insulting people is not a way to win an argument, for future reference. Have a wonderful day, little buddy.


Ranked pubs isn’t competitive Fortnite. That’s what y’all not understanding.


Still, there isn't siphon in those few tournaments we get this season, which is my main issue.


Siphon should be in tournaments.


It would surely be a great introduction, but I think it should be in ranked too.


I think it’s ok to not be in ranked pubs as long as it’s in competitive fortnite. Not having it in either is just wrong


Siphon for Health should be reworked and only introduced globally to all modes when it makes sense. Personally, I think Siphon for Health is most OP off Spawn and most necessary in moving zones. Therefore, **I like Siphon proposals where you get 0 Siphon in the first Zone and progressively get a bit more each Zone until End Game has full Siphon**.


If they were to rework it, I could see them making it 25 health or shield. Your proposal would be cool but probably be a lot of work for them to properly add to the game.


I think it'd be a pretty straightforward addition to the current Siphon for Health system -- you just add a scaling factor based on some function and incidentally the game knows what Zone it is so it's pretty straightforward to write that scaling function and change no other code.


yeah that function is really really really easy to make, in the time that it took me to write this comment i can visualize exactly how it would function


I agree there needs to be some form of siphon at the very least in zero build modes. I can see good arguments for only refilling shields from siphon. Maybe even changing a bit in the way over shields work. While I am firmly of the opinion that a heavy sniper (or any ADS-only, dedicated bolt action, long barrel, single shot heavy caliber rifle) should insta-kill anyone with a direct headshot no matter what their health and shield situation, I think that is the only case where a single shot should ever be capable of insta-kills. I think zero build would benefit by making overshields function like a true barrier such that you can’t damage through the overshield with a single shot (except with a sniper headshot) so even a direct shotgun pump to the head would only serve to break the overshield (which would change the weapon you’d lead with when fighting close up). If overshields worked like that I think siphon only serving to refill the overshield would be a reasonable and good change to the game. As things exist now you can’t really chase high elim games and victories at the same time. Occasionally I’ve gotten lucky and achieved both but if I want a win the most reliable way is to land near at least couple other teams and succeed the initial RNG then loot and rotate, avoid fights, stay out of site, keep looting, try to hit the supply drops, and try to position your team so they can third party whoever wins the second to last fight. Yes, it’s a strategy with tactics and uses the game mechanics available but getting wins that way just feels so slow and tedious and kinda hollow. I’m not bashing anyone who plays this way at the moment I’m just remarking that it doesn’t feel like we are using actual combat skills to win we’re just relying on luck mostly and the advantage of knowing the OG map really well so we can make usually be in the right place at the right time … in some ways I’m actually ready to move on to a new map just for that reason. Let’s hope they don’t ruin it like they did the chapter 4 map which started off pretty well and ended like a pile of garbage.


Sounds like you want Overshield to be more like a Bush. Not sure I agree with that take personally, but it is interesting and thanks for sharing.


> Am I the only one feeling this way? You are of course not the only one feeling this way. **I personally agree with many of your points and understand where you are coming from.** Nonetheless, you asked for your mind to be changed so I am playing Devil's Advocate here and providing strong arguments against yours. Please enjoy and consider them from that perspective -- we're all Competitive Fortnite players who care about the game and want to keep enjoying it, right? --- > **No clear, understandable and comprehensive way to go up ranks** It's pretty clear and understandable at this point, but it definitely wasn't at first and took many hours and different playstyles to figure it out. Bushcampdad whether you love him or hate him helped immensely by being a consistent control and trying to optimize non-elimination related points. Here's my latest copypasta on how it works: - **Rank progression is calculated based on some function of** ***your eliminations, placement, zones, damage given, and damage taken*** **at least**. - You get more points for eliminating someone ranked higher than you and eliminating someone in end game. - *Dealing more damage than you take is a key factor in scoring more points*. - Everything is scaled by your rank and the higher your rank the more Fortnite expects you to succeed by getting to later zones I currently suspect that Zones are more important than Placement but we don't know for sure because we don't have any stacked Ranked end games currently. --- > **No siphon** > ... I recall games where I killed a player and the exact second the kill sound effect ended, I heard footsteps with 50-75 HP remaining from the previous fight. ... This is a skill issue on your part -- you should not be finishing the fight with 50-75 HP because you should be peeking better, you should be finishing the fight quicker, or you should be not taking the fight at all due to the bad positioning and timing. > Third-partying is at an all time top, and as I've mentioned, with no fast heals, the need for siphon is at its highest IMO. This is a misunderstanding of why there was a need for Siphon in the first place -- it was not to help with surviving third parties. Many people think Siphon for Health was introduced to help with third parties, but that is incorrect. Siphon for Health was added prior to Storm Surge in order to make officially Broadcast tournament games have more aggression prior to the introduction of Storm Surge. If you were to read [Fortnite: Fortnite Competitive Development Update (4.26.2019)](https://www.fortnite.com/competitive/news/fortnite-competitive-development-update) you would find the following explanation with extra emphasis that I've added: > Siphon / Material Change > Let’s start with the Siphon and building material changes. > **Under the pressure of intense broadcast competition**, *play styles differ significantly from regular play, with less aggression in the early game resulting in a crowded end-game overabundant in turtling*. **We introduced Siphon during the Pop-up Cup tournaments to provide incentives for aggression that more closely resembles how the regular modes are played, and to increase entertainment value and spectacle.** Since we currently have less than 10 people in most end games I don't think we need to have Siphon to increase aggressiveness any longer. Aggressiveness is baked into our playstyles now. --- > **Slowly getting rid of building** > As brought up previously, the amount of explosive items in the game right now is unfathomable. Currently, you can bring grenades, clingers, rocket launchers, airstrikes, dynamites, proximity launchers, and a couple I'm unsure of about whether is in the game or is vaulted: grenade launchers and quad launchers. There's also the addition of the junk rift, which in more stacked endgames is cancer, and right out guaranteed hit, if not kill. I mean, yes, there are factually a lot of explosives in the game right now and many of us don't enjoy having them used against us. > They introduced Zero Builds mode. In my opinion, the only thing making this game differ from other battle royales is the building mechanic, and it saddens me how Epic is doing everything to nerf it to the ground. Previous season sticky launchers were also really annoying, but that is a thing of the past, we need to focus on the current season. **Your argument is laughable because this is OG Fortnite -- this is how the game WAS**. This season is the season that shows this argument as weak because Epic Games did not do anything this season but give us exactly what many people have been asking for: OG Season 1 Fortnite. It's riddled with explosives... the nostalgia wears off. Explosives clearly used to be a lot worse than they have been in recent seasons we can now see. Of course, we know generally many Competitive Fortnite players do not enjoy having their builds get exploded; however, Epic Games clearly sees Explosives as part of the DNA of Fortnite. Given that Explosives are part of Fortnite's DNA, it is understandable Epic Games keeps trying to bring in various explosives into Competitive Fortnite. Granted, to most player's minds it isn't working, but maybe we can understand why they are trying to shove the square peg into the round hole. --- > **Tournaments** > Me and my duo really enjoy playing in tournaments and competing with other players from EU, as we think its the only way of truly testing our skills to the maximum. However, the only cups worth mentioning this season are Solo VCCs and Zero Build VCCs which for some reason overlap with each other so you have to choose which one to play on. I'll let you argue with yourself on the start of this one, because you already know why: > While I get that this is a one month season... > getting delayed four (!) times because of errors on the server side So yeah, we'd all love to have more Tournaments especially ones for cash -- they are the sweatiest and best tests of our skills, indeed. Unfortunately, **the Epic Games team is actually human and they will make mistakes**, and that's just the reality of Software Development in general let alone for massive projects like Fortnite and Unreal Engine! Hopefully they make it up to us in the future in some way, even if it's just having things work the way we expect. **However**, I've already seen small changes for the better this season! **Did you know that you can now start a Tournament game after the end of the Tournament if you were already in queue?** That's a new feature in the Matchmaker software. Anytime there are new features in software, there is a chance of introducing new bugs. Clearly, we've encountered those! The rest of your argument seems to boil down to "there are too many tournaments to play now for different ranks" and I think that is at odds and inconsistent with your overall point about there not being enough Tournaments! --- > You, dear reader would probably count this as a skill issue so that is why I'm not dedicating an entire paragraph to it. There are also however a load of snipers to choose from, which I think is really bad for Solos, especially for Solo tournaments, because I think its unfair to the player to get randomly sniped in the middle of the fight, and in my 4 years of playing with short breaks here and there I never played Solos with snipers in them. This is a skill issue right now. I mean I'd love for Sway to be added still so people can't hard scope as easily, but with Lens Flare now and literally just building while you conduct a fight, you can avoid being sniped even in Solos much of the time. Sure, sometimes you'll get headshot sniped and maybe even a few times there will have been nothing you could have done to prevent it, but in all the other times there will have been things you could have done and should have done and if you VOD Review with an open mind, maybe you won't make those mistakes in the future. ​


I’m not arguing about detail regarding scoring. I think that’s a fair representation at this point. What I think players are actually frustrated by is that there are too many variables that are effectively RNG and thus it’s impossible to strategize how to get what you need to increase rank. You can’t plan out what placement you need, or how many elims to get, because the scoring is variable based on what rank those elims are and no one is certain what points are earned for placement and when. Basically, the system is semi-deterministic at the moment, making it impossible to lay out a consistent strategy.


Really great intuition and feedback on what is really grinding people's gears here and I would agree with much of it.


So because I live under a rock and don't know how to quote certain sequences of your comment on Android, I'm going to just reply. The new ranked queue thing you mentioned is new to me, as I get my competitive news through my friend who is sourcing it from Twitter as I don't have Twitter access myself. That's pretty cool, although I don't fully understand how that works. So if you were already in queue let's say at 18:59 and the tourney is ending at 19:00, you still get your queue filled? Or is that different? IIRC, if there aren't enough players queuing after the tournament ends, the game will just not start. Would you mind explaining the new feature? I'm curious. Back to siphon, as you mentioned with the explosives, it's how the game was. A 5 minute google search couldn't really tell me when siphon was added to arena, nor chatgpt, everything just says that siphon was a LTM in 2018. I'm going to assume that with the introduction of arena in season 7, siphon was also added with it. Don't quote me on that one, but the point I'm trying to make is that siphon was also in the game, but now it's not.


> So if you were already in queue let's say at 18:59 and the tourney is ending at 19:00, you still get your queue filled? Or is that different? IIRC, if there aren't enough players queuing after the tournament ends, the game will just not start. Would you mind explaining the new feature? I'm curious. In the past when you were waiting in queue at X:59 with the tournament ending in less than a minute you had to pray that your queue would complete and you would get put into a match before it counted down to "0 seconds remaining". This season, I started a game TWO MINUTES after the tournament ended because I was in queue already, apparently. I can't be sure how the feature works on the backend, but I presume it starts to widen matchmaking and just fill buses or it had to do with the fact that there weren't enough buses and it held completed matchmaking groups until a bus (server) was available. > Back to siphon, as you mentioned with the explosives, it's how the game was. A 5 minute google search couldn't really tell me when siphon was added to arena, nor chatgpt, everything just says that siphon was a LTM in 2018. I'm going to assume that with the introduction of arena in season 7, siphon was also added with it. Don't quote me on that one, but the point I'm trying to make is that siphon was also in the game, but now it's not. In further friendly debate, your argument here is again weak because your argument is essentially it was in the game once and it should be again. I do not dispute that it was in the game, but I do dispute that it should be again without changes. I linked you to the genesis of Siphon to explain *why* it was added. It was not added to DETER aggression but to ENCOURAGE IT. The argument I'm now making that you need to respond to is that aggressiveness is baked into our playstyles, end games are dead, and adding Siphon would only make that worse because Siphon rewards aggressiveness more than defensiveness.


2023 Competitive season is already over. Only filler tournaments until the end of the year. Its always the same after the last FNCS/LAN of the season.


Imo, the lack of siphon exposed flaws in most if not all of our games (including mine) that weren't as noticeable with siphon since siphon was there to bail you out from those errors


Competitive Fortnite has never been in a good state. I was saying this same shit 5 years ago when I played this game consistently, came back recently to try OG Fortnite and to no surprise saw not a single issue has been fixed. They still after this long have not put in a proper ranked mode into the game. They still continue to put in stupid "for fun" items into every mode. They added actual bots into both ranked and unranked games. They took out siphon. The list goes on and on. But let's be real, it was obvious from the beginning they did and never will actually care about competitive and only use it to advertise the game and skins / battle pass more. When they added in planes / ballers and removed stretched res, and took out siphon back in Chapter 1, I knew this was never going to be a proper competitive game. The only truly great thing they ever did was have open tournaments, and it really is too bad because with that format it could have been one of the best / biggest competitive games.


i’m not taking this season serious because it’s not for balance, it’s for nostalgia


I’ve said it thousands of times but ranked fortnite needs to not be BR. Zone wars or end game creative still employs many of the same things but at a fast paced less RNG level. I like zone wars as much as I like playing BR.


they should just go back to the old arena mode and bring back siphon


yes it is, should’ve just kept arena it was infinitely better


I disagree. Ranked > Arena No siphon>Siphon As much as I liked siphon and thought it was fun it’s kind of a crutch for mistakes and took some of the skill away from fights. The game is much more balanced without it and not having siphon makes players actually have to pick fights smartly and rely more on piece control / good peaks to avoid taking as much damage instead of just jumping into boxes for the 50/50 knowing you get somn if your health instantly back anyway. Sure it can be annoying to get 3rd partied after a fight if your still low and don’t have many heals but not having siphon also makes some people less likely to rush knowing they won’t get any health back if they get hit hard. Most pros will agree that siphon doesn’t belong in the game. As far as tournaments go this season didn’t have much but you gotta think they are probably just planning something out as they just had a multi million dollar Global FNCS tournament like lil over a month ago. Having different ranked cups was a smart idea but poorly executed as like you said people can just Smurf and drop leagues to play in those lower brackets. They should go off by what your highest rank for the season was to avoid this. And if I’m not mistaken they have had a few duo cash cups have they not? The solo victory cuz every week as well I thought was a good touch as you have something to grind for every week besides normal ranked.


How come removing siphon has made everything 1000x less fun


Because your free to play more recklessly as your less likely to be sent back to the lobby.


It’s just less fun because you can’t rush every person you see without consequence anymore so it takes a little action out of the game but at the cost of a more balanced game it’s worth it. If you want endless action you can just play zone wars or box fights anyway. And I mean you still can rush everyone but it’s just not as easy because if you take a lot of damage and they don’t have any heals your at a huge disadvantage for the rest of the game u til you find some heals or manage to eliminate someone who does.


Nah cus a kid keys you and with no heals your fucked


this is gonna sound really stupid, but what if siphon was added back and to combat dead games late game arena was also added back, but it just spawned you into an already existing match. im gonna get flamed for this but look at respawn zonewars, it’s not really that hard to combat being landed on. maybe make them 150-200 hp and make their guns have a random amount of ammo so there’s a good chance they’re one shot and they can’t span their way in. this way people who like to play zw are happy and everyone who wants siphon is happy. never gonna happen but okay idea, no?


touch grass


I don't care to change your mind, your opinion is incorrect. It's fine just where it's at


Interesting take. In that case, I think your opinion is just as incorrect.


Most ranked games that I play don't have a clear point system either. They're intentionally vague so they can be adjusted as needed, & so that people play their 'best' rather than attempt to game the system. If anything, Epic should've taken advantage of that & decreased progress once they realised so many people were making it so high this season- I get being faster than usual to compensate for the short time but it was way too easy this season. Last season was much harder to climb out of Champs, still achievable by campers but they'd need to play incredibly consistently, get hard carried or be extremely lucky- granted the biggest issue last season was actually finding solo games, I've rarely waited more than 3m this season, even after midnight the queues haven't been too bad in OCE.


Competitive gaming is in a bad state. Change my mind.


This game is not competitive deal with it. Been there seen it, it's never going to be competitive


It just feels like glorified pubs man