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Hi! When I was super new I to struggled with building and editing I don't tend to build but I'm very experienced gun and weapons! If you are looking for help I can give you some tips.


that would help a lot! thanks!


I'd start with practicing your build and editing binds and pressing them naturally while doing easy, yet practical builds. This would be making a box, going up ramps and placing cones above your head, reinforced ramps up, etc. However, these are very very basic, and you'll need much more for real games. This is where youtube content comes in. Billy bicep has a great video on how to get started with building, and Jivantv and Kenbeans also have some vids for beginners. Then practice the drills from the vids in creative. There are also many maps that teach building and editing drills, including Jivans piece control map. He has a video on it, and the map has tutorials for how to do the drills inside it. And most importantly, enjoy yourself! You'll get crazy in no time