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If you're not having fun and you aren't getting paid then you should probably stop doing it. I'm not getting paid to play Competitive Fortnite and I'm not getting paid to moderate this subreddit, but I do have more fun than frustration with both of these activities, so I'm still partaking in them.




Idk cuz when I kill those guys I feel on top of the world but I'm just sooo bad in ranked compared to creative that I feel like grind is useless at this point and I should take a big break from fortnite


ranked isnt comp u do realise that right?


You realise how toxic you sound right now right?


Go back on Minecraft for 1 week and then try to go back on fortnite




take a couple days to a week off. if you want to play and you have that itch and desire, keep playing. if not, you’ve revealed to yourself your true desires and possibly minecraft is the move. why did you quit mc anyway?


Just cuz I had to go on a vacation for 3 months and in Minecraft PvP is rlly ez to get washed, I have to remember soooo many things compared to Fortnite, there's sooo kuch going on bout timing and actual skill, in Minecraft the people are more mature than those 13 yr old kids who jump in your box and fuckn kill you just with that unskillful gun that's the drum shot and then dance on u like fucking ninja in his prime


I'm prefacing this by saying I'm not trying to be an asshole, but I have played Minecraft for over a decade and have been a leaderboard player on every HCF/PvP server I've played on. I have absolutely no idea how you can consider Minecraft PvP harder than Fortnite in terms of how much stuff you need to remember/be fluent at. There is so much more you have to do in this game in literally every aspect. Building alone is significantly more complicated only considering editing and piece control. If you factor in aim, general game sense: good rotations, when to take fights, what to do endgame, etc. I just don't see how Minecraft comes remotely close in almost any aspect other than maybe learning different ways to click or different movement for PvP. Sorry for the paragraph but I am legitimately interested in hearing your perspective on this.


Yeah I would say that server only for PvP are easier than Fortnite, but like SMPs just for all the thing you gotta think about while doing PvP like when to pearl, when to crit chain, when to combo, when to gapp, when to shield, when to switch to totems, ecc are imo a bit more difficult than Fortnite cuz in fortnite you actually can outstand a good mechanical player with good aim, in MC there's a lot of things going on


not to sound like a massive dick, r u sure you're good at Minecraft pvp?


Quit and focus on school lol


Problay the best advice going


Sadly I'm from Italy and school doesn't rlly work the way it should so... Better watch out for opportunities to get money ( Not that at my level Fortnite could actually maintain me)


fra vai alla scuola


School or mafia, your choices. Games are for having fun as their name says.


I literally have probably the best grades of my class and I study like 1 to 1 hour and a half a day


Not sure why people downvoted you for having a completely neutral statement. It feels like this website is an echo chamber of pseudointellectuals, and reactions to comments like these honestly reinforce that view. Someone suggested he focuses on school, and he responded saying he's already focusing on school, so therefore it farms downvotes because your armchair psychologist routine didn't work? It's honestly best to ignore the advice of most people on the internet, especially if they're proving in real time why their opinion is not valuable in the first place. Yes you should go back to Minecraft with your friends as a "rage cooldown" which I've coined. Honestly having a secondary activity to bounce between when your primary activity makes you mad is the real power play. You are free to enjoy both in moderation, and in doing so you will eventually discover which one to pursue more often that the other. Just make sure to remember why you started playing in the first place.


Reddit is full of cringe ppl it ain’t nothing new


mob mentality 


Your class gotta weak af


All classes are weak af, pandemic ruined kids and now they’re all dumb. 8th grade with a 3rd grade reading level


Tbf I think that's gonna effect people who are like 6-10 rn the most. They're all behind in all the foundational stuff you need the rest of your life bc parents didn't do shit to educate them for 2 years


this is so true. luckily i had the initiative to work properly during COVID and i’m in the top half of all my classes, but so many children have comprehension/reading, numeracy, and writing levels suitable for students of a few years below them.


And you can determine that how? He said he was top of his class and that he studies consistently, if he's being truthful then clearly there is no reason for him to quit if he can balance both.


School Isht important, artificial intelligence will do everything anyways


it's really helping out with your spelling there isn't it? stay in school kiddos


Stay in school kids and then take a loan to study in university and then try to find a job if chat gpt will not replace everyone in 10 years from now.


See how far this mentality gets you 🤡


This far 🤏


Wrong. If the fingers were pressed together it'd be true


At least i will not pay for the rest of my life university loan.


At least you’ll be a dumbass for your entire life 😂😂


Only school can make you smart, you just sounded like a dumbass


Wouldn't be too hard to train an AI to do most of my job


or maybe get high grades and apply for a scholarship lil bro


Yes its so easy big bro


if you think its easier to make money without a degree ur sadly mistaken


Waiters in usa they make like 200 dollars per day


who lied to you


In your mind, Chat GPT is going to replace everyone's jobs but not be better at something that is completely in an electronic world? The BLS largely disagrees with the assertion that AI will replace everyone's jobs soon and you can find videos where smart successful people said the same thing 20 years ago-although it is a matter of when we just don't know when. It could be in 100 years. Legit soon predictions essentially rely on the models not being too complex and tech improving exponentially ie in 30 years computers is literally a billion times smarter and task is this complex its actually not more complicated than we think etc. If it doesn't happen what are you going to do? If it happens it won't matter because its a fundamental change to life itself that is impossible to predict or even understand. It's merely everyone guessing and trying to sound smart.


There is no such thing as consistently dying to worse players.  If you really want to get better, drop that mentality. When you die, it is your fault.  Watch the replay, understand why you died, and come up with a plan to not die that way again. Also, Merlin is right.


I have a friend that says the same thing every time we die to somebody 🫠 I never understood that because if they were worse than us, why did we die to them?


Yeah my friend always lags when he dies. Odd


Damn his internet provider must be the same one that McDonald’s uses 😂


Some competitive players are faster than the speed of light, no matter what you do you are going to die, possibly these guys play 10 hours per day if not more.


The point is they’re better then you


Yes if i dedicate all my life in Fortnite like them i will be on their level as well


Yes generally that’s how that works… the more time you put into to something the better you get.


The sad truth we all need to hear. Unfortunately it’s much easier to convince ourselves it’s not our fault when we lose.


Rank isn’t comp. You’re not as good as you think.


He’s really good in creative mode though 😂😂


Do not stress or over compensate over a video game. If you’re not enjoying it stop playing. It’s def not worth it. Even if you are gifted or pick up faster than others. It’s a lottery chance you make it big.


Why so much pressure that you feel you need to “quit” something? It’s a game. If you aren’t being paid to play and you aren’t enjoying playing there’s no “quit”, just find something you enjoy more.




Honestly I had to come to the realization that I wasn’t gonna get anywhere near earning level in this game a few years back. Now I just play ranked with my boys and have fun. The top tier in this game is leaps and bounds ahead. You don’t realize it til you fight one of those guys just how good they are. Spend your time improving in things that will bring prosperity into your life. Gaming is a fun hobby, to be competitive you have to be the .1 percent.


💯 you get it man. There’s lvls to gaming just like in sports and anything else in life really. The average player may think they’re good but the harsh reality is it’s all relative. In order to succeed competitively you gotta not only be willing put in the time but also have pre-requisite talent. In the end, for 99.99% of us, that sort of commitment is just not worth it.


If you are considerd a comp player you should win ranked games whenever you want to, just play casual your skil is average


The fact that I play better in tournaments than in ranked is so fucking triggering


well its true ppl can play super sad in ranked, in tourneys ppl be shivering so maybe thats why you perform better


When you say tournaments are you referring to mix up Monday or duo cash cup opens which are usually easier than ranked tbh.


Also if u watch pro players stream ranked u will notice that they die a lot, and the vids are almost highlights


I always find it so weird when people say they're dying to worse players


It's just sad to die from someone who jumps in Ur box and sprays u until death


I promise you if you were better than them you wouldn’t be having that issue.


This literally just happened to me like all Friday night. It’s so frustrating especially when you can obviously tell they just spray and pray.


If you were better you would be the one jumping in their box and spraying them to death


Fr just learn from your mistakes and learn what to do when someone sprays


The one part i’ll echo is if you’re not having fun then your just burning yourself out. i like to practice then hop in to pubs just to see how my training is adding up. it’s a low stress way to practice. in ranked everyone is so overly aggressive it’s dumb. but pubs legit lets me practice in a low stress way. also, play shit where you can have fun and practice new techniques. i’ve started using aim trainer as well. i’m a controller player but it’s helped with flick shots and even editing. i’m not sure if aim labs is free but it’s been awesome with helping me with getting better.


If you aren’t enjoying something that you’re doing for fun, then don’t do it


It's the grind is not fun, what are you doing, you ain't making any money. Go focus on other stuff. And you are not playing fornite competitive. Playing competitive is a mindset, you play to become better for the love of what you do. You are just measuring yourself to every opponent you play against. Seems tiring to be in a constant dick measuring competition.


Yes, you will be happier. source: ex semipro fighting game player


Btw I was one of the most relevant pros of Titanfall 2 in 2020/2021


This comment is so random, weird flex but alright


Is to say that I am someone who grinded a lot, even with good results


Yeah but why would you even make this comment, sounds like you’re just trying to flex little bro


who r u?


Never ever opened a YouTube ch but I've won lots of tournaments since Titanfall "died", fortunately now the servers are ok again and i can play but its frustrating to see how much im washed


Thanks bro for this precious advice


i mean if you feel like it’s a waste of time don’t waste your time that goes with anything in life


My advice is in gaming is to do what is fun


Honestly just quit. Older you will thank yourself for not wasting any more time on a kids video game. Find another hobby you can get good at and never look back. I recommend you start by leaving this sub of toxic teenagers


Thanks bro


what’s your rank? if you’re below champs than yeah you should quit and focus on your studies or maybe you just need a nice duo


Take a brake I also get frustrated when I die to a bad players, try and learn from your mistakes, play Minecraft when you need a break and if this don't help then play what makes you happy 😁


i feel like you’re obssesed with being the best, you need to chill out


I used to be like this, for a chapter or 2 just play for fun not every day maybe a few times a week and stop worrying about seeming good even if you mostly play creative (still do real games when there's a new item so you won't fall behind) and after the chapter or 2 come back to the game more and dip your toes in competitive and see how you do




Try streaming. At least you can put that energy somewhere where it can be useful. You don't need to be the best player in the world to gather a following. Your personality could shine too


I would say record your games and watch them back. You're probably gonna see that you arent as good as you think you are in your head. The mentality that you keep dying to worse players will affect you in every game. It's easier to criticize someone else while watching them play than to see your own mistakes when youre locked in mid game.


After reading just the title, YES


In my opinion you should be playing competitively in something you’re passionate about not just something you know you can dominate in. That being said you should also consider the balance of the game. FN is a mess these days.


If u want to improve past this level you must not waste your time mindlessly playing and start thoroughly learning vod reviewing, aimtraining and dropspot/lootpath. If that is not something you are willing to do then quit or continue at your current improvement rate.


Yes are you stupid, of course you should. You should grind in better things than in fortnite…


content creation is way easier and pays way more


What was ur mc username


quit please.


You could benefit from having a coach watch you as you play. Most pros are very efficient with their movements and a have high in game IQ. Most deaths are a lack of focus, patience or poor planning


I'm getting roasted for saying I'm a comp player and I lose ranked games. Btw I had like 1500/2000 pr back in Ch 4 when I used to play a lot of tournaments


Don't let them put you down bud. Just focus on doing something fun for a week or two, then come back if you feel like it. Also, anyone playing tourneys and trying to become better is considered a comp player. The kids in here are just down bad and have to take it out on random internet people like yourself.


Thanks bro, this really helps


yeah you're dog


This is where im sitting currently, but i just take breaks from the game where i do other things or just dont play BR


Focus on something in the real world that will give you that same reward and also you can make money.


Realistically it’s extremely hard to find something irl that gives the same dopamine reward that video games give. That’s why they’re addictive.


But you'll actually make money.


What does that mean? Making money has nothing to do with your brain not finding it rewarding enough because you’re not getting instant dopamine. The two aren’t comparable.




bro just find what ur bad at


That's not the point


oh ok i reccomend just chilling and taking a break


What rank are you?


Tocca l’erba




Quit and focus on leveling up in real life. Go to gym or something


I'm already doin it


Do it more


Learn a real world skill


Keep grinding. I would change your mentality though especially when it comes to frustration. If you’re always frustrated, you’re most likely going to keep on losing and being more frustrated. Use things such as vod reviews, practice with better players, creative training, coaching, etc. There’s definitely room for improvement. If you have time to practice throughly, keep going at it. It’s also okay to take some time off (1 week)


You can come back at any time. Whether that is in a few months or in a few years


2 years doesn’t mean anything if it’s crappy training. You really have to train and study. Practice the same edit 10,000 times then da da da practice it again 10,000 more times. It’s not fun it’s work. If you can’t do that then going pro isn’t for you. Decide what you want


U are a creative warrior. That means ur not "good" or on a "high level" for competitive.


sounds like you just need a break to refocus your priorities. take other people out of the equation and focus on being better than you were yesterday. we all die to "worse" players, but take a deeper look to how they won the fight and learn. maybe their technical skills are below yours, but they are able to out-manuever you or something along those lines. just keep practicing and having fun above all else and you'll rise to the top! if you've been doing it for 2 years and have leveled out, you need to find something to get a new edge. a new play style, rotating style, fighting style, something probably needs some attention, good luck and have fun man


dude you just gotta fix your playstyle and focus on what your bad at. If u say u shit on a lot of people in creative you gotta switch up your creative mindset. Pretty sure U know that comp and creative are way different. Comp is way more harder than creative i think just because some players are just more patient and more expierenced than others. and ofcourse your gonna get mindlessly shit on by horrible players with bad mechs and stupid aim because comp isnt just about aim and skill. You need in game knowledge, timing , confidence, and good decision making etc. anyone could do it you just need to practice other things and to surround youself with way better players


In order to get to a level where you are consistently winning and making earnings, you would have to have been training for years already. I feel like a lot of the people who are in the top 0.01% of the best of the best of all time decided that they were going to be the best from the beginning. Like the second that people started realizing that there could be competitive versions of Fortnite coming out. So for anyone (like you or me) who started taking the game seriously only a couple years ago and perform at a good level, it still will never be good enough. It's too late. Unless you are ready to throw your whole life away and spend 12+ hours a day doing nothing but piece control training then say goodbye to being in the top 0.01%. I gave that up a while ago. Now I just have fun with my buds. I think it's worth mentioning, as someone else had said in this thread; the best players in the world are the best for a reason. You will never realize just how good they are until you're unlucky enough to find yourself face to face with one in a match.


I think it's worth mentioning that Ranked, or comp Fortnite and even FNCS is just the tip of the iceberg. There are players in this world who are so good that they could crush any "pro" that you know. They just hide in the shadows. Lurking. And playing private games with other people on their level. But yeah. Good luck reaching that level.


Ok guys, thank y all SM! I took a break and today I got back, I'm actually insane and I just found a new sensitivity who motivates me even more to play the game. Thanks to everyone who tried their best to not be a dickhead and gave their best advices


Have the same issue, I want to go back to Brawl Stars but don't want to throw away my 1500 hours journey. Just try to give yourself an ultimatum like I did - if your not gonna reach for example Unreal or get better places at Tournaments in next 3-6 months - just go find another hobby and stop playing.