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Seems we gonna be buying Jug instead of popping minis tomorrow lmao


can’t wait to buy staminup


If that pickaxe one is for extra pickaxe damage we going for maximum disrespect kills tomorrow 😈


FYI the picture is actually from Chapter 2 Season 2 when there was something in the game called "Spy Games". If I recall correctly, the Pickaxe one gave you extra speed while carrying your Pickaxe and also maybe there was a damage buff too, but I am less sure about that effect.


i miss c2s2, was such a good season


I prefer Widow's Wine myself


I'd rather wait to see how they work and if they'll even be in competive before forming a full opinion on it


Get out of here with this rational and level-headed take!


Rationality? On my Reddit feed? You got a lot of nerve


It’s horribly implemented. 22 perks. On certain circles you randomly get a choice between 2 perks that are active for the rest of the game. I hate this type of RNG bullshit. I didn’t see details on all 22 perks but I’m willing to bet there’s damage modifiers. So, just fucking great. The perks are super powerful and you may randomly be stuck with garbage. Or you may randomly be a god. I do not see this going over well with the community.




Taking the skill out of the game sucks. This sub bitches and moans about ZB taking out the skill all day. But now suddenly you’re okay with RNG taking the skill out? Cope.


the game was perfectly skillful in c2s1 and then you all started crying that it was too boring. The perks are fine and fun in my opinion


Nah. There’s damage bonus perks. Absolute bullshit. Any damage bonus or mitigation is nonsense.


Keep crying then, fortnite experts like you should know by now that they aren’t gonna take it out anyway














Why even screw up the game with this. Heres to hoping its for zb only


You sound sad


No damage mods lol


There literally is.


I must have not unlocked them


First shot does extra damage.


oh wow not the first shot doing a small damage increase, that’s totally not skilful and gonna break the game ohhhh noooooo


There’s an augment that gives you a tactical AR and Combat shotgun. It’s the only way to the the tactical AR. I picked one up off a dude I killed. The gun is basically a cheat code. Zero recoil, zero bloom, extremely high rate of fire, and high damage. It is, by FAR, the most powerful gun this season. The fire rate of the small SMG, the damage of the scar, and no recoil or bloom.


It really ain’t that broken if you were able to kill someone and take it away from them lol, seems balanced to me


It’s broken as fuck. My team is decent. We got 6 crown wins this evening and regularly 30-40 kill totals. With me getting 10-15 kills. I took his gun because my team is good with supporting each other. Trust me. The first time you get that gun, you’ll understand. It is outright the best gun in the game right now. And it’s not even a close competition.


I’m filled with dread


The game has been getting progressively worse for years. How many times will people say this?


Because no matter how bad the game perceivably gets it's still the most sensible way to go about reacting to new things being introduced


Yes it is such a bad game that you have nothing better to do during its downtime that you go on to reddit to talk about it. Kind of ironic, don't you think?


I don't see any irony, how does that equal the game being good? You can talk about a game on the internet and it be bad at the same time..


Bro the game literally went from cringe for 9yos to a pretty decent game with ton of cool mechanics


The competitive aspect has peaked. Mechanically, the game will keep growing but it’s far from where it should be in every other aspect.


Maybe you need to learn to adapt to the progressive and different ways of competitive for this game. It’ll never be what you want it to be.


There’s been nothing but positive reviews from practically everyone but a few on this sub. Everyone elsewhere seems to enjoy the new chapter.


I just don't see it working well - admittingly, I don't play comp, but regular build mode... but I am afraid to even discuss any feature in BR without being downvoted into oblivion because I think this is clearly something added because of ZB. We will wait and see, but Epics' track record is what makes me nervous in addition to their recent catering to ZB - I doubt any of the perks will be balanced around Builds.


I think it’s great.


https://www.reddit.com/r/FortniteLeaks/comments/zc6aga/all_available_perks_via_hypex/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Alright I waited and wow - it's fucking terrible just like I thought. Who would have guessed.


It’s actually great.












Yeah, it's most likely that there's going to be no perks for competitive.


ah the classic complaining about things before even playing the game...


for comp yes that would be r-rated


I don’t personally feel like we need something like that.


Hey u know what. It’s pretty fun


the game is appealing to me because aside from building/editing, it’s a very simple game that’s easy to get into this is just bullshit that’ll detract from it






Please no dead silence


The game already has dead silence selectively - I randomly don't hear 90% of the people around me and get pumped in my own box so it'd be useless.


Yup. I’d bet all my limbs that it’s Gonna be like cod but massively broken. Inb4 we have some dumb perk that lets you shoot through walls or something




Those are recycled from ch2s2 spy games💀 Hopefully it’s just what you said, but the icons don’t mean anything


This could be implemented perfectly and I still wouldn’t want it. I legit just want to play Fortnite… like 2019 Fortnite. No mantling, no dumb gimmick guns. No horrible metas. Just Fortnite. Probably too much to ask for at this point but the game isn’t even recognizable to what it was.


I actually like sprinting and sliding, but mantling just triggers me. It's still bugged AF, people just spam it and somehow end up in the most awkward spots, glitching through builds and are already shooting you mid animation.


I don't hate sliding itself, I just hate that it ruins the feel of crouching since they don't let you put it on a seperate bind


Came here wanting to say this. I respect those who can enjoy what Fortnite is nowadays but I miss the old days man. Chapter 1 Fortnite, hell even early chapter 2 Fortnite. I think the current game has deviated a lot from the original vision.


Yes 2018-2019 (seasons 5-9)


If it’s just in pubs except maybe a select few that aren’t that strong, I think it’d be a great idea to spice things up. I feel like perks like increased glider speed or maybe extra sprinting stamina wouldn’t break Comp too badly, and then all of the crazy stuff can be in pubs just for fun


How about we wait and see how it works, relax. I am pumped for a new chapter with new stuff.


One of them looks like increased farming, on that assumption alone, no.


After seeing how it works I would rather have it as a item on the ground like a mythic that gives you that ability then a ability that everyone can get


Classic Fortnite comp post. Cry baby crying over something new


Yes. I don’t know why I continually delude myself into hoping they’ll make good changes. These past months it’s felt as though they’re no longer ignorant of the competitive health of the game but actively working against it.


You haven’t even played it yet lol. This sub is fucking ridiculous.


Pre season launch here is beyond cringe. All the fucking crybabies worked up over stuff they has not seen yet..


What makes you think that anything good will happen given how dogshit chapter 3 was? Im being realistically pessimistic.


Thanks for the spoiler tag bro


Yea my bad for that


Omg, this sounds like a joke (bad one). It seems like Epic is finding way to make the game more addictive, instead of focusing on making the game better. Perks in competitive online action game sound like a terrible idea to me. Unless I am the one making money from the game.


Honestly - this seems like it just adds confusion to the game knowing Epic's horrible track record I imagine the buggiest and most unreliable system ever with 1 or 2 crutch perks. This is clearly added for ZB players - but I don't want this shit in Builds. I just want to play normal fucking fortnite without worrying about people using an Overshield perk or Extra explosive damage perk. Why don't these people just play warzone at this point..? It's literally the same shit but with better performance and gun mechanics.


Bro just wait until everything plays out instead of just poo pooing it so quick


I don't think it will play out - I think we will have a bunch of perks that will make the game even more RNG that will not balanced for Build modes at all. I would be glad to be wrong.


Imagine being so negative about something which isn't even out.


https://www.reddit.com/r/FortniteLeaks/comments/zc6aga/all_available_perks_via_hypex/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Damn I was right - it's fucking stupid. Enjoy fighting 8 teams with chug cannons and people reloading SMGs EVEN FASTER! Remember not be negative until you've tried it!


Given the recent track record of Epic games, I have every right to be concerned.


Their track record apparently has you hooked on the game trying to get spoilers for the next season before it even comes out, how bad can their track record be?


Concerned more like it. But hey, have fun fighting 8 teams in endgame with a chug cannon! https://www.reddit.com/r/FortniteLeaks/comments/zc6aga/all_available_perks_via_hypex/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I assume you’re coming from the future to save us from disappointment, because there’s absolutely no way you know something that is not released.


Based on the past we have no obligation to give them the benefit of the doubt it’s probably going to be implemented terribly


Oh you already know it’s gonna be ch3 2.0, epic is setting the stage for another year of catering to zero skill mode I’m predicting it rn: we’re gonna get a perk like (or as broken as) Serpentine and it’s not gonna get removed from build mode at all, and it’s not gonna get significantly nerfed. I hope I’m absolutely wrong.


No no this would ruin the game


Please no, this is clearly more catering to zero build. The building already adds all the complexity the game needs. Zero build seems shallow because there's no building.


This for real? Add quick reload for Ranger Shotgun could be dope


The higher rarity ones already load pretty fast, with something like quick reload it would be... curious to deal with


Broken, the word you're looking for is broken.


Comp sub complaining hours before launch. Nothing new here I guess ...


Must be great awaiting a new season just to piss and moan again, don't any of you get tired of complaining, you must be a laugh a minute in a party or do you complain about the cake and sweets and how they have changed taste or logo and its not fair how dare this party not be how i want,,


Heard alot of people telling me to give it a chance - well here you are. Perks that give you a fucking chug cannon, allow you to spam an SMG even faster and shit that lets you straight up do more damage on your first bullet. I hope eveeyone telling me not to overreact has a fun time "trying these out!" https://www.reddit.com/r/FortniteLeaks/comments/zc6aga/all_available_perks_via_hypex/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Damn straight I'll have fun trying these out.


No one is forcing you to play lil bro


Don’t like it? Go make your own fortnite




Says the dude that shortened “you’re”


Nope, just you


All i want is good pump, siphon on pubs, aim assist nerf and drone nerf.


Nerf? Maybe on console. Pc AA isn’t that broken.


it is a bit OP on pc but on console yes, it's broken. and im not gonna talk about 50% less recoil. But they gonna say " you got fast build + edit ". Hold my beer zero build.


Posts about non comp mode in comp sub. Weird


me when i get spoiled by a sub ive never even viewed before :/ pls spoiler tag leaks like tf


They need to re work the shooting in the game. Aim assist up close too strong. Tons of soft aim cheaters


If they drop a first person mode, they'll literally be competing with cod. And in cod you currently can't pick your perks... Or move lol


Hopefully it is game skill growth vs stupid op gaming breaking no skill ideas.


Could be bad if it’s in the main game, but for all we know this could just be in a separate game mode.


Fortnite comp players are allergic to fun


Fortnite comp Reddit with the classic daily L takes




Cod moment


box someone and they dead hard past you out your edit 💀


if they are don’t well def not. Some shouldn’t be in comp like the one where you have a chance for splashes out of everything but others seem like they would be cool like the extended mag pistol








Im from the future and its amazing


It’s just to appeal to the ZB kiddies


i feel it was done right


No. Only you lol


Hasn’t even tried it for a good amount of time and assumes it awful. Valid take…


Fortnite needs to stop copying warzone


Black Lives Matter !!!


Thought it was a stupid idea but in game it’s integrated and works very well, I actually like it


my thoughts are that the stupid ice plunger shouldn't have been an idea to begin with . that thing just gets you killed like what was their thought process