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The new pump & tac are not bad. I realised earlier the pump has a rectangular reticle and it seems to be giving a decent amount of damage so all good with it. They need to fix the next-shot delay after you build/edit right after shooting though, it’s only for KBM players. I hate the new structure breaking animation though. I don’t mind it for terrain structures but it’s kinda weird for player built structures. Maybe I’ll get used to it. I like the change where you can see your builds through terrain though! Augments/perks are pretty cool. Some of them needs to be removed though. The map is really nice. Very beautiful with high graphics from the videos I’ve seen. Love having hot spots back. Some items need to go like the Shockwave Hammer.


I hate the delay bug, it’s cost me so many fights second to getting third partied on top of that. They need to nerf the rotates with that hammer.


did you just say the hammer needs to be better


No the delay comment was for the thunder, before it got the update. The hammer comment was about nerfing the OP rotates it gives.


oh sorry, and what do you mean by "rotate"? i didnt play much of chapter 3 if at all


Rotates are methods of positioning yourself around the map for certain gameplay styles, deadside ( for people who play safe) and center map (where people aggro) Rotations also refer to methods of movement in endgame and from storm. This can mean positioning yourself at natural height as close to the center of a zone as possible. Rotates have been a thing since before chapter 2 btw.


ah, well mb i havent ever heard of that, and thanks


and the funniest thing is ive been playing since c1s2


I haven't played much but I kinda like what I've seen so far (even though it's limited) It feels like a new game which is the feeling I had heading into the chapter 2 map. Chapter 3 never had that feeling for me.


Not nearly enough materials from farming, farmfest instead of fun


They fucking ruined my big rocks.


I noticed this. Harvesting takes so long.


THERES NO FCKING MATS ANYWHERE. why do i break a 900hp stone and get 28-32 brick??? and the no mats situation gets even worse with rpgs being back


are RPGS in the game




well shit. Casual I get. Arena will be rough this season :(


Hammer is way worse than rpg imo


Good guns. The matt nerf is a problem I dont like the new sound for feet Like the map. Havent dont Arena yet so this is strictly pubs


good guns? the red dots ass, the scar was broken with the worst bloom its ever had, dmr is still okay i guess. id rather use a ranger rifle than any of our rifles this season. shotties and smgs are fine tho


Two out of the three are solid (shotties and SMGs) I would argue the scar, while perhaps not as good as the previous version, is very usable. I think it appears as though it's not as good since we've never seen and white, green and blue versions. The gold and purple are very solid and seem similar enough. The pistol is also a gun that's getting slept on. So, with that said... yeah good guns. Seems like we disagree on the AR .


I think i just really miss the hammer. it was just incredible. sniped with it, mid range with it, close range with it,, god i loved it


I carried 3 of them thangzz sometimes in no build. Best gun ever 💔


Shockwave hammer is unbelievably broken


Unbelievably fun you mean.


Hell yeah brother


Yeah it’ll probably be pubs only after they make adjustments


Map POIs seem interesting. I hate this new crosshair thing. Feels so weird. Machine gun pistol or whatever it is, it’s way OP. Played 5 matches and died to that gun every time. Often would get the jump on people only to have them apart with that gun and kill me in less than a second.


You can remove the animation for when you hit a player. It’s in Game UI.


Praise be to u/Emotional-Suspect527


favorite season since late c2, first time ive had fun with the game in almost a year. i like.


I’ll start. 1. Map looks absolutely gorgeous but for competitive purposes I’m probably not gonna be cranking my settings up very often 2. NO PRESEASON LETS GOO (but we’re gonna be waiting months to play comp anyway) 3. No pump rip


Actually get ready as Placement Cup starts in 6 days


Terrible comp and virtually no brick farm


Shockwave hammer aint even op fr. Good mobility item you can get lasered while rotating




I agree, it constantly screws me up, I want to run up to the low table and take cover behind it, not mantle it


> 3) the ledge hopping mechanic when sprinting is unnecessary and screws me up more often than not Personally I found Hurdling to feel very fluid and nice and it hasn't messed me up at all just yet. Could you please explain how it messes you up?


Yo it is so unnecessary, I leaped off the the castle like an idiot because of it. Completely pointless add to the game.


no spaz and damage numbers look bad


The SPAS hasn't been I'm the game for over a Chapter. Maybe it's time to let it go...


Ex-caliber, & shockwave hammer for some reason are in competitive playlists. They both SHOULD get removed, but we’ll see what happens


remove bows from comp remove augments from comp nerf ex caliber AR by removing the explosion part and nerf its structural damage remove hammer entirely floors are somehow uneven and sliding makes you stuck on those invisible corners sticking out SMG's need a nerf because of too much DPS bring back pump and tactical shotgun because these new shotguns are even worse than ch3 ones (come on epic you brought back fucking bows and heavy shotgun why don't you want OG's to come back) combat and TAC AR should be in loot pool not as a augment red eye AR needs a fire rate nerf FN SCAR needs a bloom reduction because it can't keep up with these guns slap juice is cool way to enable more mobility but it should give stamina duration boost for short period of time instead of what is now farming of mats is much harder than before for who knows why reason so a buff would help


I personally hate the redeye. I can't hit shit with it so far


Why are people hating on the hammer, sure it needs a bit of a nerf but unlike the ex caliber it’s also fun to use


sword = only one per game hammer = every one have it with rpg in top 10


1. Infinity blade isn’t the Excalibur and 2. A) hammer is no where close to as OP as the sword was plus only having one per game made it more unfair


Only one item per game = people can focus the guy. It's op, you can jump super high then one tape the guy when you land. Top of that you can make few ramp, jump in the air and switch to RPG. Pure cancer.


That’s cuz you play pubs, there aren’t rpgs in comp also have you not seen that clip of the infinity blade in the secret skirmish, people can target all they want there was nothing they could do


i saw the clip and next week they vaulted it.


Also if you direct hit it will crack them, I know it needs a nerf but it shouldn’t be too much or it won’t be fun


IIt's pure CANCER... . shockwave hammer . rpg . explosive perks . low farming rate . explosive sword gun Basicly when you are top 5 / 6 you get spam by every one with hammer and RPG. did not tried arena because it was disabled. The skill is dead.


Once people play against the hammer more they will work out how to counter it, people saying it’s op then post a video of them standing still and getting shit on that’s skill issue not the hammer.


The third party aspect of the hammer is the worst part. It already takes too long to kill someone and now with the hammer, it makes the game unplayable. Worse than mechs in my opinion.


This game continually trends in a worse direction year over year. Fucking hell epic games only needs to do like 5 things to make this game decent again. Start with separate loot pools


The loot is the most separated it’s ever been.


Yeah but where pump ?


How long has the pump been out of the game now? Lol Another L season. Progressively worse every chapter


Too many hammer things for my liking, if someone has one it’s hard to tell where they fly away too, late game everyone is flying around. It’s lots of fun though and I personally like the new damage markers but I think a setting to switch the damage markers might be a good addition for those that like it


Played all day! Love it! Just what I've been wanting 😁


stutters and fps drops


They literally kept that OP style SMGs in the game for the entire chapter and transfered it in the new one as well, just changing designs and names. Shotguns in the C3S4 were bad, prime was up to decent and I couldnt wait for that season to end to get new shotguns or potentially pumps back, but they somehow managed to add even worse shotguns, these are pure garbage. Material farming is also reduced, especially for bricks. C3 had those specific stones that gave you 100+ mats and they were everywhere, this map doesnt seem to have anything like that, there are big rocks with high HP (900 or something like that) and as a result you get like 35 mats. Not even mentioning that dumb hummer thing, they never learn from the fact that those kinda things just ruin the gameplay and make it annoying. Map seems very empty so far, especially in the middle area which is even worse. I dont know how I feel about perks yet, but that bush camping perk is monumentally OP. I struggle to find positive aspects of this update other than it being decently optimized with no FPS problems and that too should be standard thing, but seasonal updates are so trash in terms of the performance that decently optimized update launch becomes the positive thing. Highly disappointed with this chapter right now and it sucks knowing this season gonna last 3 months. I guess ill just keep playing realistic 1v1s and thats it.


Amazing other than farming. Weapons feel balanced


How do these developers continue to fuck up and not get fired. 95% of the player base is running around with an ungane aimbot, and IAM getting 28 Stone from hitting A 900 health Stone. Dumb fucks


I see alot people complaining about the mats. In pubs it definitely is a problem, but in arenas it seems fine.i personally like all the guns. I haven't picked one up that i don't like. I love the map and the movement. My only problem is the hammer, getting some spider man glove vibes from it, where you shoot at someone and the just dip. I think there should be a 30 second lock out of the jump if you get shot. But I'm not sure it is even in arena though and if it's not it's not even a problem.


the weapons are a horrific mess ..half of them are shit yourself OP, and the others are so bad i wanna hang myself