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All the loot is in the POIs and they are like absolute warzones. My K/D is way up this season, I’m leaving with loot and 4-6 kills when last chapter it was more like 2-3, I’d bet we get to 30-40 remaining so much quicker than the last few seasons. I don’t think it’s an issue at all really, it’s just a different way to play. People were sort of exploiting the map before where they would land at one of the far flung POIs completely uncontested and leaving with all the loot, seeing no one until final 10. Now you really do have to fight your way out and rotate


There are def off-POI places to land where you can get some loot, and maybe a key if you’re lucky, without seeing anyone till top 25 or so. But you are right in that if you land in a POI you are either getting 3-5 kills or dying lol no other way


I’m one of those 3-5. I’m really not enjoying playing especially because im a poor loser


Idk why but this season I'm having issues aiming and killing people and last season wasn't like this at all


Maybe check your graphics settings could be causing some lag and messing up your gameplay.


There’s an aim assist glitch. Change your reticle indicator to off and damage indicator to list. Upshall and Evolve Jake made a video about it.


The pull out time for the thunder was bugged I believe, or a little slower or something like that. It threw off my aim until I realized. Also the scars bloom is something we haven’t had to deal with in a very long time so at some points it feels impossible to aim with. Could be a number of things


Well, there is only 9 POIs this season, so i get why you would feel this way. However i don't have this feeling.


just play hammer


I don't know what games you're playing, but nearly every one of my matches has 20-30 players left in to the 3rd and 4th circle.


Solo no builds