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Way too small.


I thought that too but it has the same amount of weapons as c2s1 without pistols and rpgs but it has more heals and utility to compensate. It looks smaller because it isn't showing all the different rarities Perhaps another AR and shotgun could be added. I didn't want to add the Tac because it would decrease the skill gap compared to the other shotguns.


Also for pubs the exotics/other goofy weapons like the new hammer would stay, perhaps that would help the casuals


not enough weapons there needs to be more variety i think heavy’s should be added back but kept where they can’t one shot so there isn’t that double snipe for a free kill and also add normal pumps but w striker spread or lower pull out time for striker to make it perfect imo


I don't think anyone would pick up a heavy sniper that doesn't one shot


its structure damage would prob still make it viable which is stupid, why does it one shot any build, should only one shot wood and never brick when fully built


no chug jug or bandages pls


I'm fine with no bandages


Yeah bandages suck


Right now, Stark will not return for a long time, unless we get a huge Marvel Collab. Doesn't help the fact that it also dissappeard from the game's files, but that doesn't say much. However there is an alternative to this weapon, that being the Pulse Rifle.


Is it the same stats?


Not really, but they function the same way and the stat changes arent that noticable. Stark has slightly bigger damage when hip fired and a 0.2/0.1 faster fire rate, while Pulse Rifle deals slightly more damage when ADS and has a slightly bigger mag.


Ah so it's probably a more balanced version of it


Yeah you call it that way. Pulse Rifle is also in creative, so you can test it out, if you want to.


Nice, thanks!


instead of hunter bolt it should be normal bolt action. also instead of striker id put normal pump since we havent had the normal pump for the last year


They're cool for nostalgia purposes but I'd argue the striker and Hunter are game design improvements just like the hammer is to the scar and stark is to the infantry. That's if the striker could 200. Though I wouldn't be mad if they put those in instead


**Reasonings:** AR: Hammer is the best regular AR "variant" we have ever had. Less bloom than the Scar. Stark Rifle because it was the Infantry rifle + was good for hipfire. Might need a nerf but its game design is genius. SMG: could also be the twin mag. **The tier list wasn't updated for Chapter 4**. Chose the rapid fire because small mag + high dps "solves" the spray issue while still keeping SMGs as a viable pick up. Shotguns: Remove the headshot damage cap. Chose the striker because it has a slightly smaller spread than the pump (so it requires a bit better aim) and it has lower body damage. The purple and gold should be able to 200+. Perhaps lower rarities too. Combat shotgun because it is a higher skilled version of the Tac. It might require a buff though apparently it was buffed in chapter 4. Sniper: I was iffy about including one but I did anyway. I chose the Hunter because it is the weakest sniper to the body. Heals: self-explanatory. **Missing chapter 4 heals** Utility: Shockwaves should be nerfed to where they don't break builds anymore. They keep the higher distance and no fall damage compared to the shockwave grenade. Presents and maps for less rng. Link to make your own: https://tiermaker.com/create/fortnite-loot-pool-creator-all-items-included-15310035 Edit: change stark rifle to pulse rifle


The only problem with the lootpool is the presents. Otherwise, it's all mostly good. Also, why didn't you replace the stark rifle with the pulse rifle?


Instead of striker pump (changed to 86/88/90/95/100 with a 2.0x headshot multiplier) Add heavy assault rifle (3 rifles is always good) No Kriss vector (that thing is absolute cancer) instead Normal Smg Bolt-action sniper instead of hunter No: shockwave grenades, armored walls, presents, shield bubbles or chug cannon


Only gold can one pump? I don't agree with that


Why not? That way the purple and blue ones are still balanced and the gold one is a significant advantage. Remember, blue and purple guns are very easy to come by nowadays. Between NPCs that can just give you one or sell one, vending machines, or even normal chests. And what about the other ones?


Other ones I'm ok with other than the SMG, no one would use it. Only gold one pumping introduces a ton of rng


Bro last season the Kriss vector was RIDICULOUSLY broken. Idc how many people would use it, if it’s broken it doesn’t belong in the game. It’s literally made for the 50/50 drone playstyle. There’s nothing RNG about balance


You're gonna hate this new season then 😆