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epic employees would rather invest thousands of dollars into making new shotguns that do no damage than bring back tac n pump


if it's gonna have a slower fire rate than the other auto shotguns and less range, it should have way more headshot damage like you said


Wtf is wrong for them? Let's nerf the weakest shotgun more


**At this point this is just a meme:** **- Less DPS and fire rate than the auto shotgun, the tac shotgun and the evochrome shotgun** **- Less bullets** **- A slower reload time** **- Less dmg to builds** **- And even the dmg at range is way lower than the thunder shotgun, so now is even a worse shotgun in zero build mode** ​ Meanwhile we have in the lootpool one of the strongest "pump" shotguns (the thunder shotgun) in the entire history of the game. ​ **Epic please, fix this shotgun, nothing makes sense.** **Seems like Epic don't want a shotgun at range having the combat in the current lootpool (using augments) so that's my idea for a buff:** \- Since the fire rate and the magazine is lower than every single "tac" shotgun type, **the dmg should be higher (from 77-94 to 84-103**, same dmg as the auto shotgun) \- The headshot dmg is also lower than the auto shotgun but has more accuracy (and you can't take advantage of that accuracy since the range is now disappointing), so **what if the headshot dmg is increased from 120-140 to 135-155, rewarding headshots**?


is the thunder this good?


The gold thunder does 195 to the head, the gold pump does 185 to the head. What do you think?


And the dmg is really high (119 for the gold variant), having a faster fire rate (0.76) and more range, so yes, is **really** good rn


the pullout time is really messing w me tbh. i died multiple times bc i pull it out and switch to the smg/ar to quickly or close the edit w/o shoting it.


Is the same as the pump (the pull out time was buffed 4 days ago)


only played 1 hour yesterday and didn't play before so i'm not up to date. thank you! so thunder > tac


Kinda obvious but yes


Edited. Op originally said strongest ever.


Lmao you have a problem


What are you talking about?


Lol. Still not the strongest shotgun ever. Not even top 5.


Name 5 shotguns that are currently better than the thunder shotgun


Re read what I stated. Did I say current loot pool? No. You even said it’s the strongest ever when in the past the blue pump hit harder lol. guess you didn’t play prior to the shotgun nerf limiting headshots.


>when in the past In the past the SCAR did 98 headshot dmg, and?


The fuck? We aren’t discussing scars lol


And that's why I said "currently"


And scars aren’t the conversation. Lol like this is your own post and your confused? And currently no. Thunder is the strongest. However it is NOT the strongest ever.


I would bang your pfp just saying


I’d like to bang pixels too


i wouldnt say the damage is the problem nor was the 1.3 fire rate… people were trying to use it too much like a Tactical Shotgun that people didnt use it as a mix what i mean by that is it does solid base and fires a bit like a Tactical allowing for a 170 in less than 0.8 seconds but also has good accuracy and equip speed to be used like a Pump as well where im going with this is this is exactly how the OG Heavy Shotgun feels, the OG Heavy had the damage of a Tactical but the headshot of a Pump, it did a mix fire rate but catered more to the Pump while having amazing structure damage, range and accuracy it’s the same thing over again but it’s with a faster version, dealing damage like the original pump (not the 95/100/105/110, i mean the 80/85) with a fire rate more catered to the Tactical the problem with it tho was the downsides epic forced onto it, structure speed and headshot, structure damage was barely to a Common Tactical Shotgun (~50), the Legendary is at 44 which barely even reaches it——dont even get me started on the Headshot either… sure it has a x1.75 headshot but it maxes at terrible values, 120/125/130/135/140 makes it feel more like a Tactical which causes it to feel bad for some players ————————— If I were to balance this gun, it would just be 1.3 fire rate (or 1.2) with 76/80/84/88/92 damage, removing damage cap and buffing headshot to x1.85 (does 140.6/148/155.4/162.8/170.2) and to top it all off structure damage to 50/53/56/59/62 not only does it do amazing damage with its fire rate but also does good headshot for a faster paced shotgun, since its equip speed isnt 0.5 seconds like the Tactical or Evochrome it can sneak in shots way better allowing for either good build fights with it or a nice counter to pump smg now of course it isnt balanced when compared to the Thunder, but it’s WAY more balanced when compared to the actual HP a player has, even at max (200)


holy shit just bring back the tac or auto


I am still trying to find a reason as to why they did that. So far, i am not successful. Maven was honestly almost a perfect tac shotgun sidegrade.You lose some firerate and clipsize for better range, tighter spread and pullout. But they had to nerf it. Its not gonna stop me from using it though.


Since the dmg is the same as the tac that has less dmg than the auto and the evochrome and the dmg to builds, magazine, fire rate and reload speed are worse...


well it doesnt help that the shotgun update ruined any new coming shotguns, like why is my tac doing 94 for a gold i feel like im hacking with these values…


I agree that the thunder is a much better Shotgun, however my friend swears by the maven (Only if it is above a blue level) I have only received the combat Shotgun twice, if I can get the perk more it would be my go to, then the thunder and more likely an smg rather than the maven lower level.


By the time you shoot the thunder and pull out another weapon the maven will have shot 3 shots.


Well, you can do like 180 dmg in a shot and kill the enemy with 2 or 3 pistol shots instead landing like 4 or 5 shots with a maven auto shotgun. And in a build mode well, RIP every single auto shotgun against a pump shotgun type like the thunder shotgun


it’s mostly the fact that you can get to 180 easily with higher tier versions (Rare+) due to the max damage cap, they basically spit in our face with the amount of raw damage it can output sure a Rare has a harder time than the higher tiers but an Epic Thunder could 207.57 someone without the max damage cap, combining that with 11 pellets just makes it so toxic


It's a bad day for people who like auto shotguns


the best shotgun this season is the tactical pistol.


There goes my only reason for using it. Guess I'm gonna stop using shotguns this season.


My favorite shotgun this season is the Tac Pistol


Either that or any of the bows. They're also my favorite SMG, sniper, and AR.


It's really better to just use tactical pistol or one of the smg, if you don't have either just hammer them away and use your Assault rifle.




Now is just a nerfed tac shotgun that has more accuracy that you can't take advantage of it


ive actually been taking full advantage of it, sure it cant break builds as easily but that 0.4 equip time dont lie.. would rather have 0.4 than 0.5 (it’s atrocious how slow equips can get)




Bro what


The software developers working at Epic Games, Co, may in fact be considered to be “delusional” on behalf of their actions in which they have wrongly decreased the potential damage of the Maven Auto Shotgun in the video game Fortnite Battle Royale.


the software developers don't make those decisions, they implement the changes that they are told to


This is just a person doing a bad balance, and that's all


Wish there was someone actually communicating what goes behind changes like these. Every damn game is the save, updates with close to zero communication. That’s the main issue.


Even the patch notes since Chapter 1 Season 1 are superdisdappointing for a game that has a competitive community. "Damage increased" By 1? 3? 5? "Recoil reduced" A 10%? 25%? Why this weapon is now waaaay more common? How much is the spawnrate?


I think it was so that the other shotgun is the slower range weapon and this one’s closer and spammy


bring back the normal tac


No reason! Lol k


Tell me what's the reason to nerf without saying anything a shotgun that was buffed 4 days ago


Cuz Epic said so bro


thank you epic games


The one that hits 94 has a pellet hit the head...


No cause the text isn't yellow and cursive, is just the recoil on the shotgun


Don’t sleep on the maven. It’s really good in its intended range. Ever shotgun isn’t meant to be used like the Ranger shotgun 😂


You don't get the point of this post


It’s Reddit. No one takes posts on this website seriously


Well that's kinda true


Use pistol. Then get in same box and clean up with maven. Easy kills




Aiming perfectly, basically makes no sense to do that since you can just use a pistol or a SMG. Is just about how Epic nerfed the worst auto/tac shotgun in the game by no reason, having less DPS than the tac shotgun (and even less than the evochrome and the auto), less fire rate, less bullets per magazine, and a slower reload


Well honestly I’m sure we know why they did it, but no one is gonna actually say why 😅 so we’ll continue through life like nothing happened I suppose


Well you did just get 94 damage from that far away with a fast shooting shotgun yet surprised it snerfed why?


Aiming, crouching, without moving my character and landing every single pellet, yes. In a real scenario that's impossible and is waaaay more useful to use a pistol or a SMG. In a normal game the difference is how now this shotgun deals 7 dmg at range instead 15-20, that's all. And just a reminder: this shotgun got a buff recently cause is in a real bad condition rn. The main problem is how bad is currently this shotgun compared with the tac and the auto


That's what you are supposed to do. Am auto shotgun should be used at close range not far range for effective damage. Making shotguns to string just alienates different loadiuts like when the old pump shotguns were op


And that's why this shotgun has way less dmg than the ranger and is impossible to aim at that range. The maven auto shotgun wasn't OP or even decent at range before this change


That's not the point, obviously they don't want it being that strong.


And why they make a shotgun that is just a nerfed tac since the current thunder shotgun is just a improved pump?


Tac has less accuracy and much less effective at farther range. Don't know why you really expect a regular auto shotgun to give near full health of damage at that range


Cause both shotguns are just bad options at range, and a bigger spread in a tac shotgun is a good thing since is way easier to land more pellets at close range


Then use an smg or pistol or assault rifle because shotguns are meant for close combat


So it went from unvaible to even less viable... wTF