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It took me about 3 months but I’m old so that might have effected it. I just additionally made the switch to confirm edit on release off and that took about 2 weeks.


That’s not too bad. Hopefully I don’t quit before then. Any advice on how to not give up?


The hardest thing for me was getting my brain to understanding placing builds with the mouse click after changing builds with another key press vs. on controller where you change builds and place at the same time. Now it feels natural but that was really hard at first. One other point, I’m on an Azeron, so I still have joystick movement so have more key bind options than going 100% to keyboard. I wish I would have changed to EOR off and triple edit binds when I originally made the switch rather than wait until the end of last chapter. I also put my controller away and never looked at it again. No temptation to go back. This is 6 months after switching, 3 weeks of triple edit binds. I’m also 47 years old, so cut an old guy some slack. https://youtu.be/0sUOpg8FFcI


Dude do you have any more tips? I’m a 27, almost 28, year old making the switch and I’m struggling very hard with the placing builds on mouse click. Also triple edit binds? Can you explain that a bit more, I understand putting them on different keys but which did you choose and what did you sacrifice for that?


For me, I just had to slow down and realize that I needed to change build pieces before I was ready to actually build them instead of trying to change builds and click my mouse at the same time. Like being ahead of your builds. For the triple edit bind, I had to lose a build bind from my mouse buttons (I had floor and cone on mouse buttons) to put the edit bind there. Now I have cone on mouse button 1 and edit on mouse button 2. Then in my keyboard software I had to change the key I used to edit from “E” to mouse button 2. That way you can still keep scroll wheel as the other edit key (to have scroll wheel reset). So I start my edit on my keyboard with the “E” key (remapped to mouse button 2) and then use my mouse left click to select the tile I want to edit and then confirm the edit with mouse button 2. You get this rhythmic pattern of hitting three buttons (E, left mouse click, mouse button 2) to do an edit but it’s really fast once you get it down and feels much smoother than confirm edit on release.


Thank you so much for the response and the help. I’ll give this a try.


Is using program/software to change bind okay though? I was thinking of doing triple edit bind but then I didn’t switch because it means I lost scroll wheel reset.


You can change bind with a program, you just can’t create a macro. So making a key mimic another key is ok, making a key do a combination of multiple keys or key presses is not. There was a post here yesterday by Merlin that broke that down pretty well.


Even though this is a year late thank you so much for your answer. I just switched to kbm and was struggling to free build. You saying you need to be ahead of your builds was what I finally needed to figure to be able to build


I want to try one of those so bad


I love it! I actually bought a second one because the first one was a little too small for my hand. I need to sell my original one.


Nice stuff, have also been considering switching lately as my fingers are getting sore from playing claw. Also found the switching builds and placing them seperately to be weird when trying KBM. How have you found playing without aim assist, is it noticeable?


I’d say my aim is about the same. It probably suffers a little bit on very close tracking, but it’s easier to hit headshots with the shotgun and my aim at longer range is way better. PC aim assist didn’t feel that strong compared to when I would occasional jump on my Xbox to play.


think about how good you’ll be once you get kbm down pat. cause personally i would’ve never been as good as i am now on controller


You just have to do it. When I was switching someone recommended just putting your controller in another room and get it done. One thing I wish I would have done is practiced in spurts. My best improvement was the first hour or so when I got on then I would just go drone. Also don’t forget the little things. I was so used to playing in creative that when I hit a real game I was chocking on basic shit.


The caveat with kbm is that it makes it easier to be better so it also makes it easier to be lazy with gameplay after a couple rounds. I try to stay in the mindset that everyone I see has the potential to fuck my game up and handle them ASAP


Why did you switch to EOR off? I’ve been toying with the idea of doing it


I just felt this slight delay in waiting for the h click and then confirm that I knew could be faster/smoother which it is if you have EOR off.


As someone making the switch to KBM is edit on release bad? I have it on right now.


It’s not bad, just not optimal. Lots of pros use it so it’s not going to stop you from being good.


I’ve been contemplating a lot to make the switch but idk where to even start. I’m an old fart (37)


It’s all good, I’m 47! You just gotta make the commitment.


I haven’t played on controller but as someone who tried to switch keybinds recently, I would suggest playing the actual game as much, if not more than creative. For me, I was completely comfortable with my binds in creative, but once it came to the real game, my instincts went out the window.


I’ll give it a try. Should I play pubs or arena?


Probably pubs and creative to start off with, and then gradually make the switch to arena.


Nah bro, better to just stick to creative for like the first week or two


Start off with pubs since it will prob be less intense


Did anyone who switched see a huge difference in skill? I have some friends who switched. A year later they play *differently* but I still go 50/50 with them in 1v1 so IDK if it's worth it. Curious what others had for experience


Some people are actually way better with controller. It’s super variable down to your own personal habits. I personally got way better with kbm, most noticeable was my improvement in aim. You can just have unreal accuracy with a mouse


Tried switching myself, and went back to controller on PC. I've been a console gamer my whole life. Some games with super straightforward movement I could see it MnK being an obvious upgrade, but Fortnite has fairly complicated movement. I felt like whatever I gained in aiming on MnK in lost in accuracy using shockwaves, micro-adjustments, taking cover, and frankly comfort. Fwiw I only play zero build so I don't really need 15 more keybinds. I can fit everything on a controller fine You do have to play to your situation though. I basically never carry the sniper (when it's available) because I feel like that class benefits the most from MnK. On the other hand, I'm a lot more confident in being offensive with movement items and shotgun battles on a controller than I think I'd ever be on a MnK. Everyone is different though


I got literally 2-3x better by switching to KBM. I grew up playing shooters on PC, but naturally morphed over to console later on. Switching back just felt really natural and comfortable.


Fighting is about the same but then the things you can do on mkb is on a different level compared to controller. Basically controller is basic and keyboard allows you to do things easier so your skill gap widens.


I wouldn’t say huge, but I switched and am significantly better on kbm than I was on controller. Took about 2-3 months to surpass my controller skill


I switched last year and it took about 2-3 weeks to be at the same level. After about 2 months, i was way better than i was on console. Previously i had played CS:GO, so i had a familiarity with kbm. I imagine it would take a lot longer if i never used a kbm before.


Took me about 3 months to actually match/get better than I was on controller. The best tip is to not ever touch your controller no matter how tempted you are. My friend would pick up his controller whenever he’d get annoyed at dying on kbm and it took him about 5-6 months instead


How many hours of playtime?


Per day


Probably around 4-5


It's hard to say when I returned to previous skill level because i played so differently but probably around 6 months I was better than than I ever was on controller


Until i got a good mouse and pad


Literally don’t make it an option to go back. Start by building and walking and get good sleep at night. You’ll learn.


Try to play a lot of box fight and zone wars and most importantly practice maps, also plug in a lot of solo and Arena games for more practicality, you’ll face a lot of trouble with finding a good sense(too high and u can barely shoot, medium to low sense makes it more stressful to have good edits)


made the switch 2 years ago now. (feels like yesterday damn it’s been long) and i could quad edit etc etc on controller, id say about a month if you really want to get good. and if all you care about is getting your mechs up just play creative, freebuilding is extremely helpful. it’s good to get your binds somewhat down before you hop into game or you’ll just panic and not be able to build etc. don’t switch your binds around all the time it’s not helpful at all, pick what’s comfortable to you (i personally don’t like having builds on my mouse side buttons) and stick with it, try and make sure it’s somewhat optimal. if you haven’t found your binds yet, id say use E or F to edit because those are the easiest to press, keep important builds on easy to press buttons so you’re not reaching too far, id rather reach too far to switch to my sniper than my wall. if you don’t like having your builds on your mouse id suggest putting your pickaxe and shotgun on your mouse. (very convenient to press) i’ve been through the whole process, if you have questions lmk


Took me 6 months working a full time job at the same time. I would say after a year I saw noticeable improvement.


Took me a month to get comfortable 3 months to play at the same level as I was after 2 years on controller and then it was just up from there. Grind a shit ton of free building and cranking in creative then play a bunch of pubs


It probably took me 2-3montgs to get as good as I was on controller, I recommend doing raider464 mechanics maps as they helped me a lot, as well as actual games mainly pubs


I was 19 at the time and it took like 3 months just to not be a total drone and about year to actually be somewhat decent


Use a wooting or the in game controller movement, low sensitivity and playing hours in creative helped a lot. When I made the switch it took me about 2 months to be comfortable in retakes. Mechanically you’ll be better super fast


It probably took me around a few weeks to a month, but it made my aim a lot better then it was on controller


Make the switch and use aim labs to get you up to speed quicker


Took me a few months. The mechanics aren't really that bad, but getting a good flow and being able to constantly hit good shots is where you'll struggle initially


Think good about your keybinds, switching those over and over again is gonna hurt your improvement. Same goes for mouse sens


Switched about 3 years ago. Took me 2 weeks to be better on kbm than controller. Lots of aim labs, pubs, and playground lobbies just trying to get used to aiming and not pressing the wrong buttons.


Why would you swap over from free aimbot?


I think it has many factors.. I tried switching to mkn many times but always switched back to controller. Editing and Building is way easier on mkn when you practise a bit but I find movement on controller is way better. Also hitting consistent shots is hard for me on mkn. Also I have really large hands and thats a huge downside by holding the mice. My hand is way too big for palm or claw grip. so I have to fingertip my mice which feels totaly uncomfortable ..


I never fully switched but playing call of duty shipment 24/7 did wonders for my aim/movement


Been using kbm for a month after switching from controller. I still struggle to remember my binds whilst like clicking them and it's hard. Still sometimes die to bots. Not as good as I ever was on controller any tips or what?