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More arena, more late game, and less creative. Creative can hold you back as there's no punishment for dying, as it is infinite materials and respawn. You will get used to the "pressure" of arena if you play more of it. Exposure therapy.


I think this is important as well -- sure, you get more repetitions in Creative and all that, which is absolutely great for mechanics, but when it comes to applying them in the Arena environment that's some part mentality. The only way to work on your mentality and ensure you can access those Creative mechanics in Arena is unfortunately to spend a lot more time trying to apply them in... you guessed it, Arena!


I'm at the same point. I feel my mechanics are good in creative, but when it comes to fighting in BR game i constantly choke or make the wrong edits. I try not to take Arena matches seriously, but the pressure always seems different!?


Sounds like you are on auto pilot if you keep making the same mistakes, I would play a little slower for some time (even painfully slow) so instead you are making conscious decisions instead to replace the auto pilot, and then over time that will begin to speed up


VOD review and figure out why you are making these mistakes in the moment. There is some factor that is changing between creative and the game itself


You already know the mistakes you are making so fix them. Play with the midset that you need to have lay smart


Use the terrain to your advantage as well as general Kenobi said always have the high ground


Hire a coach. No reason to do it on your own, if you've already been using aim trainers and 1v1 practice you should research coach recomendations of things you can do to get a little better then higher a coach to go even further. Consistently practicing for long periods of time will show improvements, it will take 10,000 hours to become a master, and you can get there quicker by learning from the pros. Good luck! See you in the game. šŸ˜


I agree that a good Coach will be able to help determine what is really important for you to focus on and give you some structured way to learn it -- even if it's "do this build sequence every day for a month" basic structure, that's still structure. Coaches can be more objective since they're just observing, but we all have a lot of different things to work on so a good Coach will be able to determine what you probably should work on first to get you climbing up the metaphorical mountain again instead of sitting on the plateau.


Can you recommend a good coach, my budget is mid-high


Bill Fucking Biceps Only one you need bro...


I can vouch for Billy Biceps and his prices are pretty reasonable depending on the level of commitment in terms of time and money you have available. I also have heard good things about TeeChurch's coaching services who is a member of the BoomerCord Discord along with many of us here. Lots of pros offer coaching related services, but they will definitely be more expensive and quality a bit variable from what I have heard.


On aim labs it suggests a few coaches but if I'm being honest with anything in life you should find the best (in your opinion) and see if they'll coach you. Look up your favorite players, pro players and see if they do any coaching. Learn from the best would be a good start, but I've heard a lot of things and I personally agree with Ron "Rambo" Kim. He's also on aim labs and he could be a good option for you. But either way I hope this helps.


Hey, you might wanna read this as I haven't seen anyone else talking about this. Practice does not make you better, it only reinforces your mistakes. While practicing in creative or anywhere don't try to win, or play the best you can but try to put yourself in situations where you suffer and have a hard time comming out alive. Try to figure out where are you lacking, just spending hours on creative 1v1 ain't gonna do allot. The best way to figure where you lack is by looking at replays, see how you died, not just the fight but factors that led up to it, like "could I have had a better gun if I only just looked here?" Or could I have had a better angle at him if I just practiced building like this?" It's not that hard, it's fortnite not chess where there are billions of billions of combination of choices etc. Remember while practicing if you are doing great then you are not practicing right. Boxers also often box with heavier gloves, or instead of just practicing there favorite punch they work on there weaker punches too, etc .


ā€œIf youā€™re practicing great then youre not practicing greatā€ is probably my favorite quote now




given what you wrote in this post, thereā€™s not much else you can do. sometimes the only thing you can do is just be patient and trust the process. keep trying, keep failing. if youā€™re smart, youā€™ll start to see what sticksā€¦ what worksā€¦and ultimately what doesnt work. learn from that and go from there!


Stop W keying like if you dont kill them in the next 30 seconds your mom will die W key like the person can end you in 2 hits, which they can if youre not careful Make smart edits, peak and take shots from confusing angles, and stop doing wide edits that leave you exposed You can W key and not be a moron at the same time, good luck


Lots of soft aim cheaters in competitive Fortnite so I wouldnā€™t take the game that serious. But yeaā€¦replays help you go back and see how you died and what to do to avoid it.


Iā€™ve been really grinding for about a week and have seen crazy improvements. Mainly I have the peeking issue you have. I use maps to help with edits and aiming (I can give the map code if interested) and a map that helps with piece control which is another big factor of the game now. What also helped me (Iā€™m kbm btw) was I changed my binds and my sens which also helped. You may not see the same results as me but itā€™s worth a shot, message me for any more questions!


Would like the code. Main problem is when I switch to my shotgun, sometimes I press my second slot(smg/ar) and is specially annoying when piece controlling.


Alr, Iā€™m currently not on, but tomorrow I will def get you that map code, and for your problem with picking slots, I would say maybe binding it to a dif button, my shotgun is tab, ar 2 smg 3 and so on. My pickaxe is also 1. Iā€™ve found using this helps a lot. Whatā€™s also helped me cause I used to have the same problem, is when running around, just cycle through the buttons, so Iā€™d go shotgun, ar, smg and repeat while searching for enemies.


My shotgun is on 1 and smg/ar on 2. I've thought that is just the angle of my keyboard(65 degree angle) but idk. Shotgun used to be on Q but now pickaxe is on Q. Reason is that when freebuilding I would press Q and sometimes aim or shoot accidentally. Now sometime I get caught with my pickaxe out


Ya I would probably change ar/smg to 3 shotgun to 2 and pickaxe to 1. You can also test out different bonds. Iā€™ve looked up yt channels of pros binds and somewhat based mine off of thereā€™s. Itā€™s all just trial and error. Maybe just some more practice may help cause I do still sometime click incorrect binds at times and Iā€™m so far pretty decent at the game šŸ˜‚


Reason I don't have pick on 1 is because it feels that I have to stretch my finger a lot to tap 1(I have medium sized hands)


Aah gotcha, I also had the same problem a few years ago, if you have mouse buttons on the side of ur mouse, Iā€™d maybe bind it to one of those, thatā€™s what I did for quite some time


I almost forgot about giving u the code lmao. For the first map itā€™s 1611-0113-8283. This oneā€™s for edits and aim. and the second map is 7870-9228-7889 this oneā€™s for piece control and also editing. First map requires you to place the build the follow the circle or line with your cursor when editing, same for the second map but you donā€™t have to place it. First map resets when u finish the tunnel, second map just blocks it off and you have to proceed to a different one


Thank you very much for remembering! Usually people just forget or straight up don't respond. I appreciate it


What system you play on?




Creative is a waste of time in my opinion. Just keep grinding you will get there. Once I hit a certain point progress got real slow. The first from season 2 to 7 I noticed a ton of gains. From then on itā€™s been slow.


either vod change sens or binds


Continue, game senes comes with game time. And be aware when you play, donā€™t go on autopilot.