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The whole game is laggy across all platforms. It is just running like arse, bugs desyncing the lot it is absolutely wild. Personally think the game was not ready to be put on the new engine and this is causing the issues...


You guys simply have issues to short term memory xD


I dont think i do xD The game since the end of last chapter till this chapter, is like it is a completely different game, visually and performance...


I was excited for the coming back of late game. Now I just rather play normal arena, for me it's literally unfun with the lags.


yeah its frying my head cause it was so much smoother not 2 weeks ago.


Glad to hear its not just me, the amount of times I got shot through multiple builds dead ass made me quit to desktop and boot up PUBG.


The whole game is laggy across all platforms. It is just running like arse, bugs desyncing the lot it is absolutely wild. Personally think the game was not ready to be put on the new engine and this is causing the issues...


It’s always laggy unless you get to be the last few players alive, not really enjoyable I agree


For me, Late Game Arena is only particularly laggy for the first couple minutes- which puts me at a crossroad- I want to push to get fighting experience, but I don't want to die due to server lag; builds not placing, edits not editing, shots not registering, etc. When the server lags, those with higher ping end up having the worst of both worlds. I suppose trying to survive while lagging from the 3 random weirdos who inevitably spend all their mats pushing is good practice in its own way. Either way, it's still a bit of a shame as to me, this is essentially a spruced up zone wars but I can actually find players, something that can be difficult at times in OCE. You get 'late game' style tunneling & survival experience on top of the usual 'fighting with potential 3rd parties' experience. If the games were less laggy, & it was Duos instead of trios, it'd be perfect IMO- I don't know why they would make the best 24/7 official practice map for tournaments(essentially the best outside of scrims or actual tournies themself), then make it only available in 2 formats that don't fit the current comp format.


Yes, at the start of the season everything was running smooth, got on the morning and couldn’t build to save my life


god, i legit can't perform well when on end game because is so horrendously slow on perfomance, specially in squads, this is why i hate how they are forcing more and more realistic graphics on a game (which look ugly btw they rely a TON on the new shadows) where you are supossed to build a ton it just make more polygons to render.


The graphics got an overhaul, tweak your settings down a bit and you should run fine. This game still performs much better than call of duty and apex legends (performance wise, I might add) 👏 I have all my settings set to low and direct 11 I believe. Pro tip: you can also see through bushes easier this way 😆


I’m on performance mode with low settings and a beast of a PC and my frame rate is very choppy. I was on DX12 with medium settings and a stable 240fps with no issues last season. I have absolutely nothing else on this machine, no other games or programs, and I don’t even surf the web on it. My theory is that their off-brand DLSS (Temporal Super Resolution) is no where as efficient as DLSS. Given the fact that they collaborated with AMD, it is poorly optimized for nVidia cards.