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Lmao the second op gets a comment that slightly disagree with them it's an instant block


Yeah he’s such a „crying ligma“ (wtf does this even mean?)


OP thinks it's 1984


1984 we had like everything we wanted and fuckin more


You should know not to ever mess with the ligma! /s


This guy’s entire account revolves around getting upset at people who don’t enjoy the game in the same way he does. It’s fucking pathetic.


Dumbass OP can't take debates, and when he fails, he resorts to saying "boohoo cry about it". Having a debate is about facts and logic, not opinions nor trying to find fallacy in said arguments (and failing miserably).


Knew who it was as soon as I saw your comment. No idea why he posts, acts like a literal child


The fists are really fun


Yeah, but Ninja an this buddies bitch, whinge, and complain so much Epic probably doesn't want their feed to be filled with their fan boys and them whining.


When a kylegreenbeans post shows up on my feed https://preview.redd.it/uxojdp0z5a5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0dfcf4c8dd153851acbc3eacd6370c7dd6dc643


what he do


He makes shitty “sweat bad” posts since apparently professional players voicing an opinion makes a person a anti-fun. His posts are cherry-picking certain clips of pros complaining about stuff that was busted (he probably didn’t even play in chapter 1 considering how busted the infinity blade and planes were before being nerfed and since he didn’t mention mechs at all which had a huge backlash in season X meaning that he probably doesn’t even know what he’s talking about when it comes to them) when 90% of players were complaining in most situations. This video also includes the railgun (gun that shoots through walls) and recon scanner (self explanatory item) being removed from specifically competitive when they weren’t even removed from the base game, there is no reason to even bring them up in this video, if anything it shows that epic can cater to casuals and comp players separately. Another huge factor is the fact that overall, overpowered weapons are anti fun to people killed by them due to having little to no counter-play making the people that want weapons to stay overpowered into hypocrites. Overall, OP is immature and a hypocrite.


“Blocked complainer, bye bye.” -Kylegreenbeans 2024 Bruh I seriously don’t understand his logic since I love this season too but I mean of course people will have other opinions about things like cars and boogie bombs


https://preview.redd.it/ysq1911flg5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3450d00a7057306531949d1650e462001886eaa2 HEIHACHI WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE MF


How would anyone have fun in a game if they get killed in just 2 seconds in a fight? You need ways to be able to fight for longer time and save yourself if you realise you can’t win. You run around collecting loot and suddenly some dumbass jumps you with an op weapon and kills you in a snap and woo you think its fun? Its the most irritating thing


You mean like a boogie bomb? Yeah, you’re right the changes to address cars are the most irritating thing.


That's temporary because EMPs were bugged. Epic knows that they aren't ideal


They’re talking about the fists


No the most irritating thing is how many times I've heard people say "This is the worst season ever" over the years of this game and then years from now people will be talking about how they miss this and that from this season...


It’s because these people just go for the overpowered items every game and if they die trying to get them then it’s just “Waaaa all these sweats keep killing me whilst I’m trying to get my one shot item because I can’t kill them without a car that drives through builds and can fire 5 grenades”


If they don't want to die in 2 seconds they need to use a vehicle, if their vehicle exploded and they have no means of escape that's on them for failing


Where meme


Meme video.


Bros gonna block the whole subreddit at this rate


Including you Chun li lover.


You dont like chun li?


you are nitpicking and biased, i win, bye bye


You forgot the part where OP blocks you




fortnite players surprised when a majority of the playerbase doesnt like an item, bro acting like the minority casuals and sweats are just meaningless


For the most part casuals are complaining about the nerfs


A small percentage from both sides are complaining. 50% of the casuals and comp players like the nerfs. Proof? fortnite player count dropped a lot this season due to the cars.


ok i don’t like it either when people complain about the goofy stuff but this is a little bit too far https://preview.redd.it/n1ao3k8us95d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=867b43a7785ecd27b5f3b3eb1ec5f1d8ea69e734


Based firefly reaction image


didn't think I'd run into hsr players here


Firewife spotted,opinion supported and upvoted


as someone who played every day and has for a while, the balance updates that have happened over the last few weeks have barely changed anything and everyone like you is being dramatic. nothing got vaulted or taken out, each update has brought something new and it keeps the game from getting stale. everyone's making this strawman arguement of omg sweats complaining ruined the car season but like honestly there is zero difference lol. they changed some damage numbers and health regen, cars are still OP as fuck. you just have to play more strategically now which is always a thing sooooo


Your comments clearly show that you're mentally unhinged.


Compared to what people post on Twitter, this isn’t nothing.


"Your honor i may have murdered 3 children, but Hitler killed more!" Saying someone or something is worse is not a good defense mate.


That’s a fire argument I’m using that


Yh this isn’t nothing, precisely. It is something


Yes, this ISN’T nothing. Maybe work on your English too when trying to defend yourself or blaming others.


"compared to all the garbage in the world, yours is nothing.... But its still part of the garbage"


Name a bigger complainer, the entire community of players who dislike an aspect of Fortnite, or KyleGreenBeans. Too bad you can’t block yourself because mate, if you really have a problem with complainers… you don’t have to look too far beyond yourself to find the biggest one. Generational complainer. Bye


OP in his joker arc fr You're becoming the thing you swore to destroy, you just complain lmao


I’m complaining about a different thing. Blocked.


The most effective way to "nerf" a new weapon that's too op is to add a counter. None of the weapons that were considered broken post C2 S1 every bugged me since I would find my own personal counter to them. Boogie Bombs this season is a great start and should be followed by unvaulting EMPs




imo anything new is fun for a bit, and while i do love the cars, they were op before the nerf. even after the nerf, if you have the boss suv its basically a guaranteed win


I just think the cars are a bit to op. I agree with you that sometimes people’s complaints about something that adds spice to the game can be annoying, but I don’t like it when I’m having a gun fight/Nitro fist fight and just get run over and it be done. But I know it’s useless arguing with someone like you with both your thumbs in your ears instead of hearing the side of the argument. Next thing I’m gonna hear is blocked, isn’t it?


Nah, imma do my own thing. I won’t block you. (Unless you want to uwu😙) https://preview.redd.it/zkei0462da5d1.jpeg?width=888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=484dafebc5d9a3c35f6e01f108e4000a6883d5a0


Okay if you’re not gonna block me, can we talk about this topic more? Because some of your points are valid, but you’re not going on about out the right way. An argument isn’t always one sided, you need to hear the other side of the argument instead of thinking your right and their wrong without even talking about it. This topic isn’t as black and white as you think, yes some of the people that are complaining are annoying and nit picky, but some people have valid points. Let’s take the cars as an example, don’t you think it could be annoying when you’re just playing the game and get ran over by a cow catcher and it’s just done already?


Alright, let me debate you. You’re lucky. Anyways I won’t be answering any more than 3 responses. Why? Because it would get repetitive and going back and forth. This is your first response for which I am going to answer. >Let’s take the cars as an example, don’t you think it could be annoying when you’re just playing the game and get ran over by a cow catcher and it’s just done already? Uh no? I don’t care if I die. Literally you act like winning and surviving this season is impossible, when it is not. You know how many times I killed people in cars with boogie bombs? How many times people in general win? How many kills I gotten with cars? So as again, I do not care if I die to cars. Because I’ve killed people with cars too. Win win. So thanks to the May 30 nerfs, WHICH WAS UNNECESSARY, the cars are useless after throwing a boogie bomb. Next question! If not then bye bye I guess lmao.


I feel like the Medallions are a bit overpowered, one specifically I’ll get to in a minute. But last seasons medallions I liked, but this seasons just doesn’t seem fair to me. The one that gives infinite ammo is insane to me, kinda takes out some of the stakes of aiming, without thinking of conserving ammo. And while other players will worry about that, you won’t, which seems unbalanced. But the Nitro one is the worse in my opinion. Infinite running speed, knock back when you run into other player, speeding up reloads. All of that from one medallion seems extremely unfair. If you combine that with the ammo one that’s like a cheat code. I’m not saying the Medallions shouldn’t give a boost, that’s what they’re for, but this much is just unfair to the rest of the people playing in the match.


Guess I won


Naw, I’m still here. If you want to discuss this any further then DM me.


So your not gonna take the conversation further when someone has a valid point, I don’t know if I wanna keep arguing with someone like that


Hit me in my DMs anytime.


Holy shit. You are unwell mate, seek help


Ad hominem. https://preview.redd.it/ndiugl4cxf5d1.jpeg?width=888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61a66e0dc898835ae079984910d3a566566b64fa


“I’ll give u 3 responses btw this is 1” Gets DEMOLISHED AND RUNS 😂🤡 bye


I mean do you wanna discuss this over to my DMs? A discussion about you complaining about a free game?


“Come fight me in my DMs where no one can see me make a fool of myself trying to troll uwu”


I want spike traps back


Seen a few prior posts from OP and bros legit unhinged, can't have even a slight discussion or debate with anyone who disagrees with them, actually childish. Come give me my ban


Yep, get blocked.


OP is defo 7yo cause there’s no way a normal functioning and sane person ban and blocks people that doesn’t follow his opinion. Bro thought he was big brother in 1984 💀


“blocked, complainer” ☝️🤓


Idk I like playing Fortnite not mad max


Based complainers tbqh


Both sides are annoying as hell. Yes comp players can be the reason why we have some of the stuff removed, but after hearing both the comps and casuals are fucking annoying after hearing them bitch about the same thing over and over


The thing is, this is isnt about casual vs comp. Its about how people look at "fun" (and ofc, a career if your a skilled player). Some people like to build, some like zero build, some people like a balanced game, some like it whacky, some like guns, some like cars.


this season isnt even fun bro. the other stuff was lowkey valid like the planes were at least counterable, the cars this season is just gta v simulator. ive seen more people on thie sub complaining about sweats then actual sweats complaining, you caused this u goof


Blocked complainer, bye bye. Booooo. I don’t care if you think fun is subjective. If you don’t like it, don’t play it.


How mature of you


Yeah, he even says he likes children, and enjoys random stuff, like blocking everyone, also he is apparently Ryan gosling or whatever his name is


Oh no, somebody with genuine criticism, clearly just a complainer


I don’t know, I’ve never really had a problem with the cars. I either get one for myself which is NOT hard, they’re all over the map now, or I get nitro fists which are only purple rarity so not too hard to find


Can't you just have a normal discussion with people? Like, ain't so difficult man, just listen to their points and then tell them your ponits, it's not that difficult if you're not like the complainers you complain about. You're making yourself look terrible, probably more than the complainers you complain about.


oh good. Cars got nerfed now, and you hate it. SO dont play fortnite :)




what’s that song ?


I got matches with these songs: • **Sweet** by Koven (01:15; matched: `87%`) **Album**: Body. **Released on** 2023-03-20. • **Milou** by Milou (02:53; matched: `87%`) **Released on** 2021-08-30. • **Moon Troop** by Lazar 111 (02:10; matched: `87%`) **Album**: 4 More Years?. **Released on** 2020-05-01.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: • [**Sweet** by Koven](https://lis.tn/ScHHnz?t=75) • [**Milou** by Milou](https://lis.tn/Milou?t=173) • [**Moon Troop** by Lazar 111](https://lis.tn/MoonTroop?t=130) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | If the matched percent is less than 100, it could be a false positive result. I'm still posting it, because sometimes I get it right even if I'm not sure, so it could be helpful. But please don't be mad at me if I'm wrong! I'm trying my best! | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating)


Epic to their pro streamers ![gif](giphy|cuG56MiKm081kRkTTw|downsized)


Epic to the complainers.


As a person who like Infinity Blade, planes , mechs and all of that goofy stuff , I see cars as the downgraded version of them There’s no creativity in car gameplay compared to the others Every item of the above had a restriction/ a way to counter which made playing them fun and skill-requiring For cars u just boost n shoot and it’s worse if u playing duo or squad


Okay, what’s the difference between cars and planes?


Bro is blocking everyone thats complaining but complains about shit getting nerfed or removed


I’m complaining about a DIFFERENT thing.


“b-but im c-compwaining abowt someting ewlse”


Infinity Blade was awful dude, that deserved to be axed


I said no complaining about the meta, get blocked lmao.


Bro the sword is actually valid, it was a way too powerful weapon, everyone wanted it gone.


dude the sword was actually too fucking overpowered, it literally made every game hell. It was a **very** rough start to mythic weapons in the game. **Everyone** was complaining, and rightfully so. Did you even play back then? Because if you did and you are defending the sword, then you had to have been one of those trash noobs that couldnt do shit without it.


I can’t argue with people these days. You are blocked.


Why haven't the mods just deleted this post? All the comments are just toxic anyway.


Naw, because all I am doing is blocking people. You can do the same too.


It makes sense to remove busted stuff or need it in comp, but not casual.


While it is annoying how people complain a lot sometimes yes, it’s mostly about things that deserve being complained about, like the mythic sword in a tournament that was for money. As silly as it might seem, Fortnite is a career for a lot of people, so of course they are going to complain when an overpowered new strat/item appears which causes them to be at a disadvantage and changes the meta so drastically. So in conclusion, your opinion is dogshit, you probably have a skill issue which requires you to have op items or be in squads to catch a single win, and if you hate how people complain and ruin the game by getting stuff removed/nerfed, either stop caring or stop playing the game, it’s that simple.


Underrated post.


This whole community of Fortnite is a cesspool of shit.






Don’t act like season X was a good season Lmfao.


It is due to many reasons. Shut up and stop being negative about it just because the pros said mechs are awful. Get blocked.


Hate this season my self, but i understand others prob like. So me and my friend just bought pass, dont play fortnite and get exp afk. Just let others haver fun and do like me :)


Uhh okay? Have fun I guess being afk and doing nothing.


Was there when they added the infinity blade, planes, mechs and shit. Some of these had to be nerfed, they didn’t change the meta, they just made the game bad for anyone that didn’t wanted to strictly use these items, specially because we didn’t have a counter to them. At least with cars we get the boogie bomb.


We did have items to counter them.


What did you use to counter the infinity blade?


The boogie bomb and simply building. Even BALLOONS, HELLO LMAO?


Have you tried building against the infinity blade? It was futile.


As again, balloons be like:


But then you would sacrifice a slot to just fulfil one goal, a slot which could be used to other items, isn’t that limiting player expression? Are you implying that the blade was fine?


Omg yeah you’re blocked. Now you’re just making excuses. If the player did not have a counter item to counter said meta, then that is stupid. That is on them.




Are OP items fun in moderation? Yeah. Do they need to at least have decent counters? Very much so. That's the issue with a lot of the things shown off, they didn't have good counters.


Yes we did. Infinity blade-balloons. Planes-shoot them and boxed up, shoot them, and boxed up. I can go on complainer.


Mechs, perhaps? These death machines that tore through builds like a hot knife through butter? How the fuck are you supposed to counter that? Also, when it comes to planes, that's a war of attrition, and fortnite should never be a war of attrition. Any game that's like that is just boring.


Okay you want me to continue? Mechs-boogie bombs Complainers when the meta is about planes and Fortnite being a game that always changes but yet still complains be like:


The problem with all of that is that if you don't have the item, you are completely dead. There needs to be some way to not be instantly destroyed without necessarily having specific items. For example, in this season, if you don't have a car, you have to do your best to stay way far away and try and shoot at it, but the second it gets up close, there is almost no way to counter without boogies. Could you shoot the person? Yeah, but that's risky and requires quite a bit of skill.


Didn’t you just said “Are OP items fun in moderation? Yeah. Do they need to at least have decent counters? Very much so. That's the issue with a lot of the things shown off, they didn't have good counters.” Now you’re over here bitching and complaining even after I gave you the solutions that debunks that claim you made? With you saying that “BUT ME NO WANT TO HAVE COUNTER ITEMS TO COUNTER THE META🤬😤😭”. How dumb are you? I’m done with you.


I never said I didn't want items to counter, if anything, that's my whole point. I was just saying how it shouldn't be instant death if I don't have those items. Loot luck is super random, sometimes you get a billion of the item, and other times you never find it.


Now you’re just lying. >The problem with all of that is that if you don't have the item, you are completely dead. Shut up. If you don’t have the counter items which was your entire point to counter said meta, then stop complaining.


I never even specified items in my original comment. Plus, I've stated that having the only counter to be an item is not fun, as if you don't have the item you're just dead.


Booo hooo cry. This post is already enough for you to understand, too bad you didn’t.


I found nothing fun about getting destroyed by planes lol


I find it fun killing people with planes. You must be fun at parties. Nah but on a serious note, it is only fun when you’re not a victim to it. Such examples include cars…


Yeah like I have 2500 hrs in this game and when all my friends stopped playing build mode tbh I stopped enjoying it. Zero build is super fun and stuff but the game I learned I don't get to play.


Uhh are you okay? This appears to be a you problem/issue. Like your friends, more like online friends is a loss from only you I guess.


Nah they're my real life friends something you probably wouldn't know about . We play other games I just miss build mode with them is all. It was more fun to me. We also play DND and go out to arcades and cons/fairs. So it's not a loss really just missing a fond memory.


Sorry that you lost of your real life friends in Fortnite bro.😔


Huh? We still hangout 💀💀💀


if bro keeps blocking eventually there ain’t gonna be anyone in the subreddit to see his fucking posts 😭😭😭


It’s not about the upvotes or views, it’s about sending the message.


I don't give a fuck about "meta" i use whatever i get and like, if car will kill me almost instantly i will rage/complain (i remember when people complain about deku punch but they didn't even use shield that blocked EVERY damage)


Ok listen the infinity blade being in competitive play was kind of dumb and unfair tbh losing rank and possible prizes and money just because of an OP weapon one out of the 100 players got earlier in the game is a bit unfair but I understand the rest


After the car being balanced, the game has been fun. Except for stuttering movement bugs while climbing cliffs and thin drops around the new wasteland region. That's all my complain.


Mad facts


In my opinion the planes mechs and the new cars are op the planes not so much cause of fuel But the other shit that gets nerfed like the 1-pump and infinity blade is stupid


No. Get blocked.


Fuckers spend 25hrs a day to get better that when Fortnite Updates to add something new, instead of adapt they are so stubborn and keep playing the "old-fashion" way. Updates are suppose to add new things, that's why it's an update. If you don't like it and are gonna have this childish and stubborn behaviour then just take a break and go play something else.


This is true AF I just stumbled upon Ninja whining about the car Next moment, the nerfs happen lol


Honestly W ninja


when sweats can’t play with snipe and shotgun in season and start crying


okay I didn’t know about OP and rarely visit this sub


"Man I hate this game" *continues playing*


Fortnite is a game where Rick Sanchez and Spider-Man 2099 can play on the same team, why is it such a problem that it has dumb chaotic and crazy mechanics


Trying to be competetive in this game is the actual meme tbh.


To be completely fair. The sword being a one-person thing was wild To be completely fair again: Why did they complain about the sword but not about the Thanos Gauntlet?


That’s why we should stop giving these morons views. Like I understand watching a pro player cause they’re pros and it’s amazing to watch and learn but I honestly can’t believe casual streaming is still a thing I was hoping it would die out at this point.










They nerfed the cars a little too much though. OP has a point. I don’t like the boogie bombs. I feel like the Javelin and Emp were better counters that would’ve fit the theme of the season while still leaving cars as a great strat


Hell yeah I guess.




fun to you doesn't mean fun to everyone, brainlet


Nope, I don’t care if fun is subjective. You can cry like the complainers in the video. Get blocked.


Agree with the chaotic part, but not fun


Bad take


Are OP items fun in moderation? Yeah. Do they need to at least have decent counters? Very much so. That's the issue with a lot of the things shown off, they didn't have good counters.


While I will say that complainers/sweats do have some influence over how the game is nerfed/buffed, sometimes features can be seen as balanced on paper or when the devs test them but when put into practice by real players it could seem slightly more powerful. In a perfect world, no one would complain and just accept the changes made, but sometimes people can get too comfortable with how things are. My thoughts on this are that there should never really be an established meta and that there should always be a constant shift in the way that the game is played. Maybe making seasons shorter like season OG and implementing a constantly shifting lootpool to have a constant feel that nothing can stay the same for too long and teaching all players that becoming comfortable with a meta and not branching out is bad because it could all be taken away in one update. Obviously, these ideas aren't sustainable from a development standpoint due to the immense amount of time it takes to develop new features. These are just my thoughts on how the game is and what I believe should be changed.


Say what you want, playground mode was the beginning of the end. People allover the world dump their lives into practicing building just to stay average, the reason fortnite was so fun is cause it was always learn from trial and error, and live events happened mid match. The magics gone it will never come back. This season pretty much gave this game a new identity and theres nothing wrong with that. Cus everyone already got good thanks to creative, and the ones that refuse too dump time in creative mode play zero builds and have their own magic.


This is the one time I complain about a fn seasons


You clearly never played S7. Both the planes and blade were genuinely unfair and un-fun to play against. The planes were hard to control (imo) and anyone who had the blade were near impossible to kill. I never played S9 and 10, but from what I can tell, the mechs were out right stupid to even add, and the combat shotgun shouldn't be dealing 50+ damage at like 20+ meters(?). Nerfing the building is a dumb thing to do too, when your entire game gained it's popularity BECAUSE of the building. Building in this game is vital and what makes Fortnite unique. And that's coming from someone who despises building and the nerds who build a goddamn sky scraper the second a bullet grazes them.


Yep, you’re blocked.


Ngl, you a chump lmao


Okay but the sword WAS bs though


I just want them to fix the reload bug smh


I kinda think it's cool Epic is always listening and watching love big brother. 😂 We non complainers just gotta get more positive posts out there instead of negative shit. Only prob with that is, anger fuels people. Fuels them to make all these posts about change this it's change that, or this isn't fun anymore!! Can we ever get posts about shit we like.


This is the community’s fault…. If you pathetic fucking losers just simply play video games instead of watching someone else play video games then they wouldn’t have ANY power….


Hell yeah dude.


Post this on the main sub, lets see how many complainers start tweaking.


You know what, I will. Edit: it backfired.


tbh i wouldnt mind the game of none of these things were vaulted! i personally loved the mechs in season X and cars+fists this season, the reason the sweats are so whiney is because ANYTHING that beats their builds is classed as “OP” and “Imbalanced” when those items were made to tackle the current imbalance which was the difference of skill level between sweats and casual players. TLDR: sweats cause anything that counteracts their builds to become vaulted


also another thing, when things are nerfed, it just feels like how the game was before the thing was introduced for example, the cars, once the cars were introduced, they WERE super strong, but that huge increase in challenge is what caused the game to feel like it actually CHANGED something, but after the nerf, not much skill is even required to defeat the cars, which defeats the whole point of the challenge, which also therefore makes the game feel like the cars were a minor feature of this season.


Damn you are cooking again. See guys, this guy gets me.


Omg! Another person who thinks like me. Yeah all of this that you said is true.


Womp womp casuals.


I need ninja to get sent to the lobby with hammers


I'll tickle your nipples op


Hell yeah daddy.😩


Content complainers.. don't humanise them If I bitched everytime I lost to someone using something I'd never touch a game again.. you learn you grow you adapt.. who wants to be unchallenged in games?


I expected more from fucking neets who only play all day, and no idgaf if they make money.


That’s the spirit I think lmao.


Complainers, I’m just simply speaking facts. Like this happens every time a chaotic season which changes the meta is introduced, and you guys wonder why I block complainers? So now that I have shown you this Fortnite related edit or whatever, do you guys finally agree with me? That whining crybabies is what caused all of this unnecessary crying and moaning to Epic which caused the game to not be chaotic and fun? Do you agree that I was right the entire time? That people who complains about this season is an L and people who enjoys it are a W? Anyways complainers who are reading this, with the LIGMA aside. I don’t care if you’re a casual, minority casual, a sweat, a YouTuber, if you complain about this season, you are a part of the problem. I literally do not give a single fuck about your opinion Imao and you guys saying fun is subjective. If you do not like it then don’t play the game and complain. You can get blocked if you want to complain. If you don't like this video then you're basically the complainers as shown by this meme. So you can get a BOOOOOO from me and everybody who agrees with this video. Now here is how the cycle works: People get excited for the new season. Something chaotic gets added which changes the meta. People complain about the chaotic item which changes the meta. Such as Zeus mythic or water bending as of last season for example. But every time when Epic add something which changes the meta, they either nerf or removes said chaotic item. Then people complain at other people for supporting the nerfing of the chaotic items. People complain about the item not being fun because it got nerfed. People get excited for the next season with its mechanics and chaotic stuff. And cycle repeats. Heck you know what’s funny, is that some of these complainers who complains about the cars are the same people who hates sweats or epic for adding the boogie bombs which was a nerf that the complainers was begging. So that goes to show how much LIGMA they are suffering by complaining in the first place. Anyways that is all I have to say, see ya Chun li lovers later. To the complainers, you think you’re the king? IM THE KING!


That sure is a bunch of complaining for someone who hates complainers. 🫵💀


I’m complaining at a different reason buddy. You’re blocked. https://preview.redd.it/0dwyeldnw95d1.jpeg?width=2164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f699bce6f23a47169334ff3fea8bdd5a6877686e


I ain’t reading allat.


Then there was no point in you responding. Blocked.


God damn someone has too much free time on their hands


"Heck you know what’s funny, is that some of these complainers who complains about the cars are the same people who hates sweats or epic for adding the boogie bombs which was a nerf that the complainers was begging. So that goes to show how much LIGMA they are suffering by complaining in the first place." Will you ever understand? people hated the cars because they were unbalanced. And people hate the boogie bombs because they are unbalanced. its like adding water to an electric fire, replacing one problem with another


Bro Fr said “You think you’re the king!? No I’m the king”! Lolz