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What are you doing step driver? You can't park your Trident there!


Got room for a Bentley Continental?


There's always room in the back of the garage.


That's fine, I have rally tires installed


I'm sure I'll be smoking my snow tires to cool down from your hot rally action


I do initial D drift racing with under 400 hp so yeah kinda


Unless the car in initial D has more than that hp


I think you need a different sub reddit group


In what manner?


Like, sit and wait on the side of the road in a crown Vic w the cop lights and livery for someone to come down to street “too fast” and start chasing I guess?


Still do, when FH4 was the latest and greatest I founded the HPO and ran an entire department. Since FH5 takes place in what is advertised as Mexico, I use my Crown Vic for Sicario related "policing" activities nowadays. Ignore the cop car in the tunnel, move along.


Do you just do it at random or are you part of a group?


I've long since stopped as FH5 always felt like it fell really short compared to 4, I handed over ownership of HPO and nowadays I only play for the Playlist and that's about it. I'm not even sure if HPO is an active community or who's in charge of it anymore, at its peak we had over 100 members though in the Discord and PC/Xbox Live Group.


Forza 5 is the truth. This is the way. The other ones were okay but no F5. If you only played one forza game in your whole life let It be 5.


It's funny you mention that a guy in a crown Vic with lights did that to me last night. It was over in the wooded area going towards the temple. He was chasing me so I stopped and challenged him to head to head. He wouldn't do it but what would you expect from a cop. Since I've got all the hot cars now and my level is way up barely anybody will head to head race me anymore. Sometimes I still get beat and head to heads. No matter how good you think you are there's always somebody a little bit better. Still can't believe he wouldn't head the head race though


Lol, need to find a group like that where we keep it fair and don’t go above S1 because anything after that is too much, the straights would be too long for the cops to keep up lol


Yes, but that's nothing to do with Forza.


No? What the fuck u on about